Lead wires exit from the upper right hand
U Rated Up to 200°C (392°F)
U Etched Foil Design
U 0.010" Max Thickness
U 2.5, 5, or 10 Watts/in
U 115, 230
and 28V
U Optional Pressure-
Sensitive Adhesive (PSA)
Polyimide film insulated heaters
are available in a variety of shapes,
sizes, and wattages. Wattage ratings
are 2.5, 5, or 10 W/in2 at 115, 230†
or 28V. Polyimide film offers
a high degree of resistance to
chemicals, and has excellent
outgasing properties in high vacuum
Typical construction consists of
an etched foil element of 0.0005"
or 0.0001" thickness which is
encapsulated between two layers
of 0.002" Polyimide film and 0.001"
FEP adhesive.
† Most sizes available in 230V. Consult
heaters sales and engineering.
KHLV Series, Rectangular, 28 Volts
Total Wattage for Watt Density
Without PSA With PSA
Width, cm (") Length, cm (") 2.5W/in2 5W/in2 10W/in2 Model No. Model No.
1 (0.5) 5 (2) — 5 10 KHLV-0502/(*) KHLV-0502/(*)-P
1 (0.5) 10 (4) 5 10 20 KHLV-0504/(*) KHLV-0504/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 2.5 (1) — 5 10 KHLV-101/(*) KHLV-101/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 5 (2) 5 10 20 KHLV-102/(*) KHLV-102/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 7.6 (3) 7.5 15 30 KHLV-103/(*) KHLV-103/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 10 (4) 10 20 40 KHLV-104/(*) KHLV-104/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 13 (5) 12.5 25 50 KHLV-105/(*) KHLV-105/(*)-P
5 (2) 5 (2) 10 20 40 KHLV-202/(*) KHLV-202/(*)-P
KHR Series, Round,
115 Volts
To Order Visit omega.com/khr_khlv_kh for Pricing and Details
Total Wattage for Watt Density
Dia. Without PSA With PSA
cm (")
5 (2) — — 31.4 KHR-2/(*) KHR-2/(*)-P
7.6 ( 3 ) 17.7 35.3 70.7 KHR-3/(*) KHR-3/(*)P
10 (4) 31.4 62.8 126 KHR-4/(*) KHR-4/(*)-P
13 (5) 49.1 98.2 196 KHR-5/(*) KHR-5/(*)-P
15 (6) 70.7 141 283 KHR-6/(*) KHR-6/(*)-P
18 (7) 96.2 192 385 KHR-7/(*) KHR-7/(*)-P
20 (8) 126 251 503 KHR-8/(*) KHR-8/(*)-P
23 (9) 159 318 636 KHR-9/(*) KHR-9/(*)-P
25 (10) 196 393 785 KHR-10/(*) KHR-10/(*)-P
28 (11) 238 475 950 KHR-11/(*) KHR-11/(*)-P
30 (12) 283 565 1131 KHR-12/(*) KHR-12/(*)-P
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Insert watt density: “2” for 2.5 W/in2, “5” for 5 W/in2 or “10” for 10 W/in2.
Ordering Example: KHLV-104/5-P, 2.5 x 10 cm (1 x 4"), 28V, 5 W/in2
Note: Heaters are available in only the watt densities where total wattage is indicated.
2.5 W/in2 5 W/in2 10 W/in
corner of width (W) side of heater. For
⁄2 and 1" wide heaters only, leads exit
centrally from width (W) side. Leads exit
round heaters radially.
Pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) is available
as an option on heaters rated at 2.5 or 5 W/in2.
The heaters can also be mechanically
clamped or epoxy mounted by the user.
Operating Temperature: -200 to 200°C
(-328 to 392°F) for heaters without pressure
sensitive adhesive (PSA). Maximum operating
temperature for heaters with pressure sensitive
adhesive is 149°C (300°F)
Maximum Thickness: 0.010" except at
lead wire exit
Wattage: 2.5, 5 or 10 W/in
Leads: FEP insulated (MIL-W-16878),
305 mm (12") long (wire gauge varies with heater)
Dielectric Strength: 1250 Vac
Minimum Bending Radius: 0.032"
Model No. Model No.
Polyimide film heater with PSA.
To Order, Call or Shop Online at omega.com

KH Series, Rectangular, 115 Volts
To Order Visit omega.com/khr_khlv_kh for Pricing and Details
Total Wattage for Watt Density
Without PSA With PSA
Width, cm (") Length, cm (") 2.5W/in2 5W/in2 10W/in2 Model No. Model No.
2.5 (1) 7.6 (3) — — 30 KH-103/(*) KH-103/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 10 (4) — 20 40 KH-104/(*) KH-104/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 13 (5) — 25 50 KH-105/(*) KH-105/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 15 (6) 15 30 60 KH-106/(*) KH-106/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 20 (8) 20 40 80 KH-108/(*) KH-108/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 25 (10) 25 50 100 KH-110/(*) KH-110/(*)-P
2.5 (1) 30 (12) 30 60 120 KH-112/(*) KH-112/(*)-P
5 (2) 5 (2) — 20 40 KH-202/(*) KH-202/(*)-P
5 (2) 7.6 (3) 15 30 60 KH-203/(*) KH-203/(*)-P
5 (2) 10 (4) 20 40 80 KH-204/(*) KH-204/(*)-P
5 (2) 13 (5) 25 50 100 KH-205/(*) KH-205/(*)-P
5 (2) 15 (6) 30 60 120 KH-206/(*) KH-206/(*)-P
5 (2) 20 (8) 40 80 160 KH-208/(*) KH-208/(*)-P
5 (2) 25 (10) 50 100 200 KH-210/(*) KH-210/(*)-P
5 (2) 30 (12) 60 120 240 KH-212/(*) KH-212/(*)-P
7.6 (3) 7.6 (3) 22.5 45 90 KH-303/(*) KH-303/(*)-P
7.6 (3) 10 (4) 30 60 120 KH-304/(*) KH-304/(*)-P
7.6 (3) 13 (5) 37.5 75 150 KH-305/(*) KH-305/(*)-P
7.6 (3) 15 (6) 45 90 180 KH-306/(*) KH-306/(*)-P
7.6 (3) 20 (8) 60 120 240 KH-308/(*) KH-308/(*)-P
7.6 (3) 25 (10) 75 150 300 KH-310/(*) KH-310/(*)-P
7.6 (3) 30 (12) 90 180 360 KH-312/(*) KH-312/(*)-P
10 (4) 10 (4) 40 80 160 KH-404/(*) KH-404/(*)-P
10 (4) 13 (5) 50 100 200 KH-405/(*) KH-405/(*)-P
10 (4) 15 (6) 60 120 240 KH-406/(*) KH-406/(*)-P
10 (4) 20 (8) 80 160 320 KH-408/(*) KH-408/(*)-P
10 (4) 25 (10) 100 200 400 KH-410/(*) KH-410/(*)-P
10 (4) 30 (12) 120 240 480 KH-412/(*) KH-412/(*)-P
13 (5) 13 (5) 62.5 125 250 KH-505/(*) KH-505/(*)-P
13 (5) 15 (6) 75 150 300 KH-506/(*) KH-506/(*)-P
13 (5) 20 (8) 100 200 400 KH-508/(*) KH-508/(*)-P
13 (5) 25 (10) 125 250 500 KH-510/(*) KH-510/(*)-P
13 (5) 30 (12) 150 300 600 KH-512/(*) KH-512/(*)-P
15 (6) 15 (6) 90 180 360 KH-606/(*) KH-606/(*)-P
15 (6) 20 (8) 120 240 480 KH-608/(*) KH-608/(*)-P
15 (6) 25 (10) 150 300 600 KH-610/(*) KH-610/(*)-P
15 (6) 30 (12) 180 360 720 KH-612/(*) KH-612/(*)-P
20 (8) 20 (8) 160 320 640 KH-808/(*) KH-808/(*)-P
20 (8) 25 (10) 200 400 800 KH-810/(*) KH-810/(*)-P
20 (8) 30 (12) 240 480 960 KH-812/(*) KH-812/(*)-P
25 (10) 25 (10) 250 500 1000 KH-1010/(*) KH-1010/(*)-P
25 (10) 30 (12) 300 600 1200 KH-1012/(*) KH-1012/(*)-P
30 (12) 30 (12) 360 720 1440 KH-1212/(*) KH-1212/(*)-P
n/a = not availabe with PSA.
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Insert watt density: “2” for 2.5 W/in2, “5” for 5 W/in2, “10” for 10 W/in2.
Ordering Example: KH-310/2, 7.6 x 25 cm (3 x 10"), 115 Vac, 2.5 W/in2, Polyimide film heater.
Note: Heaters are available in only the watt densities where total wattage is indicated.
To Order, Call or Shop Online at omega.com