Pre-Mixed pH Calibration Solutions and Deionized Water
All shown smaller
than actual size.
U Deionized Water
U Pre-Mixed pH Solutions
U Two Bottle Sizes Available
U pH Solutions Standardized Against
NIST Certified Sample
Formulated to provide precise pH determinations, these
buffer solutions which are standardized against NIST-certified
reference samples, are ideal for calibrating electrodes and pH
meters. The buffers are color-coded to avoid error and accurate
to within ±0.02 pH at 25°C (77°F). Each buffer contains a
preservative/mold inhibitor and a shrink-sealed cap to prevent
contamination and leakage. Temperature compensation charts
are included with each buffer solution.
5 each 4, 7 and
10 buffer packs
with 5 deionized
water packs.
Shown smaller
than actual size.
To Order Visit omega.com/pha4_7_10 for Pricing and Details
Model No. Description
PHA-4 4.00 pH buffer solution 500 mL (1 pint) bottle
PHA-4-GAL 4.00 pH buffer solution 4 L (1 gal) bottle
PHA-7 7.00 pH buffer solution 500 mL (1 pint) bottle
PHA-7-GAL 7.00 pH buffer solution 4 L (1 gal) bottle
PHA-10 10.00 pH buffer solution 500 mL (1 pint) bottle
PHA-10-GAL 10.00 pH buffer solution 4 L (1 gal) bottle
PHA-DI Deionized water 500 mL (1 pint) bottle
PHA-DI-GAL Deionized water 4 L (1 gal) bottle
PHAB-DI 20 single use deionized water packets
PHAB-PH 5 each 4, 7 and 10 buffer packs with 5 deionized
CAL-PH* NIST certificate
For NIST certificate of conformance, add suffix “-NIST” to model number
and add an additional line item, CAL-PH, for additional cost. NIST certificate
available on pH buffers only.
Ordering Examples: PHA-7-GAL, 7.00 pH buffer solution 1 gallon bottle.
PHA-7, 7.00 buffer solution, 1 pt bottle.
water packs
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Lab Electrode products online, visit omega.com