Preamplified ALpHA®pH Electrodes
PHE-5311-10, $107.
Shown smaller than actual size.
⻬ Interfaces Directly with Most
Instrumentation that Accepts
mV Input Signal
⻬ Signal can be Run up to
305 m (1000')
⻬ Power Supply Available
in Three Styles
OMEGA Engineering offers pH
electrodes with integral preamplifiers
for laboratory or industrial
applications. These electrodes can
interface directly with equipment that
accepts a millivolt input signal with a
10 kΩ or greater input impedance,
PHE-1304, $33.
such as a data acquisition interface or
multimeter. The preamplifier converts the
high impedance millivolt signal of the
electrode into a low impedance signal,
enabling the signal to be run
up to 305 m (1000') without signal loss.
The electrode is supplied with
1 to 3 m (3 to 10') of coaxial cable,
depending on the model. If longer cable
lengths are required, simply splice on
extension cable. These preamplified
electrodes are available in a variety of
styles and can interface with any pH
meter, controller, transmitter, multimeter
or data acquisition system with a
one-to-one unity gain.
An accompanying power supply is available in
three styles: an encapsulated battery design, an
external battery style, and a style for use with an
external DC power source.
Output: 0 pH = +414.1 mV;
14 pH = -414.1 mV @ 25°C (77°F)
Temperature: 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F)
Impedance: 10 kΩ
Unity Gain: 1
Power Supply: ±1.5 Vdc to ±9 Vdc; 0.5 mA current
Battery Life: 1 year
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Description
PHE-1304-(*) $33 Combination gel-filled, epoxy-bodied, general purpose laboratory pH electrode; pH range 0 to 12,
PHE-2114-(*) 80 Combination general purpose, large bulb, refillable glass pH electrode; pH range 0 to 13,
PHE-5311-10-(*) 107 Industrial in-line combination, general purpose, gel filled, pH electrode, PVDF housing, 1⁄2" MNPT threading,
PHE-5411-10-(*) 128 Industrial in-line combination double junction electrode; MNPT threading, insertion length 1"; 10' of cable
PHE-5316-10-(*) 96 Industrial in-line combination, general purpose, gel-filled, pH electrode, CPCV housing, 3⁄4" MNPT threading,
PHE-6351-10-(*) 118 Industrial submersible, combination, general purpose, gel-filled, pH electrode; electrode potted in 36" ABS pipe;
PHE-6451-10-(*) 139 Industrial submersible, combination, double junction, gel-filled, pH electrode; electrode potted in 36" ABS pipe;
temp 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F)
temp 0 to 212°C (32 to 100°F)
insertion length 1". 10' of cable standard; pH range 0 to 13, temp range 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F);
dimensions: 127 x 25 mm (5 x 1")
standard; pH range 0 to 13, temp range 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F); dimensions: 127 x 25 mm (5 x 1")
2" insertion length; 10' cable standard; pH range 0 to 13, temp range -5 to 80°C (23 to 176°F);
dimensions: 168 x 25 mm (6.6 x 1")
10' cable standard; pH range 0 to 13, temp range 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F); dimensions: 28 x 914 mm (1.1 x 36")
10' cable standard. pH range 0 to 13, temp range 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F); dimensions: 28 x 914 mm (1.1 x 36")
Power Options
Suffix* Price Description
-EB $60 Replaceable external battery pack
-PB 60 Battery encapsulated in the cap of the
electrode. Battery life approximately one
year; battery cannot be replaced
-NB 50 Requires external DC power supply
of ±1.5 Vdc to ±9 Vdc
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Over 100,000 Products Available!
Model No. Price Description
EB-SPARE $10 Spare battery pack for -EB option
PHE-DPS 50 ±3 Vdc power supply to operate preamplified
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Specify power option (see table) and add additional cost to price of
electrode: “-EB” ($60), “-PB” ($60), or “-NB” ($50).
Ordering Example: PHE-5411-10-EB, industrial in-line double junction
preamplified electrode with external battery, $128 + 60 = $188.
electrodes, input 115 Vac

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