Important Notes for Getting Started
We congratulate you on your purchase of the OmniBrain brain wave entrainment system.
Together with the Omnium1, OmniBrain will create stimulation of the brain
waves by using visual and acoustic signals. In doing so, rhythmic visual and
acoustic signals will be generated in specically programmed sequences through LED goggles and headphones. In principle, our brains uctuate between
four different ranges of brain waves, each with its own characteristic set of frequencies (alpha, beta, delta and theta waves). The four frequency patterns determine if we are in the state of extreme concentration or in phases of stress,
relaxation, dreaming or deep sleep. The brain has the property of adjusting
itself to externally applied uctuations. By generating a specic uctuation
pattern, stimulation of the phases of being awake, relaxation, deep sleep and
dreaming can be achieved with the OmniBrain system. The OmniBrain can be
used independently as well as together with an iMRS one application.
This operating manual is a component of the scope of delivery. It should be
kept close to hand and remain with the system when sold.
Copyright © 2014 Swiss Bionic Solutions Holding GmbH
All rights reserved.
No part of this manual, including the products and software described herein,
may be reproduced, transferred, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or
translated into another language, without the express written permission of
Swiss Bionic Solutions Holding GmbH. Documentation stored by the purchaser for backup purposes is excluded from this condition. This condition shall
not apply for software that has been licensed under the General Public License
(GPL) or other free open source licensing systems.
Omnium1, the Omnium1 logo and the iMRS Logo are trademarks of Swiss
Bionic Solutions Holding GmbH. All other trademarks are the property of their
corresponding owners.
The details of the content of this manual may deviate from the product or
the associated software. All information in this document may be changed
without prior notication.