Ooma AP30 User Manual

For warrant y, safety, and other l egal informa tion, visit ooma.com/legal
This device c omplies wit h part 15 of the FCC r ules. Oper ation is subje ct to the following t wo conditio ns: (1) This device m any not cause ha rmful inter ference, and (2) This devi ce must accep t any interfer ence recei ved, includin g interfere nce that may caus e undesired o peration. P/N: 710 -0200-101
Quick Start Guide
What’s in t he Box .................................. 4
Locat e an Availabl e Power Outlet ......................5
Power on Oom a ATOM ...............................6
Connec t Devices to a W i-Fi® Network ...................7
Statu s Light Referenc e ...............................8
Troubleshootin g ....................................9
Customer Support .................................10
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Thank you f or using Ooma M anaged Wi-Fi® serv ice! Blend ing the power of en terprise- grade, high perf ormance har dware with the co nvenience of a custom-configured service, Ooma Managed Wi-Fi® provides a hassle-free solution for businesses like yours.
The Oom a ATOM AP30 is a com pact plug-an d­play devi ce that extend s the range of your ex isting netwo rks. Installa tion is simple: J ust plug it in and l et it automa tically crea te a wireless me sh with the clo sest Ooma AP150 or Ooma AP250 device.
What’s in the Box
Ooma ATOM AP30
Locate an Available Power Outlet
Decid e where you woul d like to install the O oma ATOM. Ideall y, this will b e somewhere n ear the outer ra nge of your wireless network. Your wireless network’s range will dep end on whethe r you are using an Oo ma AP150 or an Oom a AP250.
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Plug the O oma ATOM into the p ower outlet. The sta tus light on the ATOM shoul d flash white as the dev ice boots up for t he first time, c onnects to the Inte rnet, and downl oads firmwar e updates. The ATOM will auto matically se arch for neighb oring AP150 a nd AP250 netw orks to extend.
When the ATOM has conne cted to a networ k and is ful ly operation al, the sta tus light will turn solid white.
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Power on Ooma ATOM
Connect Devices to a Wi-Fi® Network
You may now conn ect wirele ss devices to on e or more of the of the w ireless net works.
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