TX-NR905 7.1-Channel Home Network Receiver
The lesser-used controls are neatly tucked away behind the drop-down panel.
Making Waves as the Best in High-Definition,Networked Home
Meet the standout leader of Onkyo’s new range of home theater heroes.Embracing all of the technologies synonymous with the 2007
line-up—including HDMI 1.3a,Dolby
channel home network receiver has a number of advantages that propel it into the home theater super league. Look to the
TX-NR905's network (interfacing with Windows Media Player and Windows Media Connect) to open up a huge reservoir of internet
and computer-based audio resources.And enjoy the edge in high-definition 1080p video processing from the world’s first receiver to
incorporate HQV Reon-VX.In line with Onkyo’s impeccable track record,under the hood of the TX-NR905 you’ll find an innovative
power supply,remarkable amplification design,and high-performance parts from the likes of Texas Instruments.“Complete” is a tag not
given lightly, but the TX-NR905 earns it in style.
Network* for Streaming Audio Files and Internet Radio
The TX-NR905's network gives you access to digital music files (AAC ,WMA,
MP3,WAV) via an Ethernet network between the TX-NR905 and your
computer. It also enables you to access music files from a USB mass storage
device or a portable audio player through the USB por t on the TX-NR905’s
front panel.At the heart of the network is Windows Media Connect or
Windows Media Player (the TX-NR905 is Microsoft PlaysForSure certified), which
enable the TX-NR905 to play DRM music downloads from Napster and CDquality files from MusicGiants.For internet radio, you can access
stations that use MP3 or WMA streaming.You can enter URLs
(including those for podcasts) directly into your computer’s web
browser, or you can enter them with your remote control.The
TX-NR905’s user-friendly interface lets you easily access and
store your favorite channels.
*This network also enables installation configuration and set-up of Crestron and AMX controllers
with your home theater system or network.
HQV Reon-VX Chip for High-Performance Video Processing
(with 1080p Upscaling)
The TX-NR905 is the world’s first A/V receiver to incorporate HQV Reon-VX
video processing. HQV Reon-VX will scale all video signals to 1080p without the
visible inconsistencies found in less competent scalers. It also provides the
ultimate support for standard and high-definition deinterlacing; for filtering of
jaggies and artifacts; and for the reduction of r andom,“mosquito”and block
(codec) noise. HQV Reon-VX enables color region enhancement and the
rendering of more than one billion colors.
TrueHD, DTS-HD®Master Audio,THX™Ultra2™and Audyssey MultEQ®XT—the TX-NR905 7.1-
Processing 1080p Video and High-Resolution Audio via HighDefinition Multimedia Interface (HDMI 1.3a)
With four HDMI inputs, you can receive and switch the latest high-definition
components—Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD players,satellite and cable boxes,media
centers, and gaming consoles—for a simple, one-cable digital connection to an
HDTV through either of the two assignable HDMI outputs (Main and Sub).
HDMI delivers the latest high-definition audio formats—Dolby Tr ueHD, DTS-HD
Master Audio,Dolby
are processed by the TX-NR905’s onboard decoders.These new for mats enable
unprecedented quality, including bit-for-bit reproduction (in TrueHD and Master
Audio).Also, HDMI 1.3a gives you greater bandwidth to deal with higher
resolutions, 36-bit Deep Color
THX Ultra2 Certification for a Better Class of Home Theater
Ultra 2 cer tification means that the TX-NR905 can easily handle the
requirements of a home theater where the viewing distance from screen to seat
is greater than 12 feet and the room volume is greater than 3000 cubic feet.
Among its technologies,Advanced Speaker Array (ASA) digitally reconfigures
surround speakers for three listening modes: movies, music and gaming. You also
benefit from Boundary Gain Compensation (BGC), which realizes a truer, more
accurate bass response.THX Ultra2 certification is a powerful endorsement of
the receiver’s amplifying abilities.
Digital Plus and DTS-HD®High Resolution Audio—which
and high frame rates.

1080p Video Upscaling and Analog Signal Conversion to HDMI
or Component Video
The TX-NR905 will upscale the resolution of all analog video signals to 1080p,
for delivery via HDMI to a high-definition display.Before being outputted, scaled
images are sharpened through high-quality HQV Reon-VX video processing. The
TX-NR905 also features HDMI and component video upconversion for
bandwidths up to 100 MHz, to enable convenient single-cable output of all your
video sources, from DVD recorders and players to satellite cable boxes.
Audyssey MultEQ XT for Powerful Room Acoustics Correction
MultEQ XT is Audyssey’s most powerful built-in
solution for countering distor tion in dedicated home
theaters.This technology detects speakers, and then
sets levels,delays and crossovers,as well as measuring room acoustics. When
engaged through the receiver interface, it takes up to eight measurements
around the listening area and uses high-resolution equalization filters for satellites
and subwoofers. MultEQ XT covers both frequency response and time domain
(where most of the problems lie) across the entire listening area.The results are
immediately obvious—a clear, well-balanced and natural sound.
Sound stage is diffuse without Audyssey technologies. Audyssey technologies create a clearer sound stage.
Fresh Approach to the Internal Construction of A/V Receivers
Our design philosophy for the TX-NR905 is based on a
consideration of how each individual part inter acts with the
others and affects audio and video performance.The end
result is a receiver where the power amplifier block and the
pre-amplifier coexist,but are perfectly isolated. Also, separ ating
the power supply parts of the left and right stages of each channel
has been shown to improve articulation. Taking it even further,the circuit boards
have been affixed to the chassis so that vibrations from the base are suppressed.
As Onkyo’s flagship model for the highdefinition era, the TX-NR905’s focus on
quality is galvanized by gold-plated audio
inputs, a brass bus plate for perfect
grounding and customized,gold-plated
speaker posts.
Dual Push-Pull Amplification Design with Three-Stage Inverted
Darlington Circuitry
The TX-NR905’s dual push-pull
amplification design uses different
transistors on each channel to
separately amplify the positive and
negative halves of the waveform.
Meanwhile, three-stage inverted
Darlington circuitr y helps reduce
distortion at the output stage .The
whole design works to realize a highly efficient drive capability.
Bi-Amping and BTL (Bridged Transless,or Bridging) Capability
Taking a cue from the
world of high-end
audio,the TX-NR905
allows for a number
of different home
theater set-ups
beyond the standard
surround sound
Compatible front
speakers can be bi-amped for separate tweeter and woofer inputs, enabling
improved bass and treble performance. Bi-amping works with a 5.1-channel
surround configuration.Alternatively, bridging enables you to double the power
output to compatible front speakers for a 2.1-channel set-up (i.e., front speakers
and a subwoofer).
Harnessing Power for Audio Performance
The TX-NR905 is driven by a massive
toroidal transformer that provides
efficiency and radiates less noise into the
surrounding circuitr y.This transfor mer
drives the audio amplifier, while two
separate transformer s cater specifically to
the heavy demands of high-definition
audio formats (DTS-HD
Master Audio and Dolby
TrueHD) and video
processing (HQV Reon VX).
You’ll also find two quality capacitors
(operating at up to 18,000 microfarads) that can store the
charge expected from an effective power supply.
Wide Range Amplifier Technology (WRAT)—
A Total Design for Amplification Power
Uncommonly Low Negative-Feedback
Design—Get cleaner sounds on
program peaks
Negative feedback (NFB) is the
most cost-effective way to
reduce noise at lower
frequencies, but it will severely
inhibit an amplifier’s ability to
respond to musical crescendos
and to produce sound at high
frequencies.We use a low
negative-feedback design with
audiophile-grade, closetolerance components at
critical points in the signal path.
This design achieves a
frequency response out to
100 kHz for high-definition and
regular DVD formats,high-resolution DVD-Audio and Super Audio CD,regular
CDs, digital music files and the latest gaming software.
Closed Ground-Loop Circuits—Enjoy distortion-free audio at any
If an amplifier’s ground
potential (voltage) fluctuates
during playback, you can expect
noise. In an open-loop circuit
design, where all circuits are
connected to the power supply
via one loop (as on many
amplifiers), the noise multiplies
exponentially. Onkyo’s
sophisticated closed-circuit
design enables each circuit to
go and return directly to the
power supply, which cancels
any individual circuit noise and
keeps the ground potential free
of distortion.
High Instantaneous-Current Capability—Experience home
entertainment with greater impact
After an amplifier outputs
an audio signal, the
speakers accumulate
energy,reflex and send
energy back to the
amplifier.The amplifier
must immediately cancel
the speakers’ reflex energy
and instantaneously send out the next signal.A high current is necessary to
handle speaker impedance fluctuations, which can force an amplifier to provide
four to six times its usual current load. The instantaneous cur rent capability of
even Onkyo’s least expensive WRAT receivers exceeds that of most
conventional units,which commonly have less than half the current capability.An
Onkyo receiver will deliver movie soundtracks with cinema-standard dynamics
and clarity.