Onset U26-001, U26-RDOB-1 Instruction Manual

RDO® Basic Sensor Replacement Kit (U26-RDOB-1) for HOBO® Dissolved Oxygen Loggers (U26-001)
Items included: Sensor cap, 2 o-rings, lubricant, lens wipe
8. Remove the new cap from its sealed canister.
9. With the flat part of the sensor pointing down and the green sensor
Important: Install the cap only when ready to use. Avoid allowing moisture, including atmospheric humidity, inside the cap. Keep the cap in its sealed canister until you are ready to install it. Once installed, the sensor cap will expire seven months after it is initialized, which occurs automatically if the logger is currently logging. If it is not logging, you can initialize it the next time you launch the logger, check the status, or use the Lab Calibration tool in HOBOware®.
1. Clean the logger to remove major biofouling. With the old sensor cap on, gently the scrub logger body with a soft-bristled brush or nylon
cap oriented with the arrow up, slide the sensor cap over the sensor until it snaps in place. The cap should be snug against the logger housing without any gaps. Make sure that the o-rings are not pinched or rolled between the cap and the sensor.
10. Screw the protective guard or anti-fouling guard back on the logger.
11. Use the HOBOware Lab Calibration tool to calibrate the logger with the new cap (see the HOBO Dissolved Oxygen Logger Manual or the HOBOware help for details). Or, perform a field calibration as described in the HOBO Dissolved Oxygen Logger Manual.
dish scrubber. Use Alconox® to remove grease. Soak in vinegar to remove mineral deposits. Rinse with deionized (DI) water.
2. Unscrew the protective guard or anti-fouling guard from the logger.
3. Pull the used sensor cap off the sensor without twisting.
4. Remove existing o-rings from the base of the optical DO sensor body.
5. Use the included lint-free cloth to remove any moisture from the
optical DO sensor. Note: Make sure the o-ring grooves are dry. Avoid touching or cleaning the lens with anything other than the supplied lens wipe.
6. Use your finger to apply a thin layer of lubricant on the o-rings.
Place the o-rings on the sensor. Note: Do not transfer lubricant to the lens or sensor pins (on the flat side of sensor).
7. Clean the lens on the sensor with the wipe provided in the kit; allow it to dry thoroughly. Inspect for scratches or dirt.
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trademarks or registered trademarks of Onset Computer Corporation. RDO is a registered trademark of In-Situ® Inc., Fort Collins, CO USA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. 15605-A MAN-U26-RDOB-1
Optical DO sensor
Sensor cap
Protective guard (anti-fouling guard may be installed instead)