Fine-Diameter Thermocouple Wire
for High-Temperature Applications
U Types S, R, and B
U Type R and S Temperature
Ranges from
1398 to 1482°C
(2550 to 2700°F)
U Type B is Rated
for Continuous Use
Up to 1704°C (3100°F)
For high resistance to oxidation
and corrosion at high temperatures,
OMEGA offers the highest-quality
uninsulated wire for 3 types of
“noble metal” thermocouples:
Type S: Platinum (–) vs.
Platinum 10% Rhodium (+)
Type R: Platinum (–) vs.
Platinum 13% Rhodium (+)
Type B: Platinum 6% Rhodium (–) vs.
Platinum 30% Rhodium (+)
Types R and S are recommended
for continuous use in oxidizing or
inert atmospheres up to 1398°C
(2550°F) or short-term exposures
to 1482°C (2700°F). Type B is
rated for continuous use up to
1704°C (3100°F) in oxidizing or
inert atmospheres. When operating
near these maximum temperatures,
the heavier-gage wire sizes are
All 3 thermocouple types can be
used in a vacuum for short periods.
Type B offers the greatest stability in
such applications. None should be
used in reducing atmospheres or in
atmospheres containing metallic or
non-metallic vapors unless protected
by non-metallic protection tubes.
Do not insert directly into metallic
protection tubes.
Sizes range from 0.025 to 0.812 mm
(0.001 to 0.032") diameter. When
requested, wire is supplied in matched
pairs that meet or exceed standard
limits of error. Special-limits-of-error
wire is supplied on request and must
be ordered as matched pairs.
Gold and CHROMEGA®
Thermocouples and Wire
PFA Insulated Gold-0.07
Atomic% Fe Wire (Negative)
Model Number Dia. mm (inch)
TFAU.07FE- 0 03 0.076 (0.003)
TFAU.07FE- 0 05 0.13 (0.005)
TFAU.07FE- 010 0.25 (0.010)
Uninsulated Noble Metal Thermocouple Wire
To Order Visit omega.com/sppl for Pricing and Details
Nom Nom
Wire Dia. Wire Dia.
Material mm (inch) Model No. Material mm (inch) Model No.
0.03 (0.001) SPPL-001 0.03 (0.001) SP13RH-001
0.05 (0.002) SPPL-002 0.05 (0.002) SP13RH-002
0.08 (0.003) SPPL-003 0.08 (0.003) SP13RH-003
0.13 (0.005) SPPL-005 0.13 (0.005) SP13RH-005
Platinum 0.20 (0.008) SPPL-008 Platinum 0.20 (0.008) SP13RH-008
(RN, SN) 0.25 (0.010) SPPL-010 13% Rh 0.25 (0.010) SP13RH-010
0.38 (0.015) SPPL-015 (RP) 0.38 (0.015) SP13RH-015
0.51 (0.020) SPPL-020 0.51 (0.020) SP13RH-020
0.64 (0.025) SPPL-025 0.64 (0.025) SP13RH-025
0.81 (0.032) SPPL-032 0.81 (0.032) SP13RH-032
0.03 (0.001) SP10RH-001 0.20 (0.008) SP6RH-008
0.05 (0.002) SP10RH-002 Platinum 0.25 (0.010) SP6RH-010
0.08 (0.003) SP10RH-003 6% Rh 0.38 (0.015) SP6RH-015
0.13 (0.005) SP10RH-005 (BN) 0.51 (0.020) SP6RH-020
Platinum 0.20 (0.008) SP10RH-008 0.81 (0.032) SP6RH-032
10% Rh 0.25 (0.010) SP10RH-010 0.20 (0.008) SP30RH-008
(SP) 0.38 (0.015) SP10RH-015 Platinum 0.25 (0.010) SP30RH-010
0.51 (0.020) SP10RH-020 30% Rh 0.38 (0.015) SP30RH-015
0.64 (0.025) SP10RH-025 (BP) 0.51 (0.020) SP30RH-020
0.81 (0.032) SP10RH-032 0.81 (0.032) SP30RH-032
Note: Metric dimensions are approximate.
Ordering Example: 100" of SP13RH-005, 0.005" Dia. Platinum 13% Rh wire.
Insulated Duplex Extension Grade Wire
Thermocouple Model Temp Maximum
Material Used With AWG Number °C °F
24 EXTT-RS-24 200 392
Cu-Alloy 11 R and S 24 EXGG-RS-24 200 392
20 EXTT-RS-20 200 392
26 EXTT-B-26S 100 212
Cu-Cu B 24 EXPP-B-24S 100 212
20 EXGG-B-20 100 212
Note: Published prices are based on market value at time of printing and are subject to
change due to Nickel surcharges, Chromium and precious-metal market fluctuations.

Matched Pair
Fine-Diameter Thermocouple
Wire for High-Temperature
Please visit
omega.com for
Ready-Made Base Metal
and Noble Metal
U Types S, R, and B
Selected to Give the
Highest Accuracy
U Available in
Tungsten Rhenium Alloys
Types G, C, D
For high resistance to oxidation and
corrosion at high temperatures, OMEGA
offers the highest-quality uninsulated wire
for 3 types of “noble metal” thermocouples:
Type S: Platinum (–) vs.
Platinum 10% Rhodium (+)
Type R: Platinum (–) vs.
Platinum 13% Rhodium (+)
Type B: Platinum 6% Rhodium (–) vs.
Platinum 30% Rhodium (+)
Types R and S are recommended for
continuous use in oxidizing or inert
atmospheres up to 1398°C (2550°F) or
short-term exposures to 1482°C (2700°F).
Type B is rated for continuous use up
to 1704°C (3100°F) in oxidizing or inert
atmospheres. When operating near these
maximum temperatures, the heavier-gage
wire sizes are recommended.
All 3 thermocouple types can be used in a
vacuum for short periods. Type B offers the
greatest stability in such applications. None
should be used in reducing atmospheres or in
atmospheres containing metallic or
non-metallic vapors unless protected by
non-metallic protection tubes. Do not insert
directly into metallic protection tubes.
Sizes range from 0.03 to 0.81 mm
(0.001 to 0.032") diameter. These matched
pairs are selected to meet or exceed
standard limits of error. Reference Grade
wire is also available as matched pairs;
consult sales for price and availability.
Discount Schedule
1 to 24" ................... Net
25 to 99" ...................5%
100 to 249" .................7%
250 and up ................10%
Order Platinum
Wire as Matched
Uninsulated Matched Pair Noble Metal Thermocouple Wire
To Order Visit omega.com/sppl for Pricing and Details
T/C Wire Dia.
Type Material mm (inch) Model No.
0.03 (0.001) SP13R-001
0.05 (0.002) SP13R-002
0.08 (0.003) SP13R-003
Platinum 0.13 (0.005) SP13R-005
vs 0.20 (0.008) SP13R-008
Platinum-13% 0.25 (0.010) SP13R-010
Rhodium 0.38 (0.015) SP13R-015
0.51 (0.020) SP13R-020
0.64 (0.025) SP13R-025
0.81 (0.032) SP13R-032
0.03 (0.001) SP10R-001
0.05 (0.002) SP10R-002
Platinum 0.08 (0.003) SP10R-003
vs 0.13 (0.005) SP10R-005
Platinum-10% 0.20 (0.008) SP10R-008
Rhodium 0.25 (0.010) SP10R-010
0.38 (0.015) SP10R-015
0.51 (0.020) SP10R-020
0.64 (0.025) SP10R-025
0.81 (0.032) SP10R-032
Platinum-6% 0.20 (0.008) SP30R-008
Rhodium 0.25 (0.010) SP30R-010
vs 0.38 (0.015) SP30R-015
Platinum-30% 0.51 (0.020) SP30R-020
Rhodium 0.81 (0.032) SP30R-032
Ordering unit of measure is double inch. A double inch is 25 mm (1") of positive
and 25 mm (1") of matching negative wire.
Ordering Example: Quantity = 100" of SP10R-010, 100" of Type S positive
and 100" of matching Type S negative wire, 0.010 Dia., 100 x 16.00 = $1600.
Note: Metric dimensions are approximate.
Note: Published prices are based on market value at time of printing and are subject to
change due to Nickel surcharges, Chromium and precious-metal market fluctuations.