OPAL-RT Technologies, Inc. 1751 Richardson, suite 2525 Montreal, Quebec Canada H3K 1G6
© 2018 OPAL-RT Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved
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OP5368 RS485 Module
The OP5368 is designed to provide OPAL-RT simulators with RS485 signals to provide our customers
with greater flexibility and connectivity by allowing them to connect their RS485 signals to OPAL-RT’s
standard DB37 connector.
The OP5368 is available in standard format or with either Endat 2.2 or BiSS communication protocols.
• OP5368 RS485 8 channel, bidirectional
• OP5368K1 EnDat Kit, 4 x EnDat 2.2 interfaces to connect absolute digital position encoders
• OP5368K2 BISS-C Kit, 4 x BiSS-C interfaces to connect digital position encoders
The EnDat 2.2 interface is a digital, bidirectional interface standard from Heidenhain to connect
absolute digital position encoders. The EnDat 2.2 interface is a pure serial digital interface based on
RS-485 standard.
The device only requires four signal lines. Two lines are for the bidirectional differential data (DATA+ and
DATA-) and are transmitted in half-duplex mode. The other two lines are for the differential clock signal
endat specifications
• Configurable encoder bus speed: 100kHz to 8MHz (in 200kHz increments)
• Clock frequency of 16 MHz up to 20-m and 8 MHz up to 100-m cable length
• Encoder DC supply (must be provided externally): 4 to 14V
• Absolute position encoder: single turn/multi-turn
• Configurable encoder position refresh rate
• Configurable encoder accuracy (bit width)
• Number of simultaneous encoders: 4
• Cable delay compensation
• Recovery time management (Tm, Tr, Tst)
• NOTE: The OP5368 does not supply power to the encoder. External power must be supplied to the
BiSS is hardware compatible to the industrial standard SSI (Serial Synchronous Interface) :
biss specifications
• Single turn/multi-turn encoder
• Configurable encoder resolution: 8 to 40 bits
(single turn = number of bits for the position, multi turn = sum of number of bits of position and
revolution count)
• Configurable first transmission bit (MSB or LSB)
• Adjustable clock pulse frequency (62.5kHz - 1.5MHz)
• Position update rate up to 25kHz (master)
OP5368 User Manual OPAL-RT Technologies 3