Extended Warranty
⻬ 100% Encapsulated
⻬ 2µV/°C Zero Stability
⻬ 0.025°F/°F Reference Junction Stability
⻬ Up or Downscale TC Burn-out
⻬ 115 Vac or 230 Vac Power
⻬ Easy Mounting
⻬ ±10 Vdc Output
⻬ Input Protection to 115 Vac or Vdc
⻬ Scale of 10 mV/°F
⻬ Over 120 dB CMRR at 60 Hz
Starts at
OMNI-AMP IV-13-115, $260,
shown with GKQSS-316G-12
Thermocouple probe, $28.
See page A-52.
The OMEGA®OMNI-AMP™ IV thermocouple amplifier is a high
performance rugged epoxy encapsulated thermocouple amplifier with
built-in power supply. Models are offered for J, K, T, E, R, S and B
thermocouples. Only the highest quality industrial components are used
for reliable and long operation. Connections are made with an ordinary
screwdriver to rugged terminal strips. The amplifier can be mounted
using the bolts supplied with the unit.
Range Span: 40 to 1500
Nonlinearity: ±0.005%
Resolution: Infinite
Zero Stability: 2 µV/°C (1 µV/°F)
Long Term Zero Stability: ±1µV/Month
Span Stability: ±0.01%/°C (±0.006%/°F)
Long Term Span Stability: ±0.05%
Cold Junction Compensation:
Input Impedance (Diff): 2 MΩ
Frequency Response: 3 dB down
at 1.5 Hz 40 dB/decade roll-off
Common Mode Rejection Ratio:
120 dB min @ 60 Hz
Normal Mode
Rejection Ratio: 80 dB min @ 60 Hz
Noise (RTI): 0 to 1.5 Hz: 1.4 µVRMS
Output: ±10 V into 10 kΩ minimum
Operating Temperature:
0 to 55°C (32 to 130°F)
Storage Temperature:
20 to 80°C (-4 to 175°F)
Power: 115 Vac @ 3 VA maximum
(230 Vac optional)
Input Protection: Up to 115 Vac
or Vdc common mode or differential
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Description
OMNI-AMP IV-13-115 $260 Upscale burnout J, K, T, E; 115 Vac
OMNI-AMP IV-13-230 270 Upscale burnout J, K, T, E; 230 Vac
OMNI-AMP IV-23-115 300 Down scale burnout J, K, T, E; 115 Vac
OMNI-AMP IV-23-230 310 Down scale burnout J, K, T, E; 230 Vac
OMNI-AMP IV-14-115 300 Upscale burnout R, S, B; 115 Vac
OMNI-AMP IV-14-230 310 Upscale burnout R, S, B; 230 Vac
OMNI-AMP IV-24-115 340 Down scale burnout R, S, B; 115 Vac
OMNI-AMP IV-24-230 355 Down scale burnout R, S, B; 230 Vac
Model No. Price Description
DIN400 $30 DIN rail mounting kit
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Ordering Examples: OMNI-AMP IV-24-230, 230 Vac, R, S, B thermocouple amplifier with down
scale burnout, 230 Vac and DIN400, DIN rail mounting adaptor, $355 + 30 = $385.
OMNI-AMP IV-13-115, 115 Vac, J, K, T, E thermocouple amplifier with upscale burnout, $260.
OCW-3, OMEGACARESMextends standard 1-year warranty to a total of 4 years ($65),
$260 + 65 = $325.
Recommended Reference Book: Temperature Measurement in Engineering
Vol 1and 2, OP-SET1/2, $35. Visit omega.com/bobi for Additional Books
Output Protection:
Continuous short circuit proof
Common Mode Range:
+10 to -10 Vdc or 20 Volts
peak-to-peak ac
Scale Factor:
J, K, T, E: 10 mV/°F
R, S, B: 1 mV/°F
Size: 73 H x 95 W x 51 mm D
(2.87 x 3.75 x 2.0")
Weight: 455 g (18 oz)
OMEGACARESMextended warranty program
is available for models shown on this page.
Ask your sales respresentative for full details
when placing an order. OMEGACARE
covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.