Classification: Service Tip
d Q114 have also been found with
one or more of their solder pins loose. This unit will not work if any of the data lines, pin 8 through pin 17 of Q707, fails to
input is in analog mode. When digital input source is selected
200 Williams Drive • Ramsey NJ 07446
201- 825-7950 Fax 201-825-8150
Symptom: Audio cuts out or intermittent audio from either digital or analog inputs.
Solution: Loose components
In some units Q710 may become loose following poor solder flow in production. What may be assumed as a DSP PCB
malfunction, has been found to be mainly a loose Q710, while in some cases Q708, Q709, an
reach Q710, Q709 and or Q708.
**Note: Q114 input select IC crystal is only ON (working) when
X103 is normally turned off. Please do not assume this as defect.
Date: 11/21/99
Ref #: TXDS575DSP