Testing & Reloading Software
To Hard Disk Drive
(These instructions may also be used to create
a new or spare hard drive for Total Recall.)
Technical Support
VVooiiccee LLooggggeerr && RReeccoorrddeerr
Test if Total Recall program is functioning
Internal Install of Total Recall Software
Reloading a Total Recall Hard Disk Drive
Configuring and Installing HDD
Changing the Batch File
Partition a Faulty / New HDD with FDISK
Format the HDD
Copy Files to HDD
Testing & Reloading Software
To Hard Disk Drive
V2.20 Rev0.1 10 June 2002 Page 1

1. Testing & Reloading Total Recall Hard Disk Drive
1.1. Test if Total Recall program is functioning.
1. Turn TR unit upside down. Remove 8 fixing screws as per diagram Section 1.
2. Unplug TR Case Top cables and remove Top.
3. Unscrew 4 screws from Hard D isk Drive. see attached diagram.
4. Unplug HDD and connect as a Primary Master drive in a PC, with NO other HDD connected.
5. Start PC and document what happens when the PC starts up.
This will show if OS2 starts and if Total Recall starts or where it stops.
1.2. Internal Install of Total Recall Software
If after starting a Total Recall HDD in a PC and only OS2 started and Total Recall did not start you may
be able to reinstall with this method.
At the OS2 Start Group Menu screen.
In the Startup Group arrow down to DOS Session and press <ENTER>.
Go To command prompt [C:\] type CD\
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Change to UPGRADE directory type CD\UPGRADE
At the command prompt type INST1_02.EXE
At the Total Recall Upgrade screen arrow up to CHECK VERSION
Then press ENTER
Then the message : SWITCH OFF AFTER 10 Seconds
Switch OFF the unit.
Then switch the unit back ON again and wait for the Total Recall Upgrade
screen to display.
The unit may do a CHKDSK.
Then arrow Up to CHECK VERSION again
Then Shutdown and switch OFF
Then Switch ON to Start-up the unit
1.3. Reloading a Total Recall Hard Disk Drive
Total Recall with a two partition drive.
This reload will need to be performed on a PC with the BIOS setting for the Primary Master and Slave
Hard Disk Drive (HDD) both set to AUTO.
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