Omega Products OMR-6080 Installation Manual

M-3578 for OMR-6080
Input Module
1. 1. About the OMR Counter/Frequency Modules..................................1-1
1. 2. Overview of OMR -6080........................................................................1-1
What is OMR-6080? .......................................................... 1-1
Features of OMR-6080....................................................... 1-2
Specifications of OMR-6080 ............................................... 1-2
Pin Definitions of OMR-6080 .............................................. 1-4
A Look at OMR-6080 & Pin Assignment ..............................1-5
Functional Block Diagram of OMR-6080.............................. 1-6
2. 1. Software Installation.............................................................................2-1
2. 2. Initializing a Brand-New Module.......................................................2-2
Objective of Initializing a Brand -New OMR..........................2-2
Default State..................................................................... 2-2
Initialization Equipment ...................................................... 2-3
Initialization Procedure....................................................... 2-3
Initialization Wiring............................................................. 2-3
2. 3. Install a New OMR to a Existing Network........................................2-4
Equipments for Install a New Module .................................. 2-4
Installing Procedures ......................................................... 2-4
2. 4. Application Wiring for OMR-6080 ..................................................... 2-5
Non-isolated Input ..............................................................2-5
Photo-isolated Input ........................................................... 2-5
3. 1. Command and Response......................................................................3-1
Introduction ....................................................................... 3-1
Document Conventions ...................................................... 3-1
Format of OMR Commands................................................ 3-2
Response of OMR Commands ........................................... 3-3
3. 2. Summary of Command Set...................................................................3-4
3. 3. Set Configuration...................................................................................3-7
3. 4. Read Configuration.............................................................................3-10
3. 5. Read Module Name.............................................................................3-11
3. 6. Read Firmware Version......................................................................3-12
3. 7. Set Input Mode.....................................................................................3-13
3. 8. Read Input Mode.................................................................................3-14
3. 9. Read Counter/Frequency Value in HEX Format............................3-15
3. 10. Read Counter/Frequency Value in DEC Format ...........................3-16
3. 11. Set Gate Mode......................................................................................3-17
3. 12. Read Gate Mode..................................................................................3-18
3. 13. Set Maximum Counter Value.............................................................3-19
3. 14. Read Maximum Counter Value ..........................................................3-19
3. 15. Set Initial Count Value........................................................................3-21
3. 16. Read Initial Count Value....................................................................3-22
3. 17. Start/Stop Counter...............................................................................3-23
3. 18. Read Start/Stop Counter Status.........................................................3-24
3. 19. Clear Counter .......................................................................................3-25
3. 20. Read then Clear Overflow Flag........................................................3-26
3. 21. Enable/Disable Digital Filter ............................................................3-28
3. 22. Read Filter Status ................................................................................3-29
3. 23. Set Minimum Input Signal Width at High Level.............................3-30
3. 24. Read Minimum Input Signal Width at High Level.........................3-31
3. 25. Set Minimum Input Signal Width at Low Level..............................3-32
3. 26. Read Minimum Input Signal Width at Low Level..........................3-33
Contents i
3. 27. Set TTL In put High Trigger Level.....................................................3-34
3. 28. Read TTL Input High Trigger Level.................................................3-35
3. 29. Set TTL Input Low Trigger Level......................................................3-36
3. 30. Read TTL Input Low Trigger Level..................................................3-37
3. 31. Enable Alarm ........................................................................................3-38
3. 32. Disable Alarm......................................................................................3-39
3. 33. Set Alarm Limit Value of Counter 0..................................................3-40
3. 34. Set Alarm Limit Value of Counter 1..................................................3-41
3. 35. Read Alarm Limit Value of Counter 0..............................................3-42
3. 36. Read Alarm Limit Value of Counter 1..............................................3-43
3. 37. Set Digital Output Values...................................................................3-44
3. 38. Read Digital Output and Alarm Status ............................................3-45
3. 39. Read Command Leading Code Setting............................................3-47
3. 40. Change Command Leading Code Setting.......................................3-48
3. 41. Set Host Watchdog Timer & Safety Value ........................................3-50
3. 42. Read Host Watchdog Timer & Safety Value....................................3-51
3. 43. Host is OK.............................................................................................3-52
ii Contents
1. Introduction
1. 1. About the OMR Counter/Frequency Modules
The OMR provides a counter / frequency input module, which has two 32 bit counter input channels with built in programmable timer for frequency measure function. OMR-6080: counter/frequency input module with digital output.
1. 2. Overview of OMR-6080
What is OMR-6080?
OMR-6080 is a counter / frequency input module. It has two 32-bit counter input channels with built in programmable timer for frequency measurement and supports both photo isolated and non-isolated input mode. The maximum counting value is 4,294,967,295 for counter input channel and the frequency-input range is from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. A programmable digital filter can be enable for both high and low level minimum signal width to reduce noise spike. Besides the programmable threshold for non -isolated input can further reject noise on the input signal level.
The module provides the counter comparator or the alarm function. The alarm limit of two counters can be set independently by programming. The alarm status can be send to digital output channels if this function is ON. The supervisor of a factory can ‘see’ or ‘hear’ the alarm if the digital output channel control a real alarm device. The two digital output channel can be set for general purpose used if the alarm is disable. For example, connecting relay devices to DO channels, the OMR-6080 can be used to control the high power devices.
Introduction 1-1
Features of OMR-6080
Two 32 bit counter / frequency input channel
Two digital output channels of open collector type
5000 Vrms isolation voltage for isolated input mode
External gate control for counter input
Alarm function with alarm output
Programmable digital filter for noise rejection
Programmable threshold setting of trigger level for non-isolated input mode
Programmable host watchdog timer for host failure protection
Internal watchdog timer for device failure protection
Easy programming by software
Easy installation and wiring
Specifications of OMR-6080
² Interface
Interface : RS -485, 2 wires
Speed (bps) : 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K
² Counter Input
Two independent 32 bit counters
Input frequency: 100 kHz max.
Input mode: Isolated or non-isolated
Isolated input level:
Isolation voltage: 5000 Vrms
Non-isolated input level (programmable threshold):
Input pulse width > 5 µsec.
Programmable digital noise filter:
Alarm comparator on each counter
Logic level 0: +1V max. Logic level 1: +3.5V to +30V
Logic level 0: 0 to +5V (default = 0.8V) Logic level 1: 0 to +5V (default = 2.4V)
4 µsec. to 1.02 msec.
1-2 Introduction
² Frequency measurement Input
Range: 1 Hz to 100 kHz
Programmable built in gate time: 0.1/1.0 sec.
² Digital Output
Channels: Two open collector to 30 V, 30 mA max. load
² Watchdog Function
Module internal watchdog timer : 150 ms
Power failure threshold : 4.65 V
Safety value : 2 digital output channels
Host programmable watchdog: 100 ms ~ 25.500 sec.
² Power
Power supply : +10V to +30V
Power consumption: 2.0W
Introduction 1-3
Pin Definitions of OMR-6080
Pin # Signal Name Description 1 IN0 Non-isolated input of counter 0 2 GATE0 External gate control of counter 0
3 GND Ground for non-isolated input 4 IN1 Non-isolated input of counter 1 5 GATE1 External gate control of counter 1 6 DEFAULT* Initial state setting 7 (Y) DATA+ RS-485 series signal, positive 8 (G) DATA- RS-485 series signal, negative 9 (R) +Vs Power supply, +10V~+30V 10 (B) GND Ground
11 GATE1 - Differential negative external gate
control of counter 1
12 GATE1+ Differential positive external gate
control of counter 1
13 IN1- Differential negative input of counter
1 14 IN1+ Differential positive input of counter 1 15 GATE0 - Differential negative external gate
control of counter 0 16 GATE0+ Differential positive external gate
control of counter 0 17 IN0- Differential negative input of counter
0 18 IN0+ Differential positive input of counter 0 19 DO0 Digital output of channel 0 or counter
0 alarm output 20 DO1 Digital output of channel 1 or counter
1 alarm output
1-4 Introduction
A Look at OMR-6080 & Pin Assignment
Power Input
Regulator & Filter
Safe Value
Watchdog/Power Failure
Digital Output
Counter 1
+10V ~ +30V
Data +
Data -
Counter 0
Config Data
Programmable Digital Noise Filter
Counter 0
Counter 1
Digital Input
PHTO/TTL Input Select and GATE
+ 5V
CH0+ CH0-
CH1+ CH1-
Threshold Voltage
Introduction 1-5
Functional Block Diagram of OMR-6080
Input Module
1-6 Introduction
2. Initialization & Installation
2. 1. Software Installation
1. If you had installed “OMR Administration” then skip other steps.
2. Backup your software diskette
3. Insert “OMR Administration” diskette into floppy drive A:
4. Change drive to A:
5. Installation command syntax INSTALL drive:
Drive name is C to Z. Example 1: install to drive C:
A:\> INSTALL C: Example 2: install to drive F:
6. OMR Administration Utility will be installed in the directory C: \OMR
Initialization & Installation 2-1
2. 2. Initializing a Brand-New Module
Objective of Initializing a Brand-New OMR
All OMR modules except OMR-6520 and OMR-6510, in an RS -485 network must have a unique address ID, however, every brand-new OMR has a factory default setting as following:
Address ID is 01.
Baud rate is 9600 bps
Check-sum disable
Host Watchdog timer is disable
Therefore, to configure the brand-new OMR before using is necessary, otherwise the address ID will be conflict with others modules because the ID of new modules are identity. The baud rate may a lso be changed according to user‘s requirements.
The following sections show how to initialize a brand-new module, which is applicable for initializing OMR-6080.
Default State
The OMR I/O modules must be set at Default State when you want to change the default settings, such as the baud rate and check-sum status etc. All OMR I/O modules have an special pin labeled as DEFAULT*. The module will be in Default State if the DEFAULT* pin is shorted to ground when power ON. Under this state, the default configuration is set as following:
Address ID is 00.
Baud rate is 9600 bps.
Check-sum is disable.
Therefore, the communication between host and the module can be easily set as the same default configuration, the initialization of a module will be possible no matter what configuration is set under operating state.
2-2 Initialization & Installation
Initialization Equipment
Local Power Supply
Host computer with an RS -232 port.
An installed RS -485 module (OMR-6520) with 9600 baud rate.
The brand new OMR module
Power supply (+10 to +30 VDC) for OMR modules
Administration utility software
Initialization Procedure
1. Power off the host computer and the installed OMR-6520. Be sure of the baud rate of the OMR-6520 is
2. Connect a brand new OMR module with the RS -485. Set the module in Default State by shorting the
3. Power on the host computer.
4. Power on the power supply for OMR modules.
5. Use the OMR Administration utility to configure the address ID, Baud rate and check-sum status of the
Initialization Wiring
+10 V to +30 V +Vs GND
9600 bps. DEFAULT* pin. Refer to Figure 2.1 for detailed wiring.
RS-232/RS-485 Converter
DATA+ DATA ­ Default*
Figure 2-1 Layout for Initialization the OMR module
Initialization & Installation 2-3
2. 3. Install a New OMR to a Existing Network
Equipments for Install a New Module
A existing OMR network
New OMR modules.
Power supply (+10 to +30 VDC).
Installing Procedures
1. Configure the new OMR module according to the initialization procedures in section 2.2.
2. The baud rate and check-sum status of the new module must be identity with the existing RS -485 network. The address ID must not be conflict with other OMR modules on the network.
3. Power off the OMR power supply of the existing RS -485 network.
4. Power off the host computer.
5. Wire the power lines for the new OMR with the existing network. Be careful about the signal polarity as wiring.
6. Wire the RS -485 data lines for the new OMR with the existing network. Be careful about the signal polarity as wiring.
8. Power on the host computer.
9. Power on the OMR local power supply.
10. Use the OMR administration utility to check entire network.
2-4 Initialization & Installation
2. 4. Application Wiring for OMR-6080
Non-isolated Input
Counter Input
Gate Control
Photo-isolated Input
IN0 1 +GATE0
Counter Input
Gate Control
Initialization & Installation 2-5
3. Command Set
3. 1. Command and Response
The OMR command is composed by numbers of characteristics, including the leading code, address ID, the variables, the optional check-sum bytes, and a carriage return to indicate the end of a command. The host computer can only command only one OMR module except those synchronized commands with wildcard address “**”. The OMR may or may not give response to the command. The host should check the response to handshake with the modules.
Document Conventions
The following syntax conventions describes the OMR commands in this manual.
(Leading Code) Leading Code is the first characteristic of the
OMR command. All OMR commands need a command leading code, such as %,$,#,@,...etc. 1- character
(Addr) Module’s address ID, the value is in the range of
00 - FF (Hex). 2- character
(Command Variable) [Data] Some commands need additional data.
[Checksum] Checksum in brackets indicate optional
< > Identifies a control code character, such as
Command codes or value of variables.
Variable length Variable length
parameter, only checksum is enable then this field is required. 2- character
<CR> for carriage return, its value is 0x0D. 1- character
Command Set 3-1
Format of OMR Commands
(Leading Code)(Addr)(Command)[Data] [Checksum]<CR> When checksum is enable then [Checksum] is needed, it is
2-character. Both command and response must append the checksum characters. How to calculate checksum value ?
[Checksum] = ((LeadingCode)+(Addr)+(Command)+[Data]) MOD 0x100
Example 1: checksum is disable
User Command : $012<CR> Response : !01400600<CR>
$ : LeadingCode 01 : Address 2 : Command (Read Configuration) <CR> : Carriage return 0x0D
Example 2: checksum is enable
User Command : $012B7<CR> Response : !01400600AC<CR>
$ : LeadingCode 01 : Address 2 : Command (Read Configuration) B7 : Checksum value <CR> : Carriage return 0x0D
‘$’ = 0x24 ‘0’ = 0x30 ‘1’ = 0x31 ‘2’ = 0x32
B7 = ( 0x24 + 0x30 + 0x31 + 0x32 ) MOD 0x100
‘!’ = 0x24 ‘0’ = 0x30 ‘1’ = 0x31 ‘4’ = 0x34 ‘6’ = 0x36
AC = ( 0x24 + 0x30 + 0x31 + 0x34 + 0x30 + 0x30 + 0x36 + 0x30 + 0x30 ) MOD 0x100
Note : 1. There is no spacing between the command words and the checksum characters.
2. Every command follows a <CR> carriage return for ending.
3. The checksum characters are optional.
3-2 Command Set
Response of OMR Commands
The response message depends on versatile OMR command. The response is composed with a few characteristics, including leading code, variables, and carriage return for ending. There are two categories of leading code for response message, ”!“ or ”>“ means valid command and ”?“ means invalid. By checking the response message, user can monitor the command is valid or not.
Note : Under the following conditions, there will have no response message.
1. The specified address ID is not exist.
2. Syntax error.
3. Communication error.
4. Some special commands do not have response.
Command Set 3-3
3. 2. Summary of Command Set
There are three categories of OMR commands. The first is the general commands, including set configuration command, read configuration, reset, read module‘s name or firmware version, etc. Every OMR can response to the general commands. The second is the functional commands, which depends on functions of each module. Not every module can execute all function commands. The third is the special commands including functions about the programmable watchdog timer, safe values, and the programmable leading code. All the commands used in the OMR analog input module are list in the following table.
Command Set of OMR 6080
Command Syntax
Configuration, Counter Input & Display Commands
Set Configuration Read Configuration $(Addr)2
Read Module Name $(Addr)M Read Firmware Version $(Addr)F
Set Input Signal Mode $(Addr)B(InType) Read Input Signal Mode $(Addr)B Read Counter/Frequency Value in Hexadecimal Read Counter/Frequency Value in Decimal
%(OldAddr)(NewAddr)(TypeCode) (BaudRate)(CheckSumFlag)
#(Addr)(CounterNo) #(Addr)(CounterNo)D
3-4 Command Set
Command Syntax
Counter Setup Commands
Set Gate Mode $(Addr)A(Gmode) Read Gate Mode $(Addr)A Set Maximum Counter Value Read Maximum Counter Value Set Initial Count Value @(Addr)P(CounterNo) (IniData) Read Initial Count Value @(Addr)G(CounetrNo) Start/Stop Counter $(Addr)5(CounterNo) (SStatus) Read Counter Start/Stop Status Clear Counter $(Addr)6(CounterNo) Read then Clear the Overflow Flag
$(Addr)3(CounterNo) (MaxData) $(Addr)3(CounetrNo)
Command Syntax
Digital Filter & Programmable Threshold Commands
Enable/Disable Digital Filter $(Addr)4(FStatus) Read Filter Status $(Addr)4 Set Minimum Input Signal Width at High Level Read Minimum Input Signal Width at High Level Set Minimum Input Signal Width at Low Level Read Minimum Input Signal Width at Low Level Set TTL Input High Trigger Level Read TTL Input High Trigger Level Set TTL Input Low Trigger Level Read TTL Input Low Trigger Level
$(Addr)0H(MinFData) $(Addr)0H $(Addr)0L(MinFData) $(Addr)0L $(Addr)1H(ThData) $(Addr)1H $(Addr)1L(ThData) $(Addr)1L
Command Set 3-5
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