Omega Products OWMT-SOFT Installation Manual


Version 2.1
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OWMT-SOFT (M-4064) Contentsxi
Overview 1
Description .................................................................................................................................1
Quick Start .................................................................................................................................2
Setup 4
OWMT-SOFT Setup..................................................................................................................4
Do Not Prompt For Temperature From Probe.............................................................4
Trend Sensitivity..........................................................................................................5
Graphing ......................................................................................................................5
Alarming ......................................................................................................................6
Device Setup ..............................................................................................................................8
Select Device ...............................................................................................................8
Add Difference Monitor Button...................................................................................8
Label Tab.....................................................................................................................8
Alarming Tab...............................................................................................................9
Alarm Sounds Tab .....................................................................................................10
Alarm Images Tab .....................................................................................................10
Trend Images Tab......................................................................................................11
Scale Tab ...................................................................................................................11
Remove Device ........................................................................................................................11
Reconfigure ..............................................................................................................................12
Change Port ...............................................................................................................12
Clear Log Files.........................................................................................................................12
Clear Historical Session Files ....................................................................................12
Clear ASCII Log File.................................................................................................12
Toolbar 13
Numeric Button........................................................................................................................13
Real Time Button.....................................................................................................................13
Historical Button......................................................................................................................13
Undo Zoom Button ..................................................................................................................13
Sessions Button........................................................................................................................13
Clear Real Time Button ...........................................................................................................13
Start Button ..............................................................................................................................14
Stop Button ..............................................................................................................................14
Analyze Button ........................................................................................................................14
Data Analysis Dialog.................................................................................................14
View Derivative.........................................................................................................14
View Data ..................................................................................................................14
iixContents OWMT-SOFT (M-4064)
Time Button ............................................................................................................................ 15
Calculator Button .................................................................................................................... 15
Print Button ............................................................................................................................. 15
Print 16
Print Setup............................................................................................................................... 16
Print......................................................................................................................................... 16
Print Description ....................................................................................................... 17
View 18
Numeric................................................................................................................................... 18
Real Time................................................................................................................................ 18
Units Scale ................................................................................................................ 19
Historical ................................................................................................................................. 19
Zoom Function.......................................................................................................... 19
Select Session............................................................................................................ 20
Units Scale ................................................................................................................ 20
Advanced Users 21
OWMT-SOFT.INI Parameters................................................................................................ 21
Error Messages 23
Communications...................................................................................................................... 23
Cannot Communicate With Device! ......................................................................... 23
No Devices Attached! ............................................................................................... 23
File I/O .................................................................................................................................... 23
File Error With History File...................................................................................... 23
File Error With Appending To History File.............................................................. 24
Cannot Create The History Index File. ..................................................................... 24
Cannot Open The History Index File. ....................................................................... 24
Cannot Create The History Log File......................................................................... 25
Cannot Open The History Log File........................................................................... 25
Cannot Find BMP File For Trend Indication. ........................................................... 25
Cannot Find BMP File For Alarm Indication. .......................................................... 26
Cannot Create The Log File...................................................................................... 26
Cannot Open The Log File........................................................................................ 26
Error In Writing To The Log File ............................................................................. 26
Other........................................................................................................................................ 27
Historical View: Not enough data to plot! Please wait for more data to be logged . 27
Historical View: Session Period = NONE. No data to plot...................................... 27
Critical Error: Too much time has expired! Terminating OWMT-SOFT................ 27
Clock has been changed! OWMT-SOFT needs to be restarted to accommodate the
new time! .................................................................................................................. 27
Cannot Link through DDE to the OWMT-SOFT-DDE! Terminating Program....... 27
Lost DDE Links with Server! Should quit OWMT-SOFT! ...................................... 27
Cannot load OWMT-SOFT-DDE! Terminating Program!....................................... 28
Cannot load the Calculator! ...................................................................................... 28
OWMT-SOFT (M-4064) Overviewx1



OWMT-SOFT is a data acquisition monitoring system for the personal computer.
It was designed and developed for use with the Microsoft® Windows® operating
systems. This makes OWMT-SOFT easy to install, setup and, operate. This puts all
the features you need within the familiar easy to use Windows® operating
environment including complete online help for all functions.
All data collected may be viewed graphically in real time or as a historical display.
OWMT-SOFT shows trends, minimum and maximum and indicates alarms. ASCII
data logging to a file is also available to allow import into other programs such as
spreadsheets and data base programs.
OWMT-SOFT can be used to collect data from a wireless network. Data from up to
six sensors can be displayed. Currently supported sensors include:
OMWT-TEMP15 Temperature
OMWT-AIN5V Analog 5 Volt'
OMWT-AIN10V Analog 10 Volt
OMWT-AIN20MA Analog 20 MA
OMWT-VIB Vibration
OWMT-SOFT is actually a DDE client application that works in concert with a DDE
server application called OWMT-SOFT-DDE. OWMT-SOFT-DDE handles the
details of communicating or receiving data from the wireless sensors. OWMT-
SOFT-DDE verifies that the communication is correct, processes the sensor samples
and then forwards the data to the DDE client. OWMT-SOFT is responsible for the
presentation and analysis of the collected data.
2xOverview OWMT-SOFT (M-4064)

Quick Start

When OWMT-SOFT runs for the first time this help screen is displayed
You may access this screen again by clicking
on OWMT-SOFT menu bar then
Quick Start
. A shortcut icon will be created in the installation
program group that points to the "OWMT-SOFT.HLP" file.
Make sure your receiver is plugged into your serial port and that no other application is using that port before you start OWMT-SOFT. OWMT-SOFT will try to find the receiver. If it cannot find the receiver, you may specify which receiver and COM port you are using.
OWMT-SOFT begins in
Numeric mode
. All
are disabled, data logging is disabled, and historical data accumulation is set Start/Stop. To enable or change any of these features you will need to click the Setup menu and select the OWMT-SOFT Setup or Device Setup menus.
To use the
Historical View
option you must let OWMT-SOFT run for a while to
accumulate some data to be displayed. While in
Historical View
mode you can
Zoom and
the data. An example session is provided.

Wireless Setup

OWMT-SOFT automates the process of setting up your hardware. You have to select the sensors you want to use. Follow these steps to start.
1. Connect your receiver (OWMT-RS232-600) into your serial port. Verify that no other software is using this serial port.
2. Start OWMT-SOFT. OWMT-SOFT will display the Quick Start help the first time.
3. Once the Quick Start Help is exited, OWMT-SOFT will try to find a receiver. If it cannot find a receiver, OWMT-SOFT will prompt for a receiver type and port number. When OWMT-SOFT finds a receiver, it will display the “Add Wireless Device” window.
4. You will need to define what sensors, OWMT-SOFT will use. When OWMT-SOFT receives packets from wireless sensors, it will name them and display their name and serial numbers in the “New Device” listbox. You can speed up OWMT-SOFT-DDE's collection of sensors by un-checking "Service Mode Only" (which is checked by default). If "Service Mode Only" is checked, then OWMT-SOFT-DDE will only display sensors received by pressing the service button on the wireless sensor. This allows you greater control in selecting wireless sensors.
5. When the correct sensors are displayed, click on a sensor to highlight it and click on the "Edit" button. A setup screen will appear. Select the transmission rate for the sensor. The default is 60 seconds. OWMT­SOFT will use this transmission rate to determine if a device is offline. By default, a device is considered offline if OWMT-SOFT has not received a packet from the device in (3 * the transmission rate) seconds. This interval can be changed.
OWMT-SOFT (M-4064) Overviewx3
6. When you have the sensors you want, click "OK" to start viewing their
7. OWMT-SOFT will now display the data received by the receiver.
4xSetup OWMT-SOFT (M-4064)



Setup enables you to customize the settings for OWMT-SOFT, such as enabling/disabling functions, setting alarm levels, and sound/image file selection. For ease of use setup has been broken into sections with functions grouped by type.
Basic configuration options: default units,
Labels, Etc.
Sets labels, alarms, images, and sounds for each
Adds new devices, resets graphs, restarts historical
and log files.
Delete or empty log and historical files.
Remove unused devices.


Do Not Prompt For Temperature From Probe

If this box is checked then OWMT-SOFT will not prompt you to create a temperature object from the temperature sensor contained inside some probes such as humidity.
OWMT-SOFT (M-4064) Setupx5

Trend Sensitivity

This field requires a number of seconds between 1 and 255, which sets the length of time for the running average used to calculate the trend sensitivity. The larger the number the slower the trend will respond to changes.
The default value is 20 seconds.


The units field selects which scale OWMT-SOFT will use to display readings for devices that have more than one scale.
There are three temperature scales
Fahrenheit, Celsius
There are seven pressure scales
in of Hg, kiloPascal, milliBar, cm of H2O, mm of
Hg, kg / cm2
Analog devices can be set up for any units, but the default is %. Set up the units for analog in the "Device Setup" screen.
Changing any unit field will cause current graph(s) and display(s) using the changed unit to be recalculated and updated based on the new units setting.
The default value for temperature is
The default value for pressure is
in of Hg
Note: If the units are changed while OWMT-SOFT is logging ASCII data a new header record will be inserted into the file. However you may want to stop OWMT­SOFT first and rename your log file to prevent having two types of data in the same file. This can make the data confusing and difficult to analyze.


Display Grid
If this box is checked then vertical and horizontal grid lines will be displayed on both Real Time and Historical Graphs.
6xSetup OWMT-SOFT (M-4064)
Alarm Lines
If this box is checked then horizontal lines will be displayed on the Real Time graph to show where the current high/low alarm set points are.


Alarm Notification Window
If this box is checked then OWMT-SOFT will pop a notification window up on top of the current application when any alarm condition occurs.
This window will also display the nature of the alarm and start the Alarm Sound.
Clicking the OKbutton on the alarm notification window will close it and stop the alarm sound if it is set to Sound Continuously.
Default setting is on. (Checked.)
Sound Continuously
If this box is checked then the currently selected sound will be repeated until the user acknowledges the alarm condition by clicking the OKbutton on the alarm notification window.
The default setting for this is enabled. (Checked.)


Log File Enable
If this box is checked then the log file
will be updated with readings based on the current Log File Rate. Each log files first record will be a header formatted as follows:
"DeviceA Serial Number,DeviceA Type,DeviceA Name,Current Units","DeviceB Serial Number,DeviceB Type,DeviceB Name,Current Units" and so on for each device.
Scale will be the current unit setting for the device.
OWMT-SOFT (M-4064) Setupx7
Values logged will be in the current scale unit. Changing units with logging enabled will result in two or more different types of readings in the same file.
If devices are changed by adding, removing, or replacing, a new header record will be generated inside the file to separate the data.
does not exist then OWMT-SOFT will create this file in
the same directory where OWMT-SOFT resides, typically C:\OWMT-SOFT.
The following format is used to log data readings:
Example: 13:44:30,3/22/96,54.70,70.34
Log File Rate
This field requires a number between 1 and 32,767, which will represent the number of seconds between readings being written to log file. The value of this field will have no effect unless Log File Enable has been checked.
The default value is 60.
Setting this value to a low number and allowing OWMT-SOFT to run for
long periods of time will result in a very large log file.


Historic Session
A new session is created each time OWMT-SOFT is started or when the
has expired. The length of a Historic Session is selectable by the user in
If historic data is enabled and the user changes session length i.e. from 4 hours to 8 hours, OWMT-SOFT will terminate the current session and start a new session based on the new session length.
Historic Period
This field displays a selection box for the user to choose how long a session will be. Choices are NONE, Start/Stop, 4, 8, 12 hours and 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 days. When NONE is selected no historical data is saved. The
Historic Rate
is changed automatically when Historic Period is changed. It will be from 1-42 seconds depending on the length of period selected. When Start/Stop is selected a button will appear on the
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