Your ATV requires 800km break-in when you start to drive it. During the
break-in period, do not run the ATV at a s peed over 35km/h or the engine will be
seriously damaged. Do remember to replace the gear oil after the break-in period .
The grade of oil recommended is: 10w-40 for winter time and 15w-40 for sum-
mer time.
Thank you for choosing a motorcycle of the company.
May you riding all the time.
The ma nua l con tain s the necessar y inst ruct ions a nd gui dance with respect to the operation and maintenance of the
YOU RIDE T HE MOTO RCYCL E. Proper operation and maintenance can guar antee a safe riding to minimize trou bles of the
motorcycle and keep it in a sound condit ion, which can extend
the engine service life. Your dealer will provide you with technical in quiry a nd after service.
The technical data in the manual are the latest, and
we reserve absolute right to amend them. The revision
will be made without notice. Please check careful ly the prod-
uct na meplate, VI N recor d and engine code i n the motor cycle,
which you have bought, and they are hel pful for you to get the
motorcycl e a l icense plat e a nd for fu ture inqui ry.
Opera tor and pa ssenger
This motorcycle is designed to carry the operator only.
Never exceed the maximum loading capacity as specified in
the manua l.
Maximum loading cap 75kg.
On-road u se
This motor cycle is d esigned only for l evel, off-road su rfa ce,
free of obstacles. Operation on public streets, roads or highways is illegal.
Pay special at tention to stateme nts preced ed by the
following w o rd s:
A warning is used to alert the user to fact that hazardous
operating and maintenance procedures may result in injury
or death of personnel if not strictly observed.
A cau ti on is used to a ler t t he u ser t o fa ct t hat ha zar dous
opera ting a nd mai ntenanc e proce dures ma y resul t in da mage
or destr uction of equipme nt if not st rictly obse rved.
A note is used to give helpful information.
Thi s manua l shou ld be con sidered as a perma nent pa rt of
the motorcycle a nd should remai n with the motorcycle when
VEHICLE SAFE RI NING............................................... 1
Not es for s af et y .......................................................... 1
Mainterance Sch edu le ............................................... 3 0
ELECTRIC DIAGRAM.................................................31
Vehicle ridin g req uire s special efforts on your part to en su re your safety. Know th ese req u irem en ts below before you
1. This vehicle is designed for th e rider of 12-16 year-old.
2. Both parents and their children must fully understand everything in this Owner’s Manual before riding.
3. This vehicle is for OPERATOR ONLY.
4. For OFF-ROAD USE O NLY. This veh icle is designed to be operated on ly on level, off-road surface, free of
5. It is illegal to ride this vehicle on public roads or highways. If it is necessary to cross a public road, please get off this
vehicle and push it across.
6. Do not operate this vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This can impair judgment and result in
seriou s injur y or even death .
7. Keep a saf e d istance betwe en you r vehicle and ot her off-road vehicle.
8. Neve r ride this veh icle un less it has been prope rly adjus ted and m ain tain ed.
9. Do n o t a llow your child to r ide without your supe rv ision.
10.Never run the engine in closed area. The exhaust gas contains poisonous carbon monoxide gas(CO).
11.Don’t touch any part of the engine and muffler during and even after riding, because it is very hot.
1. Most motorcycle accident fatalities are due to head injuries. ALWAYS wear a helmet. You should also wear a face
shield and protect ive clot hing.
2. The exhaust system be comes hot during riding, and i t remains hot for a while after st oppi ng the engine. Be careful
not to touch the exhaust system since it is hot. Wear clothing that fully covers your legs.
3. Do n ot wear loose clothing that could catch on the control levers, kick-starter, footrests or wheels.
Refittin g o f th e motorcycle ,or remo val of original parts may make th e vehicle unsafe or illegal. Obey all national and
local equipm en t reg ulations.
Genuine accessories by our Co. have been sp ecifica lly designed and tested on the motorcycle. Becau se o u r C o. won’t
test an d acces sories manufactured by other company/factor y, you ar e p ers on ally respons ible for select ion, installation, and
use of them . Always follow t he gu idelines be low:
1. Carefully inspect the accessory to make sure that it does not obscure any lights, reduce ground clearance and banki ng
ange l, or limit su spension tr av el, steering trav el or co ntrol operation .
2. Accessories may increase the time that hands of feet operate controls, resulting in increased reaction time in an
3. Do not ad d e le ctr ical equipmen t that will exceed the vehicle’ s electrical system capac it y.
Do not add device cooling the engine.
Ground clearance
Wheel base
Dry weight
Steering bar angle
Top s p e ed
Front brake type
Rear brake type
Tire size(front&rear)
Com p re s sio n ratio
Ignition mode