January 2015
The Pole Mount System PM4/M is an easy to install and flexibl e sy s tem desi g ned
to allow ONE SYSTEMS loudspeaker systems to be mounted to pole structures.
The only products approved for use with PM4/M are the 112/HTH, 212/HC,
312/HC, 118/HSB (See Appendix 2 if the 118HSB is used), and CFA-2/HTH.
The following actions MUST be performed PRIOR to beginning the installation of
the PM4/M:
1. This installation guide must be completely read and understood
2. The instruction manual “Rigging and Suspension of ONE SYSTEMS
Products” must be read and understood. (This instruction manual is
available at www.ONESYSTEMS.com
the web site.
3. The manufacturer of the pole MUST be consulted to verify the
applicability of the PM4/M and ONE SYSTEMS loudspeaker to the
specific pole. The pole must be capable of supporting the weight of
the PM4/M, the loudspeaker enclosure and all associated rigging
and ALSO meet all required safety factors specified by local and
national codes and safe rigging practices. The weight of PM4/M is
16.1 kg (35.5 lb.)
4. The PM4/M loudspeaker should be installed only by one
experienced in the overhead suspension of items and familiar with
the applicable local and national codes governing installation of
these products and also governing the attachment of these products
to the specific pole structure.
5. The installer should be experienced with the use of stainless steel
banding systems and banding system tools.
in the “Education section o f

6. The PM4/M is constructed with 316 grade stainless steel. The
specific selection of banding material will be determined by the
environment. See page 6 for specifics.
NOTE: Caution should be exercised when connecting One Systems Marine
grade products and Marine grade rigging to other metallic, non 316 grade
stainless steel surfaces (dissimilar metals). The potential for galvanic corrosion is
high in marine environments where the One Systems enclosures and rigging are
specified or required. C omp ati ble me tal s and appro pr iat e an ode to catho de ar ea
ratios must be maintained. A structural engineer with galvanic corrosion
experience should be consulted prior to installation of marine grade products, or
ANY One Systems products in marine environments.
CAUTION: All structures outdoors are subjected to wind forces. These forces
must be considered when suspending any product outdoors. It is necessary to
know the “Effective Projected Area” (EPA) of the loudspeaker prior to installation
of the loudspeaker and PM4-M. This data must be supplied to the pole
manufacturer in order to determine safe operation conditions for the loudspeaker
and PM4-M when mounted to a specific pole. See Appendix 1 of this installation
manual for effective pr oj ected areas for each enclosure rated for use with the
PM4-M. Periodic inspections of the bracket, loudspeaker enclosure and
installation are highly recommended!
IMPORTANT NOTE: All products in direct weather installations can be subjected
to high wind speeds. For wind speed exposure over 74 miles per hour (119.1
kilometers per hour, 64.3 knots) the loudspeaker enclosure, bracket, banding,
link assembly and any secondary safety must be inspected for signs of damage
or fatigue!
The PM4/M consists of three parts: the pole bracket, the loudspeaker bracket,
and the Link. The bracket is designed for pole diameters of a minimum of 10
inches (254mm). Pole diameters smaller than 10 inches (254 mm) must not be
used. The pole manufacturer MUST be consulted to determine the structural
capacity of the pole. The pole must be able to support the weight of the bracket,
loudspeaker, all associated rigging, and all required safety factors!

Figure 1 showing M10 thru bolts
Figure 1 represents the isometric and top views of the pole bracket, including the
loudspeaker bracket section.
The loudspeaker brack et mus t be re mov ed fr om the m ai n bracket before
mounting the pole bracket to the pole. The loudspeaker bracket is shown
separately in Figure 2 below.
NOTE: The loudspeaker bracket should be removed from the main bracket
section prior to mounting the pole br ac ket to the pole. The bracket is remov ed by
removing the two M10 thru bolts that set the tilt angle. The M10 thru bolts are
shown in Figure 1 above.
Figure 2

Figure 3 is a representation of the Link assembly. This assembly MUST be used
whenever the PM4-M is being used.
Figure 3
Mount the pole mount section (see Figure 4a below) of the bracket to the pole
at the desired height on the pole. The loudspeaker bracket shown in Figure 2
should be removed prior to hanging the pole mount section. The bracket is
mounted to the pole using BAND-IT stainless steel bands. DO NOT
SUSTITUTE bands of other mat eri al or other widths! There are SIX locations
on the pole bracket for bands. ALL SIX LOCATIONS MUST BE USED.
Figure 4a