Omnitron Systems Technology 400XL User Manual

Omni 400XL Series
Systems AS400/3X Multifunctional Super Multiplexer
n The OmniMux
400XL is a multifunctional
5250 twinax over fiber super-multiplexer-star.
n Supports the following functions:
Fiber optic star Fiber optic Super multiplexer Fiber optic demultiplexer Fiber optic demultiplexer star
n Star: Provides 5250 fiber to the desk connection. n Super multiplexer: Provides up to eight fiber
connections, each multiplexing 1-8 host ports.
n Demultiplexer: Converts a multiplexed link into
fiber optic host ports.
n Demultiplexer-star: Converts a multiplexed link
into a host port and provides fiber to the desk connection.
n Cut Through Repeating technology provides an
optimum transmission speed.
n Digital Phase Locked Architecture and frame
regeneration provides reliable data acquisition and facilitates long distance connectivity.
n Self test, fault recovery and display help in
installation and maintenance.
n Software independent operation facilitates easy
installation and management.
Omni 400XL Series
General: The OmniMuxTM400XL is a versatile multifunction AS400/3X 5250 fiber connectivity unit. It inter-operates with all of Omnitron’s Omni series products and is ideal for a wide range of 5250 fiber applications. Being software independent, it is easy to install and manage. It performs the following functions:
Fiber optic star
Fiber optic Super multiplexer
Fiber optic demultiplexer
Fiber optic demultiplexer star
As a fiber optic star, the XL provides per device fiber to the desk connectivity. On the host end (Link), the star may be connected to an RJ11/45 or a fiber source. On the device side it connects to each device via a fiber converter such as the OmniRepeater
As a SuperMuxTM the XL connects to the host using a DB25 cable and eliminates the twinax distribution “Brick”. The DB25 cable connects the eight host ports from the local controller and the XL multiplexes (condenses) these ports into a single data stream which is then forwarded to eight fiber links. Each one of the eight links delivers all multiplexed twinax host ports to a distant destination via fiber. At the distant location each fiber is connected to a second OmniMuxTM400 which demultiplexes the ports to their original host port designation. Based on the application at the distant end, the far end demultiplexer can be an XL or another OmniMux
converting the ports back to twinax, twisted pairs or to fiber, for fiber to the desk applications.
As a demultiplexer, the XL demultiplexes the data stream received from the fiber link back into 8 host port data streams on fiber.
As a demultiplexer-star the XL combines the demultiplexing function with a star function. By selecting a specific port, that port alone can be selected from the multiplexed data stream and each of the fibers can serve as an individual device port.
Processing: The OmniMuxTM400XL utilizes a digital Phase Locked Architecture (PLA). This technology facilitates reliable data acquisition with
data rate variations of -2% to +4%. This facilitates consistent connectivity with all IBM and compatible devices and host models. It also facilitates a high degree of noise and crosstalk immunity.
The XL monitors all incoming data streams simultaneously, checking for data activity and errors. Once the valid data frame is recovered, it is processed and checked. True data activity or errors are displayed for each link using LED displays thus helping in monitoring network operation and problem isolation.
When a valid data frame header is recognized, the data frame “Cuts Through” and is retransmitted. It is fully regenerated and restored to its full original amplitude, and any lost start bits are reconstructed and regenerated. Each data bit is reshaped and reclocked at a 50% duty cycle eliminating any clock jitter and ensuring reliable connectivity
Inputs and Outputs: The OmniMuxTM400XL features the following inputs and outputs:
Host ports 0-7 for host DB25 connection
Link 0 for host side RJ11/45 copper connection
Link 1 for host side ST fiber connection
Port-Link 0-7 for ST fiber connection to distant
multiplexers or to local stars or devices
In SuperMuxTM mode, the DB25 host ports 0-7 connect to the host’s workstation controller and replace the 8 port twinax “Brick”. On the far side, the Port-Links 0-7 connect to far side demultiplexers.
In demultiplexer mode, Link 0 (copper link) or Link 1 (fiber link) connect to a host side multiplexer. On the far end, Port-Links 0-7 connect to far end stars.
In star mode, Link 0 or Link 1 connect directly to a workstation controller (via a balun or a fiber converter), or to a demultiplexer. Port-Links 0-7 connect to twinax devices via fiber converters such as the OmniRepeaterTM400FTD.
In demultiplexer-star mode, Link 0 or Link 1 connect to a host side multiplexer. On the far end, the Port-Links 0-7 connect to individual devices via fiber converters.
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