Industrial pH/ORP Controller/Recorders
With Integral 30 Day Chart Recorder
Starts at
⻬ Combines pH Measurement,
Recording, and Controlling in One
⻬ High Visibility 150 mm (6") Mirrored
Analog Display
⻬ Built-in 30 Day Chart Recorder
⻬ High and Low Setpoints and Alarms
⻬ Time Delay Safety Feature
⻬ On/Off Control
The PHCN-45 combines pH/ORP
measurement, recording and control in a
single compact unit. pH and millivolt
readings are displayed on a 6" mirrored
meter and the built-in chart recorder
provides a 30 day record. In the standard
mode, accuracy is ±0.1 pH and ±10 mV. If
increased accuracy is required, a 10x scale
expansion is provided. Easy to use front
panel controls can set both the high and low
PHCN-45, $1314, shown
smaller than actual size.
limits for control to within 0.1 pH and to
activate a visual alarm when limits are
exceeded. If desired, an adjustable Time
Delay Safety Feature will shut off power to
the output if the pH does not return to the
control point within set time (0 to 30
minutes). This can prevent over addition of
neutralizing chemicals due to probe or
meter malfunction. A pulsed 5 Vdc alarm
output is available to drive a dc solid state
relay to indicate this condition.
Input Parameters: pH, ORP
Display: 150 mm (6") analog meter and
Inputs: PHCN-45, 47: 1; PHCN-48: 2
Standard Ranges: 0 to 14 pH; ±900 mV
Expanded Ranges: 1.4 pH; ±90 mV
Accuracy, pH: ±0.1 pH, ±0.01 pH
Accuracy, ORP: ±10 mV, ±1 mV expanded
Temperature: 0 to 100°C, manual
Output Control: Two separate 4 A SSRs
Time Delay: 0 to 30 min
Recorder: 30 day chart
Power Consumption: 55 W @ 115/230V
Alarm Signal Output: 3.5V p-p
(Squarewave), 20mA
PHCN-45: Benchtop
PHCN-47/48: NEMA 12 wall mount
PHCN-45: 203 H x 356 W x 279 mm D
(8 x 14 x 11")
PHCN-47/48: 305 H x 356 W x 152 mm D
(12 x 14 x 6")
PHCN-45: 10.9 kg (24 lb)
PHCN-47/48: 9 kg (16 lb)
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The PHCN-48 is similar to
the PHCN-47 with the
addition of a second
electrode input that allows
the user to connect one
electrode to the
meter/controller and the other
to the recorder so that
real-time monitoring of the
control system is possible. In
typical applications, the first
electrode is placed in the
input water flow where it
senses pH and activates the
control system. The second
electrode, located
downstream, drives the
recorder to provide a
continuous record of the pH
of the effluent from the
control system.
PHCN-48, $1674,
shown smaller
than actual size.
PHCN-47, $1554, shown smaller than actual size.
The PHCN-47 is a single electrode input model that
combines the same functions as the PHCN-45 in a
NEMA 12 type cabinet that may be used in a harsh
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Description
PHCN-45 $1314 Benchtop pH
PHCN-47 1554 Wall mounted pH
PHCN-48 1674 Wall mounted pH
with separate inputs
for control and recording
Model No. Price Description
SL-652 $12 Chart paper, 40 division
PHE-5311-10 107 In-line disposable
PHE-6351-10 118 Submersible electrode
PHCN-45-CHART-0-14 30 0 to 14 scale paper
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Electrodes sold separately.
Ordering Examples: PHCN-47, wall-mounted pH
controller/recorder, PHCN-45-CHART-0-14, 0 to 14 range
paper, and PHE-6351-10 submersible electrode,
$1554 + 30 + 118 = $1702.
PHCN-45 bench top pH controller/recorder,
PHCN-45-CHART-0-14, 0 to 14 range paper, and PHE-6351-10
submersible electrode, $1314 + 30 + 118 = $1462.
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