Percussion Mallets
WPM100 | 13890
Standard side
tandard sid
Sturdy wood handle
Sturdy wood handle
Softer side ideal
Softer side ideal
for students
for student
Features and Benefits
Designed for both standard play and softer, reduced
volume student practice, the double-sided On-Stage
WPM100 Percussion Mallets are sold as a pair, 12.5" in
overall length and available in black and natural wood.
Product Specifications
Applications One standard side, and one
Overall Length
softer side for student practice
12.5 "
One pair of mallets
Wood and black
Model #
Inv. #
List Price
Map Price
Call your On-Stage rep at 1.800.289.8889 | email: purchaseorders@musicpeopleinc.com | On-Stage.com
This product is Safely Formulated. More info: on-stage.com/FeelGood_OnStage. On-Stage® is a registered trademark of The Music People, Inc. Prices/specifications subject to change.