Omron Pioneer LX User Manual

Omron Adept Mobile Robots
Platforms for Research, Education and Development
Pioneer LX
User's Guide
Rev. D
Copyright Notice
The information contained herein is the property of Omron Adept Technologies, and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval of Omron Adept Technologies. The information herein is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Omron Adept Technologies. The documentation is periodically reviewed and revised. The latest version can be found at
Omron Adept Technologies, assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the documentation. Critical evaluation of the documentation by the user is welcomed. Your comments assist us in preparation of future documentation. Please submit your comments to:
Copyright 2017 by Omron Adept Technologies. All rights reserved.
Omron, the Omron Adept logo, are registered trademarks of Omron Corporation.
Adept Lynx is a trademark of Omron Corporation.
Any trademarks from other companies used in this publication are the property of those respective companies.
Created in the United States of America
Omron Adept MobileRobots • 10 Columbia Drive • Amherst, NH 03450 • USA • Phone +1 603 881 7960 •
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................. 8
Product Description ........................................................................................................... 8
MTX Generation and Pioneer Compatibility ..................................................................................... 8
Body, Drive and Control ...................................................................................................................... 9
What's Included - Basic Components ................................................................................................. 9
Optional Accessories, Parts, Components and Attachments (partial list) ................................... 11
User-Supplied Components / System Requirements ..................................................................... 11
Software Overview ............................................................................................................................. 11
Operating Environment .................................................................................................. 13
2.3 Dangers, Warnings, Cautions, and Notes ............................................................. 15
What To Do in an Emergency /Abnormal Situation ....................................................................... 16
Releasing an E-Stop ............................................................................................................................ 16
User's Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................ 16
General Hazards.................................................................................................................................. 16
Falling Hazards ................................................................................................................................... 17
Electrical Hazards ............................................................................................................................... 18
Pinch Hazard ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Magnetic Field Hazards ..................................................................................................................... 18
Qualification of Personnel .................................................................................................................. 19
Payload Movement and Transfer ...................................................................................................... 19
Configurable Warning Buzzer........................................................................................................... 19
Environment ..................................................................................................................... 20
General Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................. 20
Public Access ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Clearance .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Obstacles .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Intended Use ..................................................................................................................... 21
Non-intended Use ............................................................................................................................... 21
Robot Modifications............................................................................................................................ 21
Warning Label ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Battery Safety .................................................................................................................... 22
Additional Safety Information ....................................................................................... 22
Mobile Robot LD Safety Guide ......................................................................................................... 22
Help, Documentation and Support ............................................................................... 22
Factory Repairs .................................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 2: Setup ........................................................... 24
Battery Safety Information .............................................................................................. 24
Safety Precautions ............................................................................................................................... 24
Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 24
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Transport and Storage ..................................................................................................... 24
Platform ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Battery Storage .................................................................................................................................... 25
Before Unpacking the Platform ...................................................................................... 25
Unpacking ......................................................................................................................... 25
Lifting the Platform ............................................................................................................................. 27
Repacking for Relocation ................................................................................................ 29
Installing a Pioneer LX System ....................................................................................... 29
Installing the Battery ........................................................................................................................... 29
Attaching Optional Accessories ........................................................................................................ 31
Installing the Charging Station.......................................................................................................... 31
Embedded Computer Setup ........................................................................................... 35
Logging In ............................................................................................................................................ 35
Remote Access ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Networking .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 3: Software Demonstrations and Quick Start ... 38
ARIA Demo ....................................................................................................................... 38
Onboard Computer Running Linux: ................................................................................................ 38
Onboard Computer Running Windows: ......................................................................................... 38
ARNL Demo Server and MobileEyes ............................................................................ 39
Onboard Computer Running Linux: ................................................................................................ 39
Onboard Computer Running Windows: ......................................................................................... 39
Chapter 4: Components and Operation ......................... 41
Operating Environment .................................................................................................. 41
Typical Operation ............................................................................................................ 42
Startup and Shutdown .................................................................................................... 42
Power and Charging ........................................................................................................ 42
Battery Indicators and Controls ........................................................................................................ 43
Charging Station ................................................................................................................................. 43
Manually Charging the Battery ......................................................................................................... 44
Operator Control Panel ................................................................................................... 45
ON Button ............................................................................................................................................ 45
OFF Button ........................................................................................................................................... 45
E-Stop Button ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Brake-release Button ........................................................................................................................... 46
Keyswitch ............................................................................................................................................. 46
Other Controls and Indicators ........................................................................................ 46
Light Discs, Light Tower .................................................................................................................... 46
Joystick ................................................................................................................................................. 47
MTX-Lynx Core Diagnostic Indicators ............................................................................................ 48
Sensors ............................................................................................................................... 49
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Laser Rangefinders ............................................................................................................................. 49
Sonar ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
Bumper ................................................................................................................................................. 50
Internal Sensors ................................................................................................................................... 50
Chapter 5: Programming ............................................... 51
ARIA .................................................................................................................................. 51
Robots in Motion .............................................................................................................. 52
Position Integration ............................................................................................................................ 53
Device Interfaces .............................................................................................................. 53
Windows COM Port Assignment ..................................................................................................... 54
Further Programming Information ............................................................................... 55
Chapter 6: Payloads ...................................................... 57
Considerations .................................................................................................................. 57
Weight .................................................................................................................................................. 57
Power Consumption ........................................................................................................................... 58
Payload Bay Access............................................................................................................................. 59
Dimensions .......................................................................................................................................... 59
Center of Gravity ................................................................................................................................. 60
Mounting Deck ................................................................................................................. 63
Connections Between Platform and Payload ............................................................... 64
Chapter 7: Connectivity ................................................. 65
2.1 User Connections Summary ................................................................................... 65
MTX Core User Connections .......................................................................................... 66
MTX-Lynx Core Front, Upper ........................................................................................................... 66
MTX-Lynx Core Rear, Upper ............................................................................................................ 73
Core, Side ............................................................................................................................................. 80
2.3 Internal Pioneer LX Core Connections .................................................................. 80
Lynx Internal Data Pinouts ................................................................................................................ 82
Pioneer LX Internal Power Pinouts .................................................................................................. 84
Chapter 8: Maintenance ................................................ 87
2.1 Safety Aspects While Performing Maintenance................................................... 88
Periodic Maintenance Schedule ..................................................................................... 88
Safety Inspection ................................................................................................................................. 88
Maintainence And Cleaning .............................................................................................................. 89
Tires ...................................................................................................................................................... 90
Axles ..................................................................................................................................................... 90
Lasers .................................................................................................................................................... 90
Charging Station Contacts ................................................................................................................. 90
Maintaining and Replacing Batteries ............................................................................ 91
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Maintaining Batteries.......................................................................................................................... 91
Replacing the Battery .......................................................................................................................... 91
Balance and Maintainence Charging ............................................................................................... 93
Removing and Installing Covers .................................................................................... 93
Cover Removal .................................................................................................................................... 94
Cover Installation ................................................................................................................................ 96
Replacing Non-Periodic Parts ........................................................................................ 98
Charging Station Roller and Bearing ................................................................................................ 99
Charging Station AC Power Fuse ..................................................................................................... 99
Charging Station Internal Fuse ........................................................................................................ 100
Rear Sonar Units ................................................................................................................................ 101
Front Sonar Units (Lynx-based robots only) ................................................................................. 101
Front lower laser (LD-series robots only) ...................................................................................... 102
Sonar Controller ................................................................................................................................ 102
Light Discs.......................................................................................................................................... 103
Operator Control Panel .................................................................................................................... 103
Wheels and Tires ............................................................................................................................... 103
Drive Assemblies .............................................................................................................................. 103
Front or Rear Casters ........................................................................................................................ 105
Laser Rangefinder ............................................................................................................................. 106
Core ..................................................................................................................................................... 108
Chapter 9: Technical Specifications ............................. 110
Dimension Drawings ..................................................................................................... 110
2.2 Platform Specifications .......................................................................................... 111
2.3 Charging Station Specifications ............................................................................ 113
Chapter 10: Parts List ................................................. 115
Chapter 11: Communication Packet Protocol .............. 117
2.1 Packet Checksum .................................................................................................... 117
2.2 Server Information Packets .................................................................................... 118
2.3 Standard SIP contents ............................................................................................. 118
2.4 Client Commands ................................................................................................... 123
Command Packet Format ................................................................................................................ 123
Connection Initialization and Maintenance Commands: ............................................................ 124
Robot Motor, Velocity and Position Control: ................................................................................ 125
Configure Acceleration and Deceleration Parameters ................................................................. 125
Configure Maximum Speeds ........................................................................................................... 126
Reset Position..................................................................................................................................... 126
Joystick ............................................................................................................................................... 126
Additional SIP Requests ................................................................................................................... 126
Other ................................................................................................................................................... 127
2.5 Command Packet Errors ........................................................................................ 127
2.6 Establishing the connection ................................................................................... 127
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Opening the sessionOPEN ........................................................................................................... 128
Keeping the BeatPULSE ............................................................................................................... 128
Closing the connectionCLOSE..................................................................................................... 128
2.7 CONFIG Packet and CONFIG command ............................................................ 128
2.8 Joystick Packet ......................................................................................................... 132
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
This manual covers the setup, operation, and user maintenance of your Omron Adept MobileRobots Pioneer LX mobile robot.
Product Description
The Pioneer LX is a general-purpose, indoor mobile robot platform, designed and sized to carry loads up to 60 kg (132 lb) while working around people. With the included ARNL software, it is self-guided and self-charging, with an automated charging station. The platform's size and drive assembly are designed to work in any wheelchair-accessible environment.
The Pioneer LX includes a complete robot control system and embedded computer (PC), differential drive system with encoder feedback, as well as a laser rangefinder sensor, ultrasonic (sonar) sensors, and a bumper panel.
The Pioneer SDK is provided to develop software using the Pioneer LX in C++, Java or Python.
The ARNL SDK provides the capability to your software to know where the robot is located within an indoor workspace (localization), and to navigate safely and autonomously to any accessible destination within that workspace (navigation), continuously and without human intervention.
The Pioneer LX provides a variety of interfaces and power connections to support your application­specific sensors and accessories. Refer to Connectivity on page 65, for information on the available connectors..
For some projects, you may want to customize the Pioneer LX with a payload, attached to the top of the platform, such as sensors, manipulators, extra structure. Refer to Payloads on page 57 for general information on designing a payload.
MTX Generation and Pioneer Compatibility
The Pioneer LX is the first in a new generation of robots from Omron Adept Technologies, the MTX type robots.
In most ways, the Pioneer LX remains compatible with Pioneer 3 and other Pioneer 2/3 based robot platforms: it uses a compatible protocol for essential communication with software, and the Pioneer SDK including ARIA C++ API remains compatible with all Pioneer platforms, including Pioneer LX. (Support for the Pioneer LX was added in ARIA 2.8.0 and ARNL 1.8.0.)
The Pioneer LX does differ from previous Pioneer 2/3 robots in a few ways, however, including:
The robot controller uses a new firmware implementation, MARC Some components are connected directly to the embedded computer, rather than managed via the
robot controller (sonar, display, battery information). However, ARIA's ArRobotConnector class will automatically connect to these components by default, and continue to provide data via the ArRobot class, so all software using ARIA and ArRobotConnector will continue to work with the LX.
Some Pioneer commands are not implemented on the Pioneer LX, such as:
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ENCODER command and Encoder packets GYRO calibration commands PID commands (ROTK... and TRANSK...) General purpose digital and analog IO is done via embedded computer operating system
and ArMTXIO class, not through robot connection or IO packets.
Two versions of the Pioneer LX have been produced. The first version is based on the Adept Lynx mobile robot, and features front and rear sonar sensors in addition to the primary laser rangefinder sensor. The second version is based on the Omron-Adept LD series mobile robot, and features a secondary laser rangefinder instead of front sonar, as well as various minor changes. Differences between the Lynx series and LD series robots are noted in this manual.
Information and documentation for the Omron LD-series and other mobile robot systems for commercial and industrial use can be obtained from and
Body, Drive and Control
The Pioneer LX is medium-sized, lightweight, and highly maneuverable. It has a strong aluminum chassis and solid construction that makes it very durable. It is insulated against water splashes and dust, with an IP rating of IP-40.
The Pioneer LX platform is a two-wheel, differential-drive vehicle, with spring-loaded passive casters in front and rear, and independent drive-wheel spring-suspension for balance. Its solid, foam-filled wheels are at the mid-line of the platform, so that it can turn in place with zero turn radius.
The Pioneer LX has two degrees of freedom, and is controlled from software by requesting translational velocity (forwards/backwards), and a separate, simultaneous rotational velocity (clockwise/counterclockwise). The robot's controller will automatically control the robot's drive system to achieve those requested velocities (using requested acceleration and deceleration parameters).
The Pioneer LX controller uses encoders to automatically integrate wheel odometry, accurately maintain requested velocity, and, combined with data from an internal gyroscopic sensor, computes an estimated pose of the robot: a point X, Y (mm) in a cartesian coordinate system, plus an orientation θ (degrees). This pose estimate is provided to software along with other robot state information every 100ms (10hz).
For more information about robot programming and communication, see See Programming on page 51.
What's Included - Basic Components
One fully-assembled Pioneer LX, including:
laser rangefinder, front bumper panel rear-facing short-range sonar sensors (Lynx-based platform only) front-facing short-range sonar sensors (LD-based platform only) front-facing lower laser sensor MTX Core, a module containing robot controller and power management, and a user-
accessible computer (Intel PC) with either Linux or Windows and all software preinstalled and ready to use.
Removable plastic skins
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Top plate with operator panel, controls and connectors Removable equipment mounting deck (optional use)
One fully-charged battery
This is shipped separately from the platform, due to air shipping regulations.
Automated charging station (docking station)
Allows the platform to charge itself, without user intervention. This includes a wall-mount bracket and a floor plate, for a choice of installation methods. See Installing the Charging Station on page
A manual charging cord is included, so you can charge the battery or a spare battery using the charging station, but outside of the platform.
Used for manually controlling the platform, mostly when making a scan to be used for generating a map.
Pioneer SDK including ARIA open source C++ API, and ARNL Laser Navigation Libraries and
example servers.
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Optional Accessories, Parts, Components and Attachments (partial list)
Contact for more information on purchasing any of the following accessories or parts. Check or contact sales for updates on any new accessories now available.
Pan/Tilt/Zoom digital ethernet camera Spare batteries Extra mounting deck, top plate, body skins, other parts. Extra docking station(s) Cables and connectors. More
User-Supplied Components / System Requirements
PC with Microsoft Windows or Linux
Ethernet (wireless preferred) 100 megabytes of available hard-disk storage Power outlet for docking station (115VAC or 220VAC)
Software Overview
The Pioneer LX comes with the following software preinstalled and ready to use.
Software packages are also provided on the included CDROM, and may be downloaded from
See Programming on page 51 for more information on writing software.
MARC Controller Firmware
A microcontroller running MARC firmware handles the details of mobility, including maintaining the
platform’s drive speed and heading, as well as acquiring data from the encoders and gyroscope, and managing the platform’s emergency stop systems, bumper, and joystick. The MARC firmware computes and reports an estimate of the platform’s pose (X, Y, θ), as well as other aspects of robot status.
MARC updates may be available in the future to fix problems or add features, at
Computer Operating System
The embedded computer is provided with either Ubuntu Linux or Windows 7 preinstalled. The operating system selected when ordered has been preinstalled along with all other software included, and a selection of useful system and software development tools. Other operating systems may be used on the embedded computer but are not specifically supported by Omron Adept MobileRobots.
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ARIA is the core development library or SDK for use with the robot. It is an open source C++ library (with interfaces also available for Python, Java and Matlab).
ARIA is available with all robots.
On Linux ARIA can be found at /usr/local/Aria, and on Windows at C:\Program
Files\MobileRobots\Aria and in the Start Menu. ARIA includes full API reference documentation in its
doc subdirectory, as well as example programs in the examples directory, and full source code distributed as free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. ARIA libraries can be compiled and used with standard C++ development tools: GNU C++ compiler (G++) on Linux and Microsoft Visual C++ on Windows.
ARIA also provides the ArNetworking interface for communication between remote clients such as MobileEyes, or other remote software.
ARIA updates and additional information are available for download at
ARNL Laser Navigation and Localization Libraries
ARNL is a development library or SDK for including accurate indoor laser localization and flexible, reliable autonomous navigation capabilities in your software.
ARNL can be found installed on Linux at /usr/local/Arnl, and on Windows at C:\Program Files\MobileRobots\ARNL. The ARNL installation includes the localization and navigation libraries, as well as compatible ARIA libraries. It includes a full API reference manual in the doc subdirectory, as well as example programs in the examples directory.ARNL
ARNL includes arnlServer, an ArNetworking server program which can be used with MobileEyes or custom client software to interactively send the robot to autonomously navigate to goal points.
Refer to ARNL’s README.txt, API reference manual, and the guide Getting Started with ARNL Laser Navigation for more information.
ARNL updates and additional information are available for download at
Mapper3 is an application used for converting and editing maps for use with ARNL, MOGS and MobileSim.
Mapper3 is available for download at
MobileSim is an abstract high level simulator. If you run MobileSim first, ARIA will automatically connect to MobileSim instead of the real robot. This allows software to be tested with the simulator on any computer before using the real robot, without recompilation or any changes.
MobileSim is available for download at
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glass doors and walls
pits without railings or low bumpers
floors with access panels removed
loose cables, hoses, etc.
large, highly-reflective objects
up to 1:12
Step traversal
up to 15 mm (0.6 in.)
Gap traversal
up to 15 mm (0.6 in.)
MobileEyes is a graphical application for remote visualization, teleoperation, and software configuration. It communicates with onboard robot software via the wireless network and the ArNetworking system (included with ARIA), and can run on any PC or laptop.
MobileEyes is used as the user interface to arnlServer, provided with ARNL. It can also be used with any other server program using the ArNetworking protocol. Use MobileEyes to view the status of the robot, send it to goals, teleoperate the robot, modify ARNL and robot configuration parameters, and send custom commands.
MobileEyes is available for download at
ArVideo is a library for acquisition of images from cameras, and optional ArNetworking server components that provide images to MobileEyes or other ArNetworking client software.
ArVideo is available at
Software for Accessory Devices
Additional development libraries for use with some accessory devices and options are provided by MobileRobots or the original manufacturer of the device. These libraries can be downloaded from All other accessory devices are supported in ARIA.
Operating Environment
The Pioneer LX is designed to operate in an environment that is wheelchair accessible. Care must be taken to avoid:
Floors must provide good traction, typical of good walking conditions.
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5° to 40° C (41° to 104° F)
5 to 95%, non-condensing
The Pioneer LX is not intended for use in hazardous environments (explosive gas, water, dust, oil mist). It has an IP rating of IP-40.
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DANGER: This indicates an imminently hazardous electrical situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
DANGER: This indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING: This indicates a potentially hazardous electrical situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or major damage to the equipment.
WARNING: This indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or major damage to the equipment.
CAUTION: This indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor injury or damage to the equipment.
2.3 Dangers, Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
There are six levels of special alert notation used in this manual. In descending order of importance, they are:
NOTE: Notes provide supplementary information, emphasize a point or procedure, or give a tip for easier operation.
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WARNING: If the robot’s E-Stop is triggered, ensure that the cause of the Estop is resolved, and all surrounding areas are clear and safe before releasing the E-Stop.
CAUTION: The following situations could result in minor injury or damage to
the equipment:
What To Do in an Emergency /Abnormal Situation
Press the E-Stop button (a red push-button on a yellow background) and then follow the internal procedures of your company or organization for an emergency situation. If a fire occurs, use a type D extinguisher: foam, dry chemical, or CO2. Releasing the Brakes
In case of an emergency or abnormal situation, the AIV can be manually moved. However, only qualified personnel who have read and understood this manual and the Mobile Robot LD Safety Guide should manually move the platform. The brakes on the drive wheels can be released with the brake release button. This requires battery power, and an E-Stop must be pressed on the AIV.
Releasing an E-Stop
User's Responsibilities
It is the end-user’s responsibility to ensure that the mobile robots are used safely. This includes:
Reading the installation and operation instructions, as well as the Mobile Robot LD Safety Guide,
before using the equipment.
Ensuring that the environment is suitable for safe operation of the AIV.
If a fleet of AIVs (two or more) is installed, the Enterprise Manager must be used, unless no two
robots will ever operate in the same area.
Ensuring that anyone working with or near an AIV has been adequately trained, and is following
this guide and the Mobile Robot LD Safety Guide for safe robot operation.
Ensuring that the AIVs are maintained, so that their control and safety functions are working
General Hazards
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WARNING: The robot can cause serious injury to personnel or damage to itself or other equipment if it drives off of a ledge, such as a loading dock, or down stairs.
Do not ride on the platform.
Do not exceed the maximum weight limit.
Payload decreases as slope increases.
Do not exceed the maximum recommended speed, acceleration, deceleration, or rotation limits.
See Center of Gravity on page 54 and Acceleration, Deceleration, and Rotation Limits on page 49.
Rotational speed becomes more significant when the payload’s center of gravity is farther away
(vertically and/or horizontally) from the platform’s center of gravity.
Do not drop the robot, run it off a ledge, or otherwise operate it in an irresponsible manner.
Do not allow the AIV to drive through an opening that has an automatic gate
Do not get the AIV wet. Do not expose the AIV to rain or moisture.
Do not continue to run the AIV after hair, yarn, string, or any other items have become wound
around the platform’s axles, casters, or wheels.
Do not use unauthorized parts.
Do not turn on the robot without the antennas in place
Although the lasers used are Class 1 (eye-safe), we recommend you not look into them
Falling Hazards
Physical Barriers
The edge of a loading dock, the entrance to downward stairs, any step, or any other substantial drop that is within the robot’s expected operating area should be physically marked so that the robot’s navigation laser will see the barrier, and stop before reaching it. The robot’s navigation laser scans at 203 mm (8 in.), so the barrier must cover at least that height. This needs to be continuous at the site, so that the robot can’t drive around or through it to the dropoff.
Logical Barriers
You should also use forbidden areas, sectors, or lines with several feet of safety zone (padding) before the actual dropoff, to ensure the the robot will not try to drive there. These need to be continuous at the site, so that the robot can’t plan a path to drive around or between them to the dropoff.
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WARNING: The docking station has AC power inside. Its covers are not
CAUTION: Pinch hazard. The covers are held in place with strong magnets, which can pinch you if you are not careful. Follow the instructions in the Maintenance chapter for handling covers.
WARNING: Magnetic fields can be hazardous to pacemaker wearers. Pacemaker wearers stay back 30 cm (12 in.) from the platform covers, which are held in place with strong magnets.
WARNING: Magnetic fields can be hazardous to pacemaker wearers. Pacemaker wearers stay back 30 cm (12 in.) from the underside of the platform, which is exposed during certain maintenance procedures for which the platform is tipped on its side.
Electrical Hazards
Do not use power extension cords with the docking station unless properly rated.
Never access the interior of the platform with the charger attached.
Immediately disconnect the battery after opening the battery compartment door.
Avoid shorting the terminals of the battery.
Do not use any charger not supplied by Omron Adept Technologies, Inc.
If any liquid is spilled on the AIV, power off the AIV, clean up all possible liquid, and allow the
AIV to air dry thoroughly before restoring power.
Pinch Hazard
Robot Covers
Magnetic Field Hazards
Robot Covers
Docking Funnel
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Qualification of Personnel
It is the end-user’s responsibility to ensure that all personnel who will work with or around mobile robots have attended an appropriate Omron training course and have a working knowledge of the system. The user must provide the necessary additional training for all personnel who will be working with the system. As noted in this and the robot user guides, certain procedures should be performed only by skilled or instructed persons. For a description of the level of qualification, we use the standard terms:
Skilled persons have technical knowledge or sufficient experience to enable them to avoid the
dangers, electrical and/or mechanical
Instructed persons are adequately advised or supervised by skilled persons to enable them to
avoid the dangers, electrical and/or mechanical
All personnel must observe industry-prescribed safety practices during the installation,
operation, and testing of all electrically-powered equipment.
WARNING: Before working with the robot, every entrusted person must confirm that they:
Have the necessary qualifications
Have received the guides (both this user’s guide, and the Mobile Robot LD Safety Guide)
Have read the guides
Understand the guides
Will work in the manner specified by the guides
Payload Movement and Transfer
Monitoring and confirmation of the status of robot payload or operation or movement of any added equipment is the end-user’s responsibility. Payload transfer problems must trigger a robot E-Stop, preventing the robot from moving until an Operator has resolved the problem and confirmed that the system is safe to use. This handling of payload transfer problems is the end-user’s responsibility. Providing an interlock between the robot and facility equipment is the user’s responsibility.
Configurable Warning Buzzer
A warning buzzer is available in LD-series Pioneer LX robots, which may be connected to the core if desired. It is the user’s responsibility to connect, test and configure this buzzer as appropriate for the facility in which the robot will be operating. The buzzer will sound whenever the robot is moving backwards or is turning.
Multi-Vehicle Avoidance
WARNING: If two robots are approaching each other, incoming laser beams of laser sensors mounted at
similar horizontal planes may not be detected as reflected beams, reducing or preventing the ability of one robot to sense and avoid the other. Use caution if using multiple robots, and implement additional sensing or position sharing if neccesary for your facility and application.
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WARNING: Personnel who work with or around the robot should not stand close to the robot when it is turning in place (with no forward motion).
General Environmental Conditions
It is the end-user’s responsibility to ensure that the operating environment of the platform remains safe for the platform. If there are areas that are not safe for the platform to travel in, those areas should be physically blocked off so that the platform’s scanning laser will detect the barriers, and the platform will not attempt to drive there. These areas can also be blocked off with forbidden zones in software, but that should be in addition to physical barriers.
Public Access
The platform is designed for operating in indoor industrial or professional environments. It must be deployed in a manner that takes into account potential risks to personnel and equipment. The product is not intended for use in uncontrolled areas without risk analysis, for example, areas open to general public access. Use in such areas may require deployment of additional safety measures.
The platform is designed to operate in an environment that is generally level and has no doors or other restricted areas too narrow for the AIV. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that adequate clearance is maintained on each side of the AIV, so that a person cannot get trapped between the AIV and a wall or other fixed object. You should consult the applicable standards for your area. An exception to side clearance can exist at specific locations where the AIV must get close to platforms, equipment, or other fixed objects.
The primary direction of travel of the LD Platform is forward. When the LD Platform is turning in place, with no forward movement, the detection of an obstacle in its path of rotation will not trigger an E-Stop.
If the AIV will be entering high-traffic areas, the user must take appropriate precautions to alert people in those areas that a robot might enter. If the traffic consists of other machines, the user must adjust the AIV‘s and/or the other machine’s parameters to reduce the risk of a collision.
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Intended Use
The LD Platform-based mobile robots are not intended for use in any of the following situations:
In hazardous (explosive) atmospheres
In the presence of ionizing or non-ionizing radiation
In life-support systems
In residential installations
Where the equipment will be subject to extremes of heat or humidity
In mobile, portable, marine, or aircraft systems
NOTE: The gyroscope used to assist in navigation in LD Platforms requires a stationary environment for optimum accuracy. Therefore, we do not recommend them for use on a ship, train, aircraft, or other moving environment.
WARNING: The instructions for operation, installation, and maintenance given in this guide and the robot user’s guide must be strictly observed.
Non-intended Use
Non-intended use of LD Platforms can:
Cause injury to personnel
Damage the robot or other equipment
Reduce system reliability and performance
LD Platforms are intended for use on generally level floors, in wheelchair-accessible areas.
The body of the robot must not come into contact with liquids. The drive wheels can tolerate
damp floors, but the body of the robot must remain dry.
If there is any doubt concerning the application, ask Omron Adept Technologies, Inc. to
determine if it is an intended use or not.
Robot Modifications
If the user or integrator makes any changes to the platform, it is their responsibility to ensure that there are no sharp edges, corners, or protrusions.
Note that any change to the platform can lead to loss in safety or functionality. It is the responsibility of the user or integrator to ensure that all safety features are operational after modifications.
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Warning Label
A No Riding label is shipped, unattached, with each platform. It is the user’s responsibility to place this in a prominent location on the platform or payload, so Operators will see it. Other warning labels will have been applied at the factory.
Battery Safety
Batteries must be stored upright at 5° to 60° C (41° to 140° F).
Do not expose batteries to water.
If a battery is found to be leaking, do not expose it to water. If possible, submerge it in mineral oil
and contact Omron Adept Technologies, Inc.
In case of a fire, use a type D extinguisher: foam, dry chemical, or CO2.
Additional Safety Information
Omron Adept Technologies, Inc. provides other sources for more safety information:
Mobile Robot LD Safety Guide
The Mobile Robot LD Safety Guide provides detailed information on safety for LD Platform based mobile robots. It also gives resources for information on relevant standards. It ships with each mobile robot.
Help, Documentation and Support
The Pioneer customer support website is This website provides downloads of all manuals, software and device drivers, a searchable knowledge base of information, tips, links to more information and resources on the web, and answers to frequently asked questions about Pioneer research and development robot platforms.
For public questions and discussions on use of ARIA and other software with users of Pioneerplatforms, you may use the aria-users mailing list. See for archives of past discussions and instructions on joining the mailing list.
For public questions and discussions on robot hardware and general robotics topics with other users of Pioneerplatforms, use the pioneer-users mailing list. See users for archives of past discussions and instructions on joining the mailing list.
To contact customer support specialists regarding any questions not answered in this documentation, or to troubleshoot problems with your robot, visit, or email describing your problem. Include your robot’s serial number and a detailed description of your problem or question.
The robot's serial number can be found on a label on the battery door at the rear of the robot. Remove the rear plastic body skin panel to access the battery door.
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Factory Repairs
If after reading this manual, you are having hardware problems with your robot system and are sure that it needs repair, contact us at:
In the body of your e-mail message, provide your robot’s serial number and describe the problem you are having in as much detail as possible.
We will try to resolve the problem through communication. If the robot must be returned to the factory for repair, obtain a Repair Authorization Code and shipping instructions from us first.
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Chapter 2: Setup
This chapter describes unpacking and assembling the Pioneer LX.
Optional accessories ordered with the robot may require additional assembly and configuration. Refer to additional documentation provided for instructions.
Battery Safety Information
CAUTION: Possible battery damage. Immediately charge the battery to a full charge upon receipt to avoid the risk of discharging the battery below a usable state, which would require battery replacement.
Effective April 1, 2016, IATA regulations (UN 3480, PI 965) require that air-shipped lithium ion batteries must be transported at a state of charge not exceeding 30%. To avoid total discharge, fully charge the battery immediately upon receipt.
NOTE: If the battery was not sent by air, it may be fully-charged.
Safety Precautions
Batteries must be stored upright at 5° to 60° C (41° to 140° F)
Do not expose to water
If the battery is found to be leaking, do not expose to water. If possible, submerge in mineral oil
and contact Omron Adept Technologies, Inc..
In case of fire, use a type D extinguisher: foam, dry chemical, or CO2.
Every six months:
lInspect battery for damage or leaks.
Place battery on a charger and allow to fully charge.
Transport and Storage
The Pioneer LX must be shipped and stored in a temperature-controlled environment, between 5° and 70° C (41° to 158° F). The recommended humidity range is 5 to 95%, non-condensing. It should be shipped and stored in the supplied shipping container, which is designed to prevent damage from normal shock and vibration. You should protect the container from excessive shock and vibration.
Use a forklift, pallet jack, or similar device to transport and store the shipping crate.
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The platform must always be stored and shipped in an upright position in a clean, dry area that is free from condensation. Do not lay the crate on its side or any other non-upright position. This could damage the platform.
The crate with pallet for the platform measures 1219 x 711 x 762 mm (48 x 28 x 30 in.), and weighs approx. 95 kg (210 lbs).
Battery Storage
NOTE: If you purchased spare batteries, this section applies to them, also.
The battery is shipped in a separate container, not inside the Pioneer LX. Its crate with pallet measures 457 x 279 x 406 mm (18 x 11 x 16 in.), and weighs 27 kg (60 lbs).
Store the battery at temperatures between 5° and 70° C (41° to 158° F).
If the battery will be stored for an extended period, it should be recharged periodically to avoid total discharge, which will damage the battery. Recharging a battery every six months is sufficient to keep it
charged enough to avoid damage.
Warning: Shipping of the battery must be done in accordance with all applicable rules and restrictions for lithium-based batteries. If returning a battery to MobileRobots, contact technical support.
Before Unpacking the Platform
Carefully inspect all shipping containers for evidence of damage during transit. If any damage is indicated, request that the carrier’s agent be present at the time the container is unpacked.
Before signing the carrier’s delivery sheet, compare the actual items received (not just the packing slip) with your equipment purchase order. Verify that all items are present and that the shipment is correct and free of visible damage.
If the items received do not match the packing slip, or are damaged, do not sign the receipt. If the items received do not match your order, please contact Omron Adept MobileRobots Pioneer
sales or support immediately.
Retain the crates and packaging materials. These items may be necessary to settle claims or, at a later date, to relocate the equipment.
The Pioneer LX comes packed in a wooden crate, lined with foam. It is mounted on a pallet, with a wooden cover. See the following two figures.
The charging station, joystick, and platform are shipped in the same crate.
The battery is shipped in a separate crate.
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Additional optional accessories including cameras, arms, etc. may be shipped in separate boxes.
Retain all parts and fasteners removed for possible repacking
1. Remove the four Klimp clips from the front panel.
2. Remove the two lag screws at the bottom of each end of the crate cover.
3. Undo the four spring-loaded latches and remove the front panel of the crate. Set the front panel
aside. It will be used as a ramp later in this procedure.
4. Slide off the crate cover to reveal the crate, pallet, and contents.
5. Unscrew both eyebolts that screw down through the front and rear braces and into the chassis
support board. There is one brace and eyebolt at each end of the platform. This will lower the platform body so its full weight is on its casters.The chassis support board runs between the two platform drive wheels, and is used to support the platform during transit. Completely remove the eyebolt at the front brace (battery end).
6. Remove the two wing nuts and washers holding the front brace to the crate. The front brace is on
the end of the crate that houses the platform, rather than the docking station and accessories. NOTE: This is the rear of the LD platform, but the front of the crate.
7. Remove the two wing nuts from the top board, which spans the width of the crate, over the
8. Remove the top board.
9. Place the front panel/ramp in front of the platform, to serve as a ramp. Two holes in one end of
the ramp go over hanger bolts that stick up from the crate base. The other end of the ramp has a short taper at its end.
10. Roll the platform down the ramp and onto the floor.
11. Remove the two wheel pins that held the wheels up during transit. The wheels are pinned up to
protect the motors and drives. When you receive your platform, the drive wheels will not touch the ground until you remove the wheel pins. For each side of the platform:
a. Remove the platform side cover. See Removing and Installing Covers on page 127.
b. Lift the wheel slightly to relieve pressure on the pin, and then remove the pin by pulling
the ring that is attached. See the following figures. These pins can be saved for later service of the wheels or drive assemblies.
12. Reinstall the two side covers.
13. Install the battery in the platform.
The platform brakes cannot be released until the battery is installed. Refer to Installing the Battery on.
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CAUTION: You can damage the platform if you lift it incorrectly.
To move the robot, install the battery (see below), power on, and use the brake release button or joystick drive mode.
Lifting the Platform
Use two people to lift the platform out of its crate. Lift ONLY at the points shown.
Front Lifting Points
Lift on each side of the laser, under the upper side of the laser slot.
Do not lift at the center, where the laser is located. There is no frame support there.
Lift the metal frame behind the plastic body panels, not the plastic body panel.
Do not lift anywhere else! Refer to the following figure:
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Upper Side of Laser Slot, at Sides, NOT at Center
Rear Lifting Points
Lift near the center of the platform, where the cover has a raised section.
Do not lift anywhere else.
Lift the metal frame behind the plastic body panels, not the plastic body panel.
Refer to the following figures:
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Bottom of Inner Rear Cover. Lift from the Frame, not the Cover.
Repacking for Relocation
If the platform or other equipment needs to be relocated, reverse the steps in the installation procedures in this chapter. Reuse the original packing crate and materials and follow all safety notes used for installation. Improper packaging for shipment will void your warranty.
The platform must always be shipped in an upright orientation.
Installing a Pioneer LX System
Installing the Battery
Your Pioneer LX comes fully-assembled, but with battery packed separately.
NOTE: The battery is partially discharged for shipping. To fully charge the battery, refer to the section on charging. Air shipping regulations require that the battery be shipped separately, partially discharged.
Refer to Removing and Installing Covers in the Maintenance section for cover removal and installation.
1. Remove the inner rear platform cover.
2. Unlatch and open the battery compartment door, at the back of the platform.
The battery compartment door is capable of being locked. You may need to unlock it.
3. Lift and slide the new battery into the platform body.
The battery weighs 20 kg (44 lbs).
There are recesses at the front and the back of the battery, to aid in lifting it.
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Battery Compartment Door (keys are zip-tied for shipping)
Battery Recesses, for Gripping
The battery is designed to be lifted and replaced by one person, using one hand in each of the grips, as shown in the following figure.
Lifting the Battery
The connectors for power and data go toward the rear of the platform.
4. Attach the battery power and data cables to the connectors at the rear of the battery.
5. Close the battery compartment door to secure the battery in place.
The battery compartment is designed to hold the battery tightly, so that it will not move within the compartment, once the door is closed.
6. Reinstall the inner rear platform cover.
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