Instructions for Installing HOBO® RX3000 Analog Sensor or Relay Module (RXMOD-x1)
1. Stop the station if currently logging.
2. Press the Connect button and wait for the station to
connect to HOBOlink and offload the latest data before
a new module is added.
3. Power down the logger by disconnecting the battery
and unplugging any charging device.
4. Insert the connector on the back of the module into the
receptacle in the left or right module slot. Install the
relay module on the right for easier cable routing.
5. Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, tighten the screw at
the bottom of the module.
6. Plug in the battery and charging device and wait for the
device to power up. Verify that the new module is listed
on the LCD screen.
For instructions on connecting sensors or
configuring the module, scan the code or go to:
1-800-LOGGERS (564-4377) • 508-759-9500
ww.onsetcomp.com • loggerhelp@onsetcomp.com
Insert the connector on
the module here (analog
sensor module shown in
this example)
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of Onset Computer Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
Tighten the
screw on