Omnicron’s VLR recorders are used in
many different ways. This page will help
you select the most popular accessories
for telephone and 2-way radio recording.
Our Total Recall, Call Recorder, and
Soft Call digital recorders are totally
self contained and do not normally
require accessories. Additional assistance
is available directly from Omnicron, by
calling us at (860) 928-0377, visiting the
Omnicron web site, or Email.
Œ What will you record ?
• Which recording speed ?
Ž Do you need time & date ?
• Connecting cables ?
• Extra cassette tapes ?
‘ Separate playback unit ?
Each source of conversation will
normally have its own recorder. Connect a recorder to the phone on your
desk and it will record all conversations
on that phone. It starts recording when
you use the handset and stops after you
hang up. It doesn’t matter what type of
telephone you are using or how many
lines are on the phone. You will be
recording the handset audio.
When connected to a phone line, the
recorder will record whenever that line
is in use, regardless of which phone in
the building is using the line.
Connect a recorder to your two-way
radio base station or receiver, and it
automatically records all received and
transmitted messages.
If you need to record phone lines that
are used by many phones, order one
recorder for each phone line. To record
individual telephone instruments, order
a recorder for each phone you will be
recording. If you want to record your
two-way radio conversations, order a
recorder for your radio.
Fill in the recorder quantity box at the
right for how many recorders you need.
Remember you can add additional recorders later if your needs change.
Tapes recorded at the normal 1-7/8
inches per second (ips) speed provide
two hours of talk time, one hour on each
side of a MLC-120 tape.
Slow speed recording packs four or eight
times as much on each tape and provides
extra security by preventing the tapes
from being understood in standard speed
players. Standard speed tapes also will
not be understood if you play them in
slow speed recorders.
Analog Recorder Selection Guide
Order a TSA-3 Telephone Supervisory
Adapter if you are connecting a recorder
to the handset jack on your telephone to
record all conversations on the phone.
If you will be connecting your recorder
to a phone line, order the LIC-390.
When connecting to a two-way radio, the
LIC-100 can be used with either local or
remote-controlled radio circuits. With
some radios, your radio service may
have to connect it to the radio for you.
Omnicron has many other adapters,
couplers and cables to meet specific
applications. If your needs are not met
by the standard items described above,
check the recorder accessory sheet or
contact your Omnicron representative.
Standard size audio
cassette tapes are used,
like the ones you play in a
car. Each VLR and CR recorder comes
with one MLC-120 tape.
With Omnicron tapes and tapes that are
sold for dictation use, you can record on
the magnetic leader which is at the
beginning and end of each tape. Music
tapes do not start recording until you are
past their clear or lightly colored lead-in
material. Order extra tapes as needed.
Most people find that the actual
recording time per day is about one
half of what they thought it would be.
All recorders will also play back
their tapes. If you will be playing back
the cassette tapes at another location,
you can use an Omnicron Voice Player.
Order the player to match the recorder
you are using to record the tapes. For
example, if you use the VLR-4 recorder,
order a VP-4 player. If you are using the
VLR-4CT recorder, order a VP-4CT etc.
Select the VLR-1 recorder for standard
speed recording and playback.
The 1/4 speed is the most popular. It will
pack 8 hours of talk time on each tape
and still give you superb fidelity. For 1/4
speed operation use the VLR-4 recorder.
If you need the maximum recording
time, and don’t mind some loss in audio
quality, order the 1/8 speed VLR-8
recorder for 16 hours on each tape.
TCC-14 Talking Clock
used with VLR-1CT,
Omnicron VLR
Voice Logging Recorder
To have the recorder be able to tell
you the time and date that every word in
each conversation was recorded, order
the TCC-14 time clock and recorders
with the CT option. For example, the
Each recorder with the CT option comes
with a six foot cable that you use to
connect it to the clock. Up to 50
recorders with the CT option can be
connected to a single time clock. If the
recorders are more than 6 feet from the
clock you can extend the two wire cable
with standard speaker or telephone wire.
If you will be using the recorder with a
time clock, place the letters CT after the
recorders speed designator (1, 4, or 8).
For example, to order the 1/4 speed
recorder with the CT option the part
number would be VLR-4CT.
Each recorder will require an
adapter or coupler that you will use to
connect the recorder to your telephone
handset, phone line, two-way radio, etc.
VLR-4CT, and VLR-8CT
Œ•Ž Recorder Model # VLR- _ _ _ — ___
Ž TCC-14 Time Clock — ___
• TSA-3 Telephone Instrument Adapter — ___
• LIC-390 Phone Line Coupler — ___
• LIC-100 Two-Way Radio Coupler — ___
• MLC-120 Cassette Tapes — ___
‘ Voice Player Model # VP- _ _ _ — ___
Omnicron Electronics, 581 Liberty Highway, P.O. Box 623, Putnam, CT 06260-0623
Phone: (860) 928-0377 ll FAX: (860) 928-6477 ll Email: support@omnicronelectronics.com ll Web: www.omnicronelectronics.com