Omron EtherCAT User Manual

Machine Automation Controller NJ/NX-series
Connection Guide
Bayard-Alpert Pirani Gauge (BPG402-SE)
About Intellec t ua l Property Right s and Trademarks
Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries. EtherCAT® is a reg istere d trade mar k and pate nted t echn olo gy, licensed by Be ckhof f Automation GmbH, Germany. Sysmac is a trademark or r egist ered trademark of OMRON Cor por at ion in Japan and other countries for OMRON fact or y automation products. Company names and product names in this guide are trademar ks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Table of Contents
1. Related Manuals .......................................................................................... 1
2. Terms and Definitions ................................................................................. 2
3. Precautions .................................................................................................. 3
4. Overview ...................................................................................................... 4
5. Applicable Devices and Device Configuration ........................................ 5
5.1. Applicable Devices .................................................................................. 5
5.2. Device Configurat ion ............................................................................... 6
6. EtherCAT Settings ....................................................................................... 8
6.1. Parameter ................................................................................................ 8
6.2. Device Variables ...................................................................................... 9
7. EtherCAT Connection Procedure ............................................................ 10
7.1. Work Flow ............................................................................................. 10
7.2. INFICON Gauge Setup .......................................................................... 11
7.3. Controller Setup .................................................................................... 12
7.4. EtherCAT Communication Status Check .............................................. 24
8. Initialization Method .................................................................................. 26
8.1. Initializing a Controller ........................................................................... 26
9. Revision History ........................................................................................ 27
1Related Manuals

1. Related Manuals

To ensure system safety, make sure to always read and follow the information pr ovided in all Safety Precautions and Precaut ions for Safe Use in the manuals for each device used in the system. The table below lists the manuals provided by INFICON Co., Lt d. (hereinafter referred to as "INFICON") and OMRO N Corporation (hereinafter referr ed to as "OMRON"), which pert ain to this guide.
Manufacturer Cat. No. Model Manual name OMRON W500 NJ501-□□□□
NJ301-□□□□ NJ101-□□□□
OMRON W535 NX701-□□□□ NX-series CPU Unit
OMRON W593 NX102-□□□□
OMRON W578 NX1P2-□□□□ NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit
OMRON W504 SYSMAC-SE2□□□ Sysmac Studio Version 1
INFICON tirb53e1 BPG402-SE Communication Protocol
NX701-□□□□ NX102-□□□□ NX1P2-□□□□ NJ501-□□□□ NJ301-□□□□ NJ101-□□□□
NJ-series CPU Un it Hardware User's Manual
Hardware User's Manua l NX-series NX102 CPU U nit
Hardware User's Manua l
Hardware User's Manua l NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
Software User's Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Built-i n EtherCAT® Port User's Manual
Operation Manual
EtherCAT® for Bayard-Alpert Pirani Gauge
INFICON tina46e1 BPG402-Sx
Operating Manual Bayard-Alpert Pirani Gau ge

2. Terms and Definitions

The terms and definitions used in this guide are given below.
Term Explanation and Definition
2Terms and Definitions
PDO communications (communications using process data objects)
SDO communications (communications using service data objects)
PDO communications is used for const ant data exchang e betw een a master and slaves. PDO dat a (i.e., I/O data that is mapped to PDOs) that is allocated in adv ance is input and output each EtherCAT process data communications cycle (i.e., the task period of primary periodic task). The NJ/NX-series Machine Automation Controllers use PDO com mu nications for commands to refresh I /O data in a fixed control period, including I/O data for slave units a nd the position control data for ser vomotors. It is accessed from NJ/NX-series Machine Automation Controllers in the fo llowing ways.
With device variables for EtherCAT slave I/OWith axis variables for a s er vo drive and encoder input slaves to
which an axis is assigned
SDO communications is u sed t o r ead and write specified slave data from a master when r equired. The NJ/NX-serie s M achine Automation Controllers use SDO communications fo r com m ands to read and write data, such as f or paramet er transf ers, at specified times. The NJ/NX-series Machine A uto mation Cont roll ers can read/write the specified s l ave data (parameters and error information, etc.) with t he EC _CoESDORead (Read CoE S DO) instruction or the EC_CoE SDOWrite (Write C oE SDO) instruction.
slave unit A generic name for a device that performs EtherCAT
communications with a n Et herCAT master. There are various ty pes of slave units such as servo drives that handle position data and
I/O terminals that handle bit signals. node address An address to identify a slave unit connected to EtherCAT. ESI file (EtherCAT slave
information file)
It contains information un i que t o Et herCAT slave units in X M L
format. The ESI file can be loaded into Sysmac Studio, t o allocate
EtherCAT slave process data and make other setti ngs.
Precautions for Correct Use
Additional Information

3. Precautions

(1) Understand the speci fications of devices which are used in t he system. A ll ow s ome
margin for ratings and performance. Provide safety measures, such as installing a safety circuit, in order to ensure safety and minimize the risk of abnormal occurrence.
(2) To ensure system safety, make sure to always read and follow the information provided in
all Safety Precautions and Precaut ion s for Saf e Use in the manua ls for each dev ice use d in the system.
(3) The user is encouraged t o conf irm the standards and regulatio ns that the system must
conform to.
(4) It is prohibited to copy, to reproduce, and to distribute a part or t he whole of this guide
without the permission of O M RON Corporation.
(5) The information contai ned in this guide is current as of July 2020. It is subject to change
for improvement without notice.
The following notations are used in this guide.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not av oided, may result in minor or moderate injury, or may result in serious injury or death. Additionally, there may be significant property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not av oided, may result in minor or moderate injury or property dam age.
Precautions on what to do and w hat not to do to ensure proper operati on and performance.
Additional information to read as required. This information is provid ed to increase understanding or make operation easier.
The filled circle symbol indicates operations that you must do. The specific operation is shown in the circle and ex plained in the text. This example shows a general precaution for something that you must do.

4. Overview

This guide describes proc edur es for connecting an INFICON Bay ar d-Alpert Pirani Gauge BPG402-SE (hereinaft er r eferr ed to as the "Gauge") to an OMRON NJ/NX-series Machine Automation Controller ( hereinafter referred to as the "Contr oller") via EtherCAT and for checking their communication status. Refer to Section 6. EtherCAT Settings and Section 7 . Et her CAT Connection Procedure to understand setting metho ds and key points to perform PDO com m unications via EtherCAT.
5Applicable Devices and Device Configuration
Precautions for Correct Use
Additional Information

5. Applicable Devices and De vice Configuration

5.1. Applicable Devices

The applicable devices are as follows:
Manufacturer Name Model
OMRON NJ/NX-series CPU Unit NX701-□□□□
NX102-□□□□ NX1P2-□□□□ NJ501-□□□□ NJ301-□□□□ NJ101-□□□□
In this guide, the devices with models and versions listed in 5.2. Dev ice Conf igurat ion are used as examples of applicabl e devices to describe the procedur es for connecting the devices and checking their connection. You cannot use devices with versions lower than those listed in 5.2. To use the above devices with models not listed in 5.2 or versions higher than those listed in 5.2, chec k the differences in the specific ation s by referri ng t o the manu al s before operating the devic es.
This guide describes the procedures for establishing t he net work connection. It does not provide inform at ion on operation, installation, wirin g method, device functionality, or device operation, which is not r elat ed to the connection procedures. Refer to the manuals or cont act the manufacturers of the appl icable devices.
5Applicable Devices and Device Configuration
Precautions for Correct Use
Precautions for Correct Use
Personal computer
LAN cable

5.2. Devic e Configuration

The hardware components to replicate t he connection procedures in this guide are as follows:
(Sysmac Studio installed, OS: Windows 10)
(Built-in EtherCAT port)
Power supply
Ethernet cable
Manufacturer Name Model Version
OMRON NX-series CPU Unit
NX102-1200 Ver.1.40
(Built-in EtherCAT port)
Power supply (24 VDC for Controller)
OMRON Sysmac Studio SYSMAC-SE2□□□ Ver.1.29
Personal computer
(OS: Windows 10)
LAN cable (STP (shielded,
twisted-pair) cable of Ethernet category 5 or higher)
Ethernet cable (with indus trial
XS5W-T421-M-K Ethernet connector)
INFICON Gauge BPG402-SE Rev.
0x00000201 INFICON ESI file Inficon BPG402 V2_0_1_6.xml
Power supply
(24 VDC for Gauge)
Contact INFICON Co., Ltd. to obtain the ESI file specified above before proceeding.
The connection line of Ether CAT communications cannot be shared with other Ethern et networks. Do not use devices for Ethern et such as an Ethernet switch. Use an Et hernet cable (double shielding with alum inum tape and braiding) of Category 5 or higher, and use a shielded connector of Category 5 or higher. Connect the cable shield to t he c onnector hood at both ends of the cable.
5Applicable Devices and Device Configuration
Precautions for Correct Use
Additional Information
Additional Information
Update Sysmac Studio to t he version 1.29 or to a higher version. If you use a version higher than the one specified, the pr ocedures and related screenshot s described in Section 7 and the subsequent sections may not be applicable. In that case, use the equivalent procedures described in this guide by referr i ng t o t he Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504).
For information on the specifications of Ethernet cables and the network wiring, refer to
Section 4. EtherCAT Network Wiring of the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Built -in EtherCAT® Port User's Manual (Cat. No. W505).
For information on the pow er supply s pecifications of the Controller, refer to the NX-series NX102 CPU Unit Hardware User's Manual (Cat. No. W593).
Additional Information
For information on the pow er supply s pecifications of the Gauge, ref er t o t he Operating Manual Bayard-Alpert P irani G auge (tina46e1).
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