Digital thermometer
Model Flex Temp Smart
• Digitales Fieberthermometer
• Thermomètre digital
• Termometro digitale
• Termómetro digital
• Termómetro digital
• Digitalt termometer
• Digitaalinen kuumemittari
• Digitalt termometer
• Digitalt feberthermometeret
• Digitale koortsthermometer
• Ψηφιακό θερμόμετρο
• Dijital klinik termometresi
• Цифровой термометр
(Fig. 1) (Fig. 2)
(Fig. 3)
36.7 37.8 38.9 40.0
36.1 37.2 38.3 39.4 40.6
97 99 101 103 105
98 100 102 104
A. Beep
B. After 5 seconds
C. After 2 seconds
D. All of the display
symbols appear.
E. The thermometer will
automatically switch
itself off.
F. °F
G. All of the display
symbols appear.
H. The most recently
temperat ure is
displayed together
with the M indicator.
I. 37.0 °C (98.6 °F) test
J. When the [°C (°F)]
indicator symbol
blinks, the
thermometer is ready
for use.
K. Temperature
measurement will
commence and the
[°C (°F)] indicator
symbol will bli nk.
L. Beep-beep-beep
M. The [°C (°F)] indicator
symbol will stop
blinking and stay on
when the reading is
N. The display section is
faced upwards.
O. Root of Tongue
P. Placement Points
Q. Tongue
R. Turn the display so
that it faces inwards.
S. The angle should be
35-45 degrees in
relation to the arm.
T. Coin
U. Battery Cover
V. Battery
W. The “+” mark faces
A. Piepton
B. Nach 5 Sekunden
C. Nach 2 Sekunden
D. Alle Symbole der
Anzeige leuchten auf.
E. Das Fieberthermome-
ter schaltet sich automatisch selbst aus.
F. °F
G. Alle Symbole der
Anzeige leuchten auf.
H. Die zuletzt gemes-
sene Temperatur wird
zusammen mit dem
M-Symbol angezeigt.
I. 37.0 °C (98. 6 °F)
enn das [°C](°F)
J. W
-Symbol bl inkt, ist das
K. Die Temperaturmes-
sung beginnt und das
[°C (°F)]-Sym bol
blinkt weiterhin.
L. Piep-Piep-Piep
M. Das [°C (°F)]-Symbol
hört auf zu blinken
und leuchtet ständig,
wenn die Messung
abgeschlossen ist.
N. Der Anzeigebereich
zeigt nach oben.
O. Zungenwurzel
P. Messpunkte
Q. Zunge
R. Drehen Sie die
Anzeige so, dass
diese nach innen
S. Der Winkel in Bezug
auf den Arm sollte 35
bis 45° betragen.
T. Münze
U. Batterieabdeckung
V. Batterie
W. Die Markierung „+“
zeigt nach oben
A. Bip
B. Après 5 secondes
C. Après 2 secondes
D. Tous les symboles de
l’affichage apparaissent.
E. Le thermomètre
s’éteint automatiquement.
F. °F
G. Tous les symboles de
l’affichage apparaissent.
H. La dernière tempéra-
ture mesurée est affichée avec l’indicateur
I. Affichage test 37.0 °C
(98.6 °F)
J. Lorsque le symbole
[°C (°F)] clignote, le
thermomètre est prêt
à l’emploi.
K. La mesure de la tem-
pérature commence
et le symbole
[°C (°F)] clignote.
L. Bip -bip-bip
M. Le symbole [°C (°F)]
cesse de clignoter et
reste allumé en
continu lorsque la
mesure est terminée.
N. La section d’affichage
est tournée vers le
O. Racine de la langue
P. Points de placement
Q. Lan
R. Orienter l’affichage
afin qu’il soit tourné
vers l’intérieur.
S. Le thermomètre doit
être placé à un angle
de 35 à 45 degrés par
rapport au bras.
T. Pièce de monnaie
U. Couvercle du com-
partiment de la pile
V. Pile
W. Le signe « + » est
tourné vers le haut
(Fig. 4)
A. Segnale acustico
B. Dopo 5 secondi
C. Dopo 2 secondi
D. Tutti gli indicatori
appaiono sul display.
E. Il termometro si spe-
gne automaticamente.
F. °F
G. Tutti gli indicatori
appaiono sul display.
H. L’ultimo valore della
temperatura rilevato
viene visualizzato
assieme all’indicatore M.
I. Indicazione della fun-
zione di verifica 37.0
°C (98.6 °F)
J. Quando l’indicatore
[°C (°F)] lampeggia, il
termometro è pronto
per l’uso.
K. La misurazione della
temperatura ha inizio
e l’indicatore [°C (°F)]
L. Tre segnali acustici
M. Al termine della misu-
razione, l’indicatore
[°C (°F)] smette di
lampeggiare e rimane
N. Lato del display
rivolto verso l’alto.
O. Base della lingua
P. Posizioni da utilizzare
Q. Lingua
R. Posizionare il display
in modo che sia
rivolto verso l’interno.
S. L’angolazione rispetto
al braccio deve
essere di 35-45 gradi.
T. Moneta
U. Coperchio della bat-
V. Batteria
W. Il sim bolo “+” deve
essere rivolto verso
(Fig. 5)
(Fig. 6)
(Fig. 7)
A. Pitido
B. Después de
5 segundos
pués de
C. Des
2 segundos
D. Se muestran todos
los símbolos en pantalla.
E. El termómetro se
apagará automáticamente.
F. °F
G. Se muestran todos
los símbolos en pantalla.
H. Se muestra la tempe-
ratura medida inmediatament e antes
junto con el indicador
I. 37.0 °C (98.6 °F)
visualización de la
J. El termómetro está
listo para el uso
cuando el símbolo
indicador [°C (°F)]
K. Comenzará la
medida de temperatura y el indicador
[°C (°F)] parpadeará.
L. Pip-pip-pip
M. El indicado r [°C( °F)]
dejará de parpadear y
permanecerá encendido cuando la
medida esté lista.
N. La pantalla mira hacia
O. Base de la lengua
P. Lugares de coloca-
Q. Lengua
R. Gire la pantalla para
que mire hacia adentro.
S. El ángulo debería ser
de entre 35-45 grados respecto al
T. Moneda
U. Tapa de las pilas
V. Pila
W. La marca “+” mira
hacia arri ba
A. Bip
B. Após 5 segundos
C. Após 2 segundos
D. Aparecem todos os
símbolos no visor.
E. O termómetro irá des-
ligar-se automaticamente.
F. °F
G. Aparecem todos os
símbolos no visor.
H. A temperatura
medida mais recentemente é apresentada
juntamente com o
indicador M.
Visualização de teste
0 °C (98.6 °F)
J. Quando o símbolo
indicador [°C (°F)]
piscar, o termómetro
está pronto a ser utilizado.
K. A medição da tempe-
ratura começa e o
símbolo indicador
[°C (°F)] pisca.
L. Bip-bip-bip
M. O símbolo indicador
[°C (°F)] pá ra de piscar e fica aceso
quando a leitura está
N. O visor está virado
para cima.
O. Parte inferior da lín-
P. Pontos de colocação
Q. Língua
R. Rode o visor para
que fique virado para
S. O ângulo deverá
situar-se entre 35 e
45 graus relativamente ao braço.
T. Moeda
U. Tampa da pilha
V. Pilha
W. A marca "+" está
virada para cima
A. Bip
B. Efter 5 sekunder
C. Efter 2 sekunder
D. Alle displayets sym-
boler vises.
E. Termometeret sluk-
ker automatisk.
F. °F
G. Alle displayets sym-
boler vises.
H. Den senest målte
temperatur vises
sammen med M-indikatoren.
I. 37.0 °C (98.6 °F) test-
J. Når indikatorsymbo-
let [°C (°F)] blinker, er
termometeret klar til
K. Temperaturmålingen
begynder, og indikatorsymbolet [ °C (°F)]
L. Bip-bip-bip
M. Indikatorsymbolet
[°C (°F)] indi katorsymbolet holder op
med at blinke og
vises vedvarende,
når aflæsningen er
kla r.
N. Displaydelen vender
O. Tungerod
Q. T
R. Vend displayet, så det
vender indad.
S. Vinklen skal være
35-45 grader i forhold til a rmen.
T. Mønt
U. Batteridæksel
V. Batteri
W. Mærket "+" vender
(Fig. 8)
(Fig. 9)
A. Äänimerkki
B. 5 sekunnin kuluttua
C. 2 sekunnin kuluttua
D. Kaikki näytön symbo-
lit tulevat näkyviin.
E. Kuumemittari kytkey-
tyy automaattisesti
pois päältä.
F. °F
G. Kaikki näytön symbo-
lit tulevat näkyviin.
H. Viim eksi mitattu läm-
pötila ja M-me rkki
näkyvät yhdessä.
I. 37.0 °C:n (98.6 °F)
testinäy ttö
J. Kun [°C (°F)] -merkki
vilkkuu, kuumemittari
on valmiina käyttöön.
K. Lämpötilan mittaus
alkaa ja [°C (°F)]
-merkki vilkkuu.
L. Kolme äänimerkkiä
M. [°C (°F)] -merkki lak-
kaa vilkkumasta ja jää
näkyviin, kun lukema
on valmis.
N. Näyttöosa on ylös-
O. Kielen juuri
P. Asetuskohdat
Q. Kieli
R. Käännä näyttö
S. Kulman tulee olla
35–45 astetta käsivarteen nähden.
T. Kolikko
U. Paristolokeron kansi
V. Paristo
W. ”+”-merkki on ylös-
A. Pipelyd
B. Etter 5 sekunder
C. Etter 2 sekunder
D. Alle symbolene i dis-
playet vise s.
E. Termometere t slår
seg av automatisk.
F. °F
Alle symbolene i dis-
ayet vises.
H. Den sist målte tempe-
raturen vises
sammen med indikatoren M.
I. Testdisplay: 37.0 °C
(98.6 °F)
J. Når sy mbolet
[°C (°F)] blinker, er
termometeret klart til
K. Målingen av tempera-
turen starter, og symbolet [°C (°F)] blinker.
L. Tre pipelyder
M. Symbolet [°C (°F)]
slutter å blinke og
lyser fast når resultatet er klart.
N. Siden med displayet
er vendt opp.
O. Tungeroten
P. Plasseringspunkter
Q. Tunge
R. Plasser termomete-
ret slik at displayet
vender innover.
S. Vinkel en skal være
35–45 grader i forhold
til armen.
T. Mynt
U. Batteride ksel
V. Batteri
W. "Kryssmerket" ven-
der opp
(Fig. 10)
(Fig. 11)
A. Pipsignal
B. Efter 5 sekunder
C. Efter 2 sekunder
D. Alla symboler i dis-
playen visas.
E. Febertermometern
stängs av automatiskt.
F. °F
G. Alla symboler i dis-
playen visas.
H. Den senast uppmätta
temperaturen visas
tillsammans med
I. 37.0 °C (98.6 °F) test-
J. När [°C (°F)]-ind ika-
torns symbol blinkar
är termometern klar
för användning.
K. Mätning av tempera-
turen startar och
[°C (°F)]-indik atorns
symbol blinkar.
L. Pip-pip-pip
M. [°C (°F)] -indikatorns
symbol slutar blinka
och lyser när avläsningen är klar.
N. Displaysidan är vänd
O. Tungrot
P. Placeringspunkt
Q. Tunga
R. Vrid displayen så att
den pekar inåt.
S. Vinkeln skall vara
35-45 grader i förhållande till armen.
T. Mynt
U. Batterilucka
V. Batteri
W. "+"-märket är uppåt
A. Piepsignaal
B. Na 5 seconden
C. Na 2 seconden
D. Alle symbolen zijn
zichtbaar op het display.
E. De thermometer
schakelt zichzelf
automatisch uit.
F. °F
G. Alle symbolen zijn
zichtbaar op het display.
H. De laatst gemeten
temperatuur wordt op
het display weergegeven, samen met de
indicator “M ”.
I. 37.0 °C (98.6 °F) test-
J. Als het indicatorsym-
bool [°C (°F)] knippert, is de
thermometer klaar
voor gebruik.
K. De temperatuurme-
ting begint en het
[°C (°F)] knippert.
L. Piep-piep-piep
M. Het indicatorsymbool
[°C (°F)] stopt met
knipperen en blijft
branden wanneer de
meting is voltooid.
N. Het displaygedeelte
is naar boven gericht.
P. Plaatsingspunten
Q. Tong
R. Draai het display zo
dat het naar binnen
S. De hoek ten opzichte
van de arm moet 35
tot 45 graden zijn.
T. Muntstuk
U. Kapje van batterijvak
V. Batterij
W. De “+”-m arkering
wijst naar boven
(Fig. 12)
(Fig. 13) (Fig. 14)
(Fig. 15)
A. Μπιπ
B. Ύστ ε ρα από
C. Ύστ ε ρα από 2
D. Εμφανίζονται όλα τα
E. Το θερμόμετρο θα
F. °F
G. Εμφανίζονται όλα τα
H. Η θερμοκρασία που
I. Ένδειξη δοκιμής
J. Όταν το σύ μβολο της
K. Θα αρχίσει η μέτρηση
L. Ηχητικό σήμα (μπ ιπ-
M. Το σύμβολο της
N. Το τμή μα της οθόνης
O. Η ρ ίζα της γλώσσας
P. Σημεία τοποθέτησης
Q. Γλώσσα
R. Γυρίστε την οθόνη
S. Η γωνία πρέπει να
T. Κέρμα
U. Κάλυμμα Μπατα ρίας
V. Μπαταρία
W. Η ένδειξη «+» είναι
5 δε
σύμβολα τη ς οθόνης.
απενεργοπο ιηθεί
σύμβολα τη ς οθόνης.
μετρήθηκε πιο
εμφανίζετα ι μαζί με
την ένδειξη Μ.
37.0 °C ( 98.6 °F)
ένδειξης [°C (°F)]
αναβοσβήνει, το
θερμόμετρο είναι
έτοιμο για χρήση.
της θερμοκρ ασίας και
το σύμβολο της
ένδειξης [°C (°F)] θα
ένδειξης [°C (°F)] θα
σταματήσει να
αναβοσβήνει και θα
παραμείνει αναμμένο
όταν η μέτρησ η έχει
είναι στραμμέ νο προς
τα επάνω.
ώστε να είναι
στραμμένη προς τα
είναι 35-4 5 μοίρες σε
σχέση με τον
στραμμένη προς τα
A. Bip sesi
B. 5 saniye sonra
C. 2 saniye sonra
D. Tüm ekran simgeleri
E. Termometre otomatik
olarak kendini kapatır.
F. °F
G. Tüm ekran simgeleri
H. En son ölçülen ateş
değeri M
göstergesiyle birlikte
I. 37.0 °C (98.6 °F) test
J. [°C (°F)] göstergesi
simgesi yanıp
termometre kullanıma
K. Ateş ölçüm işlem i
başlar ve [°C (°F )]
göstergesinin simgesi
yanıp söner.
L. Bip-bip-bip
M. [°C (°F)]
göstergesinin simgesi
yanıp sönmeyi
durdurur ve ölçüm
değeri hazır
olduğunda yanık kalır.
N. Ekran bölümü yukarı
O. Dil Kökü
P. Ye rleş tirme Noktaları
Q. Dil
R. Ekranı içeriy e
bakacak şekilde
S. Kola göre
35-45 derece açıyla
T. Bozuk Para
U. Pil Kapağı
V. Pil
W. “+” işareti yukarı
A. Звуковой сигнал
B. Через 5 секу нды
C. Через 2 секу нды
D. На дисплее
отображены все
E. Термометр
выключи тся
автоматиче ски.
F. °F
G. На дисплее
отображены все
H. Символ «M»
I. Дисплей
37.0 °C ( 98.6 °F)
J. Если на дисплее
мигает символ
[°C (°F)], это
означает, термометр
готов к измерению.
K. После начала
символ [°C (°F)]
продолжит мигать.
L. Тр и звуковых
сигнала подряд.
M. После получения
измерения символ
[°C (°F)] перестанет
N. Дисплей должен
быть обращен
O. Основание языка
P. Места измерения
Q. Язык
R. Повернит е
термометр так,
чтобы дисплей
смотрел вну трь.
S. По отнош ению к
плеч у угол должен
35–45 градусов.
T. Монета
U. Крышка батареи
V. Бата рея
W. Знак «+» должен
быть обращен вверх
1*/0" !
02342 )5
Digital Thermometer English
A. Sensor Tip
B. Display Window
C. Button
D. Storage Case
Thank you for purchasing the OMRON Digital
Thermometer Flex Temp Smart.
The thermometer you purchased offers a safe,
accurate and quick temperature reading. You
can measure your temperature either in the
anus (rectally), in the mouth (orally) or in the
armpit (axillary). This thermometer eliminates
any worries about broken glass or mercury
hazards. Note that your temperature is
affected by smoking, eating or drinking.
Contact your doctor if you have any questions
regarding specific temperatures.
Important Safety Notes
To assure the correct use of the product basic
safety measures should always be followed
including the precautions listed below.
• A high or prolonged fever requires medical
attention, especially for small children.
Please contact your doctor.
• Carefully read and follow the enclosed
instructions to ensure accurate temperature
readings. Note that temperature readings are
affected by many factors including physical
exertion, the drinking of hot or cold
beverages before measurement, as well as
measuring technique.
• Please keep still during measurement.
• The use of temperature readings for selfdiagnosis is dangerous and may lead to the
worsening of the existing conditions. Consult
your doctor for the interpretation of the
• This thermometer is used for taking
temperatures through oral, rectal or armpit.
Do not attempt to take temperatures at other
sites, such as in the ear, as it may result in
false readings and may lead to injury.
• Store the thermometer out of the reach of
children. Do not allow children to take their
temperatures unattended. Children may
injure themselves when attempting to take
temperatures without supervision.
• Do not leave the battery, battery cover or
probe cover where children can get to them.
Children may swallow them. Should a child
swallow the battery, battery cover or probe
cover, contact a doctor immediately.
• Do not attempt measurements when the
thermometer is wet as inaccurate readings
may result.
• Do not bite down on the thermometer. Doing
so may lead to breakage and/or injury.
• Do not allow the thermometer to be shared
among individuals.
• Do not attempt to disassemble or repair the
thermometer. Doing so may result in
inaccurate readings.
• Do not attempt to incinerate the battery. It
may burst.
• Pay attention to polarity (+ –) when replacing
the battery. Failure to do so may lead to fluid
leakage, heat generation or bursting,
resulting in damage to the unit.
• Remove the battery when the thermometer
will not be used for 3 months or more. Failure
to do so may lead to fluid leakage, heat
generation or bursting, resulting in damage
to the unit.
• Do not use the thermometer in places where
strong static electricity or electromagnetic
fields are present. Doing so may lead to
inaccurate readings and may contribute to
instrument failure.
• Do not attempt rectal measurements on
persons with rectal disorders. Doing so may
aggravate or worsen the disorder.
• Do not step on the unit or the hard case.
• Do not bent the tip more than 45 degrees.
General safety precautions
• Do not use the thermometer to measure
anything other than human body
• Do not drop the thermometer and storage
case or expose them to shock or vibration.
1. Switching between Fahrenheit/
Centigrade (Celsius)
Press the button for 7 seconds until a
beep is emitted.
The display will change to the other
measurement system at the time when the
beep sounds.
(Fig. 1, 2, 3)
2. Use of the thermometer
1. Press the button. (Fig. 4)
The result of the previous measurement is
displayed for a few seconds. Then
37.0°C (98.6°F) is displayed as an internal
test-function. (Fig. 5)
Note: When a temperature other than
37.0°C (98.6°F) is displayed, please refer
to the “6. Display Indications and
Troubleshooting” section for details to
correct the problem.
2. Apply the thermometer to the measurement
Note: Even if the “L” indicator fails to
display (when only the temperature is
displayed), this is not an error. The
temperature may be taken as is. (Fig. 6)
3. The Buzzer notification will emit a [beep-
beep-beep] sound three times to reflect the
earliest temperature indication. Remove the
thermometer from the measurement site
and read the result. (Fig. 7)
Buzzer notification timing
Rectal: approx. 10 seconds
Oral: approx. 20 seconds
4. Turn off the thermometer. Clean and
3. Displaying the last temperature
Press the button to display the
temperature that was measured most recently.
For details, please refer to the “2. Use of the
thermometer” section.
4. Correct measurement
Measurement accuracy cannot be assured
when the method used to measure the
temperature is incorrect.
Rectal use:
• Commonly used for small children when it is
difficult to take an oral or armpit temperature.
• Lubricate with non-irritating skin-friendly gel.
• Gently insert the probe tip no more than
1.3 cm into the rectum. Do not force the tip
into the rectum if resistance is encountered.
• Disinfect the thermometer after use.
Oral use (for ages 4 and older):
The mouth should remain closed up to
5 minutes before starting a reading.
• Place the thermometer in the mouth under
the tongue so that it rests to the left or right of
the root of the tongue. (Fig. 8)
• Use downward tongue pressure to hold the
thermometer in place.
• Hold the thermometer to keep it from sliding
around in the mouth. (F ig. 9)
Armpit (axillary) use:
• Place the sensor tip in the centre of the
armpit. (Fig. 10)
• Lock the sensor tip under the arm, using the
arm to slightly apply pressure inwards.
(Fig. 11)
The following may result in incorrect
• Taking the temperature immediately after
exercising, bathing, eating or drinking will
result in an incorrect measurement.
Correct: Wait at least 30 minutes before
taking the temperature.
• Taking the temperature after moving around.
Correct: Take the temperature immediately
after waking up or wait for at least 30 minutes
after moving around.
* Moving around after awakening increases
the body temperature.
The following may result in incorrect
measurements when taking armpit
• Heavy armpit perspiration
Correct: Wipe off any armpit perspiration
before taking the temperature.
• Taking the temperature after being under the
blankets for a long time.
5. Battery replacement
Battery: Alkaline-Manganese Button Battery
LR41 (available commercially)
Battery Replacement Indicator ( )
Replace the battery when the battery
replacement indicator appears when the
thermometer is switched on.
1. Use a coin to take off the cover. (Fig. 12)
2. Remove the battery. (Fig. 13)
3. Insert the new battery with the “+” pole
4. Use a coin to replace the battery cover.
Armpit: approx. 25 seconds*
* 25 seconds is the earliest estimated
temperature indication. To complete the
measurement, it is required to measure
the temperature in the armpit between 2-5
minutes (depending on the ambient
temperature and condition).
• The measurement continues even after
the buzzer notification.
• The buzzer notification timing is based on
an environmental temperature of
23 degrees.
• Since oral and armpit may give lower
measurement results it is recommended
to apply the device rectally to get the most
accurate result.
disinfect before returning it to its protective
• The reading will automatically be stored in
• Turn off the thermometer manually to
conserve the battery. It will automatically
switch off 30 minutes after use or
3 minutes when turned on but not used.
facing up as shown in the diagram. Make
sure the battery is put in with the right
(Fig. 14)
(Fig. 15)
• The thermometer comes fitted with a
battery for testing purposes. This battery
may not provide the same amount of
battery life as a new battery.
• Do not loose the O-ring around the screw.
Water-resistant will fail and can lead to
misreadings and failure of the unit.
6. Display Indications and Troubleshooting
Indicator Cause Remedy
Air Temperature
[37.0°C (98.6°F)] is
not displayed during
the measurement
preparation period
as a test display,
after the most
measurement result
is displayed.
7. Storage
Store the thermometer in its storage case.
• Do not store the thermometer in the following types of places. Doing so may damage the
- Wet locations.
- Locations with high heat and humidity or those that are exposed to direct sunlight. Areas
close to heating equipment, dusty locations, or environments where there are high salt
concentrations in the air.
- Locations where the unit will be subjected to leaning, shock or vibration.
- Pharmaceutical storage areas or locations where corrosive gases are present.
8. Cleaning and Disinfecting
OMRON recommends to wipe the device with damp cloth. For disinfection, 70% Ethanol or
Isopropyl alcohol can be used. Do not attempt to disinfect the sensing section of the
thermometer by immersing in alcohol or in hot water (water over 50°C).
Do not submerge deeper than 15 cm and longer than 30 minutes.
9. Specifications
Product Type and Number Digital Thermometer MC-343F-E/MC-343F-EB
Product Name: Flex Temp Smart
Power Supply: 1.5V DC, 1 LR41 Alkaline-Manganese Button Battery
Power Consumption: 0 .1 mW
Battery Life: Approx. 2 years or more (3 times per day)
Sensing Unit: Thermistor
Measurement Method: Actual measurement (non-predictive)
Temperature Display: 3 digits (°C), or 4 digits (°F) display in 0.1 degree increments
Measurement Accuracy: ±0.1°C (32.0 to 42.0°C)
Measurement Range: 32.0 to 42.0°C (89.6 to 107.6°F)
Usage Environment Temp
and Humidity:
Storage Environment
Temp and Humidity:
Weight: Approx. 12 g (with battery installed)
External Dimensions: 19.4 mm (w) × 132.5 mm (l) × 10.0 mm (d)
Package Content: Test Battery (Alkaline-Manganese Button Battery LR41),
Applied par t:
• The specifications may be changed without prior notice.
• This unit is water-resistant.
• The tip of the thermometer contains Nickel.
• This thermometer does not contain any serviceable part. OMRON recommends that the
accuracy is verified every two years by OMRON’s representative.
This OMRON product is produced under the strict quality system of OMRON Healthcare Co.
Ltd., Japan.
This product is guaranteed by OMRON for 3 years after date of purchase. Any damage caused
by improper handling shall not be covered by warranty.
Batteries and packaging are also excluded from the warranty. All other damage claims excluded.
A warranty claim must be submitted with the purchase receipt.
Displayed when the temperature of
the sensing section is less than
32°C (89. 6°F).
Displayed when the temperature of
the sensing section is higher than
than 42°C (107.6°F).
Displayed when the surrounding
temperature exceeds 32°C(89.6°F).
Turn the thermometer on and off several times. If a temperature other
than that in the range from [36.9°C (98.4°F)] to [37.1°C (98.8°F)] is
displayed as a test display, please contact your nearest authorized
OMRON dealer.
±0.2°F (89.6 to 107.6°F)
(when measured at a standard room temperature of 23°C
(73.4°F) in a test tank held at constant temperature)
Surrounding temperature +10 to +40°C (+50 to +104°F),
Relative Humidity 30 – 85%RH
Surrounding temperature -20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F), Relative
Humidity 10 – 95%RH
Storage Case, Instruction Sheet.
= Type B
This is not an error so it may be
ignored and the temperature
Cool the sensing section and
then take the temperature.
Read the Instructions in this manual carefully.
This device fulfills the provisions of the EC directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive) and
the European Standard EN12470:2000, Clinical thermometers - Part 3: Performance of compact
electrical thermometers (non-predictive and predictive) with maximum device.