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Page 117.1 Analog Input Calibration
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Page 138.1 BADR0
Page 138.2 BADR1
Page 138.2.1 Interrupt / ADC FIFO Register
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Page 188.2.3 Trigger Control/Status Register
Page 218.2.4 Calibration Register
Page 238.2.5 DAC Control/Status Register
Page 258.3 BADR2
Page 258.3.1 ADC Data Register
Page 258.3.2 ADC FIFO Clear Register
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Page 278.4.2 High-Drive Digital I/O Data and Control Registers
Page 298.4.3 DAC Pacer Clock Data and Control Registers
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The PCI-DAS1602/16 is a multifunction measurement and control board designed to operate in
computers with PCI bus accessory slots. The architecture of the boards is loosely based on the
original CIO-DAS16; the standard of ISA bus data acquisition. Much has changed though, and
all of it due to improvements in technology.
Higher quality analog components have made 16-bit measurements the standard. Dense packaging technology and custom ASICS allow a far greater range of control over programmable
options, such as calibration, triggering, synchronization and data transfer.
Even the connector has changed. New, denser connectors allow up to 100 signal lines where
once 37 was the the standard.
Because of the improvements in technology, the PCI-DAS1602/16 is easier to install and use
than any previous DAS16. There is not a single switch or jumper on the board, so go ahead and
install the PCI-DAS1602/16 into your computer then turn your computer on. Welcome to the
2.1 Software Installation
2.1.1 Windows 95, 98, NT or above
If you will be installing the Universal Library with your board, insert the Universal Library
diskette or CD in an appropriate drive, run the program SETUP.EXE, and follow the installation
instructions provided. This program will install both Insta
test utility) and the Universal Library. If you are using Windows 95, you will have the option of
installing the 16-bit and/or 32-bit libraries. Unless you have a specific reason to use the 16-bit
library (e.g. compatibility with an exisiting program) install the 32-bit version.
If you are not using the Universal Library, insert the disk or CD labeled Insta
appropriate drive, and run SETUP.EXE. The install wizard will now launch and you will then be
prompted for additional information. Follow the instructions and, if possible, accept the defaults,
especially if this is your first installation. It will be easier for us to assist you in the unlikely event
of trouble during your system setup and operation.
The Universal Library provides example programs for a wide variety of programming languages.
If you are installing the Universal Library, an "Installation Options" dialog box will allow you to
select which languages' example programs are loaded onto your computer. Select the desired
example programs by checking the appropriate box(s).
(setup and
into an
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InstaCal will place all appropriate files in "C:CB" If you change this default location remember
where the installed files are placed as you may need to access them later.
At the end of the installation process the installation wizard will ask a series of questions regarding updating your startup files. Unless you have knowledge to the contrary, simply accept the
default (YES) when prompted. You will also be asked if you would like to read an updated
README file. If possible, please choose yes and take a look at the information in the file. It will
include the latest information regarding the software you are installing.
After the installation of InstaCal is complete you should restart your computer to take advantage
of changes made to the system.
2.1.6 DOS and WINDOWS 3.x
Most users are now installing PCI Bus boards in systems with Windows operating systems (e.g.,
Windows 95, 98 or NT). If you are using Windows 3.x, the setup wizard will automatically
install the 16-bit version of the Universal Library and InstaCAL. These versions are compatible
with the DOS operating system.
If you need to install the software and do not have access to Windows, you will need to order the
special "DOS Only" version of the software. The part number for these products are
INSTACAL/DOS and Universal Library/DOS. Please contact the factory if you have any
questions regarding these special DOS only versions.
3.0 Insta
InstaCal is the Installation, Calibration and Test software supplied with all I/O
boards. After installing InstaCal you should re-start your computer to take advantage of changes
made to the AUTOEXEC and CONFIG files. The PCI-DAS1602/16 does not have to be installed
in order for InstaCal to run, but must be in order to test or calibrate the board.
3.1 System Requirements
Two versions of InstaCal are supplied with the PCI-DAS1602/16. The standard 32-bit version is
compatible with Windows 95, 98, NT and greater. For those using older operating systems, the
DOS based, 16-bit version is supplied and is compatible with DOS, Windows 3.x and Windows
95 (though we recommend Windows 95 users take advantage of the 32-bit version).
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3.2 Running InstaCal
Be sure to restart your computer after the initial installation, and before running InstaCal. Run the
InstaCal program in order to test your board and configure it for run-time use. By configuring
the board, you add information to the configuration file, cb.cfg, that is used by the Universal
Library as well as third-party data acquisition packages that use the Universal Library to access
the board.
Launch InstaCal by going to your Start Menu then to Programs, then to CB, and
finally choosing Insta
launch the program by going to START>RUN and typing INSCAL32, or by finding the file
named "INSCAL32.exe" in your installation directory and double clicking it.
InstaCal will display a dialog box indicating the boards that have been detected in the system. If
there are no other boards currently installed by InstaCal, then the PCI-DAS1602/16 board will be
assigned board number 0. Otherwise it will be assigned the next available board number.
You can now view and change the board configuration by clicking the properties icon or selecting the Install\Configure menu.
Once done, exit InstaCal. This will update and save the configuration file, CBI.CFG in the
C:\CB directory.
(InstCAL 16 if you wish to run the 16-bit version). You may also
3.3 Base I/O Address & Interrupt Level
The PCI-DAS1602/16 uses a number of addresses and one interrupt. The addresses are allocated
by the PCI plug & play procedure and may not be modified. If you have installed ISA bus boards
in the past you are familiar with the need to select a base address and interrupt level. On PCI
systems this is not of concern to you. It is not up to you to select a base address and ensure that it
does not conflict with an installed port. In PCI systems, the operating software and installation
software do the selection and checking for you.
The computer BIOS selects and sets the I/O address and interrupt level from the range of available addresses. This address and other information is read by InstaCAL and stored in the configuration file CB.CFG. This file is accessed by the Universal Library for programmers. Note also
that the Universal Library is the I/O board in terface for packaged applications such as Labtech
Notebook and HP-VEE, therefore the InstaCal settings must be made in order for these and other
applications to run.
The base address and interrupt level are also stored in the system software. Once InstaCal installation software is run, other programming methods such as direct IN and OUT statements can
write and read the PCI-DAS1602/16 registers by reference to the base address and the offset from
base address corresponding to the chart of registers located elsewhere in this manual.
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But a word of warning is in order here. Direct writes to the addresses simply by reference to the
base address of the PCI-DAS1602/16 I/O registers is not advised. Since the addressess assigned
by the PCI plug & play software are not under your control, there is no way to guarantee that
your program will run in any other computer.
Not only that, but if you install another PCI board in a computer after the PCI-DAS1602/16
addresses have been assigned, those addresses may be moved by the plug & play software when
the second board is installed. It is best to use a library such as Universal Library or a program
such as HP-VEE to make measurements with your PCI-DAS1602/16.
3.4 Testing The Installation
After you have run the install program and set your address and interrupt with InstaCal, it is time
to test the installation. The following section describes the InstaCal procedure to test that your
board is properly installed. The procedure has you connect one of the outout channels to one of
the A/D channels, it then outputs a simple waveform and shows you the wavefrom monitored on
the selected A/D channel.
1. With InstaCal running, select the PCI-DAS1602/16.
2. Select the "TEST" function from the main menu
3. Follow the instructions provided
If you do not receive the expected results:
a. make certain you have connected the correct pins according to the connector diagram.
b. go back through the installation procedure and make sure you have installed the
board acording to the instructions.
If this does not get you to the desired display, please call us (or contact your local distributer) for
additional assistance.
3.5 Calibration
Selecting CALIBRATE from the InstaCal main menu runs a fully automated PCI-DAS1602/16
calibration program. The software controlled calibration of the PCI-DAS1602/16 is explained
extensively in the section on calibration.
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4.1 Connector Pin Diagram
The PCI-DAS1602/16 employs the new 100 pin connector. Please make accurate notes and pay
careful attention to wire connections. In a large system a misplaced wire may create hours of
work ‘fixing’ problems that do not exist before the wiring error is found.
A n a log In p u t C h 0 L o w / 8 High 3
A n a log In p u t C h 0 H ig h 2
Analog Input C h 1 High
The 100 pin connector provides a far greater signal density than the traditional 37 pin D type
connector. In exchange for that density comes a far more complex cable and mating connector.
The C100-FF-2 cable is a pair of 50 pin ribbon cables. At one end they are joined together with a
100 pin connector. From the 100 pin connector designed to mate with the PCI-DAS1602/16
connector, the two 50 pin ribbon cables diverge and are terminated at the other end with standard
50 pin header connectors. A CIO-MINI50 screw terminal board is the ideal way to terminate real
word signals and route them into the PCI-DAS1602/16
Analog inputs to the PCI-DAS1600 may be connected in three different configurations. In order
of complexity, these are Single Ended, Floating Differential and Differential.
Here is a good tip. Measure the voltage potential (difference) between the
ground signal at the signal source and the PC. Use a volt meter and place the
red probe on the PC ground and the black probe on the signal ground. If there
is a difference of more than 10 volts, do not connect the CIO-DAS1600 to this
signal source because you will not be able to make any reading. A difference
more than 30 volts will likely damage the board and possibly the computer.
4.3 Analog Input Configurations
Single ended inputs are most appropriate in systems where the signal source and the data acquisition board share a common ground. This is a very common scenario and includes almost all
systems where the data acquisition system is supplying either the power (+5V and GND) or the
excitation (from a D/A). In this case you may take advantage of the P CI-1602/16’s 16 channel
mode without affecting performance.
Single ended inputs are also useful the signal source is electrically isolated (also referred to as
floating) from the data acquisition board’s ground (e.g. connecting to the two terminals of a
battery). However, the use of differential input configuration will provide better noise immunity
than single ended when monitoring an isolated signal source. Unless you absolutely need more
than 8 channels, we recommend using the differential input mode for isolated input signals.
Please refer to the next paragraph for connection information for the connection of isolated
signals to differential inputs.
A floating differential input is two wires from the signal source and a 10K ground reference
resistor installed at the PCI-DAS1602/16 input. The two signals from the signal source are
Signal High (CH# HI) and Signal Low (CH# LO).
The reference resistor is connected between the PCI-DAS1602/16 CH# LO and LLGND pins.
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This floating configuration is appropriate when the signal source is floating with respect to
ground, (e.g. a battery or 4-20mA transmitter), the lead lengths are long, your system is subject to
substantial EMI interference.
Is that signal source really floating? Check it with a voltmeter before risking the
PCI-DAS1602/16 and PC! If you can measure a constant voltage between the
grounds of the PC and your signal source, it’s probably not floating.
Proper measurement of a differential signal requires three wires from the signal source. The
signals are Signal High (CH# HI), Signal Low (CH# LO) and Signal Ground (LLGND).
A differential connection allows you to connect the PCI-DAS1602/16 to a signal source with a
ground that is different, but not isolated from the PC ground, but less than 10V difference, and
still make a true measurement of the signal between CH# HI and CH# LO.
Non-Isolated laboratory instruments with three prong wall plug. There are usually differences in
wall GND potentials between outlets.
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5.0 Features and Functions Overview
The PCI-DAS1602/16 is a multifunction measurement and control board. The design of the
board may be simplified into several blocks containg the major functions of the board. Please
take a moment to examine the diagram here.
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6.0 Programming & Applications
Your PCI-DAS1602/16 is now installed and ready for use. Although the PCI-DAS1602/16 is
part of the larger DAS family, there is no correspondence between registers. Software written at
the register level for the other DAS's will not work with the PCI-DAS1602/16. This includes any
driver or library where the target board is other than a PCI-DAS1602/16.
6.1 Programming Languages
The UniversalLibrary provides complete access to the PCI-DAS1602/16
functions from a range of programming languages; both DOS and Windows. If you are planning
to write programs, or would like to run the example programs for Visual Basic or any other
language, please turn now to the UniversalLibrary manual.
VIX Components is a set of programming tools based on a DLL interface to Windows languages.
A set of VBX, OCX or ActiveX interfaces allows point and click construction of graphical
displays, analysis and control structures. Please see the cat alog for a complete description of the
6.2 Packaged Applications Programs
Many packaged application programs, such as DAS Wizard, Labtech Notebook and HP-VEE
now have drivers for the PCI-DAS1602/16. If the package you own does not appear to have
drivers for the PCI-DAS1602/16 please fax or e-mail the package name and the revision number
from the install disks. We will research the package for you and advise how to obtain
PCI-DAS1602/16 drivers.
Some application drivers are included with the Universal Library package, but not with the
Application package. If you have purchased an application package directly from the software
vendor, you may need to purchase our Universal Library and drivers. Please contact us for more
information on this topic.
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7.0 Self-Calibration of the PCI-DAS1602/16
The PCI-DAS1602/16 provides self-calibration of the analog source and measure systems
thereby eliminating the need for external equipment and user adjustments. All adjustments are
made via 8-bit calibration DACs or digital potentiometers referenced to an on-board factory
calibrated standard. The PCI-DAS1602/16 is shipped fully-calibrated from the factory with cal
coefficients stored in nvRAM. At run time, these calibration factors are loaded into system
memory and are automatically retrieved each time a different DAC/ADC range is specified. The
user has the option to recalibrate with respect to the factory-measured voltage standards at any
time by simply selecting the "Calibrate" option in InstaCal. Full calibration typically requires
less than two minutes and requires no user intervention.
7.1 Analog Input Calibration
A variety of methods are used to calibrate the different elements on the board. The analog frontend has several "knobs" to turn. Offset calibration is performed in both the instrumentation
amplifier gain stage and the ADC itself. Front-end gain adjustment is performed only via the
ADC reference. This strategy was chosen since the gain tolerance of the in-amp circuit is quite
good and there is adequate gain tuning range using only the ADC.
The analog output circuits are calibrated for gain and offset as well. Offset adj ustments for the
analog output are made in the output buffer section. The tuning range of this adjustment allows
for max DAC and output buffer offsets. Gain calibration of the analog outputs are performed via
DAC reference adjustments.
Figure 1 below is a block diagram of the analog front-end calibration system:
Offset AdjUni/Bip
Trim Dac
Digital Offset Pot
Figure 1
RefOffset Adj
Digital Gain Pot
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