Omega Products OM-5000 Installation Manual

Table of Contents
Ÿ How to Use This Manual.....................................................................................................................v
Ÿ Terms Used in this Manual..................................................................................................................v
Ÿ Fonts Used in this Manual...................................................................................................................v
PC Hardware Requirements
Software Installation....................................................................................................vii
Ÿ Installing DataWorker LE on a PC with Windows 95, 98 or NT........................................................vii
Ÿ Starting the Software.........................................................................................................................vii
1.0 A Look at DataWorker LE.........................................................................................1
1.1 DataWorker LE Workbook Features................................................................................................1
1.2 Standard Worksheet functions.........................................................................................................3
1.2.1 Worksheet tabs .....................................................................................................................3
1.2.2 Selecting Worksheets............................................................................................................3
1.2.3 Split-bar.................................................................................................................................3
1.2.4 Worksheet Tab Scroll Arrows ...............................................................................................3
1.2.5 Scrollbars...............................................................................................................................4
2.0 Worksheet Descriptions...........................................................................................5
2.1 Cover Worksheet .............................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Cover Worksheet Menus and Toolbar..................................................................................6
2.1.2 Report Image.........................................................................................................................7
2.1.3 Company/Report Name ........................................................................................................8
2.2 Finder Worksheet.............................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Finder Menus and Toolbar Buttons.....................................................................................10
2.2.2 Parameter Group Row........................................................................................................10
2.2.3 Parameter Labels................................................................................................................11
2.2.4 Parameter Units...................................................................................................................11
2.2.5 Data Run Rows ...................................................................................................................12
2.2.6 Filters...................................................................................................................................13
2.3 Graph Worksheet...........................................................................................................................15
2.3.1 Graph Worksheet Menus and Toolbar Buttons...................................................................16
2.3.2 Mini Finder...........................................................................................................................16
2.3.3 Magnify Map........................................................................................................................17
2.3.4 Data Table...........................................................................................................................17
2.3.5 Sensor Location Descriptions..............................................................................................18
2.3.6 Channel Check Boxes.........................................................................................................18
2.3.7 Status Bar............................................................................................................................18
2.3.8 Data Tabs............................................................................................................................19 Values....................................................................................................................19 Statistics ................................................................................................................20 Basic Parameters..................................................................................................20 Misc. Parameters...................................................................................................20 X Scale...................................................................................................................21 Y Scale...................................................................................................................21
2.3.9 The Data Graph...................................................................................................................22 X and Y-Axes and Labels......................................................................................22 Data Plots..............................................................................................................23 X-Ref(erence) Line................................................................................................24 X-Cursors...............................................................................................................25 X-axis Units............................................................................................................26
2.4 Data Worksheet..............................................................................................................................27
2.4.1 Data Worksheet Menus and Toolbar Buttons.....................................................................28
2.4.2 Individual Parameters..........................................................................................................29
2.4.3 Individual Data Points..........................................................................................................30
2.5 Documentation Worksheet.............................................................................................................31
2.5.1 Documentation Worksheet Menus and Toolbar Buttons ....................................................32
2.5.2 Note Cells............................................................................................................................32
2.6 Report Worksheet..........................................................................................................................33
2.6.1 Report Worksheet Menus and Toolbar...............................................................................34
2.6.2 Report Configuration...........................................................................................................34
3.0 Menu and Tool Commands....................................................................................35
3.1 File Menu........................................................................................................................................35
3.1.1 New......................................................................................................................................35
3.1.2 Open....................................................................................................................................36
3.1.3 Close....................................................................................................................................36
3.1.4 Import File(s).......................................................................................................................37
3.1.5 Save.....................................................................................................................................38
3.1.6 Save As ...............................................................................................................................38
3.1.7 Backup Database................................................................................................................39
3.1.8 Port Configuration................................................................................................................40
3.1.9 Page Setup..........................................................................................................................41
3.1.10 Page Header / Footer........................................................................................................42
3.1.11 Print Preview.....................................................................................................................43
3.1.12 Print ...................................................................................................................................44
3.1.13 Print Report .......................................................................................................................45
3.1.14 Recent Files 1, 2, 3, etc….................................................................................................45
3.1.15 Exit.....................................................................................................................................45
3.2 Edit Menu .......................................................................................................................................46
3.2.1 Undo....................................................................................................................................46
3.2.2 Redo....................................................................................................................................46
3.2.3 Remove Row.......................................................................................................................46
3.2.4 Hide Row.............................................................................................................................46
3.3 View Menu......................................................................................................................................47
3.4.1 Toolbar.................................................................................................................................47
3.4.2 Status Bar............................................................................................................................47
3.3.3 Zoom In................................................................................................................................47
3.3.4 Zoom Out.............................................................................................................................47
3.3.5 100%....................................................................................................................................48
3.4 Format Menu..................................................................................................................................49
3.4.1 Bold......................................................................................................................................49
3.4.2 Italic .....................................................................................................................................49
3.4.3 Underline .............................................................................................................................49
3.4.4 Alignment (Left, Center, Right)............................................................................................49
3.5 Instrument Menu ............................................................................................................................50
3.5.1 OM-550................................................................................................................................50
3.5.2 Read OM-5000....................................................................................................................51
3.6 Tools Menu.....................................................................................................................................52
3.6.1 Magnify Tool........................................................................................................................52
3.6.2 Notes Tool ...........................................................................................................................54
3.6.3 Line Color ............................................................................................................................55
3.6.4 Fill Color ..............................................................................................................................55
3.6.5 Move to Front ......................................................................................................................56
3.6.6 Move to Back.......................................................................................................................56
3.6.7 Move Forward .....................................................................................................................56
3.6.8 Move Back...........................................................................................................................56
3.6.9 Line......................................................................................................................................57
3.6.10 Rectangle...........................................................................................................................57
3.6.11 Round Rectangle...............................................................................................................57
3.6.12 Ellipse................................................................................................................................58
3.6.13 Polygon..............................................................................................................................58
3.6.14 Y-Reference.......................................................................................................................58
3.7 Window Menu ................................................................................................................................59
3.7.1 Cascade...............................................................................................................................59
3.7.2 Tile.......................................................................................................................................59
3.7.3 Open File.............................................................................................................................59
3.8 About Menu....................................................................................................................................60
3.8.1 Index....................................................................................................................................60
3.8.2 Using Help...........................................................................................................................60
3.8.3 DataWorker.........................................................................................................................61
3.8.4 Context Help........................................................................................................................61
3.8.5 Copy Button.........................................................................................................................61
APPENDIX A: Toolbar Buttons & Pull-Down Menus..................................................62
ŸŸ How to Use This Manual
This Software User’s Guide explains how to use OM-550/5000 Windows Software. This manual is written for users of varied experience. If a section covers information
you already know, feel free to skip to the next section.
You do not need to be a computer expert to use this manual or the Software.
The manual assumes you are familiar with Microsoft Windows 95, 98 or NT.
ŸŸ Terms Used in this Manual
The following statements describe special terms that will be in this manual.
The Software will be referred to as DataWorker LE.
Both of the OM-550 and OM-5000 series Dataloggers will be referred as a Logger.
Workbook, contains all of the worksheets and the uploaded data set saved with file
extension (.DDW).
Worksheet, the individual pages or sheets in the workbook file.
Data Set, multiple data runs uploaded into the workbook file.
Data Run / Experiment, the data uploaded from the Logger.
Thermocouple, may be referred to as T/C
Informs the user that the note includes important information.
Informs the user that the note includes a handy software tip.
ŸŸ Fonts Used in this Manual
This manual uses a special font to indicate terms or words that can be found directly on the PC display.
For Example: Select the Open command from the File menu to open a new workbook file. This font indicates the words Open and File are actually found in the PC display.
PC Hardware Requirements
Before the software can be used, a 486 or better computer that can run Windows 95, 98 or NT will be required to run the software.
If your current PC does not meet these requirements contact Customer support for an alternitive software program.
Specific recommendations are as follows: CPU, RAM, Hardware: Pentium processor
16 megabytes of RAM (minimum). 25 megabytes of free disk space (minimum).
Operating System: Windows 95, 98, or Windows NT. Disk Drive: 3.5” high-density floppy disk drive or CD ROM drive.
Mouse: Windows compatible mouse, plugged into either a dedicated
mouse or serial port.
Serial Port: At least one port in addition to the one used for the mouse. Video: Color VGA or better graphics adapter and appropriate video
monitor. (SVGA is highly recommended)
Printer: Color printer is recommended. It is recommended that the software not be run on a computer that is using a
software program that doubles the computer’s RAM.
Software Installation
Before the Software is installed, read the README file (any standard text viewer can be used). The README contains the latest information on DataWorker LE software and installation instructions.
ŸŸ Installing DataWorker LE on a PC with Windows 95, 98 or NT
All running applications must be closed before installing the software.
1. Insert disk 1 or the CD in the respective drive.
2. Select Run from the Start up menu.
3. Type the drive name, colon, backslash and Setup in the Open text box and click the OK command button.
For example, if disk 1 is inserted into the “A” drive type A:\Setup.
Run Dialog Box
4. Closely follow the setup instructions provided with the software
ŸŸ Starting the Software
After the software is installed, start the software program by either double-clicking the DataWorker icon from the program group or select it from the DataWorker for Windows program sub-menu.
Program Group
Once the software installation is complete, it is important to start the software and configure the communication port (refer to section 3.1.8 Port Configuration)
1.0 A Look at DataWorker LE
This section presents an overview of a DataWorker LE workbook management window. When DataWorker LE is started, it will automatically load the previously saved workbook file. In the case when DataWorker LE is first installed and started it will load the sample workbook file supplied with the software (i.e. DWsample.ddw).
1.1 DataWorker LE Workbook Features
The workbook has several features as described in the following section:
Figure 1-1: Workbook Features
Title Bar: This bar contains the program name, version and the active workbook
file name.
Menus: These menus contain the commands and tools for each worksheet. Each
worksheet may contain different commands to supply specific function for each worksheet. Individual worksheet menus are described in detail in their specified sections of this manual.
Toolbar: The Toolbar has buttons to serve as shortcuts to the menu commands.
Individual worksheet toolbar buttons are described in detail in their specified sections of this manual. Each worksheet may have different items on the toolbar because of the different commands offered by each worksheet.
Worksheet Tabs: These tabs are used to gain access to each worksheet.
Worksheet Scroll Arrows: These arrows are used to view other worksheet tabs
when they are covered by the Horizontal scroll bar.
Split-bar: This bar slides the Horizontal Scroll bar to the left or right so all or part
of the worksheet tabs can be viewed.
Status Bar: This bar on the bottom of the worksheet display shows the available Help
information, current date and time.
Horizontal Scroll Bar: This bar scrolls the worksheet display horizontally left
and right.
Vertical Scroll Bar: This bar scrolls the worksheet display vertically up and
1.2 Standard Worksheet functions
1.2.1 Worksheet tabs
There are six standard worksheets each having a tab for easy access. These tabs are located on the bottom left of the display.
Figure 1-2: Worksheet Tabs
1.2.2 Selecting Worksheets
To view a worksheet, use the mouse pointer to click on a worksheet tab. The worksheet tab will then become highlighted, and the worksheet will now be visible.
The keyboard does not allow access to the worksheets. The only way to select the worksheet is by using the mouse pointer.
Figure 1-3: Selecting a Worksheet
1.2.3 Split-bar
The Split-bar on the tab bar lets the user slide the Horizontal scroll bar to the left or right, so all of the worksheet tabs can be viewed. This feature is located where the on the left edge of the Horizontal scroll bar.
1.2.4 Worksheet Tab Scroll Arrows
Worksheet tabs may be hidden behind the horizontal scroll bar. To view them the user can either use the Tab Scroll Arrows located on the left of the worksheet tabs or use the Split-bar.
1.2.5 Scrollbars
The worksheets have both Horizontal and Vertical screen scroll bars so the non-visible areas of the worksheet can be scrolled into view. The Horizontal scroll bar is located in the lower right corner and can be scrolled left or right by pressing the left or right arrows located on each end of the scroll bar. The user may also scroll the display by sliding the center scroll bar left or right. The Vertical scroll bar located on the right side of the screen has the same features as the Horizontal scrollbar except it scrolls the worksheet display up and down.
Figure 1-4: Worksheet Options
2.0 Worksheet Descriptions
The following sections offer brief explanations for the worksheet functions and how they benefit the user. Refer to section 3.0 Menu and Tool Commands for information on how to use all of the menu commands.
2.1 Cover Worksheet
The Cover worksheet is the introductory worksheet. This worksheet contains an introductory picture of an OM-550, OM-5100, and a text box for entering a company or workbook name.
Cover worksheet features:
Menus and Toolbar
Report Image
Company Name Text Box
Figure 2-1: Welcome Worksheet
2.1.1 Cover Worksheet Menus and Toolbar
Menus: File, View, Instrument, Window, and About.
Toolbar Buttons: Print, Zoom In, Zoom Out, 100%, Read OM-550, Read OM-
5000, About, and Context Help.
Figure 2-2: Cover Worksheet Menus and Toolbar Buttons
The dimmed menu commands are used in other worksheets.
2.1.2 Report Image
The image located on the Cover worksheet can be changed to insert a custom company logo or image that relates to the report.
To change an image:
1. Using the mouse pointer, click the image in the blue box and a list box will appear.
Figure 2-3: Changing an Image
2. Navigate to the folder where the desired image file is and highlight by clicking it once. The image files supported by the software are Dib-(.dib), Gif (.gif), Pcx (.pcx), Tiff (.tiff), Targa (.tga), Bitmap (.bmp) and Jpeg (.jpg).
3. Click the OK command button to insert, or Cancel to return to the Cover worksheet without making any changes.
Once an image (picture or logo) is selected, a copy of that image is added to the “Images” file folder located in the workbook directory. This allows the user to easily locate any image or logo.
2.1.3 Company/Report Name
The text box located on the bottom half of the Cover worksheet allows the user enter a company or report name.
To enter a name:
1. Using the mouse pointer, highlight the text in the text box.
2. Type a desired name and then hit the [enter] key to accept or [esc] to cancel.
Figure 2-4: Entering a Company Name
The text in the Company name text box is automatically entered in the Company parameter on the Finder worksheet everytime data is uploaded into the program.
2.2 Finder Worksheet
The Finder worksheet contains the data collected by the Logger and is in a standard spreadsheet format. Each row represents one data run which gives the user easy access and indexing to each data run.
Finder worksheet features:
Menus and Toolbar
Parameter Groups (color coded)
Parameter Labels
Data Run Rows
User Definable Columns
Parameter Units
Figure 2-5: Finder Worksheet
2.2.1 Finder Menus and Toolbar Buttons
Menus: File, Edit, View, Format, Instrument, Window and About.
Toolbar buttons: New, Open, Save, Print, Undo, Redo, Zoom In, Zoom Out, 100%,
Align left, Center, Align right, Bold, Italic, Underline, OM-550, Read OM-5000, About and Context Help.
Figure 2-6: Finder Worksheet Menus and Toolbar Buttons
The dimmed menu commands are used in other worksheets.
2.2.2 Parameter Group Row
The Parameter Groups are the headers for a specific group of data parameters collected by the Logger. The Parameter Groups are color coded with the associated Parameter Labels so they will be easily identified together.
Figure 2-7: Parameter Group
The Parameter Groups are defined as the following:
User Defined Parameter Group: These parameters have white cells indicating
they can be used to enter text to help tag the row with unique information about that data run.
General Parameter Group: This group contains file information associated
with the data run such as date and time (of data run) and the data file tag.
Instrument Parameter Group: This group contains the programmed information of
the Instrument that was used to collect data.
2.2.3 Parameter Labels
The Parameter Labels are where all of the specific parameters in each group are named.
Figure 2-8: Parameter Label
Parameter Label column width can be adjusted to be larger or smaller by placing the mouse pointer over a line dividing the parameter columns and sliding it to the desired width.
2.2.4 Parameter Units
The Parameter Units are the units of measurement for that parameter. For example, in the Instrument Parameter group the Parameter Log Interval is in Seconds.
Figure 2-9: Parameter Units
2.2.5 Data Run Rows
All of the data runs uploaded into the workbook file are listed on the Finder worksheet as individual rows. The first data run uploaded into the workbook file is in the bottom row and the most recent data run uploaded is in the top row.
When any data run row is selected, all of the cells in the entire row are highlighted in purple and blue. The purple cells indicate that the cells can be modified and the blue cells indicate the data cannot be modified.
When any individual data cell in a data run row is selected, all of the cells in the entire row are highlighted in green and yellow. The green cells indicate that the cells can be modified and the yellow cells indicate the data cannot be modified.
The data run rows can also be moved into any order desired. This is useful when the user wants to place similar data runs together.
To change the order of the data run:
1. Select the number cell of a data run row with the mouse pointer. The row will then become highlighted in purple and blue.
2. Drag the row and drop it to a desired location.
Figure 2-10: Drag and Drop Data Rows
Entire selected rows and columns can be copied and pasted into other spreadsheet applications by pressing keys (CTRL + C) to “copy” and then “pasted” by pressing keys (Ctrl + V).
2.2.6 Filters
There are Filters for each parameter label that filter specific data out of data runs so the user can easily compare similar data.
Filtering more than one column at a time acts as a Logical AND Function. All conditions of all set filters must be met for data row(s) to remain.
To use the Filter function:
1. Click the Filter button to reveal the unique data as populated in that column under that particular parameter label.
2. Select a desired data value to filter, or the two standard filters All and Special.
Figure 2-11: Filter Function
To use the All option:
1. Select All to reset the filter for that column and view all of the data run rows that meet the other column filters.
To use the Special option:
1. Select Special to select data run rows within a range of values. There are multiple options to select information to filter by clicking the appropriate relational operators option button (See Figure 2-12). The user can either select data from a populated list or type it in the text box on the top of the column.
= equal to >= greater than or equal to > greater than <= less than or equal to < less than <> Not equal to
Figure 2-12: Relational Operators
2. Select a data filter by:
Clicking the greater than relational operator option button beside the left data
Click a Parameter value from the list or type it in the text box.
Click the AND logical operator option button.
Click the less than relational operator option button beside the right data
Click a Parameter value from the list or type it in the text box.
The Clear command button can be selected at any time to clear the selections and the new values can be selected.
3. Click the OK command button to accept the selected data filters or Cancel to return to the worksheet without executing the filter request.
Figure 2-13: Special Filter Feature Dialog Box
In this example the data filtered would be all times between, but not including 13:08:08 and 14:46:04.
To reset all of the data set rows to restore the entire data set, click the Red Filter Reset button on the Finder worksheet.
2.3 Graph Worksheet
The Graph worksheet is where a selected Logger data run is represented graphically. The software allows the user to analyze the data and to compute statistics based on the data.
Graph worksheet features:
Menus and Toolbar Ÿ Status Bar
Mini Finder Ÿ Statistics Tabs
Magnify Map Ÿ Data Table
Channel Check Boxes Ÿ Data Graph
Sensor Locations
Figure 2-14: Profile Worksheet
+ 51 hidden pages