18 19
Display: shows the stars, on/off
Colour: displays the colours of stars
Name: displays the name or
description of the stars on the star
Info: You will receive information as
soon as you point at a star
(name of
star, catalogue designation, distance
in lightyears, visibility, status, size as
compared to the Sun)
Info all: you receive information about
all the stars in a constellation
Image Info: the image of a star
appears in addition to the information
Display: shows the planets, on/off
Name: labels the planet
Invisible: Select whether you want to
see all the planets, or just those which
can be seen with the naked eye.
Display: shows the constellations, on/off
Name: labels the constellations
Lat. Names: labels the constellations
with their official Latin names
Lines: displays the constellation lines
Images: displays the mythological
figures of a constellation as soon as
you point at it
Display: Shows Deep-Sky objects,
(These include open clusters,
globular clusters, nebulae, galaxies, etc.)
Name: labels the Deep-Sky objects
with their real names
Info: You will receive information as
soon as you point at an object
or catalogue designation, type of
object, size as compared to the Sun,
distance in lightyears, visibility).
NGC Cat. compl.: Displays the full NGC
(New General Catalog)
Display: shows comets, on/off
Names: labels the comets
Display: shows satellites, on/off
Names: labels the satellites
Alt-azimuth: displays the alt-azimuth
Equatorial: displays the equatorial
4. Menu control
How do you change to another mode?
Simply direct your view down to the
ground, this will activate the menu.
You control the menu by tilting your
head. When the menu appears it is
initially blocked, so that nothing can
be activated by accident. To unlock the
menu, look up again with the device
and look straight forward. The cursor
will then be released in the form of a
little hand. [fig. 9]
Once the cursor has been released, the
little hand will follow the movement of
the device. If you move your head with
the device upwards, the list with menu
options will scroll up, if you look down,
the list will scroll down. The little hand
thereby informs you about the angle
of your view.
fig. 9