LED Lit LED Blinking LED Off
LED Status depends on connected device
Switch 1 Converter A Converter B Switch 2
Switch 1 Converter A Converter B Switch 2
Switch 1 Converter A Converter B Switch 2
Switch 1 Converter A Converter B Switch 2
Switch 1 Converter A Converter B Switch 2
Switch 1 Converter A Converter B Switch 2
10/100VT User Manual
Port 1 (P1)
Port 2 (P2)
Fiber Type /
Distance /
MM / 5 km /
1310 nm
SM / 30 km /
1310 nm
SM / 60 km /
1310 nm
SM / 120 km /
1550 nm
SM / 20 km /
Tx: 1310 nm,
Rx: 1550 nm
SM / 40 km /
Tx: 1310 nm,
Rx: 1550 nm
SM / 20 km /
Tx: 1550 nm,
Rx: 1310 nm
SM / 40 km /
Tx: 1550 nm,
Rx: 1310 nm
For wide temperature (-40 to 60º C), add a "W" to the end of the
model number. Consult factory for extended temperature
(-40 to +75º C) models.
When using single-fiber (SF) media converter models, the Tx
wavelength on one end has to match the Rx wavelength on the other.
10/100VT Dual Fiber Modules
Connecto r Types
8800-0 8802-0 8804-0 -
8801-1 8803-1 8805-1 8807-1
8801-2 8803-2 - 8807-2
- 8803-3 - 8807-3
10/100VT Single-Fiber Modules
- 8810-1 - -
- 8810-2 - -
- 8811-1 - -
- 8811-2 - -
Page 1
The iConverter 10/100VT provides 100BASE-FX fiber to
10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX UTP conversion, as well as
rate conversion between 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX.
Models are available for multimode (MM) and single-mode
(SM) dual fiber, and single-mode single-fiber (SF).
The 10/100VT supports Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex
modes and features an automatic crossover mode for
easy attachment to hubs, switches and workstations.
The 10/100VT can be used as a standard two-port UTP to
fiber converter. It can also use its two additional
10/100 backplane ports to connect to adjacent modules
and accommodate flexible network configurations like
in-band management and multi-module configurations.
iConverter 19-Module, 5-Module and 2-Module Chassis
have backplanes that facilitate connectivity between
adjacent modules.
The 10/100VT can be used in an unmanaged or managed
fashion. When unmanaged, it can be installed in an
iConverter chassis without a Network Management Module
(NMM). T o be managed, an NMM module or an
module with integrated management, such as the 10/100M,
must be installed in the same chassis as the 10/100VT.
Advanced Features:
The 10/100VT features Port VLAN and Tag VLAN, which
allow complete control of traffic flow between the fiber
port, UTP port, and the chassis Backplane Ethernet ports
on a module. Other advanced features include Port
Access Control, which facilitates enabling and disabling
of individual ports, individual Port Bandwidth Control and
reporting of MIB statistics.
Note that using the Advanced Features listed above
require the use of the NMM (or an
with integrated management) and the
Management Software, third-party SNMP management
software or Telnet.
iConverter module
For more information on using and configuring the
Advanced Features, please refer to the
Management Software user manual.
Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Using a 4-port switch design, the 10/100VT features one
front-plane 100Mbps fiber port, one front-plane
10/100Mbps UTP port and two 10/100Mbps Ethernet
Backplane ports (“A” and “B”). The Backplane ports can
connect to adjacent modules within the same chassis.
When the 10/100VT “A” and “B” Backplane ports are enabled
(using the board-mounted “A EN” and “B EN” DIP-Switches),
they connect via the chassis’ backplane to the slots on
the left and right sides of the 10/100VT module. When
another switch-based module with Backplane port
connections such as a second 10/100VT or an NMM is
installed in an adjacent slot, it can be connected via the
backplane to the 10/100VT to facilitate a multi-module
10/100VT Application Example:
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
A Port
front /
“A” Link
A Port
switch chip
B Port
“B” Link
A Port
switch chip
B Port
its “B” backplane port to the 10/100VT facilitating a 5-port
10/100 Ethernet switch with a fiber uplink configuration.
This example shows how the 10/100VT can be used as a
managed or unmanaged media converter to create flexible
and effective network switch configurations.
To find out about individual chassis “A” and “B”
backplane links, refer to the specific chassis’ user
In order to accommodate different user needs, the
10/100VT supports several different linking modes.
In “Link Segment” (LS), sometimes referred to as the
“Normal” mode, a port transmits a “Link” signal
independently of any received “Link” at any other port.
For example, the UTP transmits a “Link” regardless of the
fiber receiving a “Link” [Fig. 2(a) & (b)].
In “Link Propagate” (LP), sometimes referred to as “Link
Loss Carry Forward”, a port transmits a “Link” signal only
when receiving a “Link” at its other port. For example, the
UTP transmits a “Link” only when receiving a “Link” at the
fiber port [Fig. 2(c)].
In “Remote Fault Detection” (RFD), the fiber port transmits
a “Link” signal only when receiving a “Link” at the fiber
port. As a result, fiber faults (no “Link” received at the
fiber) are looped-back and can be reported to the network
core [Fig. 2(d)].
NMM Module
10 port
100 port
10/100VT Module
Fig. 1 In-Band Managed 10/100VT Application
Fig. 1 depicts a chassis with three modules plugged into
three of its adjacent backplane slots. The adjacent slots
are connected via the backplane using the “A” and “B”
10/100 links. In this example, the 10/100VT in the center
slot connects to the slot on its left using the ”A” link and
to the slot on its right using the “B” link.
In this example, the module on the left is a Network
Management Module (NMM) and it connects via its “A”
Backplane port to the 10/100VT facilitating in-band
management (via the fiber uplink). The module on the right
is a 4-port 10/100 switch module (4Tx) and it connects via
10/100 port
4-port 10/100 UTP
4Tx Module
In “Remote Fault Detection + Link Propagate” (RFD+LP),
the UTP port transmits a “Link” signal only when receiving
a “Link” at the fiber port. The fiber port transmits a “Link”
only when receiving “Link” signals both at the fiber port
and the UTP port. As a result, fiber faults (no “Link”
received at the fiber) are looped-back and can be reported
to the network core [Fig. 2(e)].
Note that connecting two converters with both set to
RFD mode is illegal and will cause a “deadly
embrace” lockup.
In “Symmetrical Fault Detection” (SFD), the UTP port
transmits a “Link” signal only when receiving a “Link” at
the fiber port. The fiber port transmits a “Link” only when
receiving a “Link” signal both at the fiber port and the UTP
port. As a result, fiber faults (no “Link” received at the
Fig. 2 10/100VT Link Modes
fiber) are looped back and can be reported to the network
core. In addition, connecting two back-to-back converters
which are both set to SFD facilitates dual-loop-back where
fiber faults are reported to both ends of the network. A
blinking fiber link LED indicates a fault of the transmit
fiber or UTP cables of the converter whose LED is blinking
[Fig. 2(f)].
Note that converters in SFD mode must be deployed
in pairs.
Front Panel DIP-Switch Settings:
Fig. 3 Front Panel DIP-Switches
Fiber Full/Half-Duplex “FDX/HDX” DIP-Switch:
Setting this DIP-Switch to Full-Duplex “FDX” facilitates
connecting to a switch or a workstation that supports FullDuplex operation. Setting this DIP-Switch to Half-Duplex
“HDX” facilitates connecting to a hub (with a shared/nonswitched fiber port) or a workstation that supports only
UTP Auto/Manual “AN/Man” DIP-Switch:
Setting this DIP-Switch to UTP Auto-Negotiate “AN”
(factory setting) enables the UTP port to determine the
speed and duplex mode automatically. If the connected
device cannot provide the proper signal to indicate its
own mode of operation, the UTP Manual “Man” DIP-Switch
setting should be used. This feature allows connections
with devices that do not auto-negotiate properly.
UTP 10/100 DIP-Switch:
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-Switch (described above) is
in the “Man” position, the UTP 10/100 DIP-Switch
determines the speed of operation for the UTP port.
Setting the UTP 10/100 DIP-Switch to UTP 100Mbps “100”
(factory setting) forces the UTP port to operate at
100Mbps. Setting this DIP-Switch to UTP 10Mbps “10”
forces the UTP port to operate at 10Mbps. Adjust the UTP
10/100 DIP-Switch to match the speed of the
connecting device.
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-Switch is in the Auto
Negotiate “AN” position, and the UTP 10/100 DIP-Switch
is in the “100” position, the UTP port auto-negotiates to
100Mbps or 10Mbps. When in the “10” position, the UTP
port only operates at 10Mbps.
Page 6Page 5
UTP Full/Half Duplex “FDX/HDX” DIP-Switch:
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-Switch is in the “Man”
position, the UTP Full/Half-Duplex DIP-Switch determines
the duplex operation mode for the UTP port.
Setting the UTP Full/Half-Duplex DIP-Switch to UTP
Full-Duplex “FDX” (factory setting) position forces the
UTP port to operate in Full-Duplex. Setting this DIP-Switch
to UTP Half-Duplex “HDX” forces the UTP port to operate
in Half-Duplex. Adjust the UTP Half/Full-Duplex
DIP-Switch to match the connecting device.
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-Switch is in the Auto
Negotiate “AN” position, and the UTP Full/Half Duplex
DIP-Switch is in the Full-Duplex “FDX” position, the UTP
port auto-negotiates to Full or Half-Duplex. When in the
Half-Duplex “HDX” position, the UTP port functions only
in Half-Duplex.
Board Mounted DIP-Switch Settings:
= A Port Backplane Enabled
= B Port Backplane Enabled
= Link Propagate/Link Segment
= Remote Fault Detection
= Symmetrical Fault Detection
TEST = Reserved for factory use
Fig. 4 Board Mounted DIP-Switches
A Port Backplane Enabled “A EN” DIP-Switch:
When the “A EN” DIP-Switch is in the left position (factory
default), the 10/100VT module’s Backplane Ethernet A
port is isolated from the backplane. When the “A EN”
DIP-Switch is in the right position, the 10/100VT module’s
Backplane Ethernet A port is enabled. This port allows
connectivity to an adjacent module.
B Port Backplane Enabled “B EN” DIP-Switch:
When the “B EN” DIP-Switch is in the left position (factory
default), the 10/100VT module’s Backplane Ethernet B
port is isolated from the backplane. When the “B EN”
DIP-Switch is in the right position, the 10/100VT module’s
Backplane Ethernet B port is enabled. This port allows
connectivity to an adjacent module.
Link Propagate/Link Segment “LP” DIP-Switch:
This DIP-Switch controls the selection of Link Propagate
Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12
or Link Segment modes. When this DIP-Switch is in the
left “LS” position (factory setting), Link Segment mode is
enabled. When this DIP-Switch position is in the right “LP”
position, Link Propagate “LP” mode is enabled. In this
mode, the
iConverter propagates the presence or absence
of an incoming “Link” signal from one port to the other.
Note that for Link Segment mode, the “LP”, “RFD”
and “SFD” DIP-Switches must be in the Left or “Off”
position (factory default).
Note that setting both “LP” and “SFD” link mode
DIP-Switches (or setting both “RFD” and “SFD” link
mode DIP-Switches) to the Right position on the
same module is an illegal mode that will result in
Link Segment behavior.
Remote Fault Detection “RFD” DIP-Switch:
When in the right switch position, the Remote Fault
Detection “RFD” mode is enabled. In RFD mode, the
10/100VT propagates the presence or absence of an
incoming “Link” signal from a Fiber port receive side to
the transmit side of the Fiber port.
When this DIP-Switch is in the right “RFD” position and
the “LS/LP” DIP-Switch is in the right “LP” position, Remote
Fault Detection + Link Propagation mode is enabled. In
“RFD+LP” mode, the 10/100VT propagates the presence
or absence of an incoming “Link” signal from a Fiber port
receive side to the transmit side of both the Fiber and the
UTP ports.
Connecting two converters with both set to RFD
mode is illegal and will cause a “deadly embrace”
Symmetrical Fault Detection “SFD” DIP-Switch:
When in the right switch position, the Symmetrical Fault
Detection “SFD” mode is enabled. In this mode, two
10/100VT media converters can be deployed in tandem
so that the absence of an incoming “Link” signal to any
port on either media converter forces the absence of a
“Link” signal on all other ports of both media converters.
Factory Test “TEST” DIP-Switch:
This DIP-Switch is for factory use only and must always
be left in the left position (factory default).
RJ45 Crossover “=/X” Switch (not shown):
Although the 10/100VT features auto-crossover, some
devices may have problems completing the link. When
connecting the UTP to a hub or switch, set this switch to
SWITCH “X” (factory setting). When connecting to a
workstation, set to CROSSOVER “=”.
iConverter modules are hot-swappable and can be
installed into any chassis in the iConverter family.
1. Carefully slide the
iConverter module into the
installation slot, aligning the module with the
installation guides. Ensure that the module is firmly
seated against the backplane.
2. Secure the module by securing the panel fastener
screw (attached to module) to chassis front.
3. Attach the UTP port via a category 5 cable to a
10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX Ethernet device.
4. Attach the fiber port via an appropriate multimode or
single-mode fiber cable to a 100Base-Fx Fast
Ethernet device. The
iConverter transmit (Tx) must
attach to the receive side on the other device; the
receive (Rx) must attach to the transmit.
5. When using single-fiber (SF) media converter models,
the Tx wavelength on one end has to match the Rx
wavelength on the other. Note that based on this
guideline the SF media converter models must be used
in pairs, such as the 8810-1 matched with the 8811-1.
Note that when hot-swapping a 10/100VT module
(removing it from the chassis and reinserting it), a period
of three seconds must pass between removing and
reinserting the module.
Updating the 10/100VT firmware requires an NMM to be
installed in the same chassis. The new 10/100VT firmware
is uploaded to the NMM’s FTP server and then installed in
the 10/100VT .
For more information on updating the 10/100VT
firmware, please refer to the NMM user manual.
LED Function
Power "Pwr" Amber No power Module has power
Fiber Port
Fiber Port
Backplane link/activity (not installed, used in
UTP Port Auto-
Negotiate "AN"
UTP Port 100
Mbps "100"
UTP Port 10
Mbps "10"
UTP Port Duplex
UTP port
Note: UTP 100Mbps, UTP 10 Mbps and UTP duplex are forced
when in manual mode and what is agreed to by the link partner
when in Auto-Negotiate mode.
Color Off state On / blinking state
Half-D uplex when
fiber link is active
(has no meaning
when fiber link is
not active)
Green No fiber link
Manual mode
(reflects state of the
100Mbps not
sele cted whe n UTP
link is active (has
no meaning when
UTP link is not
10Mbps not
sele cted whe n UTP
link is active (has
no meaning when
UTP link is not
Half-D uplex when
UTP link is a ctive
(has no meaning
when UTP li nk is
not active)
Green No UTP link
Full-Duplex when
link fiber is active
On: Fiber link
Blinking: Fiber data
mode (reflects state
of the DIP-Switch)
100Mbps selected
when UTP li nk is
10Mbps selected
when UTP li nk is
Full-Duplex when
UTP li nk is a ctive
On: UTP link
Blinking: UTP data
Model Type 10/100VT
100BASE-FX, 10BASE-T, or
(1536 bytes max. frame size)
Single-Fiber SC
UTP X-over, LS/LP, RFD, BP
Enable, SFD, Auto/Man,
10/100, FDX/HDX
LED Displays
Power, FO link, UTP link,
Auto, FDX/HDX, 10/100
W:0.85" x D:4.5" x H:2.8"
8 oz.
UL, CE, FCC Class A
0.7A @ 3.3VDC (typi cal)
Standard: 0 to 50º C
Wide: -40 to 60º C
Storage: -40 to 80º C
MTBF (hrs)
The operating description in this Instruction Manual is for
use by qualified personnel only. To avoid electrical shock,
do not perform any servicing of this unit other than that
contained in the operating instructions, unless you are
qualified and certified to do so by Omnitron Systems
Technology, Inc.
This product is warranted to the original purchaser against
defects in material and workmanship for a period of TWO
5 to 95% (non-condensing)
-100m to 4000m
YEARS from the date of shipment. A LIFETIME warranty
may be obtained by the original purchaser by
REGISTERING this product with Omnitron within 90 days
from the date of shipment. TO REGISTER, COMPLETE
FORM. Or you may register your product on the Internet
at www.omnitron-systems.com. During the warranty period,
Omnitron will, at its option, repair or replace a product which is
proven to be defective. For warranty service, the product
must be sent to an Omnitron designated facility, at Buyer’s
expense. Omnitron will pay the shipping charge to return
the product to Buyer’s designated US address using
Omnitron’s standard shipping method.
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting
from improper or inadequate use and/or maintenance of
the equipment by Buyer, Buyer-supplied equipment,
Buyer-supplied interfacing, unauthorized modifications or
tampering with equipment (including removal of equipment
cover by personnel not specifically authorized and certified
by Omnitron), or misuse, or operating outside the
environmental specification of the product (including but
not limited to voltage, ambient temperature, radiation,
unusual dust, etc.), or improper site preparation or
maintenance. No other warranty is expressed or implied.
Omnitron specifically disclaims the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose.
The remedies provided herein are the Buyer’s sole and
exclusive remedies. Omnitron shall not be liable for any
direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any legal
Limitation of Warranty
Exclusive Remedies
For help with this product, contact our Technical Support:
Phone: (949) 250-6510
Fax: (949) 250-6514
Address: Omnitron Systems Technology, Inc.
Email: support@omnitron-systems.com
URL: www.omnitron-systems.com
140 Technology Dr., #500
Irvine, CA 92618 USA
Form: 040-08800-001G 9/07