One for all 6 DEVICE HOME THEATER User Manual

The One For All 6 Device Home Theater Universal Remote Contr ol is des igned to operate up to six home entert ain ment devices, inclu d­ing TV, video, and aud io comp onents. The remote control requires two (2) new AA alkalin e batt eries (not included) and easy pr ogra m­ming to cont rol your devices. For best results, please read and per­form all instructions listed here. Also, keep these in str uct ions for futu re refer en ce.
Use the Key Chart s (below) to lear n how to use the un iversal featu res and functions of the One For All 6 Device Home Theater Universal Remot e Control .
Key Charts
The LED (red light) blinks to show that the remote control is workin g and is sen din g signals.
Pre ss TV, VCR, DVD, SAT, CBL,or
RCVR/AMP on ce to select a desir ed hom e
entert ainmen t device to control.
After programm ing, press HOME THEATER once to select th e hom e theater mod e (see
Using The Home Theater Mode).
Pre ss POWER on ce to turn on or off the selected device.
Pre ss MENU once to disp lay your selected device’s ma in menu.
Use GUIDE to display you r selected device’s program guide or setup menu.
Use EXIT to exit from your selected device’s guid e or m enu .
Use INFO to display th e cur rent chan nel and program inform ation.
Use the cursor keys to move the cursor in the progr am guide and men u screens. Use SELECT to choose options from your selected device’s menu or guid e.
In the RCVR/ AMP m ode, use SELECT to set the surrou nd sound . Use to adjust the volum e higher (or lower). Use (or ) to adjust the balance left
(or right ).
Use VOL+ (or VOL-) to raise (or lower) the sound volume.
Pre ss MUTE once to tur n the sound off or on.
In TV, VCR,DVD, SAT,and CBL mod es, use
FAV to scan favorite channels an d/ or all
chann els. See Usin g Channel Scan an d
Programm ing Favorite Channel Scan.
( or ▼)
Use CH+ (or CH-) to select the next higher (or lower) cha nn el.
Pre ss PREV on ce to recall t he last- viewed chan nel and to page back one scr een on the main menu.
In the RCVR/ AMP m ode, use PREV to select the receiver ban d.
Use the keypad (1 ~ 9 an d 0) to direct ly select channels (for example, 009 or 031).
In the RCVR/ AMP m od e, use the keypad (1 ~ 9 and 0) to select audio sources 1 through 10 .
Pre ss ENTER on ce after enter ing the chan nel num ber s on some TVs.
Use TV/ VID to switch the TV’s input to view TV or vid eo pr ograms.
Use the tran spor t keys to control your VCR, DVD pla yer, or VOD ( Video On Dema nd ) if available on your cab le or satellite service.
To record a VCR p rogr am , press REC twice.
After programm ing, press MACRO once to ru n a desired macro (see Using A Macro).
Use PIP to switch th e Pictu re-In -Picture feat ur e on or off ( if available on your TV) .
Use MOVE to move the win dow pictu re to different position s in the main picture.
Use SWAP to switch im ages an d sound bet ween th e main an d win dow pictures.
Pre ss SLEEP to act ivate you r device’s sleep tim er (not available for all devices).
Use to tur n on or off the key back light . When this feature is activated, keys will rem ain backlight for 5 seconds after the last key press.
Use SET for all progr am ming sequ ences.
1. On the remote control’s back, pu sh th e tab and lift off the batter y cover.
2. Obtain two (2) new AAA alkaline bat ter ies. Match the + and – marks on the batteries to the + and – m arks in the batter y case, then insert the new batt eries .
3. Press the bat ter y cover back into place. The tab shou ld click when the cover is locked.
4. Test the rem ote control by first pressing POWER and then any mode key (e.g., TV). If batteries are insert ed correctly, the LED (red light) will blink on ce.
NOT E:When batteries need replacement, the remote control will stop operating. Rem ove the old batteries and insert new ones within 30 m inutes to ensure all of your programm ing information is restored.
The One For All 6 Device Home Theater Un iversal Remote Control is prep rogr am med at th e factor y to operate an RCA TV and VCR, a Motorola (GI) cable box, an RCA satellite receiver, a Tosh iba DVD player, and a Pioneer audio receiver/ amplifier. To control devices other th an the default brand s, perform the following steps; other­wise skip this section:
NOT E:For TV/VCR Com bo control, see t he next section.
1. Turn on a device (e.g., VCR or DVD player) and , if applicable, insert med ia (e.g., cassette or disc) .
NOTE:Please read steps 2 through 4 com pletely before proceeding. Highlight or write down the codes an d device you wish to program before startin g st ep 2.
2. On the remote control, press a device key once (i.e., TV, VCR, DVD,
NOT E:Use t he
devices, or home automat ion devices.
key to program control of CD players,m iscellaneous audio
3. Press and hold SET until the LED (red light ) blin ks twice, then release SET.
4. Use the Manu facturer’s Codes (on the back) to locate the t ype of device and bran d name and then enter the first four-digit code for you r d evice. If p erform ed correctly, th e LED will blink twice.
NOT E:If the entering the same code again.
5. Aim the remote control at the device and press POWER on ce. The device should tu rn off. If it does not respon d, rep eat step s 2 through 5, trying each code for your bran d until you find one that works. If it still does not work, tr y Searching For Your Code.
NOTE: If the device does not have a
6. Repeat steps 1 th rough 5 for each device you want to control. For futu re referen ce, write down each workin g device code in the following boxes:
key to program control of video accesories. Use the
did not blink tw ice,repeat steps 2 through 4 and try
key, press the (
) key.
TV Cod e:
VCR Code:
DVD Code:
SAT Code:
CBL Code:
Perform th e following inst ru ctions to control a TV/VCR Combo:
1. Turn on th e TV/VCR Combo and insert a video cassette.
NOTE:Please read steps 2 through 4 com pletely before proceeding. Highlight or write down the codes an d device you wish to program before startin g st ep 2.
2. On the remote control, press VCR.
3. Press and hold SET unt il the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
4. Use the Setup Codes For TV/VCR Combos (on the back) to locat e the bran d n am e and then enter th e first four -digit code for your device. If performed correctly, the LED will blin k twice.
NOT E:If the entering the same code again.
did not blink tw ice,repeat steps 2 through 4 and try
5. Aim the remote control at the device and press POWER on ce. It should turn off.If the device does not respond , repeat steps 2 through 5, trying each code for your bran d until you find one th at works. If it still does not work, tr y Searching For Your Code.
NOTE: If the device does not have a
key, press the (
) key.
6. If you’ve located a setup code that works, but it ha s a separate TV code, you’ll also need to program it into the remot e contr ol to access volum e cont rol as follows:
a. Press TV once. The LED (red light) will blink twice.
b. Enter the TV code for your TV/VCR Combo. If correct, the
LED will blink twice.
NOT E:For VCR/TV Combos programm ed with separate TV codes, TV volume is cont rolled by pressing
controlling your volu me keys, see the “Changing Volume Lock”or “Using Keym over”sections.
) to raise (or lower) the TV volume.For other alternatives on
first and then TV.After that,use
7. For futu re referen ce, write down th e workin g TV/VCR comb o code in the below boxes:
TV/VCR Co de:
TV Cod e (if used) :
If your device does not respon d to the rem ote control after tr ying all codes listed for your bran d, or if your bran d is not listed at all, tr y searching for your cod e.
For example, to search for a code for your TV:
1. On the remot e contr ol, press TV once.
2. Press and hold SET until the LED (red light ) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
3. Enter 9 - 9 - 1.The LED will blink twice.
4. Aim the remot e control at the the TV and slowly altern ate between pressing POWER and TV. Stop when the TV tu rn s off.
NOT E:In the search mode, the remote control will send IR codes from its library to the selected device,start ing with the most popular code first.
5. To lock in the code, press an d hold SET until the LED blinks twice, then release SET.
6. To search for th e codes of your other devices, repeat steps 1 through 5, but sub stitute the appropr iate device key for the device you are searching for.
If you have set up the remote control usin g the Searching For Your
Code procedure, you may n eed to find out which four-digit code is
oper ating your equipm ent. For example, to find out which code is oper ating your TV:
1. On the remot e contr ol, press TV once.
2. Press and hold SET until the LED (red light ) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
3. Enter 9 - 9 - 0. The LED will blink twice.
4. To view th e code for th e first digit, press 1 once. Wait 3 second s, count the LED blinks (e.g., three blinks = 3) and write down the num ber.
NOT E:If a code digit is “0”,t he
5. Repeat step 4 three more tim es for rem aining digits. Use 2 for th e secon d digit, 3 for the third digit , an d 4 for the four th digit.
6. To check for codes of other devices, rep eat steps 1 th rough 5, but substitu te the appropriate device key for each device you are checkin g.
will not blink.
The One For All 6 Device Home Theater Un iversa l Remote Control includes a custom Home Theater m od e. After th e HOME THEATER key is program med, it will allow you to access five groups of rem ote cont rol keys without havin g to chan ge device mo des.
Contr ol Orga nization
About Control Groups
For Home Theater progr am ming, the rem ote control’s keys are grouped by type of cont rol into the following five control grou ps:
(1) Transport Controls: PLAY, STOP, FWD, REW, PAUSE,and REC
(2) Volum e Cont rols: VOL+ , VOL-,and MUTE
(3) Channel Controls: CH+ , CH-, (Keypad) 0 ~ 9, ENTER, LAST,
(4) Menu Controls: MENU, GUIDE, Cursor Controls ( Up, Down,
Left, Right), SELECT,and EXIT
(5) PIP Controls: PI P, MOVE,and SWAP
About Device Groups
Moreover, the remote control’s devices are grouped into the following five device group s:
(1) Device Group 1: VCR,DVD,and RCVR/AMP
(2) Device Group 2: TV,VCR, CBL,SAT,and RCVR/AMP
(3) Device Group 3: TV,VCR, CBL,SAT,and RCVR/AMP
(4) Device Group 4: TV,VCR, CBL,SAT,and DVD
(5) Device Group 5: TV
The default Device Group sett ing from the factor y is:
(1) Device Group 1: VCR
(2) Device Group 2: TV
(3) Device Group 3: CBL
(4) Device Group 4: CBL
(5) Device Group 5: TV
Progra mming The Home Theat er Mode
For exam ple, let’s assume you h ave a TV, a cable box, and a VCR in your home theater system . You can set up the Hom e Theater mode so th at selected controls are assign ed to these devices as follows:
1. On the remote control, press HOME THEATER.
2. Press and hold SET unt il the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
3. Enter 9 - 7 - 9.The LED will blink twice.
4. Select a device. For this examp le, press VCR on ce. Then assign a desired Control Grou p to the device. For th is exam ple, press PLAY once, which will assign the entire group of Tra n sp or t Co n t rols (i.e., PLAY, STOP, FWD, REW, PAUSE,and REC) to the VCR. The LED will blink once.
5. Select an oth er device. For this exam ple, press TV once. Th en assign a desired Control Group to th is device. For th is exam ple, press VOL+ on ce, which will assign the entire group of Vo l u m e
Controls (i.e., VOL+ ,VOL- ,and MUTE) to the TV. The LED will
blink once.
6. Select an oth er device. For this exam ple, press CBL on ce. Then assign a desired Control Group to th is device. For th is exam ple, press CH+ once, which will assign the entire group of Channel
Controls (i.e., CH+ , CH-, (Keypad ) 0 ~ 9, ENTER, LAST, SLEEP,
INFO,and TV/VCR) to the Cable Box. The LED will blink once.
7. To ad d additional Menu function ality to the Cable Box,press CBL once. Then press MENU once. This act ion will ass ign the ent ire group of Menu Controls (i.e., MENU, GUIDE, Cursor Controls (Up, Down, Left, Right), SELECT,and EXIT) to the Cable Box. The LED will blink once.
8. To ad d PIP funct ionality to th e TV, press TV once. Then pres s PI P once. This action will ass ign the ent ire grou p of PIP Controls (i.e.,
PI P, MOVE,and SWAP) to th e TV. The LED will blink once.
9. To exit Home Theat er progra mm ing, press and hold SET unt il the
LED(red light) blinks twice, then release SET.
Operating The Home Theat er Mode
After programm ing the Home Theater key (see th e previous section ), you simply activate this mode by pressing HOME THEATER once. Instantly, groups of remote control keys will be assigned to their progr am m ed devices.
For the above example, pressin g HOME THEATER on ce would assign the following keys to the VCR, TV, and Cable Box:
Cable Box: CH+ , CH-, (Keypad) 0 ~ 9, ENTER, LAST,
SLEEP, INFO, TV/ VCR, MENU,GUIDE, Cursor Controls (Up, Down, Left, Right), SELECT,and EXIT
With pr ogramm ing, th e MACRO key on your One For All 6 Device Home Theater Universal Remote Control can be setup to per form a repetitive, tim e-con sum ing operation for easy, convenient access throu gh the press of a single key.
A macro can be used to control a hom e theater operation , to set a favorite chann el, or for other mu ltiple funct ions you would like to control with one key press (see exam ples below). Moreover, the
MACROkey can hold up to 15 key p resses tota l.
NOT E:Programm ing a new macro over an existing one will erase the original macro.
Example – Progra mming A Favorite Channe l
With so man y channels availab le through your cable or satellite system provid er, you can progr am a macro that dir ectly select s a favorite chann el with one key press.
For exam ple, let’s assume your favorite cab le progr am s are on chan nel 71. Use the following instr uct ions to program a macr o for direct access of this channel:
NOT E:This ex ample assumes the TV tuner is connected directly to the cable line and not through a cable box.
1. Press and hold SET un til the LED ( red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9 - 5.The LED will blink twice.
3. Press MACRO once.
4. Press TV on ce.
5. Enter the cha nn el number, 7 - 1.
NOT E:If you have access to over 100 channels, enter if t he original rem ote cont rol required pressing an Enter key to change the channel, also press the
key after the channel number (e.g.,
6. Press and hold SET until the LED blinks twice, then release SET.
Now when you pr ess MACRO, you will instantly see cable chann el 71 on your TV set.
Example – Progra mming A Master Power Key With I nstant Channel Selection
A macro can be progr am med to tu rn on and off you r equipm ent as well. For exam ple, let’s set up a sequ ence that will tur n on the TV and tu ne it to chan nel 3, and then tu rn on the Cable Box and tun e it to a pr emium channel (e.g., 11).
NOT E:This example assumes all equipm ent is turned off and that the TV is connected through the cable box with TV tunin g set to channel 3.
1. Press and hold SET unt il the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9 - 5.The LED will blink twice.
3. Press MACRO once.
4. Enter the following sequen ce:
TV,POWER,and 0 - 3 (or 0 -0 - 3 if access is over 100 cha nn els)
NOTE: If th e origin al remote control required pressing an Ent er key to change the channel, also press the
key after the channel number (e.g.,
5. Then enter the following sequen ce:
CBL,POWER,and 1-1 (or 0 -1- 1 if access is over 100 chann els)
6. Press and hold SET until the LED blinks twice, then release SET.
Now when you pr ess MACROonce, the TV will turn on and tun e to chan nel 03. Then the cable box will tur n on and tu ne to channel 11.
Clea ring A Macro
1. Press and hold SET unt il the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9 - 5.The LED will blink twice.
3. Press MACRO once.
4. Press and hold SET until the LED blinks twice, then release SET.
In the TV,VCR,DVD, SAT,and CBL mod es, use th e FAV key to st art a 3-second scan of all favorite chan nels (if progr am med – see
Programming Favorite Channel Scan below) an d/or all chann els for
the selected mode.
1. If Favorite Ch ann el Scan ha s been set up, skip to step 2. Other wise, press TV, VCR,DVD, SAT,or CBL on ce.
2. Press F AV once.
•IfFavorite Channel Scan has been set up, scan ning of favorite
chan nels will star t an d, upon completion, continue to scan all chan nels upward for th e sam e device.
•IfFavorite Channel Scan has not been set up, scan ning will
start with th e cur rent chan nel, then proceed to the next chan nel up, and continue un til all chann els of the selected device is scan ned.
3. To stop scan ning chan nels at any time, press any key once (except the backlight key ).
In the TV,VCR,DVD, SAT,or CBL mod e, you can store a list of up to 10 favorite chann els, in any ord er, that will be imm ediately scanned when FAV is pressed (see Using Chan nel Scan ).
NOT E:Only channels of one mode can be stored for Favorite Channel Scan .
1. On the remot e contr ol, press TV,VCR, DVD, SAT,or CBL once.
2. Press and hold SET until the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
3. Enter 9 - 9 - 6.The LED will blink twice.
4. Use the keypad to enter a favorite chan nel number (e.g., 031). Then pres s SETonce.
NOTE: If th e origin al remote control required pressing an Ent er key to change the channel, also press the
5. If desired, repeat step 4 (in th is sect ion) for each favorite channel to be stored , up to a tot al of 10 chan nels.
NOT E:If you tr y entering more than 10 channels, the remote control will autom atically exit programm ing.
6. To exit programmin g, press an d hold SETfor 3 second s. The LED will blin k twice.
key after the channel number (e.g.,
The One For All 6 Device Home Theater Un iversa l Remote Control includ es a Key m over feature that allows you to m ap (or copy) keys from one m ode (i.e., source mod e) to anot her mode (i.e., destination mode) .
NOTE:The following keys cannot be used as a source or destination:TV,
Progra mming Keymover
For exam ple, if your VCR does not have volum e control, you can map the volume and mute keys from th e TVmo de to the VCR mode as follows:
1. Press and hold SET until the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9 - 4.The LED will blink twice.
3. For the source m ode, press TV once.
4. For the source key, press VOL+ once.
5. For the destination m ode, press VCR once.
6. For the destin ation key, press VOL + on ce.
7. The LED will blink twice indicatin g the keym oved sequen ce is correct.
8. Repeat steps 1 th rough 7 twice m ore, substitutin g VOL– and
MUTE as source and dest inat ion keys in steps 4 and 6.
Upon completion of th e above procedure, you can now use your One For All 6 Device Hom e Theater Universa l Remote Control to control the TV’s volum e and mu te in the VCR mod e, as well a s in th e TV mode.
Restoring Keymoved Keys to Default Settings
Restoring A Single Keymoved Key
1. Press a device key that has a keymoved key.
2. Press and hold SET until the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
3. Enter 9 - 9 - 4.The LED will blink twice.
4. Press the destination key twice (where the keymoved key is stored). The LED will blin k twice.
Restoring All Keymoved Keys I n A Single Mode
1. Press and hold SET until the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9 - 4.The LED will blink twice.
3. Press the destination mode twice (where keymoved keys are stored). The LED will blin k twice.
The One For All 6 Device Home Theater Un iversa l Remote Control can be set to control a second TV,VCR, DVD player, or other device.
For example, to contr ol a TV, a cable box, an d two VCRs, you will need to re- assign the unu sed DVD key to oper ate th e second VCR as follows:
1. On the remot e contr ol, pr ess an d hold SETunt il the LED (red light) blinks twice, then release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9 - 2.The LED will blin k twice.
3. Press VCR on ce, th en press DVD once.
4. The AUX key is now ready to be progr am med for your second VCR. Se e Programming Device Control.
To re-assign other device keys to the DVD key, repeat step s 1 thr ough 4 above by substitu tin g the sequen ce from the below chart:
To Re- Assign Device Key Perform Seque nce
DVD as 2nd TV key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2 - TV - DVD
DVD as 2nd SAT key: SET- 9 - 9 - 2
DVD as 2nd CBL key: SET- 9 - 9 - 2
DVD as 2nd RCVR/AMP key: SET- 9 - 9 - 2 - RCVR/AMP - DVD
You can also re-sassign another unused device key by substitutin g an open key for the DVD key in the ab ove chart and per form ing the sequ ence. For example, to re-assign an unused SAT key as a secon d VCR key, perform SET - 9 - 9 - 2
When a re-assign ment is done, the LED (red light) will blink twice to confir m your choice.At that tim e, you will need to program th e rem ote cont rol for th e new device (see Programming Device Control).
The One For All 6 Device Home Theater Un iversa l Remote Control is set at the fact ory for independent volum e control of each selected device. However,you may change the Volum e Lock sett ing to Global
Vo lu m e Lock so that a device’s volum e will be locked to one mod e
(e.g., to cont rol TV volume in all other m odes ). After that, if desired , you can perform Individu al Volume Un lock on a selected device to set its volum e control for ind ep en dent oper ation .
Locking Volume Control To One Mode (Global Volume Lock):
1. Press and hold SET until the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9 - 3 and then pr ess any mod e key once (e.g., TV). The
LED will blin k twice.
3. Now, when you press VOL+ , VOL–,or MUTE, th e volume of th e selected device (e.g., TV) will b e controlled regardless of the mode you have selected .
Unlocking Volume Control For A Single Devic e (I ndividual Volume Unlock):
PROBLEM: No remote control of volum e.
SOLUTION: See Changing Volu me Lock to lock/ un lock volum e.
1. After per form ing Glob al Volume Lock (above), press an d hold
SETagain unt il the LED (red light) blin ks twice, th en release SET.
2. Press a desired mode key where you want volume to be unlocked
(e.g., RCVR/AMP) an d cont rolled within its own mode.
3. Enter 9 - 9 - 3 and th en press VOL– on ce. The LED will blink
four times.
4. If desired, repeat steps 1 through 3 (of this section ) for each device t hat you want volum e to be un locked.
For assistan ce, please cont act us in an y of the following ways:
E-mail: ofasupport@u
Internet :
• Consu mer Help Line: (330) 405-8615
5. Now, after you select a device that has volum e un locked (e.g.,
RCVR/AMP), pressing VOL+ , VOL–,or MUTE,will control the
device’s volum e on ly in its own mo de.
Unlocking All Volume Cont rol (Restor ing Default Setting):
NOTE:Performing these instruct ions will restore independent volum e cont rol for all programmed devices (e.g., TV volum e control in in
mode, etc.).
1. On the remot e contr ol, pr ess an d hold SETunt il the LED (red light) blinks twice, then release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9 - 3 and th en press VOL+ once. Th e LED will blink
mode,VCR volume
One For All® warrants, to the or igina l purchaser only, that th is prod­uct will be free from defects in materials an d workmansh ip, und er nor m al use, for ninet y (90) d ays from the dat e of origin al purchase.
This limited warr ant y is valid on ly on ONE FOR ALL® product pur ­chased an d used in the United States of Amer ica or Canada, and does not apply to produ cts used for in dustr ial or com mercial pu r­pose.
four times.
3. Volum e will again be indep end ently controlled accord ing to its default states for all program med devices.
The lim ited warra nty does n ot cover damage or failure cau sed by pro ducts or services not supplied by ONE FOR ALL® , or which resu lt from accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misappli-
The One For All 6 Device Home Theater Un iversa l Remote Control
cation, faulty installat ion, set- up adjust ment, imp roper maintenan ce, alt er at ion , ma lad justment of con sum er contr ols, mod ificat ion s, com ­mercial use, or that is attribu tab le to acts of God.
has the lar gest infrared code librar y available. However, if you pur­chas e a brand new hom e entert ainmen t or home autom ation device, it may not respond to th e codes stored in th e remote con­trol’s m emor y.
If this happens, please contact ou r Custom er Su pport depart ment (see Cu stomer Support on the right) to upgr ade the rem ote control. The Custom er Su pport representative will search our entire data ­base for a code that m atches your device and inst ru ct you how to enter it into your One For All 6 Device Home Theater Un iversal Remot e Control.
If the code for your home enter tainm ent or hom e automat ion device is not in our databa se, we will need to “cap ture” t he cod e for that device from its or igina l remote contr ol. A new cod e would then be created an d ent ered into your One For All 6 Device Home Theater Universa l Remote Control. If necessar y, the Customer Supp or t repre­sentative can inst ru ct you how to begin the capture procedure.
NOT E:One For All reserves the right to replace a retu rned remote control with a new one of equal or su perior functionality.
Upgrade Exclusions
• Hom e entertainm ent or home autom ation devices controlled by radio frequency (RF/UHF) , wired, or ultrasonic rem ote controls.
There are no express warranties except as listed ab ove. ONE FOR ALL® SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSE­QUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. Some states do not allow the exclu sion or lim itat ion of incidental or consequ ential dam ages, or lim itat ions on how long an implied warr ant y lasts, so the above exclusion s or limit ation s may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights an d you m ay also have oth er r ights which var y from state to st ate.
To ob tain warr anty ser vice for a defect ive produ ct during the war­ranty period , please return th e product, preferably in th e origin al car ton, alon g with your pu rch ase receip t, to the st ore of original pu r­chase. A note detailing the complaint would be helpful. The store, at its option , will r eplace or repair this product if found to be defective.
One For All
(330) 405-8655
Only devices controlled by infrared rem ote cont rols ar e cover ed .
• Hom e entertainm ent or home autom ation devices not controlled by rem ote contr ols.
• Broken or defective product.
• Pro ducts th at operate over 100 kHz.
• In frar ed keyboard s and infr ared pointin g devices (such as mouse su bst itut es).
• All prod ucts for sale an d/ or u se outside the continen tal United States, Hawaii, Alaska, or Canad a.
PROBLEM: LED (red light ) does not blink when you press a key.
SOLUTION: Replace bat ter ies with two new AAalkalin e batteries.
PROBLEM: LED blinks when you press a key, but hom e
entert ainmen t device does not respon d.
SOLUTION: Make sure the rem ote cont rol is aim ed at your
hom e entert ainmen t device and is not farther than 15 feet away.
PROBLEM: The unit does not control home enter tainm ent devices
or com mand s are not working pr oper ly.
SOLUTION: Tr y all listed cod es for th e device brands being
set up. Make sure they can be operated with an infr ared remote control.
PROBLEM: TV/VCR com bo does not resp ond prop erly.
SOLUTION: Use the VCR codes for your brand. Some combo
un its m ay requ ire bot h a TV code and a VCR code for full op eration.
PROBLEM: Changing chann els does not work properly.
SOLUTION: If origin al rem ote cont rol required pressing ENTER
As you up date your hom e entertainm ent system , On e For All® has a un iversal remote control that will fit your need s. Look for these exciting products at a retailer n ear you.
One For All Access 3 ..............................................................URC- 3605
One For All Video Expert 4 Device .......................................URC-4081
One For All Video Expert Plus 4L .........................................URC-4880
One For All Access 4 ..............................................................URC- 4605
One For All Access 5 ..............................................................URC- 5705
One For All 6 Device Home Theater .....................................URC-6011
One For All 8 Device Home Theater .....................................URC-8011
One For All 8L Device Home Theater
with Learning Capability.......................................................URC-8811
One For All A/V LCD 8 Device With Lear ning .....................URC-8910
One For All IR/RF LCD 8 Device With Lear nin g..................URC-9910
ONE FOR ALL® is the register ed trademark of Universal Electron ics Inc. Compu tim e Intern ation al Ltd. is the Licensee of the ONE FOR ALL® bran d for USA an d Canad a.
Copyrigh t 2002 by Universal Electronics Inc. No par t of this publicat ion may be repro duced, transm itted, tra nscr ibed, stored in an y retr ieval system , or translat ed to any langu age, in any form or by any m ean s, electr onic, mechan ical, magn etic, opt ical, man ual,or otherwise, with­out the pr ior writt en perm ission of Un iversal Electronics Inc.
The One For All® 6 Device Universal Remote Control is comp atib ile for use in North Am erica, excluding Mexico.
URC- 6011/6012w 02/02
to ch ange chan nels, press ENTER on th e rem ote control after enter ing the channel num ber.
PROBLEM: Tr ied Search For Your Code method an d still could not
find a workin g code.
SOLUTION: Clear the device key as follows: Press and hold
SET until the LED ( red light) blinks twice, then
release. Next ent er 9 - 9 - 2. Then press the device key to be cleared twice. Now repeat the Search For Your
Code met hod .
PROBLEM: Remot e control does not tur n on Sony or Shar p
TV/VCR Comb o.
SOLUTION: For power on , these produ cts require program ming
TV codes. For Sony, use TV code 0000 and VCR code 0032. For Shar p, use TV code 0093 an d VCR code 0048.
PROBLEM: CH+ and CH- d o not work for your RCA TV.
SOLUTION: Due to RCA design (1983-1987), only the origin al
rem ote cont rol will operate these funct ions .