Colorimeter Reagent Systems
⻬ Over 50 Pre-Programmed Water Analysis Factors
⻬ Automatic Wavelength Selection
⻬ Friendly Menu-Driven Operation with
Simple Six-Button Keypad
The user-friendly SC-1919 Colorimeter is the direct reading colorimeter for complete onsite water analyses. All pre-programmed tests can be run on this compact instrument
and each test features automatic wavelength selection. The entire multi-LED optical
system is embedded in the light chamber and optimized for OMEGA test reagent
systems. This enables the analyst to simply select the test and put in the sample
with reagent. The microprocessor, which selects the wavelength, also allows
the user to load up to 10 tests for analyzing custom reagent systems.
The SC-1919 Colorimeter is a portable, microprocessor controlled, direct
reading colorimeter. It has a graphical 4 line, 16 character liquid crystal
display for graphical, alphabetical and numerical messages.
The operation is controlled with the keypad through menu driven
software in response to selections shown on the display.
The test library consists of 100 tests (not all 100 may be available
at present) and 10 “User Tests”. The tests are precalibrated for
the reagent systems. The colorimeter displays the results of
these tests directly in units of concentration. The 10 “User
Tests” may be used to enter additional calibrations. All of
these tests may be arranged in any of 3 sequences.
These sequences can be modified a limitless number
of times to meet changing testing needs.
The optics feature 4 different colored LEDs. Each
LED has a corresponding silicon photodiode with
an integrated interference filter. The interference
filters select a narrow band of light from the
corresponding LED for the colorimetric
measurements. The microprocessor
automatically selects the correct LED/
photodiode combination for a test. An
RS232 serial port on the back of the
colorimeter, and optional software, allows
the SC-1919 to be interfaced with a
personal computer for real time data
acquisition and data storage. This port also
allows an interface with a RS232 serial printer.
Due to its portability, alternate power
sources, and rugged construction, the
SC-1919 Colorimeter is ideal for lab and field use.
Starts at
SC-1919, $900 shown
smaller than actual size.
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Description
SC-1919 $900 Colorimeter with 4 sample tubes, AC adapter,
SC-1919-LCS 177 Large carrying case
SC-1919-SCS 106 Small field carrying case
SC-1912-CD-01 186 Interface cable/communication program on CD
Comes complete with 4 sample tubes, AC adaptor, battery, and instruction manual.
For 230V add -230V. No additional cost.
Ordering Example: SC-1919, digital colorimeter, SC-1912-CD-01 communication program and
cable, SC-1919-SCS small carrying case, $900 + 186 + 106 = $1192.
Recommended Reference Book: Wastewater Treatment, ES-2253, $159
See Section Y For Additional Books
and instruction manual, 120V, 60 Hz
For Sales
& Service
Light Source: LED/filter setup at
430nm, 520nm, 570nm, 630nm
Detector: Photodiode
Display: 122 x 32 LCD,16 x 4 line
graphics display
Range: 0 to 125%T
Resolution: 1% FS
Accuracy: 2% FS
CE Mark: Yes
Sample Cell: 25 mm (0.99") round
cell, 10 mm (0.39") square cuvette,
16 mm (0.63") COD tubes
U.S.A. and Canada

Power: 9V battery or AC adapter (included)
Battery Life: 500 tests
Datalogging: RS232, time and date stamped
Calibration: Factory set
Keypad: 6-button membrane switch
Size: 15 x 8 x 5.5 cm (6 x 3.25 x 2.5")
Weight: 900 g (2 lb)
The SC-1919 Colorimeter is complemented
by easy-to-use reagent systems. Choose the desired test factors
from the list below. Several packaging options are available for
field use, making your SC-1919 Colorimeter a “field laboratory.”
OMEGA uses ACS raw materials to manufacture reagent systems
that have high reproducibility. We design our reagent systems to
overcome test interference so results are fast and dependable.
SC-1919, $900,
shown smaller
than actual size.
Model No. Price Test Factor Range (ppm) Test Method (# of Reagents) # of Tests Case Size*
SC-3641 $68 Aluminum 0 to 0.3 Eriochrome Cyanine R (4) 50 L
SC-3643-B 50 Bromine 0 to 9.0 DPD Tablets (2) 100 S
SC-3643-C 50 Chlorine 0 to 4.0 DPD Tablets (2) 100 S
SC-3644 30 Chlorine Dioxide 0 to 8.0 DPD Tablet/Glycine (2) 50 S
SC-3646 16 Copper 0 to 6.0 Diethyldithiocarbamate (1) 100 S
SC-3640 55 Copper 0 to 3.5 Bicinchoninic Acid (1) 50 S
SC-3660 86 Cyanide 0 to 0.35 Pyridine-Barbituric Acid (5) 50 L
SC-3661 37 Cyanuric Acid 0 to 200 Melamine (1) 50 L
SC-3647 45 Fluoride 0 to 2.0 SPADNS (2) 50 L
SC-3662 37 Hydrogen Peroxide 0 to 1.5 DPD Tablets (2) 100 S
SC-3648 37 Iron 0 to 6.0 Bipyridyl (2) 50 S
SC-3668 40 Iron 0 to 5.0 1,10 Phenanthroline (2) 50 S
SC-4031 70 Lead 0 to 5.0 PAR (5) 50 S
SC-3669 75 Manganese (HR) 0 to 15.0 Periodate (2) 50 S
SC-3699-01 50 Molybdenum 0 to 50 Thioglycolate (3) 50 L
SC-3649 41 Nitrate 0 to 3.0 Cadmium Reduction (2) 20 S
SC-3650 41 Nitrite 0 to 0.8 Diazotization/Coupling (2) 20 S
SC-3688 37 Oxygen, Dissolved 0 to 11.0 Winkler Colorimetric (3) 200 S
SC-3651 195 Ozone 0 to 0.4 Indigo Trisulfonate (3) 100 L
SC-3700 45 pH 5.0 to 9.6 Colorimetric (3) 100 L
SC-3652 49 Phenols 0 to 6.0 4-Aminoantipyrine (3) 50 L
SC-3655 20 Phosphate (HR) 0 to 70.0 Molybdovanadate (1) 50 S
SC-3639 52 Potassium 0.5 to 10.0 Tetraphenylboron (2) 100 S
SC-3664 49 Silica 0 to 4.0 Heteropoly Blue (4) 100 S
SC-3687 37 Silica (HR) 0 to 75 Silicomolybdate 50 S
SC-3665 26 Sulfate 0 to 100 Barium Chloride (1) 100 S
SC-3654 58 Sulfide 0 to 3.0 Methylene Blue (3) 50 L
SC-3666 46 Tannin 0 to 10 Tungsto-Molybdophosphoric Acid (2) 50 L
Kit contents vary. Each kit comes complete with everything necessary to perform the specified test.
Ordering Example: SC-3641, aluminum reagent test kit, $68.
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