0.475" (1.2 cm) DIAMETER ROUND
STRI Series
Starts at
⻬ Incoloy®Sheath
⻬ 325 to 3400 Watts
⻬ 120 and 240 Volt
⻬ 3 to 30 W/in
⻬ 870°C (1600°F) Maximum
Sheath Temperature
Molds and other heat-transferring
metal parts and air heating
applications. Im mer sion heating
with flange, screwplug, threaded
fitting or other means of mount ing.
Elements with both terminals at one
end, in dies, can simplify wiring in
many cases. Use slim elements to
concentrate heat into a confined
area, taking up less space than a
U-shaped elements with terminals
at each end.
Construction: Similar to the
standard OMEGALUX®tubular
design, except that both terminals of
the embedded resistor wire are at
one end of the element. 10" lead
wires have silicone-impregnated
Fiberglass sleeves and are attached
to the terminals inside a ceramic
terminal bushing.
Sealed End for Immersion Heating
on end opposite terminals is provided
on all stock, single-end elements.
When ordering non-stock elements
for use as immersion heaters, specify
“sealed end”.
Work Temperatures: See Tubular
Heater Overview section at
Bending: Generally not
recommended for single-end
STRI-1245/120, $28, shown
smaller than actual size.
Dimensions: inches (cm)
0.475" (1.2 cm) Dia. INCOLOY Sheath
A ± 1%
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Dimensions in. (cm) INCOLOY Sheath
Watts Volts W/In2 Sheath A Heated B Model No. Price (Lb.)
325 120 30 117⁄8 (30) 73⁄16 (18) STRI-1245/120 $28 0.5
500 120 30 157⁄8 (40) 113⁄16 (28) STRI-1645/120 37 0.5
500 240 30 157⁄8 (40) 113⁄16 (28) STRI-1645/240 37 0.5
675 120 30 197⁄8 (50) 153⁄16 (39) STRI-2045/120 46 0.5
675 240 30 197⁄8 (50) 153⁄16 (39) STRI-2045/240 46 0.5
850 120 30 237⁄8 (60) 193⁄16 (49) STRI-2445/120 55 0.5
850 240 30 237⁄8 (60) 193⁄16 (49) STRI-2445/240 55 0.5
1025 120 30 277⁄8 (70) 233⁄16 (59) STRI-2845/120 64 1.0
1025 240 30 277⁄8 (70) 233⁄16 (59) STRI-2845/240 64 1.0
1225 120 30 317⁄8 (80) 273⁄16 (69) STRI-3245/120 73 1.0
1225 240 30 317⁄8 (80) 273⁄16 (69) STRI-3245/240 73 1.0
1400 120 30 357⁄8 (91) 313⁄16 (79) STRI-3645/120 82 1.0
1400 240 30 357⁄8 (91) 313⁄16 (79) STRI-3645/240 82 1.0
1575 120 30 397⁄8 (101) 353⁄16 (89) STRI-4045/120 91 1.3
1575 240 30 397⁄8 (101) 353⁄16 (89) STRI-4045/240 91 1.3
1750 120 30 437⁄8 (111) 393⁄16 (100) STRI-4445/120 100 1.3
1750 240 30 437⁄8 (111) 393⁄16 (100) STRI-4445/240 100 1.3
1575 120 25 477⁄8 (122) 433⁄16 (110) STRI-4845/120 109 1.3
1925 240 30 477⁄8 (122) 433⁄16 (110) STRI-4845/240 109 1.3
1450 120 21 517⁄8 (132) 473⁄16 (120) STRI-5245/120 118 1.8
2100 240 30 517⁄8 (132) 473⁄16 (120) STRI-5245/240 118 1.8
1325 120 17 557⁄8 (142) 513⁄16 (130) STRI-5645/120 127 1.8
2275 240 30 557⁄8 (142) 513⁄16 (130) STRI-5645/240 127 1.8
1225 120 15 597⁄8 (152) 553⁄16 (140) STRI-6045/120 136 1.8
2475 240 30 597⁄8 (152) 553⁄16 (140) STRI-6045/240 136 1.8
1000 120 10 717⁄8 (183) 673⁄16 (171) STRI-7245/120 163 1.8
3000 240 30 717⁄8 (183) 673⁄16 (171) STRI-7245/240 163 1.8
850 120 7 837⁄8 (213) 793⁄16 (201) STRI-8445/120 190 2.3
3400 240 29 837⁄8 (213) 793⁄16 (201) STRI-8445/240 190 2.3
750 120 6 957⁄8 (243) 913⁄16 (231) STRI-9645/120 215 3.3
3000 240 22 957⁄8 (243) 913⁄16 (231) STRI-9645/240 215 3.3
650 120 4 1077⁄8 (274) 1033⁄16 (261) STRI-10845/120 245 3.3
2600 240 17 1077⁄8 (274) 1033⁄16 (261) STRI-10845/240 245 3.3
575 120 3 1197⁄8 (304) 1153⁄16 (292) STRI-12045/120 270 3.3
2300 240 13 119
Ordering Examples: STRI-4445/240 1750 Watt, 240V, sealed end immersion heater, $100.
STRI-1245/120, 325 Watt, 120V, sealed end immersion heater, $28.
When used as an immersion heater, specify “sealed end”.
⁄8 (304) 1153⁄16 (292) STRI-12045/240 270 3.3

0.315" (0.8 cm) DIAMETER ROUND
STRI-1248/120, $28, shown
STRI Series
larger than actual size.
Starts at
⻬ INCOLOY Sheath
⻬ 225 to 2400 Watts
⻬ 120 and 240 Volt
⻬ 4 to 30 W/in
⻬ 870°C (1600°F) Maximum
Sheath Temperature
Molds and other heat-transferring
metal parts and air heating
applications. Immersion heating with
flange, screwplug, threaded fitting or
other means of mounting.
Elements with both terminals at one
end, in dies, can simplify wiring in
many cases. Use slim elements to
concentrate heat into a confined
area, taking up less space than a
U-shaped element with terminals
at each end.
Construction: Similar to the
standard Omegalux tubular design,
except that both terminals of the
embedded resistor wire are at one
end of the element. 10" lead wires
have silicone-impregnated Fiberglas
sleeves and are attached to the
terminals inside a ceramic terminal
Sealed End for Immersion Heating
on end opposite terminals is provided
on all stock, single-end elements.
When ordering non-stock elements
for use as immersion heaters, specify
“sealed end”.
Work Temperatures: See Tubular
Heater Overview section at
Generally not recommended
for single-end elements.
inches (cm)
0.315" (0.8 cm) dia. INCOLOY Sheath
A ± 1%
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Dimensions in (cm) INCOLOY Sheath
Watts Volts W/In2 Sheath A Heated B Model Price (Lb.)
225 120 30 117⁄8 (30) 71⁄8 (18) STRI-1248/120 $28 0.4
325 120 30 157⁄8 (40) 111⁄8 (28) STRI-1648/120 36 0.4
325 240 30 157⁄8 (40) 111⁄8 (28) STRI-1648/240 36 0.4
450 120 30 197⁄8 (50) 151⁄8 (38) STRI-2048/120 44 0.4
450 240 30 197⁄8 (50) 151⁄8 (38) STRI-2048/240 44 0.4
575 120 30 237⁄8 (60) 191⁄8 (49) STRI-2448/120 51 0.4
575 240 30 237⁄8 (60) 191⁄8 (49) STRI-2448/240 51 0.4
700 120 30 277⁄8 (70) 231⁄8 (59) STRI-2848/120 59 0.8
700 240 30 277⁄8 (70) 231⁄8 (59) STRI-2848/240 59 0.8
800 120 30 317⁄8 (80) 271⁄8 (69) STRI-3248/120 67 0.8
800 240 30 317⁄8 (80) 271⁄8 (69) STRI-3248/240 67 0.8
925 120 30 357⁄8 (91) 311⁄8 (79) STRI-3648/120 75 0.8
925 240 30 357⁄8 (91) 311⁄8 (79) STRI-3648/240 75 0.8
1050 120 30 397⁄8 (101) 351⁄8 (89) STRI-4048/120 83 1.0
1050 240 30 397⁄8 (101) 351⁄8 (89) STRI-4048/240 83 1.0
1175 120 30 437⁄8 (111) 391⁄8 (99) STRI-4448/120 91 1.0
1175 240 30 437⁄8 (111) 391⁄8 (99) STRI-4448/240 91 1.0
1200 120 28 477⁄8 (122) 431⁄8 (110) STRI-4848/120 99 1.0
1275 240 30 477⁄8 (122) 431⁄8 (110) STRI-4848/240 99 1.0
1200 120 26 517⁄8 (132) 471⁄8 (120) STRI-5248/120 107 1.3
1400 240 30 517⁄8 (132) 471⁄8 (120) STRI-5248/240 107 1.3
1150 120 23 557⁄8 (142) 511⁄8 (130) STRI-5648/120 115 1.3
1525 240 30 557⁄8 (142) 511⁄8 (130) STRI-5648/240 115 1.3
1075 120 13.7 597⁄8 (152) 551⁄8 (140) STRI-6048/120 123 1.3
1650 240 30 597⁄8 (152) 551⁄8 (140) STRI-6048/240 123 1.3
875 120 13 717⁄8 (183) 671⁄8 (171) STRI-7248/120 147 1.3
2000 240 30 717⁄8 (183) 671⁄8 (171) STRI-7248/240 147 1.3
750 120 10 837⁄8 (213) 791⁄8 (201) STRI-8448/120 171 1.8
2350 240 30 837⁄8 (213) 791⁄8 (201) STRI-8448/240 171 1.8
650 120 7 957⁄8 (243) 911⁄8 (231) STRI-9648/120 195 1.8
2400 240 27 957⁄8 (243) 911⁄8 (231) STRI-9648/240 195 1.8
575 120 6 1077⁄8 (274) 1031⁄8 (262) STRI-10848/120 220 2.5
2300 240 23 1077⁄8 (274) 1031⁄8 (262) STRI-10848/240 220 2.5
500 120 4 1197⁄8 (304) 1151⁄8 (292) STRI-12048/120 240 2.5
2000 240 18 1197⁄8 (304) 1151⁄8 (292) STRI-12048/240 240 2.5
Ordering Examples: STRI-4448/120, 1175 Watt, 120V heater, $91.
STRI-3648/120, 915 Watt, 120V, heater, $75.
When used as an immersion heater, specify “sealed end”.