Management Options iConverter, Serial Agent
Network Management
1: Chassis and Module Management
2: Set Module Name Preferences
Management Module Preferences
3: IP and Control Preferences
4: SNMP Preferences
5: Abandon Preference Changes
6: Save Preference Changes
7: Restore Factory Defaults
8: Restart Management Module
9: Other Networking Features
Management Module Maintenance
10: Firmware Update
11: Set Date/Time
IP Address =
Chassis Number = 1
Enter Choice, <H>elp, E<x>it >
Figure C: Command Line Interface Menu Options
The CLI interface allows for the detailed configuration of the module. It is recommended
to configure the module with an IP address associated with the attached network.
Also, SNMP traphost address should be configured if the module is managed with an
SNMP-based Management System. See the 10/100M2 User Manual for complete
Once the module has been installed
and configured per steps 1 - 3, verify
the module is operational by viewing
the LED indicators.
The Power LED indicates the
module is receiving power.
The Fiber Optic link LED indicates
the fiber optic connection has been
established. Verify the Link Mode
selection is set to Link Segment
(LS). Until a stable link is
established, leave the Link Mode
configured for LS. After a Link
presence is established, the Link
Mode selection can be modified.
The UTP link LED indicates the
module has established a
connection across its UTP port.
Omnitron Systems Technology * 140 Technology Dr. #500 * Irvine, CA 92618
949.250.6510 tel * 949.250.6514 fax * www.omnitron-systems.com
Power "P wr " Gree n No po we r On: Module ha s power
Fiber Optics
UTP port 10
Mbps "10"
UTP port
00 Mbps
UTP port
*Review Link Mode s sec tion for other LED display patterns
Color Off Sta te On / Blinking State
Network Ports Status*
Green No Fiber Link
10Mbps not
100Mbps not
when UTP link
is active
On: Fiber link is acti ve
Blinking: F iber Data Activity
On: 10Mbps mode selected
and the UTP link is active
Blinking: UTP Data Activity
On: 100Mbps mode selected
and UTP link is active
Blinking: UTP Data Activity
On: Full-Duplex and UTP link
is active
Figure D: LED Indicators
Form 040-8900N-001 B
iConverter 10/100M2 Standalone Module QUICK START GUIDE
The Omnitron iConverter®10/100M2 is a carrierclass Network Interface Device (NID) that
provides 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX (10/100) to
100BASE-FX Fiber media conversion with
integrated management.
The 10/100M2 conforms to Ethernet in the
First Mile (EFM) fiber standards to support
Fiber-to-the-X (FTTX) Metropolitan access
and Enterprise LAN networks. 10/100M2
media converters are used to provide managed copper demarcation points at the
customer premises and network edge, offering service provisioning functions, such as
Quality of Service and Bandwidth Control (rate-limiting) capabilities.
The 10/100M2 can be managed using Omnitron’s NetOutlookTM SNMP Management
Software, 3rd Party SNMP Client, Telnet or the Command Line Interface (CLI).
For more information, including the complete User Manual on the 10/100M2 module,
access Omnitron’s documentation download web page to view all relevant documents:
1) Configure DIP-Switches
2) Install Standalone Module and Connect Cables
3) Configure Module via Command Line Interface
4) Verify Operation
When a port is operating in
Auto-Negotiation (AN), its
Pause operation mode is
determined by the Pause
capability advertised during
AN between itself and the
link partner. The port
advertises its Pause
capability (Symmetrical or
No Pause) during AN
based on the Pause
Disable/Enable DIP-switch setting.
When a port is operating in Manual mode, its Pause operation mode is based on the
Pause Disable/Enable DIP-switch setting.
Setting this DIP-switch to Half-Duplex “HDX” facilitates a connection that supports
Figure A: DIP-Switch Location

Half-Duplex. Setting this DIP-switch to Full-Duplex “FDX” facilitates a connection that
supports Full-Duplex operation.
When this DIP-switch is in the UTP Auto Negotiate “AN” position (factory default), the UTP
port automatically determines the speed and duplex mode of the connecting UTP device.
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-switch is in the Auto Negotiate “AN” position and the
UTP 10/100 DIP-switch is in the “100” position, the UTP port auto-negotiates to 100Mbps
or 10Mbps. When in the “10” position, the UTP port only operates at 10Mbps
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-switch is in the Auto Negotiate “AN” position, and the
UTP Full/Half-Duplex DIP-switch is in the Full-Duplex “FDX” position, the UTP port
auto negotiates to Full or Half-Duplex. When in the Half-Duplex “HDX” position, the
UTP port functions only in Half-Duplex.
SW4 - UTP 10/100Mbps
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-switch is in the manual “Man” position, the “10/100"
DIP-switch determines the speed of operation for the UTP port.
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-switch is in the manual “Man” position, the UTP
Full/Half-Duplex “FDX/HDX” DIP-switch determines the duplex operation mode
of the UTP port.
The module supports multiple link modes for fault detection and isolation. Link Segment
should be used for the initial installation of the module. Once installed and operational,
the link mode can be modified.
witch Down
(Facto ry Default)
SW1 Off:
Pause Disable
Fiber Full-Duplex
UTP A uto - Negotiate
SW4 100:
UTP 100Mbps
UTP Full-Duple x
SW6 See Link Mode Selection Up Down Up Asymmetrical Link Propagate
SW7 See Link Mode Selection Down Up Up Asymmetrical Link Propagate
SW8 See Link Mode Selection Up Up Up Asymmetrical RFD + LP
Up SW6 SW7 SW8 Link Mode Selection
Pause Enable
Fiber Half-Duplex
UTP Ma nual
UTP 10Mbps
UTP Half -Duple x
Down Down Down Link Segment (LS)
Up Down Down Link Propagate (LP)
Down Up Down Remote Fault Detect + Link
Up Up Down Remote Fault Detect + Link
Down Down Up Symmetrical Fault Detect (SFD)
(Factory De fa ult)
Segm e n t (RFD + L S)
Propagate (RFD + LP )
P1 to P2 (ALP P 1 -P2)
P2 to P1 (ALP P 2 -P1)
P1 to P2
Figure B: DIP-Switches
a. The 10/100M2 Network Interface Device (NID) is available in tabletop and wall-
mounting models. For wall-mounting, attach the NID to a wall, backboard or other
flat surfaces. For tabletop installations, place the unit on a flat level surface. Attach
the rubber feet to the bottom of the NID to prevent the unit from sliding. Make sure
the unit is placed in a safe, dry and secure location.
To power the unit using the AC/DC adapter, connect the AC/DC adapter to the AC
outlet. Then connect the barrel plug at the end of the wire on the AC/DC adapter to
the 2.5mm DC barrel connector (center-positive) on the chassis. Confirm that the
unit has powered up properly by checking the power status LED located on the
front of the unit.
To power the unit using a DC power source, prepare a power cable using a twoconductor insulated wire (not supplied) with a 14 AWG gauge minimum. Cut the
power cable to the length required. Strip approximately 3/8 of an inch of insulation
from the power cable wires. Connect the power cables to the standalone unit by
fastening the stripped ends to the DC power connector.
Connect the power wires to the DC power source. The Power LED should indicate
the presence of power.
WARNING: Note the wire colors used in making the positive and negative
connections. Use the same color assignment for the connection at the DC
power source.
NOTE: If mounting with a safety ground attachment, use the safety ground
screw at the rear of the unit.
b. When using a 10/100M2 SFP model (8919N-0), insert the SFP Fiber transceiver
into the Port 1 SFP receptacle on the 10/100M2.
NOTE: The release latch of the SFP Fiber transceiver must be in the closed
(up) position before insertion.
c. Connect the UTP port via a Category 5 cable to a 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX
Ethernet device.
d. Connect an appropriate multimode or single-mode fiber cable to the fiber port of
the installed module. It is important to ensure that the transmit (TX) is attached to
the receive side of the device at the other end and the receive (RX) is attached to
the transmit side. Single-fiber (SF) media converter models operate in pairs. The
TX wavelength must match the RX wavelength at the other end and the RX
wavelength must match the TX wavelength at the other end.
To access the Command Line Interface (CLI), connect the 10/100M2 RS-232 Console
Port to the COM port of a computer equipped with terminal emulation software such
as HyperTerminal. The Console Port (DCE) is a mini DIN-6 female connector which
can be changed to a DB-9 connector with the included adapter. The 10/100M2 Console
Port is a standard asynchronous serial interface.
Start HyperTerminal and select the correct COM Port in the HyperTerminal “Connect
To:” window. Set the serial port to the following:
Bits Per Second 57,600
Stop Bits 1
Data Bits 8
Parity NONE
Hardware Flow Control NONE
Once connected, press <ENTER> to bring up a command line prompt on the attached
PC. A new 10/100M2 module does not have a password, and will skip the Password
Entry screen and go straight to the Management Options screen. If a password has
been set, the Password Entry screen will be displayed. Type the p assword and press
<ENTER>, the 10/100M2 will respond with the Management Options screen: