ON KA7500C, KA7500CD Schematics

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KA7500C SMPS Controller
KA7500C — SMPS Controller
April 2009
Internal Regulator Provides a Stable 5V Reference
Supply Trimmed to ±1% Accuracy
Uncommitted Output TR for 200mA Sink or Source
Output Control for Push-Pull or Single-Ended
Variable Duty Cycle by Dead-Time Control (Pin 4)
Complete PWM Control Circuit
On-Chip Oscillator with Master or Slave Operation Internal Circuit Prohibits Double Pulse at Either
The KA7500C is used for the control circuit of the pulse­width modulation switching regulator. The KA7500C consists of 5V reference voltage circuit, two error amplifiers, flip flop, an output control circuit, a PWM comparator, a dead-time comparator, and an oscillator.
This device can be operated in the switching frequency of 1kHz to 300kHz. The precision of voltage reference (V
) is improved up to ±1% with trimming. This
provides a better output voltage regulation. The operating temperature range is -25°C ~ +85°C.
16-Lead DIP
16-Lead SOP
Ordering Information
Part Number
KA7500C 16-Lead Dual Inline Package (DIP) Tube
KA7500CD Tube
For Fairchild’s definition of Eco Status, please visi t: http://www.fairchildsemi.com/company/green/rohs_green.html.
Temperature Range
-25 to +85°C RoHS
Package Packing Method
16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP)
Tape and Reel
© 2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com KA7500C • Rev. 1.0.2
Block Diagram
KA7500C — SMPS Controller
Figure 1. Block Diagram
© 2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com KA7500C • Rev. 1.0.2 2
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