The information contained herein is the property of Omron Robotics and Safety Technologies, Inc., and
shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval of Omron Robotics and Safety
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Omron Robotics and Safety Technologies, Inc., assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in
the documentation.
Copyright 2020 Omron Robotics and Safety Technologies, Inc. by OMRON Corporation. All rights
Sysmac and SYSMAC are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMRON Corporation in Japan and
other countries for OMRON factory automation products.
EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,
DeviceNet is a trademark of ODVA.
Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective companies.
Created in the United States of America.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction13
1.1 Intended Audience
1.2 Related Manuals
1.3 Alert Levels
1.4 Special Information
1.5 Keyword Syntax
1.6 Keyword Parameters
Parameter Data Type Designations16
Numeric Parameters16
COctober, 2020Updates for Viper robots and minor corrections
22353-000 Rev. CeV+3KeywordReferenceManual11
Chapter 1: Introduction
eV+ uses a special programming language and command set to send and request information
to and from the operating system. The keywords detailed in this manual are used when creating programs with Sysmac Studio and issuing commands from the Monitor Window in the
Sysmac Studio interface.
Additional Information: More information about keyword syntax, parameters,
and data types can be found in theeV+3 User'sManual (Cat.No. I651).
IMPORTANT: An error "Command not supported"will be returned if a
keyword is issued on a system that does not include the NJ-series Robot Integrated CPUUnit as the Host System.
There are 6 different types of keywords that are used based on the functionality that is needed
as described below.
Table 1-1. eV+ Keyword Types
Keyword TypeUsage
FunctionkeywordsUsed to return values from the eV+ Operating System.
Monitor command
Program command
System parameter
System switch
Other keywordsUsed to specify units when using the SPEEDprogram command
1.1 Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of common programming practices and robotic control methods.
l Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems.
l Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
l Personnel in charge of installing and maintaining FA systems.
l Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
Used to issue individual operations in the Monitor Window or to create Monitor Commandprograms.
Used to command operations in V+ Programs.
Used to manipulate systemparameters in V+ Programs or with the
Monitor Window.
Used to manipulate system switches in V+ Programs or with
theMonitor Window.
Refer to the eV+3 User'sManual (Cat.No. I651) for more inform-
22353-000 Rev. CeV+3KeywordReferenceManual13
1.2 Related Manuals
1.2 Related Manuals
Use the following related manuals for reference.
eV+3 User'sManual (Cat.No. I651)Provides information that is necessary to use
Table 1-2. Related Manuals
Sysmac Studio Robot Integrated System Building Function with Robot Integrated CPU Unit
Operation Manual (Cat. No. W595)
Robot User GuidesUser Guide for the robot in use.
T20 Pendant User's Manual (Cat. No. I601)Describes the use of the optional T20 manual
Robot Safety Guide (Cat. No. I590)Contains safety information forOMRON indus-
1.3 Alert Levels
The following alert levels are used throughout this document.
Learning about the operating procedures and
functions of the Sysmac Studio to configure
Robot Integrated System using Robot Integrated CPU Unit.
control pendant.
Describes the settings and operation of the
CPU Unit and programming concepts for
OMRON robot control.
trial robots.
DANGER: Identifies an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, is likely to result in serious injury, and might result in death or severe
property damage.
WARNING: Identifies a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
will result in minor or moderate injury, and might result in serious injury,
death, or significant property damage.
CAUTION: Identifies a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
might result in minor injury, moderate injury, or property damage.
1.4 Special Information
The following notation is used throughout this document to indicate special information.
IMPORTANT: Information to ensure safe use of the product.
14eV+3KeywordReferenceManual22353-000 Rev. C
NOTE: Information for more effective use of the product.
Additional Information: Helpful tips, recommendations, and best practices.
1.5 Keyword Syntax
Use the following guidelines with the keyword syntax provided in this manual.
l Keywords are presented with uppercase text and parameters are presented with lower-
case text.
l Any parentheses, brackets, and commas must be used exactly as shown.
l Bold text represents required syntax and non-bold text represents optional syntax.
l Commas must be present between consecutive parameters.
l Blank spaces are not evaluated by the system and extra spaces or missing spaces do not
cause syntax problems.
Use the following example to understand how keyword syntax is presented in this manual.
KEYWORDRequired and must be entered exactly as shown.
req_param1Required and must be replaced with a value, variable, or expres-
=Assignment operator. If required, follows the keyword and / or
req_param2Required when an equal sign is present and must be replaced with
SECONDARY.KEYWORD If present, required and must be entered exactly as shown.
opt_param1, opt_param2Optional and if used, must be replaced with a value, variable, or
1.6 Keyword Parameters
This section describes parameters and how they are used withkeyword syntax.
NOTE: Do not confuse keyword parameters with system parameter keywords.
Refer to System Parameter Keywords on page 650 for more information.
Table 1-3. Keyword Syntax Details
a value, variable, or expression.
Parameters are considered arguments to keywords. Keywords may have multiple required and
optional parameters. Some keywords do not use any parameters such as BREAK or FALSE .
22353-000 Rev. CeV+3KeywordReferenceManual15
1.6 Keyword Parameters
When an optional parameter is omitted, the system will assume a default. Omitting an
optional parameter that is in the middle of the keyword's syntax must respect the use of any
necessary commas, as shown below.
CALL program_name(1, , n+3)
If an the optional parameter is trailing, it can be removed if unused. Consider the CALL
keyword shown with the syntax structure CALL program(arg_list). If this keyword is used to
simply execute a new subroutine program without passing arguments, the syntax would be as
CALL program_name
Parameter Data Type Designations
The data type of the constant or variable must be the same type that is required by the
keyword. String and numeric parameters can be constant values or any valid variable names.
Use the following rules to designate parameter data types used in keyword syntax.
l String variables must be preceded with the $symbol and string constants must be
enclosed in quotes.
l Precision Point variables must be preceded with a # symbol.
l Belt variables must be preceded with a % symbol.
l Real and integer constants can be used without modification.
Additional Information: Keywords cannot be used as variable names or program names.
Numeric Parameters
Several types of numeric parameters can appear in keyword syntax. For each type of parameter, the value can generally be specified by a numeric constant, a variable name, or a mathematical expression. There are some restrictions on the numeric values that are accepted by
eV+. The following rules determine how a value will be interpreted in the various situations.
l Distances are used to define locations to where a robot is to move. The unit of measure
for distances is in millimeters, although units are never explicitly entered for any value.
Values entered for distances can be positive or negative. Refer to theIPS keyword for a
special case of specifying robot speed in inches/s.
l Joint numbers are integers from 1 up to the number of joints in the robot. Refer to the
robot User's Guide for information about robot joint numbering arrangements.
l Signal numbers are used to identify digital signals. They are always considered as
integer values. A negative signal number indicates an OFF state. Refer to the appropriate robot user's guide and the eV+3 User'sManual (Cat.No. I651) for more information
about signal numbers for your particular robot.
l Integer parameters can be satisfied with real values (values with integer and fractional
parts). When an integer is required, the value is rounded and the resulting integer is
l Parameters indicated as being scalar variables can be satisfied with a real value (with
integer and fractional parts) except where noted. Scalar variables can range from -
16eV+3KeywordReferenceManual22353-000 Rev. C
Chapter 1: Introduction
9.22*1018to 9.22*1018in value (displayed as -9.22E18 and 9.22E18). Numbers declared
to be double-precision values can range from -1.8*10
to 1.8*10
All numbers in this manual are decimal unless otherwise noted. Binary numbers are shown as
^B, octal numbers as ^, and hexadecimal numbers as ^H.
22353-000 Rev. CeV+3KeywordReferenceManual17
Chapter 2: Keyword QuickReference
Use the sections below as a quick reference to all keywords described in this document.
2.1 Function Keyword Summary
The table below provides a summary of all function keywords.
ABSReal-valued function that returns the absolute value (mag-
nitude) of the argument provided.
ACCELReal-valued function that returns the current setting for robot
acceleration, deceleration, or the maximum allowable percentage limits defined in the robot configuration profile.
ACOSReal-valued function that returns the arc cosine of its argu-
ALIGNTransformation function that aligns the input location with the
nearest axis of the world coordinate system.
ASCReal-valued function that returns an ASCII character value
from within a string.
ASINReal-valued function that returns the arc sine of its argument.Page 46
ATAN2Real-valued function that returns the size of the angle in
degrees that has its trigonometric tangent equal to value_
BASETransformation function that returns the transformation value
that represents the translation and rotation set by the last
BASE program command or monitor command.
BCDReal-valued function that converts a real value to Binary Coded
Decimal (BCD) format.
Page 39
Page 40
Page 42
Page 44
Page 45
Page 48
Page 50
Page 51
BELTReal-valued function that returns information about a con-
veyor belt being tracked with the conveyor tracking feature.
BITSReal-valued function that reads multiple digital signals and
returns the value corresponding to the binary bit pattern.
BMASKReal-valued function that creates a bit mask by setting indi-
vidual bits.
BSTATUSReal-valued function that returns information about the status
of the conveyor tracking system.
CASReal-valued function that compares a real variable to a test
value and conditionally sets a new value as one indivisible operation.
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Page 54
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Page 57
Page 59
22353-000 Rev. CeV+3KeywordReferenceManual19
2.1 Function Keyword Summary
$CHRString function that returns a one-character string cor-
responding to a given ASCII value.
COMPerform the binary complement operation on a value.Page 61
CONFIGReal-valued function that returns a value providing information
about the robot's geometric configuration or the status of the
motion servo control features.
COSReal-valued function that returns the trigonometric cosine of a
given angle.
CUBRTReal-valued function that returns the cube root of a value.Page 69
$DBLBString function that returns an 8-byte string containing the bin-
ary representation of a real value in double-precision IEEE 754
floating-point format.
DBLBReal-valued function that returns the value of eight bytes of a
string interpreted as an IEEE double-precision floating-point
DCBReal-valued function that converts BCD digits into an equi-
valent integer value.
$DECODEString function that extracts part of a string as delimited by
given break characters.
Page 60
Page 62
Page 67
Page 70
Page 71
Page 73
Page 74
$DEFAULTString function that returns a string containing the current or
initial system default device, unit, and directory path for disk
file access.
DEFINEDReal-valued function that determines if a variable has been
DESTTransformation function that returns a transformation value
representing the planned destination location for the current
robot motion.
DEVICEReal-valued function that returns a real value from a specified
device. The value may be data or status information, depending
upon the device and the parameters.
DISTANCEReal-valued function that determines the distance between the
points defined by two location values.
DURATIONReal-valued function that returns the current setting for one of
the motion DURATION specifications.
DXReal-valued function that returns the X-axis component of a
given transformation value.
DYReal-valued function that returns the Y-axis component of a
given transformation value.
DZReal-valued function that returns the Z-axis component of a
given transformation value.
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Page 80
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Page 85
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Page 88
Page 89
20eV+3KeywordReferenceManual22353-000 Rev. C
Chapter 2: Keyword QuickReference
ENCLATCHReal-valued function that returns the encoder position for any
encoder in the system at the occurrence of the last latch.
$ENCODEString function that returns a string created from output spe-
$ERRORString function that returns the error message associated with
the given error code.
ERRORReal-valued function that returns the message number of a
recent system message that caused program execution to stop
or caused a REACTE operation.
FALSEReal-valued function that returns the value used by eV+ to rep-
resent a logical false result.
$FLTBString function that returns a 4-byte string containing the bin-
ary representation of a real value in single-precision IEEE floating-point format.
FLTBReal-valued function that returns the value of four bytes of a
string interpreted as an IEEE single-precision floating-point
FRACTReal-valued function that returns the fractional part of the argu-
FRAMETransformation function that returns a transformation value
defined by four positions.
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Page 91
Page 94
Page 95
Page 100
Page 101
Page 102
Page 104
Page 105
FREEReal-valued function that returns the amount of unused free
memory of storage space.
GETCReal-valued function that returns the next character (byte)
from a device or input record on the specified logical unit.
GET.EVENTReal-valued function that return events that are set for the spe-
cified task.
HERETransformation function that returns a transformation value
that represents the current location of the robot tool point.
HOUR.METERReal-valued function that returns the current value of the
robot hour meter.
$IDString function that returns the system ID string.Page 113
IDReal-valued function that returns values that identify the con-
figuration of the current system.
IDENTICALReal-valued function that determines whether two location val-
ues are exactly the same.
INRANGEReal-valued function that returns a value that indicates if a spe-
cific location can be reached by the robot and provides additional information when a location cannot be reached.
$INTBString function that returns a 2-byte string containing the bin-Page 127
Page 107
Page 108
Page 110
Page 111
Page 112
Page 114
Page 124
Page 125
22353-000 Rev. CeV+3KeywordReferenceManual21
2.1 Function Keyword Summary
ary representation of a 16-bit integer.
INTReal-valued function that returns the integer part of the value.Page 128
INTBReal-valued function that returns the value of two bytes of a
string interpreted as a signed 16-bit binary integer.
INVERSETransformation function that returns the transformation value
that is the mathematical inverse of the given transformation
IOSTATReal-valued function that returns status information for the
last input / output operation for a device associated with a
logical unit.
LASTReal-valued function that returns the highest index used for an
array (dimension).
LATCHTransformation function that returns a transformation value
representing the location of the robot at the occurrence of the
last external trigger.
LATCHEDReal-valued function that returns the status of the position
latch and which input triggered it.
LENReal-valued function that returns the number of characters in
the given string.
$LNGBString function that returns a 4-byte string containing the bin-
ary representation of a 32-bit integer.
LNGBReal-valued function that returns the value of four bytes of a
string interpreted as a signed 32-bit binary integer.
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Page 133
Page 136
Page 138
Page 139
Page 141
Page 142
Page 143
MAXReal-valued function that returns the maximum value con-
tained in the list of values.
$MIDString function that returns a substring of the specified string.Page 146
MINReal-valued function that returns the minimum value con-
tained in the list of values.
NETWORKReal-valued function that returns network status and
IPaddress information of the robot controller.
NORMALTransformation function that corrects a transformation for any
mathematical round-off errors.
NOTOperator that performs logical negation of a value.Page 151
NULLTransformation function that returns a null transformation
value (one with all zero components).
OFFReal-valued function that returns the value used by eV+ to rep-
resent a logical false result.
ONReal-valued function that returns the value used by eV+ to rep-
resent a logical true result.
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22eV+3KeywordReferenceManual22353-000 Rev. C
Chapter 2: Keyword QuickReference
OUTSIDEReal-valued function that tests a value to determine if it is out-
side a specified range.
PARAMETERReal-valued function that returns the current setting of the
named system parameter.
#PDESTPrecision-point function that returns a precision-point value rep-
resenting the planned destination location for the current robot
#PHEREPrecision-point function that returns a precision-point value rep-
resenting the current location of the currently selected robot.
PIReal-valued function that returns the value of the math-
ematical constant pi (3.141593).
#PLATCHPrecision-point function that returns a precision-point value rep-
resenting the location of the robot at the occurrence of the last
external trigger.
POSReal-valued function that returns the starting character pos-
ition of a substring in a string.
#PPOINTPrecision- point function that returns a precision-point value
composed from the given components.
PRIORITYReal-valued function that returns the current reaction lock-out
priority for the program.
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Page 156
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Page 158
Page 159
Page 160
Page 161
Page 162
Page 164
RANDOMReal-valued function that returns a pseudo-random number.Page 165
RXTransformation function that returns a transformation describ-
ing a rotation about the X-axis.
RYTransformation function that returns a transformation describ-
ing a rotation about the Y-axis.
RZTransformation function that returns a transformation describ-
ing a rotation about the Z-axis.
SCALETransformation function that returns a transformation value
equal to the transformation parameter with the position scaled
by the scale factor.
SELECTReal-valued function that returns information about the device
specified for the currently selected task. .
#SET.POINTPrecision point function that returns the commanded joint-
angle positions computed by the trajectory generator during
the last trajectory-evaluation cycle.
SHIFTTransformation function that returns a transformation value
resulting from shifting the position of the transformation parameter by the given shift amounts.
SIG.INSReal-valued function that returns an indication of whether a
digital I/O signal is installed in the system or whether a software signal is available in the system.
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22353-000 Rev. CeV+3KeywordReferenceManual23
2.1 Function Keyword Summary
SIGNReal-valued function that returns the value 1, with the sign of
the value parameter.
SIGReal-valued function that returns the logical AND of the states
of the indicated digital signals.
SINReal-valued function that returns the trigonometric sine of a
given angle.
SOLVE.FLAGSReal-valued function that returns bit flags representing the
robot configuration specified by an array of joint positions.
SPEEDReal-valued function that returns one of the system motion
speed factors.
SQRTReal-valued function that returns the square root of the para-
SQRReal-valued function that returns the square of the parameter.Page 186
STATEReal-valued function that returns a value to provide inform-
ation about the robot system state.
STATUSReal-valued function that returns status information for an
application program.
STRDIFReal-valued function that compares two strings byte-by-byte
for the purpose of sorting.
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Page 195
Page 197
SWITCHReal-valued function that returns information about the set-
ting of a system switch.
TANReal-valued function that returns the trigonometric tangent of
a given angle.
TASReal-valued function that returns the current value of a real-
valued variable and assigns it a new value. The two actions are
done indivisibly so that no other program task can modify the
variable at the same time.
TASKReal-valued function that returns information about a program
execution task.
$TIMEString function that returns a string value containing either the
current system date and time or the specified date and time.
$TIME4String function that returns a string value containing either the
current system four-digit date and time or the specified fourdigit date and time.
TIMEReal-valued function that returns an integer value rep-
resenting either the date or the time specified in the given
string parameter.
TIMERReal-valued function that returns the current time value of the
specified system timer.
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Page 213
TOOLTransformation function that returns the value of the trans-Page 216
24eV+3KeywordReferenceManual22353-000 Rev. C
Chapter 2: Keyword QuickReference
formation specified in the last TOOL operation.
TPSReal-valued function that returns the number of ticks of the
system clock that occur per second (Ticks Per Second).
TRANSTransformation function that returns a transformation value
computed from the given X, Y, Z position displacements and y,
p, r orientation rotations.
$TRANSBString function that returns a 48-byte string containing the bin-
ary representation of a transformation value.
TRANSBTransformation function that returns a transformation value
represented by a 48-byte or 96-byte string.
TRUEReal-valued function that returns the value used by eV+ to rep-
resent a logical true result.
$TRUNCATEString function that returns all characters in the input string
until an ASCII NUL (or the end of the string) is encountered.
$UNPACKString function that returns a substring from an array of 128-
character string variables.
VALReal-valued function that returns the real value represented by
the characters in the input string.
VLOCATIONTransformation function that returns a cartesian trans-
formation result of the execution of the specified vision
sequence. The returned value is a transform result as x, y, z,
yaw, pitch, and roll.
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Page 223
Page 224
Page 226
Page 227
VPARAMETERTransformation function that returns the current value of a vis-
ion tool parameter.
VRESULTReal-valued function that returns a specified result of a vision
tool, or returns the status of a specified tool.
VSTATEReal-valued function that returns the state of the execution of
a sequence.
WINDOWReal-valued function that returns a value to indicate where the
location described by the belt-relative transformation value is
relative to the predefined boundaries of the working range on a
moving conveyor belt.
2.2 Monitor Command Keyword Summary
The table below provides a summary of all monitor command keywords.
ABORTMonitor command that terminates execution of an execut-
able program.
BASEMonitor command that translates and rotates the world ref- Page 240
Page 230
Page 232
Page 234
Page 235
Page 238
22353-000 Rev. CeV+3KeywordReferenceManual25
2.2 Monitor Command Keyword Summary
erence frame relative to the robot.
CALIBRATEMonitor command that initializes the robot positioning sys-
CDMonitor command that displays or changes the default path
for disk access.
COMMANDSMonitor command that initiates processing of a Monitor
COPYMonitor command that creates a new program as a copy of
an existing program.
CYCLE.ENDMonitor command that terminates the specified executable
program the next time it executes a STOP operation or its
equivalent. It will suspend processing of a command program until a program completes execution.
DEFAULTMonitor command that defines the default relationship
between the eV+ disk logical device and the physical device
to be accessed. This also displays the current default.
DELETEMonitor command that deletes the specified programs from
the system memory.
DELETELMonitor command that deletes the named location vari-
ables from the system memory.
DELETEMMonitor command that deletes the named program module
from the system memory.
Page 244
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Page 248
Page 250
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Page 253
Page 257
Page 259
Page 261
DELETEPMonitor command that deletes the named programs from
the system memory.
DELETERMonitor command that deletes the named real-valued vari-
ables from the system memory.
DELETESMonitor command that deletes the named string variables
from the system memory.
DIRECTORYMonitor command that displays the names of some or all of
the programs in the system memory.
DISABLEMonitor command that turns OFF one or more system
DOMonitor command that executes a keyword(s) as though it
were the next step in an executable program or the next
step in the specified task / program context.
ENABLEMonitor command that turns ON one or more system
ESTOPMonitor command that stops the robot in the same manner
as if an emergency stop signal was received.
EXECUTEMonitor command that begins execution of a control pro-Page 278
Page 263
Page 265
Page 267
Page 269
Page 271
Page 273
Page 275
Page 277
26eV+3KeywordReferenceManual22353-000 Rev. C
Chapter 2: Keyword QuickReference
FCOPYMonitor command that copies the information in an existing
disk file to a new disk file.
FDELETEMonitor command that deletes one or more disk files match-
ing the given file specification.
FDIRECTORYMonitor command that displays information about the files
on a disk and the amount of space remaining for storage as
well as creates and delete subdirectories on disks.
FLISTMonitor command that lists the contents of the specified
disk file on the Monitor Window.
FREEMonitor command that displays the percentage of available
system memory not currently in use.
FRENAMEMonitor command that changes the name of a disk file.Page 293
FSETMonitor command that sets or modifies attributes of a net-
work device.
HEREMonitor command that defines the value of a trans-
formation or precision-point variable to be equal to the current robot location.
IDMonitor command that displays identity information about
components of the system.
Page 282
Page 284
Page 286
Page 291
Page 292
Page 294
Page 295
Page 297
IOMonitor command that displays the current states of
external digital input / output signals or internal software
JOGMonitor command that moves the specified joint of the
robot, or moves the robot tool along the specified Cartesian
axis. Each time JOG is executed, the robot moves for up to
300 ms.
KILLMonitor command that clears a program execution stack
and detaches any I/O devices that are attached.
LISTMonitor command that displays the value of the expression. Page 307
LISTLMonitor command that displays the values of the listed loc-
LISTPMonitor command that displays all the steps of the listed
user programs.
LISTRMonitor command that displays the values of the real
expressions specified.
LISTSMonitor command that displays the values of the specified
LOADMonitor command that loads the contents of the specified
disk file into the system memory.
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22353-000 Rev. CeV+3KeywordReferenceManual27
2.2 Monitor Command Keyword Summary
MDIRECTORYMonitor command that displays the names of all the pro-
gram modules in the system memory or the names of the
programs in a specified program module.
MODULEMonitor command that creates a new program module, or
modifies the contents of an existing module.
NETMonitor command that displays status information about
the network. Also displays details about the remote mounts
that are currently defined in the eV+ system.
PANICMonitor command that simulates an external E-stop button
press, stops all robots immediately but does not turn
OFFrobot high power.
PARAMETERMonitor command that sets or displays the values of
PINGMonitor command that tests the network connection to a
PRIMEMonitor command that prepares a program for execution
but does not start execution.
PROCEEDMonitor command that resumes execution of an application
RENAMEMonitor command that changes the name of a user pro-
gram in memory to the new name provided.
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Page 327
Page 329
Page 330
Page 332
Page 334
RESETMonitor command that will turn OFFall the digital output
RESET.LOCKMonitor command that detaches a robot from the applic-
ation program.
RETRYMonitor command that repeats execution of the last inter-
rupted statement and continues execution of the program.
SELECTMonitor command that selects a robot for subsequent Mon-
itor Window operations
SIGNALMonitor command that turns ON or OFF digital output sig-
nals, internal software signals, or host signals.
SPEEDMonitor command that specifies monitor speed.Page 343
SRV.RESETMonitor command that restarts and resets eV+.Page 345
SSTEPMonitor command that executes a single step or an entire
subroutine of a control program.
STACKMonitor command that specifies the amount of system
memory reserved for a program task to use for subroutine
calls and automatic variables.
STATUSMonitor command that returns status information for the
system and the programs being executed.
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28eV+3KeywordReferenceManual22353-000 Rev. C
Chapter 2: Keyword QuickReference
STOREMonitor command that stores programs and variables in a
disk file.
STORELMonitor command that stores location variables in a disk
STOREMMonitor command that stores a specified program module
to a disk file.
STOREPMonitor command that stores program files to a disk file.Page 360
STORERMonitor command that stores real variables in a disk file.Page 362
STORESMonitor command that stores a string variable in a disk file.Page 364
SWITCHMonitor command that displays the settings of system
switches in theMonitor Window.
TESTPMonitor command that tests for the presence of the named
program in the system memory.
TOOLMonitor command that sets the internal transformation
used to represent the location and orientation of the tool tip
relative to the tool-mounting flange of the robot.
WAIT.STARTMonitor command that puts a Monitor Commandprogram
into a wait state until a condition is satisfied.
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Page 356
Page 358
Page 366
Page 368
Page 369
Page 371
WHEREMonitor command that displays the current location of the
robot and the hand opening.
XSTEPMonitor command that executes a single step of a program.Page 374
ZEROMonitor command that initializes the eV+ system and
deletes all the programs and data in system memory.
2.3 Other Keyword Summary
The table below provides a summary of all keywords not categorized as function, monitor command, program command, system parameter, or system switch keywords.
.ENDKeyword that marks the end of an eV+ program.Page 379
IPSSpecify the units for a SPEED program command as inches
per second.
MMPSSpecify the units for a SPEED program command as mil-
limeters per second.
2.4 Program Command Keyword Summary
Page 373
Page 377
Page 380
Page 381
The table below provides a summary of all program command keywords.
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2.4 Program Command Keyword Summary
ABORTTerminate execution of an executing program task.Page 382
ABOVERequest a change in the robot configuration during the
next motion so that the elbow is above the line from the
shoulder to the wrist.
ACCELSet acceleration and deceleration for robot motions and
optionally specify a defined acceleration profile.
ALIGNAlign the robot tool Z-axis with the nearest world axis.Page 389
ALTERSpecify the magnitude of the real-time path modification
that is to be applied to the robot path during the next trajectory computation.