DIP-switch Bank Locations
The table below provides a description of each DIP-switch position and function.
Switch 1 Fiber, 1 UTP 1 Fiber, 2 UTP 2 Fiber, 1 UTP 2 Fiber, 2 UTP
Port 1 Fiber
Port 1 Fiber
Port 1 Fiber
Port 1 Fiber
2 N/A N/A
Port 2 Fiber
Port 2 Fiber
Port 2 UTP
Port 2 UTP
Port 3 UTP
Port 3 UTP
Port 2 UTP Speed
(Only in MAN mode)
Port 2 UTP Speed
(Only in MAN mode)
Port 3 UTP Speed
(Only in MAN mode)
Port 3 UTP Speed
(Only in MAN mode)
Port 2 UTP Duplex
(Only in MAN mode)
Port 2 UTP Duplex
(Only in MAN mode)
Port 3 UTP Duplex
(Only in MAN mode)
Port 3 UTP Duplex
(Only in MAN mode)
6 Pause Capability Pause Capability Pause Capability Pause Capability
7 UTP Port 2 PoE/PSE UTP Port 2 PoE/PSE UTP Port 3 PoE/PSE UTP Port 3 PoE/PSE
8 N/A UTP Port 3 PoE/PSE N/A UTP Port 4 PoE/PSE
9 PSE Conguration Type PSE Conguration Type PSE Conguration Type PSE Conguration Type
10 PSE Conguration Type PSE Conguration Type PSE Conguration Type PSE Conguration Type
11 N/A N/A PSE Conguration Type PSE Conguration Type
12 Link Mode Selection Link Mode Selection Link Mode Selection Link Mode Selection
13 Link Mode Selection Link Mode Selection Link Mode Selection Link Mode Selection
14 PSE Reset PSE Reset PSE Reset PSE Reset
15 N/A N/A Redundant Fiber Link Redundant Fiber Link
16 N/A N/A Return to Port 1 Return to Port 1
DIP-switch Denitions
SW1 and SW2: F/O Speed “100/1000” DIP-switch
The OmniConverter supports 1000BASE-X and 100BASE-FX SFPs. These
DIP-switches are used to congure the unit for the speed of the installed SFPs.
Setting these DIP-switches to the Down “1000” position enables the ber port to
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accept 1000BASE-X SFPs. Setting these DIP-switches to the Up “100” position
enables the ber port to accept 100BASE-FX SFPs.
When an RJ-45 transceiver is installed in a SFP receptacle or for xed ber
models, setting this DIP-switch to Up “100” position enables the port to operate at
These DIP-switches are ignored when using Omnitron branded ber SFPs. The
OmniConverter automatically congures the ber port to the correct speed.
*Special compatibility mode for the xed ber models only.
SW3, SW4 and SW5 UTP Conguration DIP-Switches
UTP Mode of Operation
AN 10 or 100 FDX or HDX
The UTP port is set to auto-negotiation with the following modes
advertised: 1000FDX, 1000HDX, 100FDX, 100HDX, 10FDX,
MAN 100 FDX The UTP port is set to manual negotiation and is forced to 100FDX.
MAN 100 HDX The UTP port is set to manual negotiation and is forced to 100HDX.
MAN 10 FDX The UTP port is set to manual negotiation and is forced to 10FDX.
MAN 10 HDX The UTP port is set to manual negotiation and is forced to 10HDX.
UTP Port Conguration Matrix
SW6 - Pause “On/Off” DIP-Switch
In auto-negotiation mode, setting this DIP-switch to the Up “On” position allows the
unit to advertise Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Pause capability. In auto-negotiation
mode, setting the DIP-switch to the Down “Off” position allows the unit to advertise
no Pause capability. In the manual mode, this DIP-switch determines the Pause
SW7 - Power Sourcing Function, UTP Port
The OmniConverter automatically detects the attached PD and provides the
equipment with the necessary power.
This DIP-switch controls the power sourcing function for Port 2 on the single-ber
models and Port 3 on all other models (see DIP-switch Denition table on page
4). When this DIP-switch in the Down “On” position, the power sourcing function
is enabled. When the DIP-switch is in the Up “Off” position, the power sourcing
function is disabled.
Switch Position Description DOWN UP
7 UTP Port 2 or 3 PoE/PSE Enabled (ON) Disabled (OFF)
8 UTP Port 3 or 4 PoE/PSE Enabled (ON) Disabled (OFF)
Power Sourcing Function
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