Omron NYB17-11, NYB17-12, NYB17-13, NYB1C-11, NYB25-13 User Manual

Industrial PC Platform
Industrial Box PC
User's Manual
NYB17-£1 NYB17-£12 NYB17-£13££ NYB25-£11££ NYB25-£12££ NYB25-£13££ NYB1C-£11££ NYB1C-£12££ NYB1C-£13££
Industrial Box PC
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or other-
wise, without the prior written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover,
because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained
in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation
of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is
any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publica-
Sysmac and SYSMAC are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMRON Corporation in Japan
and other countries for OMRON factory automation products.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.
The SD and SDHC logos are trademarks of SD-3C, LLC.
Intel, the Intel Logo, Celeron and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or
other countries.
Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trade-
marks of their respective companies.
Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.


Thank you for purchasing the Industrial Box PC.
This manual contains information that is necessary to use the Industrial Box PC (hereafter also named
as Box PC). Please read this manual and make sure you understand the functionality and perform-
ance of the Box PC before attempting to use it.
Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during operation.

Intended Audience

This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical sys-
tems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of introducing Factory Automation systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing Factory Automation systems.
• Personnel in charge of installing and maintaining Factory Automation systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing Factory Automation systems and facilities.

Applicable Products

This manual covers following Industrial Box PC products:
Product Model
Industrial Box PC, Intel® Core i7-4700EQ
Industrial Box PC, Intel® Core i5-4300U
Industrial Box PC, Intel® Celeron 2980U
Additional Information
Refer to 1-4 Product Configuration on page 1 - 5 for configuration details.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)


Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
Intended Audience...........................................................................................................................................1
Applicable Products
Manual Information.................................................................................................. 7
Page Structure.................................................................................................................................................7
Special Information .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Terms and Conditions Agreement.......................................................................... 9
Warranty and Limitations of Liability ................................................................................................................ 9
Application Considerations ............................................................................................................................10
Disclaimers ....................................................................................................................................................10
Safety Precautions................................................................................................. 12
Definition of Precautionary Information.......................................................................................................... 12
Symbols ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Warnings........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Cautions......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Precautions for Safe Use ...................................................................................... 16
Disassembly, Dropping, Mounting, Installation and Storage .........................................................................16
Wiring............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Power Supply Design and Turning ON/OFF the Power Supply.....................................................................16
Actual Operation ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
General Communications ..............................................................................................................................18
Battery Replacement .....................................................................................................................................18
Cleaning, Maintenance and Disposal ............................................................................................................18
Precautions for Correct Use ................................................................................. 19
Storage, Installation and Mounting ................................................................................................................19
Wiring............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Actual Operation and Operation ....................................................................................................................20
Battery Replacement .....................................................................................................................................20
SD Memory Cards .........................................................................................................................................20
Regulations and Standards .................................................................................. 21
Conformance to EU Directives ......................................................................................................................21
Conformance to KC Standards......................................................................................................................22
Conformance to UL and CSA Standards.......................................................................................................22
Software Licenses and Copyrights ................................................................................................................22
Related Manuals..................................................................................................... 23
Related Products Manuals............................................................................................................................. 23
Industrial Monitor Manual ..............................................................................................................................23
Terminology and Abbreviations ........................................................................... 24
Industrial PC Platform ...................................................................................................................................24
Hardware ......................................................................................................................................................24
Software......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Revision History..................................................................................................... 26
Sections in this Manual ......................................................................................... 27
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Section 1 Overview
1-1 Intended Use .......................................................................................................................1 - 2
1-2 Hardware Features
1-3 ID Information Label ............................................................................................................1 - 4
1-3-1 Label with Controller License (Optional) ...................................................................................1 - 4
1-4 Product Configuration.........................................................................................................1 - 5
1-5 Industrial PC Platform Overview ........................................................................................1 - 6
1-5-1 Industrial Monitor ......................................................................................................................1 - 6
1-5-2 Industrial Box PC .....................................................................................................................1 - 7
1-5-3 Industrial Panel PC ..................................................................................................................1 - 7
Section 2 Hardware
2-1 Component Names and Functions.....................................................................................2 - 2
2-1-1 Front and T
2-1-2 Back of the Industrial Box PC ...................................................................................................2 - 4
2-2 LED Indicators......................................................................................................................2 - 5
2-2-1 PWR LED Indicator ...................................................................................................................2 - 5
2-2-2 ERR LED Indicator....................................................................................................................2 - 6
2-2-3 HDD LED Indicator....................................................................................................................2 - 6
2-2-4 RUN LED Indicator....................................................................................................................2 - 6
2-3 Power Button........................................................................................................................2 - 7
2-4 Drive Bays ............................................................................................................................2 - 8
2-5 SD Memory Card Slot ..........................................................................................................2 - 9
2-6 PCIe Card Slot ....................................................................................................................2 - 10
2-7 Connectors ......................................................................................................................... 2 - 11
2-7-1 Power Connector ....................................................................................................................2 - 11
2-7-2 I/O Connector..........................................................................................................................2 - 11
2-7-3 USB Connectors .....................................................................................................................2 - 12
2-7-4 Ethernet Connectors ...............................................................................................................2 - 13
2-7-5 DVI Connector.........................................................................................................................2 - 13
2-7-6 RS-232C Connector (Optional) ...............................................................................................2 - 14
2-7-7 DVI-D Connector (Optional) ....................................................................................................2 - 14
2-8 Spare Parts .........................................................................................................................2 - 15
2-8-1 Battery.....................................................................................................................................2 - 15
2-8-2 Fan Unit...................................................................................................................................2 - 15
2-8-3 Accessory Kit ..........................................................................................................................2 - 16
2-9 Optional Hardware .............................................................................................................2 - 17
2-9-1 Mounting Brackets ..................................................................................................................2 - 17
2-9-2 SD Memory Cards...................................................................................................................2 - 17
2-9-3 USB Flash Drives....................................................................................................................2 - 18
2-9-4 Storage Devices......................................................................................................................2 - 18
2-9-5 DVI Cables ..............................................................................................................................2 - 19
2-9-6 USB Type-A to USB Type-B Cables .......................................................................................2 - 19
2-9-7 Industrial Monitor ....................................................................................................................2 - 20
2-9-8 Power Supply ..........................................................................................................................2 - 20
2-9-9 UPS.........................................................................................................................................2 - 21
2-9-10 UPS Communication Cable ....................................................................................................2 - 21
op of the Industrial Box PC .....................................................................................2 - 2
...............................................................................................................1 - 3
Section 3 Software
3-1 Windows Operating System ...............................................................................................3 - 2
3-1-1 Determine Your Version of the Windows Operating Systems ...................................................3 - 2
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
3-1-2 Determine Your Ethernet Ports .................................................................................................3 - 3
3-2 Support Software
3-2-1 Overview IPC Support Software for Windows...........................................................................3 - 4
3-2-2 Installed IPC Support Software .................................................................................................3 - 4
3-2-3 Industrial PC Support Utility .....................................................................................................3 - 5
3-2-4 Rescue Disk Creator .................................................................................................................3 - 9
3-2-5 Industrial PC Tray Utility .........................................................................................................3 - 13
3-2-6 Power Attendant Lite Utility .....................................................................................................3 - 16
.................................................................................................................3 - 4
3-3 Software for Developers....................................................................................................3 - 19
3-3-1 Overview IPC Developer Software for Windows.....................................................................3 - 19
3-3-2 Industrial PC System API .......................................................................................................3 - 19
3-3-3 Industrial Monitor API .............................................................................................................3 - 20
Section 4 Specifications
4-1 General Specifications .......................................................................................................4 - 2
4-1-1 Dimensions and W
4-1-2 General Electrical Specifications...............................................................................................4 - 3
4-1-3 Power Consumption Specifications...........................................................................................4 - 3
4-1-4 CPU Specifications ...................................................................................................................4 - 6
4-1-5 Memory Specifications ..............................................................................................................4 - 7
4-1-6 Storage Device Specifications ..................................................................................................4 - 8
4-1-7 PCIe Card Specifications ........................................................................................................4 - 10
4-1-8 Bracket Specifications.............................................................................................................4 - 12
4-2 Connector Specifications .................................................................................................4 - 13
4-2-1 Power Connector Specifications .............................................................................................4 - 13
4-2-2 I/O Connector Specifications...................................................................................................4 - 14
4-2-3 USB Connector Specifications ................................................................................................4 - 18
4-2-4 Ethernet Connector Specifications..........................................................................................4 - 19
4-2-5 DVI Connector Specifications .................................................................................................4 - 21
4-2-6 DVI-D Connector Specifications..............................................................................................4 - 22
4-2-7 RS-232C Connector Specifications.........................................................................................4 - 23
4-3 Software Specifications ...................................................................................................4 - 24
4-3-1 Available Windows Operating Systems...................................................................................4 - 24
4-3-2 Supported Languages.............................................................................................................4 - 24
4-4 Environmental Specifications...........................................................................................4 - 25
4-4-1 Operation Environment Specifications ....................................................................................4 - 25
4-4-2 Temperature and Humidity Specifications...............................................................................4 - 26
4-4-3 Recycling Specifications .........................................................................................................4 - 28
eight ............................................................................................................4 - 2
Section 5 Installation
5-1 Unpack ..................................................................................................................................5 - 3
5-1-1 Unpack Procedure
5-1-2 Items Supplied ..........................................................................................................................5 - 3
5-2 Install Options ......................................................................................................................5 - 6
5-2-1 Install a Drive ............................................................................................................................5 - 6
5-2-2 Install the PCIe Card ...............................................................................................................5 - 10
5-3 Mount ..................................................................................................................................5 - 15
5-3-1 Installation Method in Control Panels......................................................................................5 - 15
5-3-2 Product Orientation .................................................................................................................5 - 16
5-3-3 Temperature ............................................................................................................................5 - 16
5-3-4 Humidity ..................................................................................................................................5 - 19
5-3-5 Vibration and Shock ................................................................................................................5 - 19
5-3-6 Atmosphere.............................................................................................................................5 - 20
5-3-7 Electrical Environment ............................................................................................................5 - 20
5-3-8 Book Mount Procedure ...........................................................................................................5 - 25
....................................................................................................................5 - 3
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
5-3-9 Wall Mount Procedure.............................................................................................................5 - 26
5-4 W
5-5 Connect...............................................................................................................................5 - 40
5-6 Initial Power ON .................................................................................................................5 - 44
5-7 Install Software ..................................................................................................................5 - 48
5-8 Connect UPS ......................................................................................................................5 - 51
5-9 Create Backup and Repair Data .......................................................................................5 - 58
ire .....................................................................................................................................5 - 27
5-4-1 Wiring Warnings and Cautions................................................................................................5 - 27
5-4-2 Ground ....................................................................................................................................5 - 27
5-4-3 Wire the Power Connector ......................................................................................................5 - 34
5-4-4 Wire the I/O Connector ...........................................................................................................5 - 37
5-5-1 Connector Identification ..........................................................................................................5 - 41
5-5-2 Connection Procedure ............................................................................................................5 - 42
5-6-1 Initial Power ON Procedure.....................................................................................................5 - 44
5-6-2 Windows Startup First Time ....................................................................................................5 - 46
5-7-1 Internet Browser......................................................................................................................5 - 48
5-7-2 Firewall....................................................................................................................................5 - 49
5-7-3 Anti-virus Software ..................................................................................................................5 - 49
5-7-4 Drivers and Custom Software .................................................................................................5 - 50
5-7-5 Activate Windows....................................................................................................................5 - 50
5-7-6 Customize Windows................................................................................................................5 - 50
5-8-1 Connect UPS Using the USB Connector ................................................................................5 - 52
5-8-2 Connect UPS Using the I/O Connector...................................................................................5 - 55
5-9-1 Create a New Rescue Disk with the Rescue Disk Creator .....................................................5 - 59
5-9-2 Create a Windows System Repair Disk and a Windows Backup............................................5 - 61
Section 6 Operating Procedures
6-1 Power ON..............................................................................................................................6 - 2
6-1-1 Power ON Using the Power Button
6-1-2 Power ON Using the Power ON/OFF Input...............................................................................6 - 2
6-1-3 Auto Power ON .........................................................................................................................6 - 2
6-2 Power OFF ............................................................................................................................6 - 3
6-2-1 Power OFF Using the Power Button .........................................................................................6 - 3
6-2-2 Power OFF Using Windows Shut Down ...................................................................................6 - 3
6-2-3 Power OFF Using the Power ON/OFF Input.............................................................................6 - 4
6-2-4 Forced Power OFF Using the Power Button.............................................................................6 - 4
6-3 React to Product Messages ................................................................................................6 - 5
6-4 React to Windows Messages..............................................................................................6 - 6
Section 7 Maintenance
7-1 Preventive Maintenance ......................................................................................................7 - 2
7-1-1 Preventive Maintenance Schedule
7-1-2 Clean the Box PC......................................................................................................................7 - 3
7-1-3 Keep Software Updated ............................................................................................................7 - 3
7-1-4 Create Backup and Repair Data ...............................................................................................7 - 4
7-1-5 Check the Backup and Repair Media...................................................................................... 7 - 11
7-2 Corrective Maintenance ....................................................................................................7 - 13
7-2-1 Warning and Error Messages..................................................................................................7 - 13
7-2-2 Remove the Cover ..................................................................................................................7 - 15
7-2-3 Replace the Fan Unit ..............................................................................................................7 - 16
7-2-4 Replace the Battery.................................................................................................................7 - 18
7-2-5 Replace a Drive.......................................................................................................................7 - 20
7-2-6 Replace the PCIe Card ...........................................................................................................7 - 25
7-2-7 Restore and Repair Data ........................................................................................................7 - 30
............................................................................................7 - 2
...........................................................................................6 - 2
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
7-2-8 Allocate a Drive in Windows....................................................................................................7 - 37
7-2-9 Windows Event V
7-2-10 Windows Low on Memory .......................................................................................................7 - 40
7-2-11 Windows Blue Screens ...........................................................................................................7 - 41
A-1 BIOS ..................................................................................................................................... A - 2
A-1-1 BIOS Overview
A-1-2 BIOS - Main.............................................................................................................................. A - 4
A-1-3 BIOS - Advanced ..................................................................................................................... A - 4
A-1-4 BIOS - Chipset ......................................................................................................................... A - 8
A-1-5 BIOS - Boot .............................................................................................................................. A - 9
A-1-6 BIOS - Security ...................................................................................................................... A - 10
A-1-7 BIOS - Save & Exit................................................................................................................. A - 10
A-2 Customize Windows ......................................................................................................... A - 11
A-2-1 Enhanced Write Filter..............................................................................................................A - 11
A-2-2 File-Based Write Filter............................................................................................................ A - 12
A-2-3 Unified Write Filter.................................................................................................................. A - 14
A-2-4 Trusted Platform Module........................................................................................................ A - 16
A-3 DVI Connector Pin Details................................................................................................ A - 17
A-3-1 DVI-I Connector Pin Details ................................................................................................... A - 17
A-3-2 DVI-D Connector Pin Details.................................................................................................. A - 18
A-4 RS-232C Connector Pin Details....................................................................................... A - 20
iewer............................................................................................................7 - 38
......................................................................................................................... A - 2
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)

Manual Information

5 Installation
5 - 3
-series User's Manual (W555)
5-1 Unpack
5-1-1 Unpack Procedure
This section provides details on how to unpack the Industrial Panel PC.
Unpack Procedure
1 Check the package for damage.
If there is any visible damage:
• Take photos of the package and save them.
• Inform your supplier immediately.
2 Open the package.
Ensure not to damage the contents.
3 Ensure that all items are present.
Additional Information
Refer to 5-1-2 Items Supplied with the Product
for the items supplied.
This section provides information about this manual.

Page Structure

The following page structure is used in this manual.
Manual Information
Note: This illustration is provided as a sample. It will not literally appear in this manual.
Item Explanation Item Explanation
A Level 1 heading E Special Information
B Level 2 heading F Manual name
C Level 3 heading G Page tab with the number of the main section
D Step in a procedure H Page number
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Manual Information

Special Information

Special information in this manual is classified as follows:
Precautions for Safe Use
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.
Precautions for Correct Use
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.
Additional Information
Additional information to read as required. This information is provided to increase understanding or make operation easier.
Version Information
Information on differences in specifications and functionality between different versions.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Warranty and Limitations of Liability

Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workman-
ship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed
in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied.
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based
on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.
Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally
shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-com-
plying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal
to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be re-
sponsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products un-
less Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and main-
tained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any
Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall
not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination
with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or
substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing,
are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.
See or contact your Omron representative for published information.
Limitations of Liability
WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY. Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Com-
panies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Terms and Conditions Agreement

Application Considerations

Suitability for Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations
which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’
er’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and
limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete
determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or
other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the par-
ticular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application re-
sponsibility in all cases.
s application or use of the Product. At Buy-
Programmable Products
• Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product,
or any consequence thereof.
• Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the operation of the user accessible operating sys-
tem (e.g. Windows, Linux), or any consequence thereof.


Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for
the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of
formance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual per-
Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and oth-
er reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed,
or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may
be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or estab-
lish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’
time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
s representative at any
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Errors and Omissions
Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; how-
ever, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)

Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions

Definition of Precautionary Information

The following notation is used in this manual to provide precautions required to ensure safe usage of
the Industrial Box PC. The safety precautions that are provided are extremely important to safety.
Always read and heed the information provided in all safety precautions.
The following notation is used.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoid-
ed, could result in death or serious injury. Additionally
may be severe property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoid-
ed, may result in minor or moderate injury, or property damage.
, there


The circle and slash symbol indicates operations that you must not do. The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text. This example indicates prohibiting disassembly.
The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including warnings). The specific operation is shown in the triangle and explained in text. This example indicates a precaution for electric shock.
The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including warnings). The specific operation is shown in the triangle and explained in text. This example indicates a general precaution.
The filled circle symbol indicates operations that you must do. The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text. This example shows a general precaution for something that you must do.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)


Disassembly and Dropping
Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify the product in any way. Do­ing so may result in malfunction or fire.
Always connect to a ground of 100 Ω or less when installing the product.
Safety Precautions
Ensure that installation and post-installation checks of the product are per­formed by personnel in charge who possess a thorough understanding of the machinery to be installed.
Fail-safe Measures
Provide safety measures in external circuits to ensure safety in the system if an abnormality occurs due to malfunction of the product or due to other ex­ternal factors affecting operation. Not doing so may result in serious acci­dents due to incorrect operation.
Emergency stop circuits, interlock circuit, limit circuits, and similar safety measures must be provided in external control circuits.
Unintended behavior may occur when an error occurs in internal memory of the product. As a countermeasure for such problems, external safety meas­ures must be provided to ensure safe operation of the system.
The use of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) allows normal operation to continue even if a momentary power failure occurs, possibly resulting in the reception of an erroneous signal from an external device affected by the momentary power failure. Take external fail-safe measures. Where neces­sary, monitor the power supply voltage on the system for external devices and use it as an interlock condition.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Safety Precautions
Actual Operation
Security setting adjustments should only be performed by the engineer in charge that possesses a thorough understanding of the security settings. Selecting non-recommended security settings can put your system at risk.
Changing BIOS information is only allowed for the engineer in charge that possesses a thorough understanding of the BIOS settings because it can change the behavior of the product.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)


Industrial PC Platform Product
24 VDC
The product has an internal non-isolated DC power supply. Circuit ground (0 VDC) and frame ground are connected together. When connecting a non­isolated device or a non-isolated interface to the product, take appropriate actions to avoid communication failures or damage to the mentioned ports.
Safety Precautions
Never ground the 24 VDC side of the power supply. This may cause a short circuit.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)

Precautions for Safe Use

Precautions for Safe Use

Disassembly, Dropping, Mounting, Installation and Storage

• Do not drop the product or subject it to abnormal vibration or shock. Doing so may result in product
malfunction or burning.
• When unpacking, check carefully for any external scratches or other damages. Also, shake the
product gently and check for any abnormal sound.
• Always use the devices specified in the relevant manual.
• The product must be installed in a control panel.
• Always install equipment that is included in the product specifications. Not doing so may result in
failure or malfunction.
• If the storage period exceeds 6 months, check the performance of the Fan Unit before production
• Install the product in the correct orientation and temperature according to the specifications in the
manual to prevent overheating. Not doing so may result in malfunction.
• When connecting peripheral devices to the product, ensure sufficient countermeasures against
noise and static electricity during installation of the peripheral devices.


• Follow the instructions in the manual to correctly perform connector wiring and insertion. Double-
• Always ensure connectors, cables, PCIe Cards and Storage devices are completely locked in place
• Before you connect a computer to the product, disconnect the power supply plug of the computer
• Do not bend or pull the cables beyond normal limit. Do not place heavy objects on top of the cables
• Always use power supply wires with sufficient wire diameters to prevent voltage drop and burning.
• Be sure that all mounting bracket screws and cable connector screws are tightened to the torque
• Use crimp terminals for wiring.
check all wiring and connector insertion before turning ON the power supply.
to prevent accidental disconnection.
from the AC outlet. Also, if the computer has an FG terminal, make the connections so that the FG
terminal has the same electrical potential as the product. A difference in electrical potential between
the computer and the product may cause failure or malfunction.
or other wiring lines. Doing so may break the cables.
Make sure that the current capacity of the wire is sufficient. Otherwise, excessive heat may be gen-
erated. When cross-wiring terminals, the total current for all the terminals will flow in the wire. When
wiring cross-overs, make sure that the current capacity of each of the wires is not exceeded.
specified in the relevant manuals. The loose screws may result in fire or malfunction.

Power Supply Design and Turning ON/OFF the Power Supply

• Always use a power supply that provides power within the rated range.
• Do not perform a dielectric strength test.
• Always use the recommended uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to prevent data loss and other
system file integrity issues caused by unexpected power interruption. Back up the system files in the
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Precautions for Safe Use
planned way to prevent data loss and other system file integrity issues caused by incorrect
• Use an Omron S8BA UPS with the correct revision number to prevent improper system shutdown.
Power ON after the DVI cable is connected between the product and an external monitor.
• Always check the power supply and power connections before applying power. Incorrect power con-
nections can damage the product or cause burning.
• Always turn OFF the power supply to system before you attempt any of the following.
• Inserting or removing PCIe Cards
• Connecting cables
• Connecting or disconnecting the connectors
• Wiring the system
• Replacing or removing the HDD/SSD
• Replacing the Battery
• Replacing the Fan Unit

Actual Operation

• Choose a OS password that is not obvious to prevent unauthorized access.
Remember the OS user name and password. The product is inaccessible without it.
Before operating the system , please make sure the appropriate software is installed and config-
ured. Doing so may prevent unexpected operation.
• Install all updates and ensure the browser stays up-to-date.
• Install all updates and ensure the firewall stays up-to-date.
• Make sure that your OS environment is protected against malicious software and viruses.
• Install all updates and ensure virus definitions stay up-to-date.
• Do not remove the fan cover while the power is ON. Contact with a rotating fan may result in injury.
• Virtual memory settings can affect the performance of the system. Disable the paging file after in-
stallation of applications or updates.
• Correctly perform wiring and setting, and ensure that the shutdown by the UPS can be executed.
• Always use the SMART monitoring feature for storage devices that do not comply to the Omron
Storage Device Specifications. Monitor the operating temperature and vibrations to ensure they stay
within the environmental specifications of the storage device.


• Do not carry out the following operations when accessing a USB device or an SD Memory Card.
urn OFF the power supply of the product.
• Press the Power Button of the product.
• Remove a USB device or SD memory card.
• Do not attempt to remove or touch the fan unit while the product is powered ON or immediately after
the power supply is turned OFF. If you attempt to replace the fan unit then, there is a risk of personal
injury due to hot or rotating parts.
• Press the power button for several seconds to force the product shutdown. Always back up files in
the planned way to prevent data loss or system file corruption.
• Do not touch any product housing when power is being supplied or immediately after the power sup-
ply is turned OFF. Doing so may result in burn injury.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Precautions for Safe Use

General Communications

• Separate the machine network segment from the office network to avoid communication failures.

Battery Replacement

• Dispose of any Battery that has been dropped on the floor or otherwise subjected to excessive
shock. Batteries that have been subjected to shock may leak if they are used.
UL standards require that only an experienced engineer replace the Battery. Make sure that an ex-
perienced engineer is in charge of Battery replacement.
The Battery may leak, rupture, heat, or ignite. Never short-circuit, charge, disassemble, heat, or in-
cinerate the Battery or subject it to strong shock.

Cleaning, Maintenance and Disposal

• Do not use corrosive substances to clean the product. Doing so may result in the failure or malfunc-
Dispose of the product and batteries according to local ordinances as they apply.
• The following information must be displayed for all products that contain primary lithium batteries
with a perchlorate content of 6 ppb or higher when shipped to or transported through the State of
California, USA.
Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply.
See http://www
• The product contains a lithium battery with a perchlorate content of 6ppb or higher. When exporting
an end product containing the product to or shipping through California, USA, label all packing and
shipping containers appropriately.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)

Precautions for Correct Use

Storage, Installation and Mounting

• Do not operate or store the product in the following locations. Operation may stop or malfunctions
may occur.
• Locations subject to direct sunlight
• Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified in the specifications
• Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in temperature
• Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases
• Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts
• Locations subject to exposure to water, oil or chemicals
• Locations subject to shock or vibration
• Locations outdoors subject to direct wind and rain
• Locations subject to strong ultraviolet light
• Always install the product with sufficient surrounding space to allow for adequate heat dissipation
and cooling effect.
• Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing the product in the following loca-
• Locations subject to strong, high-frequency noise
• Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise
• Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields
• Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
• Locations close to power lines
• Always touch a grounded piece of metal to discharge static electricity from your body before starting
an installation or maintenance procedure.
• Insert USB devices and PCIe devices correctly to avoid the burning, failure or malfunction.
• Execute a backup of the product before PCIe addition or replacement. Be sure that the PCIe device
works correctly before you use them for actual operation. PCIe devices and their related software
may cause an OS boot failure or crash.
• Ensure the selected operating system supports ACPI to enable operating system shutdown using
the power button.
• Download the enhanced Video Driver from the OMRON Download Center and install it on the Indus-
trial PC.
Precautions for Correct Use


• Always ensure the rated supply voltage is connected to the product.
• Do not allow wire clippings, shavings, or other foreign material to enter the product. Otherwise, burn-
ing, failure, or malfunction may occur. Cover the product or take other suitable countermeasures, es-
pecially during wiring work.
• Do not use cables exceeding the maximum specified length. Doing so may cause malfunction.
• Do not connect an AC power supply to the DC power connector.
• Observe the following precautions to prevent broken wires.
• When you remove the sheath, be careful not to damage the conductor.
• Connect the conductor without twisting the wires.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Precautions for Correct Use
• Do not weld the conductors. Doing so may cause the wires to break with vibration.

Actual Operation and Operation

• After an OS update or a peripheral device driver update for the product is executed, the product be-
havior might be dif
Always create a Windows System Repair Disk using Windows Backup and Restore to recover the
HDD/SSD configuration if necessary.
• Ensure the fan is operational to provide adequate cooling while the power is turned ON.
• HDD and SSD storage devices, SD Memory Cards, power buttons, fan units and batteries have fi-
nite lives and if those are exceeded, the product may fail or malfunction.
• Always monitor the fan status. If a fan is used beyond its service life, the Low Revolution Speed
warning message is displayed and the product overheating may occur.
• Always monitor the battery warning message. When a battery has low voltage, the system time will
be lost.
• If the product experiences a sudden loss of power or disconnecting the cable while saving a setting
or transfer of data is underway, the changes may not be stored and unexpected behavior may occur.
• Ensure that available software checks are performed by personnel in charge who possess a thor-
ough understanding of the software.
• Diagnostic information is not available when the Industrial PC Support Utility is not installed.
ferent. Confirm that operation is correct before you start actual operation.

Battery Replacement

• Turn ON the power after replacing the battery for a product that has been unused for an extended
period of time. Leaving the product unused without turning ON the power even once after the battery
is replaced may result in a shorter battery life.
Make sure to use a battery of the correct type, install the battery properly.
Apply power for at least five minutes before changing the battery. Mount a new battery within five
minutes after turning OFF the power supply. If power is not supplied for at least five minutes, the
clock data may be lost. Check the clock data after changing the battery.

SD Memory Cards

• Insert an SD Memory Card completely and ensure it is in place.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)

Regulations and Standards

Conformance to EU Directives

The Industrial Box PC complies with EU Directives. To ensure that the machine or device in which the
Industrial Box PC is used complies with EU Directives, the following precautions must be observed:
• The Industrial Box PC must be installed within a control panel.
• The Industrial Box PC that complies with EU Directives also conforms to the Common Emission
Standard. Radiated emission characteristics (10-m regulations) may vary depending on the configu-
ration of the control panel used, other devices connected to the control panel, wiring, and other con-
ditions. You must therefore confirm that the overall machine or equipment in which the Industrial Box
PC is used complies with EU Directives.
• This is a Class A product (for industrial environments). In a residential environment, it may cause
radio interference. If radio interference occurs, the user may be required to take appropriate meas-
Regulations and Standards
Applicable Directive
EMC Directive
EMC Directive
OMRON devices that comply with EU Directives also conform to the related EMC standards so that
they can be more easily built into other devices or the overall machine. The actual products have been
checked for conformity to EMC standards.
Applicable EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards are as follows:
• EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility): EN 61131-2
• EMI (Electromagnetic Interference): EN 61131-2 (Radiated emission: 10-m regulations)
Whether the products conform to the standards in the system used by the customer, however, must be
checked by the customer. EMC-related performance of the OMRON devices that comply with EU Di-
rectives will vary depending on the configuration, wiring, and other conditions of the equipment or con-
trol panel on which the OMRON devices are installed. The customer must, therefore, perform the final
check to confirm that devices and the overall machine conform to EMC standards.
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Regulations and Standards

Conformance to KC Standards

Observe the following precaution if you use Industrial PC Platform products in Korea.
Class A Device (Broadcasting Communications Device for Office Use).
This device obtained EMC registration for office use (Class A), and it is intended to be used in places
other than homes.
Sellers and/or users need to take note of this.

Conformance to UL and CSA Standards

Some Industrial PC Platform products comply with UL and CSA standards. If you use a product that
complies with UL or CSA standards and must apply those standards to your machinery or devices,
refer to this manual. This manual provides the application conditions for complying with the standards.
If the product is used in a manner not specified in the Instruction Sheet or in the product manuals then
the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.

Software Licenses and Copyrights

This product incorporates certain third party software. The license and copyright information associat-
ed with this software is available at
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)

Related Manuals

The following manuals are related. Use these manuals for reference.

Related Products Manuals

Related Manuals
UPS S8BA User's Manual
UPS Setting Utili­ty Instruction Manual
UPS Power Attendant Lite for Win­dows User's Manual
U702 S8BA Learning the information
--- S8BA Learning the information
Model num-
Application Description
that is necessary to use the Uninterruptible Pow­er Supply (UPS) Unit.
Learning the information that is necessary to con­nect the UPS and to con­figure all settings.
that is necessary to use the software to monitor, test and control the UPS and to configure all set­tings.
An introduction to the UPS is provided along with the following information:
Installation and Connection
Check and Start Operation
Maintenance and Inspection
Shutdown Processing
I/O Signal Functions
An introduction to the UPS Setting Utility is provided along with the following informa­tion:
Operating Environment
Software License Agreement
Use the UPS Setting Utility
Setting Details
An introduction to the software is provided along with the following information:
Connection and Installation
The Simple Usage and Operation Test

Industrial Monitor Manual

This table contains the related manual of the Industrial Monitor.
Industrial Monitor User’
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Model num-
Application Description
Learning all basic information about the Industrial Monitor. This includes introductory information with features, hardware overview specifications, mounting, wiring, connecting, operating and main­taining the Industrial Monitor.
An introduction to the Industrial Monitor is provided along with the following information:
Operating Procedures

Terminology and Abbreviations

Terminology and Abbreviations

Industrial PC Platform

Term / Abbreviation Description
Industrial PC Platform An integrated range of OMRON products designed for use in any industrial applica-
tion that will benefit from advanced PC technology
Industrial Monitor An industrial monitor with a touchscreen as the user interface designed to work in
industrial environments
Industrial Panel PC An industrial PC with an integrated touchscreen monitor designed to work in indus-
trial environments
Industrial Box PC A box-shaped industrial PC including an OS designed to work in industrial environ-
IPC Industrial PC
Sysmac OMRON’s brand name of the product family for the industrial automation equip-


Term / Abbreviation Description
BMC Board Management Controller
CPU A Central Processing Unit is the hardware within a computer that executes the in-
DVI Digital Visual Interface
DVI-D A Digital Visual Interface with only Digital signals
DVI-I A Digital Visual Interface with Analog and Digital signals
Ethernet A network communication protocol used in TCP/IP network
HDD A Hard Disk Drive storage device
HMI A Human Machine Interface that facilitates machine operation and control
iMLC Industrial Multi-Level Cell type of SSD storage device
PCIe The PCI Express is a high-speed computer bus standard called Peripheral Compo-
SATA The Serial AT Attachment is a serial bus interface primarily used with mass storage
SLC Single-Level Cell type of SSD storage device
SO-DIMM Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
SSD A Solid State Drive storage device
USB Universal Serial Bus
structions of a computer program
nent Interconnect Express
devices such as hard disk drives


Term / Abbreviation Description
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface protocol for operating systems
API Application Programming Interface
BIOS Basic Input Output System. The first software run by a PC when powered on.
Developer Any person involved with the development of software
DST Daylight Saving Time
EWF Enhanced Write Filter
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Terminology and Abbreviations
Term / Abbreviation Description
FBWF File-Based Write Filter
IIoT Industrial Internet of Things
Linux An open source Operating System
MBR Master Boot Record
Merge module A module providing a standard method by which developers deliver shared Win-
dows installer components and setup logic to their applications
MSDN Microsoft Developer Network
NUI Natural User Interface
OS Operating System
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
RTOS Realtime Operating System
SDK Software Development Kit
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, a core member of the Internet
protocol suite
TPM Trusted Platform Module
VxWorks A Realtime Operating System designed by Wind River
Windows An Operating System designed by Microsoft
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Cat. No.
Revision code

Revision History

Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front and back covers of the
Revision code Date Revised content
03 May 2017
02 December 2016
01 August 2016
Added operating system Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSB
Added Storage Device Considerations
Modified UPS configuration procedure
Several minor modifications
UL implementation
KC Standard implementation
Minor modifications
Original production
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)

Sections in this Manual

Operating Procedures
Sections in this Manual
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
Sections in this Manual
NY-series Industrial Box PC User's Manual (W553)
+ 214 hidden pages