⻬ Complete Isolation
with Optical Couplers
and Power DC-to-DC
⻬ Industrial Surge
Protection Devices
⻬ Six LED Diagnostic
⻬ DC to 19,200 Baud at
6000 Feet (1800M), 9600
Baud at 3 Miles (5KM)
⻬ Request-to-Send, Clear-
to-Send Handshake
⻬ Tri-State Outputs for
Multidrop Applications
⻬ Selection of Connectors
⻬ Wide Operation
Temperature Range
⻬ Solderless Screw
Terminal Field
LDM422 Series
Fully Isolated Limited Distance Modem,
RS-232/422 Converter
The LDM422 is a com pact RS-232
to RS-422 con verter which fea tures
a complete elec tri cal isolation
barrier and heavy duty electrical
surge protectors. These de vices
feature a rug ged aluminum
en clo sure small enough to mount on
the back panel of typical com puter
equipment, sav ing valuable desk
and floor space.
Model LDM422
Baud Rate Range 0 – 19.2K
Baud Rate 19.2K 9.6K 4.8K 2.4K 1.2K – 0
Distance (miles) 1.14 3 4 5 7
Distance (km) 1.8 5 6.7 8.3 11.7
Maximum Multidrop 32. Reduced distances may be required when as
many as 32 units are multidropped. No restrictions
apply for distances of 1 mile (1.7 km) or less.
Common Mode Surge: 750V
Isolation Continuous: 500V
Differential Mode (AC input)
Surge Protection ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1989
(9 devices) (all RS-422 inputs and outputs)
Channel Lines
Control Lines
Modes Asynchronous 4-wire duplex, 2-wire half-duplex,
2-wire simplex
Isolation is provided by optical
couplers and a DC-to-DC converter.
The RS-232 con nec tion is through
male or fe male EIA 25-pin con nec tors. The RS422 con nec tions are
made through con ve nient solderless
screw terminals.
The LDM422 series is designed for
full du plex op era tion over two-wire
pairs. Out puts are tri-state, al low ing
multidropping of up to 32 units.
Hard ware hand shake is avail able
over two separate wire pairs. Data
rates are 75 to 19,200 baud.
Six di ag nos tic LED indicators are
provided for in stal la tion guidance
and system trou bleshoot ing. The
RS-232 interface sup ports Request
To Send, Clear To Send, Data Set
Ready, Received Line Signal
Detect, and Data Ter mi nal Ready.
A convenient null modem switch is
Notes: (1) TD = Transmit Data, RD = Receive Data, RTS = Request To Send, CTS = Clear
To Send. DTR = Data Terminal Ready, DSR = Data Set Ready, RLSD = Received Line
Signal Detect.