Omron NX, NX1P2, NX1P2-11, NX1P2-10***1, NX1P2-10 User Manual

Machine Automation Controller
NX1P2 CPU Unit
Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual
NX1P2-11 NX1P2-111 NX1P2-10 NX1P2-101 NX1P2-90 NX1P2-901
CPU Unit
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Neverthe­less, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
• Sysmac and SYSMAC are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMRON Corporation in Japan and other countries for OMRON factory automation products.
• Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Excel, and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
• EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
• ODVA, CIP, CompoNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP are trademarks of ODVA.
• The SD and SDHC logos are trademarks of SD-3C, LLC.
Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.


Thank you for purchasing an NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit.
This manual contains information that is necessary to use the NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit. Please read this manual and make sure you understand the functionality and performance of the NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit before you attempt to use it in a control system.
Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during operation.

Intended Audience

This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical sys­tems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of installing and maintaining FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
For programming, this manual is intended for personnel who understand the programming language specifications in international standard IEC 61131-3 or Japanese standard JIS B 3503.

Applicable Products

This manual covers the following products.
• NX-series NX1P2 CPU Units
• NX1P2-11
• NX1P2-111
• NX1P2-10
• NX1P2-101
• NX1P2-90
• NX1P2-901
Part of the specifications and restrictions for the CPU Units are given in other manuals. Refer to Rele- vant Manuals on page 7 and Related Manuals on page 19.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)


Introduction ..............................................................................................................1
Intended Audience....................................................................................................................................... 1
Applicable Products..................................................................................................................................... 1
Relevant Manuals .....................................................................................................7
Manual Structure ......................................................................................................8
Page Structure............................................................................................................................................. 8
Special Information...................................................................................................................................... 9
Precaution on Terminology.......................................................................................................................... 9
Terms and Conditions Agreement ........................................................................10
Warranty, Limitations of Liability ................................................................................................................ 10
Application Considerations ........................................................................................................................ 11
Disclaimers ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Safety Precautions .................................................................................................12
Precautions for Safe Use....................................................................................... 13
Precautions for Correct Use.................................................................................. 14
Regulations and Standards...................................................................................15
Versions ..................................................................................................................16
Checking Versions..................................................................................................................................... 16
Unit Versions of CPU Units and Sysmac Studio Versions.........................................................................18
Related Manuals .....................................................................................................19
Terminology ............................................................................................................23
Revision History .....................................................................................................28
Sections in this Manual .........................................................................................29
Section 1 Introduction to NX1P2 CPU Units
1-1 Function Specifications for NX1P2 CPU Units ................................................................... 1-2
1-2 Overall Operating Procedure................................................................................................ 1-7
1-2-1 Overall Operating Procedure ...................................................................................................... 1-7
1-2-2 Procedure Details........................................................................................................................ 1-8
Section 2 Built-in I/O
2-1 Built-in I/O Terminal Allocation ............................................................................................2-2
2-1-1 Terminal Arrangement.................................................................................................................2-2
2-2 I/O Data Specifications.......................................................................................................... 2-5
2-2-1 NX1P2-24DT/-24DT1..................................................................................................... 2-5
2-2-2 NX1P2-40DT/-40DT1..................................................................................................... 2-6
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
2-3 Built-in I/O Functions ............................................................................................................ 2-7
2-4 Settings .................................................................................................................................. 2-8
2-4-1 Built-in I/O Settings..................................................................................................................... 2-8
2-4-2 I/O Map....................................................................................................................................... 2-9
2-5 Functions ............................................................................................................................. 2-10
2-5-1 Input Filter................................................................................................................................. 2-10
2-5-2 Output Load Rejection Setting.................................................................................................. 2-12
2-6 I/O Refreshing ...................................................................................................................... 2-13
2-6-1 I/O Refresh Timing of Built-in I/O.............................................................................................. 2-13
2-6-2 I/O Response Time of Built-in I/O............................................................................................. 2-15
Section 3 Option Boards
3-1 Option Board Types .............................................................................................................. 3-2
3-1-1 Serial Communications Option Boards.......................................................................................3-3
3-1-2 Analog I/O Option Boards........................................................................................................... 3-3
3-2 Using Option Boards............................................................................................................. 3-4
3-2-1 Settings....................................................................................................................................... 3-4
3-2-2 System-defined Variables........................................................................................................... 3-9
3-2-3 Device Variables ....................................................................................................................... 3-10
3-2-4 Assigning Device Variables to Option Boards ...........................................................................3-11
3-2-5 Instructions Used for Option Boards......................................................................................... 3-13
3-2-6 How Option Boards Operate in Case of an Error ..................................................................... 3-14
Section 4 Serial Communications
4-1 Serial Communications Types and Overview ..................................................................... 4-2
4-2 Programless Communications with NB-series Programmable Terminals....................... 4-4
4-2-1 Overview..................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4-2-2 Procedure ................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4-2-3 Settings....................................................................................................................................... 4-6
4-2-4 Programming .............................................................................................................................. 4-8
4-2-5 Connection Examples................................................................................................................. 4-9
4-3 Programless Communications with E5C Digital Temperature Controllers ................ 4-10
4-3-1 Overview................................................................................................................................... 4-10
4-3-2 Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 4-12
4-3-3 Settings..................................................................................................................................... 4-14
4-3-4 Programming ............................................................................................................................ 4-17
4-3-5 Connection Examples............................................................................................................... 4-17
4-4 Connection with Modbus-RTU Slaves............................................................................... 4-18
4-4-1 Overview................................................................................................................................... 4-18
4-4-2 Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 4-19
4-4-3 Settings..................................................................................................................................... 4-21
4-4-4 Programming ............................................................................................................................ 4-22
4-4-5 Connection Examples............................................................................................................... 4-24
4-5 Connection with General-purpose Serial Communications Devices ............................. 4-25
4-5-1 Overview................................................................................................................................... 4-25
4-5-2 Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 4-26
4-5-3 Settings..................................................................................................................................... 4-28
4-5-4 Programming ............................................................................................................................ 4-29
Section 5 Analog I/O
5-1 Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 5-2
5-1-1 Analog I/O Option Boards........................................................................................................... 5-2
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
5-1-2 Part Names and Functions..........................................................................................................5-2
5-1-3 Terminal Arrangement.................................................................................................................5-3
5-1-4 Input Range and Output Range ..................................................................................................5-3
5-2 Procedure............................................................................................................................... 5-5
5-3 Settings .................................................................................................................................. 5-6
5-3-1 Option Board Settings.................................................................................................................5-6
5-3-2 Device Variables .........................................................................................................................5-7
5-4 Programming ......................................................................................................................... 5-8
5-4-1 I/O Data....................................................................................................................................... 5-8
5-4-2 Option Board Status....................................................................................................................5-9
5-4-3 Special Instructions for Analog I/O Option Boards...................................................................... 5-9
5-4-4 Precautions on Supported Functions........................................................................................5-10
5-5 Wiring ................................................................................................................................... 5-11
5-6 I/O Refreshing ...................................................................................................................... 5-12
5-6-1 I/O Refresh Operation...............................................................................................................5-12
5-6-2 Response Time .........................................................................................................................5-13
Section 6 Introduction of Motion Control Functions
6-1 Single-axis Position Control................................................................................................. 6-3
6-1-1 Outline of Operation....................................................................................................................6-3
6-1-2 Absolute Positioning....................................................................................................................6-4
6-1-3 Relative Positioning.....................................................................................................................6-4
6-1-4 Interrupt Feeding.........................................................................................................................6-5
6-1-5 Cyclic Synchronous Positioning.................................................................................................. 6-6
6-1-6 Stopping......................................................................................................................................6-7
6-1-7 Override Factors .......................................................................................................................6-13
6-2 Single-axis Synchronized Control ..................................................................................... 6-14
6-2-1 Overview of Synchronized Control............................................................................................6-14
6-2-2 Gear Operation .........................................................................................................................6-14
6-2-3 Positioning Gear Operation....................................................................................................... 6-15
6-2-4 Cam Operation..........................................................................................................................6-16
6-2-5 Cam Tables ...............................................................................................................................6-17
6-2-6 Synchronous Positioning...........................................................................................................6-25
6-2-7 Combining Axes ........................................................................................................................6-26
6-2-8 Master Axis Phase Shift ............................................................................................................6-27
6-2-9 Slave Axis Position Compensation............................................................................................6-27
6-2-10 Achieving Synchronized Control in Multi-motion.......................................................................6-28
6-3 Single-axis Velocity Control ............................................................................................... 6-30
6-3-1 Velocity Control.........................................................................................................................6-30
6-3-2 Cyclic Synchronous Velocity Control......................................................................................... 6-31
6-4 Single-axis Torque Control................................................................................................. 6-32
6-5 Common Functions for Single-axis Control ..................................................................... 6-33
6-5-1 Positions....................................................................................................................................6-33
6-5-2 Velocity......................................................................................................................................6-35
6-5-3 Acceleration and Deceleration .................................................................................................. 6-36
6-5-4 Jerk ...........................................................................................................................................6-38
6-5-5 Specifying the Operation Direction............................................................................................6-39
6-5-6 Re-executing Motion Control Instructions .................................................................................6-43
6-5-7 Multi-execution of Motion Control Instructions (Buffer Mode) ................................................... 6-48
6-6 Multi-axes Coordinated Control ......................................................................................... 6-54
6-6-1 Outline of Operation..................................................................................................................6-54
6-6-2 Linear Interpolation ...................................................................................................................6-57
6-6-3 Circular Interpolation.................................................................................................................6-58
6-6-4 Axes Group Cyclic Synchronous Positioning............................................................................6-58
6-6-5 Stopping Under Multi-axes Coordinated Control.......................................................................6-59
6-6-6 Overrides for Multi-axes Coordinated Control...........................................................................6-61
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
6-7 Common Functions for Multi-axes Coordinated Control ................................................ 6-62
6-7-1 Velocity Under Multi-axes Coordinated Control........................................................................ 6-62
6-7-2 Acceleration and Deceleration Under Multi-axes Coordinated Control .................................... 6-63
6-7-3 Jerk for Multi-axes Coordinated Control ...................................................................................6-64
6-7-4 Re-executing Motion Control Instructions for Multi-axes Coordinated Control ......................... 6-65
6-7-5 Multi-execution (Buffer Mode) of Motion Control Instructions for Multi-axes Coordinated
6-8 Other Functions................................................................................................................... 6-74
6-8-1 Changing the Current Position.................................................................................................. 6-74
6-8-2 Torque Limit .............................................................................................................................. 6-75
6-8-3 Latching .................................................................................................................................... 6-75
6-8-4 Zone Monitoring........................................................................................................................ 6-76
6-8-5 Software Limits ......................................................................................................................... 6-77
6-8-6 Following Error Monitoring........................................................................................................ 6-78
6-8-7 Following Error Counter Reset ................................................................................................. 6-79
6-8-8 Axis Following Error Monitoring ................................................................................................ 6-80
6-8-9 In-position Check ...................................................................................................................... 6-80
6-8-10 Changing Axis Use ................................................................................................................... 6-82
6-8-11 Enabling Digital Cam Switch..................................................................................................... 6-83
6-8-12 Displaying 3D Motion Monitor for User Coordinate System ..................................................... 6-84
Section 7 Introduction of EtherNet/IP Communications Functions
7-1 Communications Services.................................................................................................... 7-2
7-1-1 CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) Communications Services ................................................... 7-2
7-1-2 BOOTP Client............................................................................................................................. 7-4
7-1-3 FTP Server ................................................................................................................................. 7-4
7-1-4 FTP Client................................................................................................................................... 7-5
7-1-5 Automatic Clock Adjustment....................................................................................................... 7-5
7-1-6 Socket Service............................................................................................................................ 7-6
7-1-7 Specifying Host Names ............................................................................................................. 7-7
7-1-8 SNMP Agent ............................................................................................................................... 7-7
Section 8 Introduction of EtherCAT Communications Functions
8-1 Overview of Communications .............................................................................................. 8-2
8-1-1 Process Data Communications and SDO Communications ....................................................... 8-2
8-1-2 Other Functions .......................................................................................................................... 8-3
Section 9 Troubleshooting
9-1 Overview of Troubleshooting............................................................................................... 9-2
9-2 Option Board Errors.............................................................................................................. 9-3
9-2-1 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the ERR Indicator on Option Boards ................. 9-3
A-1 Version Information...............................................................................................................A-2
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Relevant Manuals

The following table provides the relevant manuals for the NX-series NX1P2 CPU Units. Read all of the manuals that are relevant to your system configuration and application before you use the NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit.
Most operations are performed from the Sysmac Studio Automation Software. Refer to the Sysmac Stu- dio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for information on the Sysmac Studio.
Basic information
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit
Hardware User’s Manual
Purpose of use
Software User’s Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
Relevant Manuals
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit
Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual
Instructions Reference Manual
Motion Control User’s Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
Motion Control Instructions Reference Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual
Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
Troubleshooting Manual
Introduction to NX1P2 CPU Units
Setting devices and hardware
Using motion control
Using EtherCAT
Using EtherNet/IP
Software settings
Using motion control
Using EtherCAT
Using EtherNet/IP
Using the NX1P2 CPU Unit functions
Writing the user program
Using motion control 
Using EtherCAT
Using EtherNet/IP
Programming error processing
Using the NX1P2 CPU Unit functions
Testing operation and debugging
Using motion control
Using EtherCAT
Using EtherNet/IP
Using the NX1P2 CPU Unit functions
Learning about error management and
Using motion control
Using EtherCAT
Using EtherNet/IP
*1. Refer to the NJ/NX-series Troubleshooting Manual (Cat. No. W503) for the error management concepts and the error
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Manual Structure

4 Installation and Wiring
NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (W500)
s t i n U g n i t n u o M 3 - 4
s t n e n o p m o C r e l l o r t n o C g n i t c e n n o C 1 - 3 - 4
4-3 Mounting Units
The Units that make up an NJ-series Controller can be connected simply by pressing the Units together and locking the sliders by moving them toward the back of the Units. The End Cover is connected in the same way to the Unit on the far right side of the Controller.
1 Join the Units so that the connectors fit exactly.
2 The yellow sliders at the top and bottom of each Unit lock the Units together. Move the sliders
toward the back of the Units as shown below until they click into place.
Precautions for Correct Use Precautions for Correct Use
4-3-1 Connecting Controller Components
Hook holes
Move the sliders toward the back until they lock into place.
Level 1 heading Level 2 heading Level 3 heading
Level 2 heading
A step in a procedure
Manual name
Special information
Level 3 heading
Page tab
Gives the current headings.
Indicates a procedure.
Icons indicate precautions, additional information, or reference information.
Gives the number of the main section.
The sliders on the tops and bottoms of the Power Supply Unit, CPU Unit, I/O Units, Special I/O Units, and CPU Bus Units must be completely locked (until they click into place) after connecting the adjacent Unit connectors.
Manual Structure

Page Structure

The following page structure is used in this manual.
Note This illustration is provided only as a sample. It may not literally appear in this manual.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
Precautions for Safe Use
Precautions for Correct Use
Additional Information
Version Information

Special Information

Special information in this manual is classified as follows:
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.
Manual Structure
Additional information to read as required.
This information is provided to increase understanding or make operation easier.
Information on differences in specifications and functionality for CPU Units with different unit versions and for different versions of the Sysmac Studio is given.
Note References are provided to more detailed or related information.

Precaution on Terminology

In this manual, “download” refers to transferring data from the Sysmac Studio to the physical Controller and “upload” refers to transferring data from the physical Controller to the Sysmac Studio.
For the Sysmac Studio, synchronization is used to both upload and download data. Here, “synchronize” means to automatically compare the data for the Sysmac Studio on the computer with the data in the physical Controller and transfer the data in the direction that is specified by the user.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Warranty, Limitations of Liability

Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workman­ship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.
Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-com­plying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combi­nation with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materi­als or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.
See or contact your Omron representative for published information.
Limitation on Liability; Etc
Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Application Considerations

Suitability of Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a com­plete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, sys­tem, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take applica­tion responsibility in all cases.
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Programmable Products
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.


Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual perfor­mance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.
Errors and Omissions
Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; how­ever, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions
Refer to the following manuals for safety precautions.
• NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W578)
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Precautions for Safe Use

Refer to the following manuals for precautions for safe use.
• NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W578)
Precautions for Safe Use
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Precautions for Correct Use

Precautions for Correct Use
Refer to the following manuals for precautions for correct use.
• NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W578)
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Regulations and Standards

Refer to the following manuals for regulations and standards.
• NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W578)
Regulations and Standards
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)


PORT1 :  PORT2 :  Ver.1. HW Rev. LOT No. DDMYY xxxx
ID information indication
Lot number Serial number
Unit version
MAC address
Hardware revision
Hardware revisions and unit versions are used to manage the hardware and software in NX-series Units and EtherCAT slaves.
The hardware revision or unit version is updated each time there is a change in hardware or software specifications. Even when two Units or EtherCAT slaves have the same model number, they will have functional or performance differences if they have different hardware revisions or unit versions.

Checking Versions

You can check versions in the ID information indications on the product or with the Sysmac Studio.
Checking Unit Versions on ID Information Indications
The unit version is given on the ID information indication on the side of the product.
The ID information on an NX-series NX1P2- CPU Unit is shown below.
Note The hardware revision is not displayed for the Unit that the hardware revision is in blank.
Checking Unit Versions with the Sysmac Studio
Checking the Unit Version of a Unit
You can use the Production Information while the Sysmac Studio is online to check the unit version of a Unit.
You can do this for the CPU Unit, NX Units on the CPU Rack, and Option Boards.
Use the following procedure to check the unit version.
1 Right-click CPU Rack under Configurations and Setup - CPU/Expansion Racks in the Multi-
view Explorer and select Display Production Information.
The Production Information Dialog Box is displayed.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
2 Click the Show Detail or Show Outline Button at the lower right of the Production Information
Dialog Box.
The view will change between the production information details and outline.
Outline View Detail View
The information that is displayed is different for the Outline View and Detail View. The Detail View displays the unit version, hardware version, and software versions. The Outline View displays only the unit version.
Note The hardware revision is separated by “/” and displayed on the right of the hardware version. The hard-
ware revision is not displayed for the Unit that the hardware revision is in blank.
Checking the Unit Version of an EtherCAT Slave
You can use the Production Information while the Sysmac Studio is online to check the unit version of an EtherCAT slave. Use the following procedure to check the unit version.
1 Double-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup in the Multiview Explorer. Or,
right-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup and select Edit from the menu.
The EtherCAT Tab Page is displayed for the Controller Configurations and Setup Layer.
2 Right-click the master on the EtherCAT Tab Page and select Display Production Information.
The Production Information Dialog Box is displayed.
The unit version is displayed after “Rev.”
Changing Information Displayed in Production Information Dialog Box
1 Click the Show Detail or Show Outline Button at the lower right of the Production Information
Dialog Box.
The view will change between the production information details and outline.
Outline View Detail View
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Unit Versions of CPU Units and Sysmac Studio Versions

The functions that are supported depend on the unit version of the NX-series CPU Unit. The version of Sysmac Studio that supports the functions that were added for an upgrade is also required to use those functions.
Refer to A-1 Version Information on page A-2 for the relationship between the unit versions of the CPU Units and the Sysmac Studio versions, and for the functions that are supported by each unit version.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Related Manuals

Related Manuals
The following manuals are related. Use these manuals for reference.
Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Hard­ware User's Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Software User’s Manual
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User's Manual
NJ/NX-series Instructions Reference Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Motion Con­trol User’s Manual
W578 NX1P2- Learning the basic
specifications of the NX1P2 CPU Units, including introductory infor­mation, designing, installation, and maintenance.
Mainly hardware information is pro­vided.
W501 NX701-
W579 NX1P2- Learning about the
W502 NX701-
W507 NX701-
Learning how to program and set up an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit.
Mainly software information is pro­vided.
details of functions only for an NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit and an introduction of functions for an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit.
Learning detailed specifications on the basic instruc­tions of an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit. Learning about motion control set­tings and program­ming concepts.
An introduction to the entire NX1P2 system is provided along with the fol­lowing information on the CPU Unit.
• Features and system configuration
• Introduction
• Part names and functions
• General specifications
• Installation and wiring
• Maintenance and inspection
The following information is provided on a Controller built with an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit.
• CPU Unit operation
• CPU Unit features
• Initial settings
• Programming based on IEC 61131-3 language specifications
Of the functions for an NX1P2 CPU Unit, the following information is pro­vided.
• Built-in I/O
• Serial Communications Option Boards
• Analog I/O Option Boards
An introduction of following functions for an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit is also provided.
• Motion control functions
• EtherNet/IP communications func­tions
• EtherCAT communications func­tions
The instructions in the instruction set (IEC 61131-3 specifications) are described.
The settings and operation of the CPU Unit and programming concepts for motion control are described.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
Related Manuals
Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description
NJ/NX-series Motion Control Instruc­tions Reference Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Built-in Ether­CAT® Port User’s Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Built-in EtherNet/IP™ port User’s Manual
NJ/NX-series Troubleshooting Manual
Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual
NX-series EtherCAT® Coupler Unit User’s Manual
NX-series Data Reference Manual
W508 NX701-
W505 NX701-
W506 NX701-
W503 NX701-
W519 NX-ECC20 Leaning how to
W525 NX- Referencing lists of
Learning about the specifications of the motion control instructions.
Using the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit.
Using the built-in EtherNet/IP port on an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit.
Learning about the errors that may be detected in an NJ/NX-series Con­troller.
Learning about the operating proce­dures and func­tions of the Sysmac Studio.
use an NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit and Ether­CAT Slave Termi­nals
the data that is required to config­ure systems with NX-series Units
The motion control instructions are described.
Information on the built-in EtherCAT port is provided.
This manual provides an introduction and provides information on the con­figuration, features, and setup.
Information on the built-in Ether­Net/IP port is provided. Information is provided on the basic setup, tag data links, and other fea­tures.
Describes concepts on managing errors that may be detected in an NJ/NX-series Controller and informa­tion on individual errors.
Describes the operating procedures of the Sysmac Studio.
The following items are described: the overall system and configuration methods of an EtherCAT Slave Termi­nal (which consists of an NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units), and information on hardware, setup, and functions to set up, control, and monitor NX Units through EtherCAT. Lists of the power consumptions, weights, and other NX Unit data that is required to configure systems with NX-series Units are provided.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description
NX-series NX Units User’s Manuals
NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual
NA-series Programma­ble Terminal Software User’s Manual
NS-series Programma­ble Terminals Programming Manual
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual
NB-series Programmable Terminals Setup Manual
E5C Digital Temperature Controllers Communications Manual
W521 NX-ID
NX-IA NX-OC NX-OD NX-MD
W522 NX-AD
W566 NX-TS
W523 NX-PD1
NX-PF0 NX-PC0 NX-TBX01
W524 NX-EC0
NX-PG0 W540 NX-CIF W565 NX-RS W567 NX-ILM Z930
V118 NA5-W Learning about
V073 NS15-
V106 NBQ-TW01B
V107 NBQ-TW01B
H175 E5C Learning about the
Learning how to use NX Units.
Learning how to use NX-series Safety Control Units
NA-series PT pages and object functions.
Learning how to use the NS-series Programmable Terminals.
Learning about the screens and object functions of NB-series Pro­grammable Termi­nals.
Learning the speci­fications and set­tings required to install an NB-series Pro­grammable Termi­nal and connect peripheral devices.
communications functions of E5C Digital Tempera­ture Controllers
Describes the hardware, setup meth­ods, and functions of the NX Units.
Manuals are available for the follow­ing Units.
Digital I/O Units, Analog I/O Units, System Units, Position Interface Units, Communications Interface Units, Load Cell Input Units, and IO-Link Master Units.
The hardware, setup methods, and functions of the NX-series Safety Control Unit are described.
Describes the pages and object func­tions of the NA-series Programmable Terminals.
Describes the setup methods, func­tions, etc. of the NS-series Program­mable Terminals.
Describes the screens and object functions of NB-series Programmable Terminals.
The procedure for installing the NB-Designer, an overview of manag­ing the screen data of NB-series Pro­grammable Terminals with the NBManager, and information on main­tenance after operation and trouble­shooting are also provided. Information is provided on NB-series Programmable Terminal specifica­tions, part names, installation proce­dures, procedures to connect an NB-series Programmable Terminal to peripheral devices, and settings required after connection to start com­munications and operations.
Provides an overview of the communi­cations method, communications specifications, and wiring of E5C Digital Temperature Controllers.
Related Manuals
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
Related Manuals
Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description
E5C Digital Temperature Controllers User’s Manual
H174 E5C Learning about the
functions of E5C Digital Tempera­ture Controllers
Describes how to use E5C Digital Temperature Controllers.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)


Term Description
absolute encoder home offsets
array specification One of the variable specifications. An array variable contains multiple elements of
AT One of the attributes of a variable.
axes groups A functional unit that groups together axes within the Motion Control Function Mod-
Axes Group Variable A system-defined variable that is defined as a structure and provides status infor-
axis A functional unit within the Motion Control Function Module. An axis is assigned to
Axis Variable A system-defined variable that is defined as a structure and provides status infor-
basic data type Any of the data types that are defined by IEC 61131-3.
cam data variable A variable that represents the cam data as a structure array.
CJ-series Unit Any of the CJ-series Units that can be used with an NJ-series Controller. Communications Coupler Unit The generic name of an interface unit for remote I/O communications on a network
Constant One of the attributes of a variable.
Controller The range of devices that are directly controlled by the CPU Unit.
Controller error Errors that are defined by the NJ/NX-series System.
Controller event One of the events in the NJ/NX-series System. Controller events are errors and
Controller information Information that is defined by the NJ/NX-series System that is not an error. It rep-
This data is used to restore in the CPU Unit the actual position of a Servo D rive with an absolute encoder. The offset is the difference between the command position after homing and the absolute data that is read from the absolute encoder.
the same data type. The elements in the array are specified by serial numbers called subscripts that start from the beginning of the array.
This attribute allows the user to specify what is assigned to a variable. An I/O port or an address in memory used for CJ-series Units can be specified.
mation and some of the axes parameters for an individual axes group. An Axes Group Variable is used to specify an axes group for motion control instruc­tions and to monitor the command interpolation velocity, error information, and other information for the axes group.
the drive mechanism in an external Servo Drive or the sensing mechanism in an external Encoder Input Slave Unit.
mation and some of the axis parameters for an individual axis. An Axis Variable is used to specify an axis for motion control instructions and to monitor the command position, error information, and other information for the axis.
They include Boolean, bit string, integer, real, duration, date, time of day, date and time, and text string data types. “Basic data type” is used as opposed to derivative data types, which are defined by the user.
A cam data variable is an array structure that consists of phases and displace­ments.
between NX Units and a host network master. For example, an EtherCAT Coupler Unit is a Communications Coupler Unit for an EtherCAT network.
If you specify the Constant attribute for a variable, the value of the variable cannot be written by any instructions, ST operators, or CIP message communications.
In the NX-series System, the Con slaves (including general-purpose slaves and Servo Drives).
In the NJ-series System, the Controller includes the CPU Rack, Expansion Racks, and EtherCAT slaves (including general-purpose slaves and Servo Drives).
“Controller error” is a collective term for major fault level, partial fault level, minor fault level, and observation Controller events.
information that are defined by the system for user notification. A Controller event occurs when the system detects a factor that is defined as a Controller event.
resents an information Controller event.
roller includes the CPU Rack and EtherCAT
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
Term Description
CPU Unit The Unit that serves as the center of control for a Machine Automation Controller.
The CPU Unit executes tasks, refreshes I/O for other Units and slaves, etc. The NJ/NX-series CPU Units include NX701-, NX1P2-, NJ501-, and NJ301-.
derivative data type A data type that is defined by the user. Structures, unions, and enumerations are
derivative data types.
device A general term for any Unit or slave that is refreshed by the I/O refreshing that is
performed by the CPU Unit. Specifically, it refers to EtherCAT slaves, NX Units on the CPU Unit, built-in I/O, Option Boards, and CJ-series Units.
device output An output for any Unit or slave that is refreshed by the I/O refreshing that is per-
formed by the CPU Unit. device variable A variable that is used to access a specific device through an I/O port. download To transfer data from the Sysmac Studio to the Controller with the synchronization
operation of the Sysmac Studio. edge One of the attributes of a variable.
This attribute makes a BOOL variable pass TRUE to a function block when the vari-
able changes from FALSE to TRUE or when it changes from TRUE to FALSE. enumeration One of the derivative data types. This data type takes one item from a prepared
name list of enumerators as its value. enumerator One of the values that an enumeration can take expressed as a character string.
The value of an enumeration is one of the enumerators. EtherCAT Master Function Module One of the function modules. This function module controls the EtherCAT slaves as
the EtherCAT master. EtherNet/IP Function Module One of the function modules. This function module controls the built-in EtherNet/IP
port. event log A function that recognizes and records errors and other events. Event Setup Settings that define user-defined errors and user-defined information. event task A task that executes a user program only once when the task execution conditions
are met. FB An acronym for “function block.” forced refreshing Forcing the refreshing of an input from an external device or an output to an exter-
nal device, e.g., when the user debugs a program.
Addresses that are subject to forced refreshing can still be overwritten from the
user program. FUN An abbreviation for “function.” function A POU that is used to create an object that determines a unique output for the
same input, such as for data processing. function block A POU that is used to create an object that can have a different output for the same
input, such as for a timer or counter. function module One of the functional units of the software configuration of the CPU Unit. g
ral-purpose slave Any of the EtherCAT slaves that cannot be assigned to an axis.
global variable A variable that can be read or written from all POUs (programs, functions, and func-
tion blocks). I/O map settings Settings that assign variables to I/O ports. Assignment information between I/O
ports and variables. I/O port A logical interface that is used by the CPU Unit to exchange data with an external
device (slave or Unit). I/O refreshing
information One of the event levels for Controller events or user-defined events. These are not
Cyclic data exchange with external devices that is performed with predetermined
memory addresses.
errors, but appear in the event log to notify the user of specific information.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
Term Description
Initial Value One of the attributes of a variable. The variable is set to the initial value in the fol-
lowing situations.
• When power is turned ON
• When the CPU Unit changes to RUN mode
• When you specify to initialize the values when the user program is transferred
• When a major fault level Controller error occurs inline ST ST programming that is included within a ladder diagram program. instruction The smallest unit of the processing elements that are provided by OMRON for use
in POU algorithms. There are ladder diagram instructions (program inputs and out-
puts), function instructions, function block instructions, and ST statements. literal A constant expression that is used in a user program. local variable A variable that can be accessed only from inside the POU in which it is defined.
“Local variable” is used as opposed to “global variable.”
Local variables include internal variables, input variables, output variables, in-out
variables, and external variables. main memory The memory inside the CPU Unit that is used by the CPU Unit to execute the OS
and user program. major fault level Controller error
MC Test Run A function to check motor operation and wiring from the Sysmac Studio. memory used for CJ-series Units One type of I/O memory in an NX1P2 CPU Unit and NJ-series CPU Unit. It contains
minor fault level Controller error An error for which part of the control operations for one of the function modules in
Motion Control Function Module One of the function modules. The MC Function Module performs motion control
motion control instruction A function block instruction that executes motion control.
namespace A system that is used to group and nest the names of functions, function block defi-
Network Publish One of the attributes of a variable.
NX bus The NX-series internal bus. An NX1P2 CPU Unit has the NX bus. NX Units
observation One of the event levels for Controller events or user-defined events.
partial fault level Controller error An error for which all of the control operations for one of the function modules in the
PDO communications
An error for which all NJ/NX-series Controller control operations stop. The CPU Unit
immediately stops user program execution and turns OFF the loads for all slaves and
Units (including remote I/O).
addresses that can be directly specified by the user.
It can be accessed only with variables with an AT attribute. This memory is used to
access CJ-series Units and CJ-series networks. However, you cannot connect the
CJ-series Units to the NX1P2 CPU Units.
the NJ/NX-series Controller stop.
The NJ/NX-series CPU Unit continues operation even after a minor fault level Con-
troller error occurs.
based on commands from the motion control instructions that are executed in the
user program.
The Motion Control Function Module supports instructions that are based on func-
tion blocks for PLCopen
cally for the Motion Control Function Module.
nitions, and data types.
This attribute allows you to use CIP message communications or tag data links to
read/write variables from another Controller or from a host computer.
Any of the NX-series Units that perform I/O processing with connected external
devices. The Communications Coupler Units are not included with the NX Units.
These are minor errors that do not affect control operations, but appear in the event
log to notify the user of specific information.
NJ/NX-series Controller stop.
An NJ/NX-series CPU Unit continues operation even after a partial fault level Con-
troller error.
An abbreviation for process data communications. Data is exchanged between the
master and slaves on a process data communications cycle. (The process data com-
munications cycle is the same as the task period of the primary periodic task.)
motion control as well as instructions developed specifi-
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
Term Description
periodic task A task for which user program execution and I/O refreshing are performed each
PLC Function Module One of the function modules. This function module executes the user program,
sends commands to the Motion Control Function Module, and provides an interface to the USB and SD Memory Card.
POU An acronym for “program organization unit.” A POU is a unit in a program execution
model that is defined in IEC 61131-3. A POU contains an algorithm and a local variable table and forms the basic unit used to build a user program.
There are three types of POUs: programs, functions, and function blocks. primary periodic task The task with the highest priority. process data communications One type of EtherCAT communications in which process data objects (PDOs) are
used to exchange information cyclically and in realtime. Process data communica-
tions are also called PDO communications. program Along with functions and function blocks, one of the three types of POUs.
Programs are assigned to tasks to execute them. Range Specification One of the variable specifications. You can specify a range for a variable in
advance. The variable can take only values that are in the specified range. Retain One of the attributes of a variable. The values of variables with a Retain attribute
are held at the following times. (Variables without a Retain attribute are set to their
initial values.)
• When power is turned ON after power interruption
• When the CPU Unit changes to RUN mode
• When you specify to not initialize the values when the user program is transferred
SDO communications One type of EtherCAT communications in which service data objects (SDOs) are
used to transmit information whenever required. Servo Drive/encoder input slave Any of the EtherCAT slaves that is assigned to an axis. In the NJ/NX-series Sys-
tem, it would be a Servo Drive or Encoder Input Slave Unit. slave A device that performs remote I/O for a master. slave and Unit configurations A generic term for the EtherCAT configuration and Unit configuration. Slave Terminal A building-block remote I/O terminal to which a Communications Coupler Unit and
NX Units are mounted. A Slave Terminal is one type of slave. Special Unit Setup A generic term for the settings for a Special Unit, including the settings in allocated
DM Area words. structure One of the derivative data types. It consists of multiple data types placed together
into a layered structure. synchronization A function that automatically compares the information in the NJ/NX-series Control-
ler with the information in the Sysmac Studio, displays any differences and loca-
tions in a hierarchical form, and can be used to synchronize the information. Sysmac Studio A computer software application for setting, programming, debugging, and trouble-
shooting NJ/NX-series Controllers. It also provides operations for motion control
and a Simulator. system common processing System processing that is performed by the CPU Unit to perform I/O refreshing and
the user prog
tasks, data trace processing, and other processing is performed. system service Processing that is performed by the CPU Unit in unused time between task pro-
cessing. The system service includes communications processing, SD Memory
Card access processing, self-diagnosis processing, and other processing. system-defined variable A variable for which all attributes are defined by the system and cannot be changed
by the user. task An attribute that defines when a program is executed. task period The interval at which the primary periodic task or a periodic task is executed. union One of the derivative data types. It allows you to handle the same data as different
data types. Unit A device that mounts to the CPU Rack or an Expansion Rack.
am execution within a task. Exclusive control of variables between
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
Term Description
Unit configuration The configuration information for the Units that are set on the Sysmac Studio. This
information tells what Unit models are connected to the CPU Unit and where they are connected.
upload To transfer data from the Controller to the Sysmac Studio with the synchronization
operation of the Sysmac Studio. user program All of the programs in one project. user-defined event One of the events in the NJ/NX-series System. These events are defined by the
user. “User-defined events” is a generic term for user-defined errors and
user-defined information. user-defined variable A variable for which all of the attributes are defined by the user and can be changed
by the user. variable A representation of data, such as a numeric value or character string, that is used in
a user program.
You can change the value of a variable by assigned the required value. “Variable” is
used as opposed to “constant,” for which the value does not change. variable memory A memory area that contains the present values of variables that do not have AT
specifications. It can be accessed only with variables without an AT attribute.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)

Revision History

Revision code
Cat. No.
Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front and back covers of the manual.
01 October 2016 Original production 02 January 2017 Corrected mistakes. 03 October 2017 Added shipbuilding standards (LR). 04 January 2019
Date Revised content
Made changes accompanying the transfer of explanation for event codes and
errors to the NJ/NX-series Troubleshooting Manual.
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Built-in I/O and Option Board User’s Manual (W579)
+ 200 hidden pages