Onset RX3000 Application Note

Using the Judd Communications Depth Sensor with the HOBO® RX3000 Station
This application note describes how to connect and operate the Judd Communications Depth Sensor with the HOBO RX3000 station. The Judd Depth Sensor is compatible with any RX3000 configuration (cellular, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi) that is equipped with the optional four-channel analog input module. It is suggested that a 6-watt solar panel be used to ensure that the battery is kept charged properly.
Portions of the Judd Technical Manual are used within this application note, but the full manual is available at
device with the RX3000 station. The Judd Depth Sensor is available in both 0-2.5VDC or 0-5VDC analog output configurations.
Care should be taken to minimize the distance between the sensor and the snow surface to reduce error caused by temperature stratification through the column of air. The optimal sensor height is the maximum snow depth plus
1.6 feet. For example, if the maximum snow depth expected is 3 feet, then the sensor should be mounted at 3 feet +1.6 feet, or 5 feet (rounding to the closest foot).
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