Standard Snap-In Panel Jacks
Are Universal For Type SPJ and UPJ
Design is the
Ultimate in Mounting
SPJ and UPJ Series
U No Installation Tools Needed
U Interlocking
U Color-Coded and Numbered
U Glass Filled Nylon Rated
-29 to 220°C (-20 to 425°F)
U Accepts All Standard Size and
Miniature Male Connectors
U Combination Phillips/
Slot Screws
U Wire Divider
Mounting hardware has been
eliminated in the SPJ- and UPJ-style
panel jacks by including retaining
spring clips as part of the body design.
A small tab and notch are provided to
maintain straight, even rows without
the need for precision matching.
SPJ and UPJ color-coded nylon
connectors accept any
standard and miniature
size male thermocouple
connector and are available
in popular thermocouple
calibrations. The tungsten
alloys C, D, and G are only
available in the old style,
non-universal SPJ jack
panel connectors,
please consult sales.
Discount Schedule
1-10 .................................... Net
11-49 ...................................5%
50-99 .................................10%
100-999 .............................15%
1000-4999 .........................20%
5000 and over....................25%
Extra supply of dust caps,
SPJ-CAP, pkg of 12
mm (inch)
Panel Cutout
To Order Visit omega.com/spj for Pricing and Details
Type of Compensating Alloy Model
Alloy Thermocouple Used Used in Connector Shell Number
Code† With Connector + – Color (Female)*
Copper-Constantan Copper Constantan Blue SPJ-T-F
Iron-Constantan Iron Constantan Black SPJ-J-F
Pt-Pt/13%Rh Copper RNX/SNX Green SPJ-R/S-F
Uncompensated Copper Copper White SPJ-U-F
K, T, J, E, R, S, B and N calibration are ANSI designations. Also available with male pins. Change “F” in
model number to “M”. Example: SPJ-K-M (same price).
Note: Type U (uncompensated) are used with Type B thermocouples, 2 wire RTDs or thermistors.
If you previously ordered the UPJ, simply replace the “S” with a “U” at the start of the model number.
Ordering Examples: SPJ-K-F, snap-in panel jack, Type K calibration to accept standard or miniature
male connectors.
UPJ-K-F, snap-in panel jack, Type K calibration to accept standard or miniature male connectors.
Aluminum panel not
included. See panel
punches at omega.com.
Accepts solid or
stranded wire up
to size 14 AWG.
-Constantan CHROMEGA
Fits All
FREE ID Number
Labels and Dust Cap
Supplied with
Each Jack
Removal Tool
For the large volume user who requires the
ability to quickly remove installed connectors,
the SIRT-1 removal tool is invaluable. Operating
easily even in densely packed panels, the tool
compresses all spring clips together, allowing the
SPJ to be pushed out of the panel from the rear.
Miniature size
male connector.
Standard size
male connector.
Custom marking available.
Consult Sales Department for
pricing and quantities.
Extra ID Number Labels:
Model 1-6L, 1 thru 6
Model 1-12L, 1 thru 12
Model 1-18L, 1 thru 18
Model 1-24L, 1 thru 24
Model 1-50L, 1 thru 50
Model 1-100L, 1 thru 100
Constantan Purple SPJ-E-F
Orange SPJ-N-F