1.1 Purpose of this Guide ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Display and User Interface ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Accessing the Programming Menus .......................................................................................................... 6
2.0 QUICK START MENU ..................................................................................................................6
2.1 MENU - QUICK START ..................................................................................................................................... 7
KA [KA=±XX.XXX] ..........................................................................................................................................10
3.2 MENU 2 - UNITS .............................................................................................................................................13
Diameter Unit Type [Diam.=in] .................................................................................................................13
Remote Mount Cable Unit Type [S.cable=ft] ......................................................................................13
Flow Rate Unit Type [FR unit=IMPERIAL] .............................................................................................13
Pulse 1 Unit Type [Pl1 unit=IMPERIAL] ..................................................................................................14
Pulse 2 Unit Type [Pl2 unit=IMPERIAL] ...................................................................................................14
Total Forward Flow Totalizer Unit Type [T+ unit=IMPERIAL] ..........................................................14
Total Forward Flow Totalizer Units [T+ unit=Gal] ...............................................................................14
Total Forward Flow Totalizer Decimal Point Position [T+ D.P.=X] ................................................14
Partial Forward Flow Totalizer Unit Type [P+ unit=IMPERIAL] .......................................................14
Partial Forward Flow Totalizer Units [P+ unit=Gal] ............................................................................15
Partial Forward Flow Totalizer Decimal Point Position [P+ D.P.=X] .............................................15
Total Reverse Flow Totalizer Unit Type [T- unit=IMPERIAL] ............................................................15
Total Reverse Flow Totalizer Units [T- unit=Gal] .................................................................................15
Total Reverse Flow Totalizer Decimal Point Positiion [T- D.P.=X] .................................................15
Partial Reverse Flow Totalizer Unit Type [P- unit=IMPERIAL] .........................................................15
Partial Reverse Flow Totalizer Units [P- unit=Gal] ..............................................................................15
Partial Reverse Flow Totalizer Decimal Point Position [P- D.P.=X] ...............................................16
Temperature Unit Type [Temp. unit= °F] ................................................................................................ 16
Mass Units Enable [Mass units=OFF] ......................................................................................................16
3.3 MENU 3 - SCALES ...........................................................................................................................................17
Full Scale Flow Rate 1 [FS1= Gal/m XXX.X] ...........................................................................................17
Full Scale Flow Rate 2 [FS2 = Gal/m XXX.X] ..........................................................................................18
Scaled Pulse Output 1 [Pls1 = Gal X.XXXX] ...........................................................................................18
Output 1 Pulse Duration [Tpls1 = ms X.XXXX] .....................................................................................19
Output 1 Full Scale Frequency [Frq1 = Hz X.XXXXX] ........................................................................19
Scaled Pulse Output 2 [Pls2 = Gal X.XXXX] ...........................................................................................19
Output 2 Pulse Duration [Tpls2 = ms X.XXXX] .....................................................................................20
Output 2 Full Scale Frequency [Frq2 = Hz X.XXXXX] ........................................................................20
3.4 MENU 4 - MEASURE.......................................................................................................................................21
Flow Signal Damping [Damping=SMART] ............................................................................................21
mA Output Value When in Alarm State [mA v.alarm=%XXX] .......................................................24
Frequency Output Value When in Alarm State [Hz v.alarm = %XXX} ........................................25
3.6 MENU 6 - INPUTS...........................................................................................................................................26
Total Forward Flow Totalizer Reset Enable [T+reset=ON] .............................................................26
Access to the programming menus is password protected. The factory default
access code is 4********. The three user interface push-button functions described
below change when operating in the program mode.
Push ButtonShort Press
(<1 second)
• Increments the numeric value or selected
• Returns to the previous menu item
• Moves the cursor to the right on input elds
• Advances to the next menu item
• Changes the process data display
• Enters or leaves the selected function
• Enters the program mode
• Cancels the selected function in progress
The most commonly used programming functions are available in the Quick Start
menu. The menu can be accessed by briey pressing the
the access code 4*******. Additional programming options are accessed via the
Main Menu.
Long Press
(>1 second)
• Decrements the numeric value
• Advances to the next menu item
• Moves the cursor to the left on input elds
• Returns to the previous menu item
• Exits the current menu
• Conrms the selected function to enable the
totalizer reset request, when enabled.
key and entering
1. From the main screen, quickly press the
Enter key.
Analog Output 1 Full Scale Value[A1S = Gal/m XXXXXX]
This setting enables or disables the empty pipe detector.
The Empty Pipe Detector senses when uid is drained from the pipe and the ow
sensing electrodes are exposed to air. When this occurs, the displayed ow rate
will drop to zero and the empty pipe icon will be displayed in the upper lefthand side of the display window. If the current (mA) output alarm is active, the
milliamp output will also indicate an alarm condition.
To change the existing setting, press enter to access the function and use the up
arrow key to turn the function on or o. Press enter to accept the change and
exit the function. Press escape to exit the program mode. Table of Contents
The empty pipe threshold function is used to set the maximum allowable
resistance value between the ow sensing electrodes in the transmitter. The
transmitter will go into empty pipe alarm when the value is exceeded. The default
value is 500. The maximum allowable value is 9,999.
Scaled Pulse Output 2
[Pls2 = Gal X.XXXX]
To enter a new value, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow key
to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the resistance. Press enter to
accept the change and exit the function. Press escape to exit the program mode.
Table of Contents
This function is only available when output pulse 2 in OUTPUTS menu (menu 7)
[Out2 = XXXXX] is set to Pulses+, Pulses- or Pulses±. When active, Scaled Output
Pulse 2 sets the unit of measure and the volume or mass that equates to one
pulse. This pulse weight setting is limited by the diameter of the ow sensor.
The list of units of measure available for selection can be in US/IMPERIAL or SI
units depending on the pulse 2 unit type [Pl2 unit = IMPERIAL] setting in UNITS
menu (menu 2). In the same way, the list will show mass units, if mass units are
enabled [Mass units = OFF] in menu 2. The tables below show the available units
of measure.
Analog Output 1 Full
Scale Value
[A1S = Gal/m XXXXXX]
To enter a new value, press enter to access the function and use the right arrow
key to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the entry. Press enter to
accept the change and exit the function. Press escape to exit the program mode.
Table of Contents
Output 2 pulse duration is only active when scaled pulse output 2 [Pls2= Gal
X.XXXX] is active. It is used to set the duration of each pulse. The duration is set
in milliseconds with a range of 0.4 to 9999.99.
Note: Pulse durations must match the requirements of the input they are
connected to. Very short pulse times may not be counted by the input and long
duration pulsed may damage electromechanical registers.
To enter a new value, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow
key to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the pulse duration.
Press enter to accept the change and exit the function. Press escape to exit the
program mode. Table of Contents
This function sets the full scale ow value for the analog output.
The maximum allowable ow rate is a function of the diameter of the ow sensor.
Regardless of the diameter, the maximum ow rate setting cannot exceed a
velocity of 10 m/s.
To enter a new value, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow key
to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the value. Press enter to
accept changes and exit the function. Press escape to exit the program mode.
Enter the numeric code for the type of sensor body connected to the transmitter.
Body TypeSensor Code
Threaded Steel011
Threaded Polypropylene013
To change the setting, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow key
to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the code as per the table
above. Press enter to accept the change and exit the function. Press escape to
exit the program mode. Table of Contents
Select the sensor body liner material from the following list.
Liner Material*Code
*Disregard all liner material options that are not shown in this list.
To change the setting, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow key
to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the code as per the table
above. Press enter to accept the change and exit the function. Press escape to
exit the program mode. Table of Contents
This parameter congures the transmitter for U.S. (imperial) or SI (metric) units.
To change the existing setting, press enter to access the function and use the up
arrow key to change the setting. Press enter to accept the change and exit the
function. Press escape to exit the program mode. Table of Contents
This must be set to match the nominal diameter of the sensor body connected
to the transmitter. If the Unit Type is set to U.S. units, the nominal sizes will be in
inches. For SI units, the nominal sizes will be in millimeters.
[KA = ± XX.XXX]
[KZ = ± XXXX]
To enter a new diameter, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow
key to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the value. Press enter to
accept changes and exit the function. Press escape to exit the program mode.
Table of Contents
KA is one of two coecients of calibration that are derived during the sensor
body factory calibration. Both variables must be programmed in to the
transmitter to ensure accurate ow measurement. The KA value is provided on
the certicate of calibration and on a label on the sensor body.
To enter a new coecient, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow
key to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the value. Press enter to
accept changes and exit the function. Press escape to exit the program mode.
Table of Contents
KZ is the second of two coecients of calibration that are derived during the
sensor body factory calibration. Both variables must be programmed in to the
transmitter to ensure accurate ow measurement. The KZ value is provided on
the certicate of calibration and on a label on the sensor body.
To enter a new coecient, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow
key to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the value. Press enter to
accept changes and exit the function. Press escape to exit the program mode.
This setting enables or disables the empty pipe detector.
The Empty Pipe Detector senses when uid is drained from the pipe and the ow
sensing electrodes are exposed to air. When this occurs, the displayed ow rate
will drop to zero and the empty pipe icon will be displayed in the upper left-hand
side of the display window. If the current (mA) output alarm is active the milliamp
output will also indicate an alarm condition.
To change the existing setting, press enter to access the function and use the up
arrow key to turn the function on or off. Press enter to accept the change and
exit the function. Press escape to exit the program mode. Table of Contents
The empty pipe threshold function is used to set the maximum allowable
resistance value between the ow sensing electrodes in the transmitter. The
transmitter will go into empty pipe alarm when the value is exceeded. The default
value is 500. The maximum allowable value is 9,999.
To enter a new value, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow key
to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the resistance. Press enter to
accept the change and exit the function. Press escape to exit the program mode.
Table of Contents
When enabled, the electrode cleaning function transmits a depolarizing signal to
the electrodes in between ow measurement cycles. This function is enabled by
default whenever the empty pipe alarm is active. The default setting, when active,
is AVG. It should only be used with uid conductivities >100µS/cm.
Electrode Cleaning SettingsCode
To change the existing setting, press enter to access the function and use the up
arrow key to change the setting. Press enter to accept the change and exit the
function. Press escape to exit the program mode. Table of Contents