pH/ORP Preamplifiers
Send pH Electrode Signal 0.3 km (1000') Over Ordinary, Wire
and Connectors or Coaxial Cable
Interface pH Electrodes Directly with Inexpensive mV
Meters and Recorders or Sophisticated Process Controllers
and Data Acquisition Systems
Extend Useful Life of pH Electrodes
Available With or Without Automatic
Temperature Compensation
OMEGA’s PHTX-20 Series Preamps are unity gain preamplifiers
which convert the high impedance mV signal of a pH or ORP
electrode to a low impedance signal. This signal can travel up to
1,000 feet using ordinary wire and connectors to high impedance
input pH meters and controllers such as OMEGA’s PHCN-37
(see page D-7), and to standard Process Meters and Controllers
such as the DPi8 (see page M-39) which could not otherwise
interface with the high impedance signal. In many applications the
PHTX-20 Series Preamps will be able to extend the useful life of
expensive pH electrodes. By lowering the output impedance of
aging electrodes, the PHTX-20 allows them
to continue to function and provide a measurable signal.
The PHTX-21 is powered by lithium batteries with an estimated
life of 5 years when used with high input impedance instruments.
The electronics are entirely encapsulated in an epoxy filled
stainless steel enclosure. The input and output connections are
industry standard BNC. The output can be split from coaxial to
separated leads with the 3073 adaptor.
The PHTX-22 is a 10 to 40 Vdc powered preamp. Power can
be provided by the excitation of a process meter (such as the DPi)
or the optional PSU-93 power supply. The electrodes
are entirely encapsulated in a compact epoxy filled enclosure
designed for easy mounting in a manufacturing process.
The PHTX-22 offers redundant outputs from either a
BNC connection, terminal strip or both at the same time.
The PHTX-23-ATC is the same as the PHTX-22
(above) with the added feature of Automatic Temperature
Compensation. With the output of a PHTX-23-ATC automatically
compensated for temperature variations, it is possible to use an
inexpensive but sophisticated process meter or controller such as
the DPi and CNi series to monitor and control pH in place of more
expensive dedicated pH units. The Automatic Temperature
Compensating element required is a 1000Ω RTD. (ATC is not
used on ORP measurements.)
Common Specifications
Output Offset: 1 mV typical; 2 mV max.
which corresponds to 0.033 pH
Input Impedance: 10
Output Impedance: 20 kΩ
Output Voltage: -2000 mV to +2000 mV
Operating Temperature: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)
PHTX-21 Internal Battery Powered Model
Dimensions: 95.25 L x 17.8 mm D (3.75 x 0.7")
Weight: 5.7 g (2 oz)
Battery Life: Approximately 5 Years
PHTX-22, PHTX-23-ATC External Powered Dual Output Models
Power: 10 to 40 Vdc
Dimensions: 38.1 H x 76.2 W x 38.1 mm D (1.5 x 3 x 1.5")
Starts at
PHTX-22 10 to 40 Vdc powered
preamplifier, $79, shown larger
than actual size.
PHTX-21 battery powered
preamplifier, $69, shown actual size.
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Description
PHTX-21 $69 pH Preamplifier, single output, battery powered
PHTX-22 79 pH Preamp, 10 to 40 Vdc powered
PHTX-23-ATC 129 pH Preamp, 10 to 40 Vdc, Auto Temp Comp
Model No. Price Description
3073 $15 BNC to banana plug adaptor
PSU-93 40 24 Vdc power supply
PHCN-37 395
DPi8 240
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Ordering Example: PHTX-21, pH preamplifier with 3073 BNC to
banana plug adaptor, $69 + 15 = $84.
Recommended Reference Book: Practical Grounding,
Bonding, Shielding and Surge Protection, FW-319, $50.
Visit omega.com/bobi for Additional Books
DIN pH controller, see pH page D-7
for complete details
DIN process meter, see page M-39
for complete details
Order Online
Over 100,000 Products Available!
To download information and to order pH Field and
Lab Electrode products online, visit omega.com

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