Thermocouple Instrumentation
Calibration Kit
Kit includes TRCIII, TRP thermocouple reference probes,
TRP-PT-NIST, CA71 Series, EXPP thermocouple wire, banana
plugs, spade lugs, thermocouple reference table book, and
instruction manual. See next page for more information.
⻬ Total System Accuracy Within
Less Than 1°C
⻬ Includes ice point
DMM, Voltage Standard,
Reference Thermometer, and
⻬ Calibrates All Thermocouple
Instrumentation with 0°C
Reference Junction
⻬ Reference Probes Included
for J, K, T, E Thermocouples;
Also Available for PlatinumRhodium and TungstenRhenium Calibrations
Please Note: Not all components of the TICK
Series are made in the U.S.A.
The TRCIII ice point™, reference probes,
wire & connectors are made in the U.S.A.
TICK Series Thermocouple
Instrumentation Calibration Kits
are complete laboratory
calibration kits for any type of
thermocouple instrumentation.
Each kit comes complete with an
ice point™reference cell, a
precision 5 digit multimeter, dc
mV source standard,
thermocouple reference probe
assemblies, glass thermometer,
thermocouple lead wire and
copper jumper jack. Used in
calibration or metrology
laboratories, the TICK Series is
ideally suited to provide a
practical solution to your
calibration needs of thermocouple
instrumentation. Offering a total
system accuracy of less than
±1.0°C over all thermocouple
type ranges, the TICK Series is
the only instrumentation
calibration standard needed.
The TRCIII ice point™reference
point cell relies on an equilibrium
of ice and distilled, de-ionized
water at atmospheric pressure to
maintain six reference wells at
precisely 0°C. The wells extend
into a sealed cylindrical chamber
containing the distilled, de-ionized
water (walls are cooled by
thermo-electric elements). The
reference wells are maintained at
0°C to within ±0.1°C or better and
a stability of ±0.04°C for constant
ambient. Supplied with each
TICK unit is a set of TRP
Temperature Reference Probes
for J, K, T and E thermocouples.
The TRP Reference Probe
locates the thermocouple-copper
transition reference junction at
the end of an 1⁄8" diameter sheath
for easy insertion into the TRCIII
ice point™calibration chamber.

CA71 compact, multifunction calibration, $700.
See page K-71 for more information.
The CA71 dc mV source standard
offers the highest degree of
precision available in a compact
self-powered instrument. Features
include a large LCD display,
backlight, and ability to
simultaneously display the
generated value and the
measured value.
Each unit is supplied with a
calibration certificate which is
traceable to National and
International standards by a
continuous chain of comparison.
±1°C (±1.8°F) @ 25°C (77°F)
Thermocouple Types:
J, K, T, E, R, S, B, G, C, D
Power: 115 Vac @ 60 Hz
Operating Ambient:
4 to 32°C (40 to 90°F)
TRCIII Specifications
±0.1°C (±.18°F) or better
Stability: ±0.04°C (±0.072°F)
for constant ambient
Reference Wells: 6 wells,
deep; wells are thermally and
electrically grounded to each other
PLEASE NOTE: Features and
specifications on the individual
products in this kit can also be
found by model number online
at omega.com
⁄32" ID, 33⁄4"
TRCIII ice point™ Reference Chamber, $1175.
See page K-15 for more information.
Kit Includes
⻬ TRCIII, ice point™ Reference Chamber, see page K-15
⻬ TRP-J, TRP-K, TRP-T, TRP-E, T/C reference probes,
see page A-40
⻬ GT-3404RL-CC, glass thermometer, see page E-4
⻬ CA71-NIST plus CA71-PS, Precision Source/DMM,
see page K-71
⻬ EXPP-(*)-20-25, four 7.6 m (25') spools, 1 each of J,K,
T, and E thermocouple wire, see page H-31
⻬ Banana Plug, 46 cm (18") copper wire with banana plugs,
see page Q-58
⻬ SL(**)-20, Compensated spade lugs, see page G-49
⻬ Thermocouple Reference Table Book, (Thermocouple
mV vs. Temperature Tables), see page Z-201
⻬ Instruction Manuals, included with all products
* J, K, T or E, 1 spool of each included with kit. ** CH=CHROMEGA®, AL=ALOMEGA®, IR=Iron,
CO=Constantan, CP=Copper, 1 package of 20 lugs for each alloy included with kit.
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Description
TICK-1B $3484 Calibration kit, thermocouple
Ordering Example: TICK-1B, calibration kit plus TRP-R, Type R thermocouple reference
probe, $3484 + 130 = $3614.
Optional TRP Reference Probes (see Section A)
Model No. Price Thermocouple Calibration
TRP-S $300 S Pt10%Rh-Pt
TRP-R 300 R Pt13%Rh-Pt
TRP-B 300 B Pt30%Rh-Pt6%Rh
TRP-C 150 C W5%Re-W26%Re
TRP-D 150 D W3%Re-W25%Re