Individual Soil Testing Kits
Shown smaller than actual size.
⻬ Ideal for Quick Checks in the Field
⻬ Test for Single Parameters
Individual Test Kits
In addition to the combination outfits for agricultural and turf soils, a
selection of single parameter test kits is available for soil nutrients
that may be of particular interest or a problem to the grower.
available for the plant to use. Since extraction is not complete,
the amount that is measured is relative and is dependent on the
extraction procedure. Pounds per acre represents the number
of pounds of soil in an acre down to the depth of 6 to 7",
soil test kits measure the portion of soil nutrients
ITK-1067, $60.
and is = 2,000,000 lb. Conversion from pounds per acre to parts
per million is accomplished with the following formulas:
ppm x 2 = lb/acre
lb/acre x 0.5 = ppm
A number of variables must be considered when interpreting soil
test results in addition to the values obtained. These variables
include the composition of the soil, drainage, climate, previous
fertilizer programs, and the type of plant to be grown. Samples
must also be truly representative of the area being studied and
must be carefully selected.
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U.S.A. and Canada

Humus is organic matter which has decomposed to the point that it
releases nutrients which are then available for plant uptake.
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Method Range & Sensitivity Reagent System # of Tests
ITK-5012 $106 ColoRuler, Low to high in 5 increments, EDTA 50
R-ITK-5012 30 Reagent refill kit
Kit contents vary. Each kit comes complete with everything necessary to perform the specified test.
Ordering Example: ITK-5012, ColoRuler filtered extraction, $106.
filtered extraction 11⁄2 to 8%
Phosphorus stimulates early root formation, gives a vigorous start to plants, hastens maturity, stimulates blooming and aids in seed
formation. Symptoms of deficiency include stunted growth, leaf abnormalities, and even dead areas. Available nitrogen and soil pH in the
range of 6.0 to 7.0 provide optimal conditions for the uptake of phosphorus.
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Method Range & Sensitivity Reagent System # of Tests
ITK-5025 $99 Color chart, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, Ammonium Molybdate, 3 reagents 50
R-ITK-5025 43 Reagent refill kit
filtered extraction 200 lb/acre phosphorus
The overall texture of a soil affects growth in the root zone, which determines above-ground growth, and is determined by the proportions
of sand, silt, and clay present.
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Method Range & Sensitivity Reagent System # of Tests
ITK-1067 $60 Settling Determines sand, silt, & clay Dispersion, Floc. 50
R-ITK-1067 16 Reagent refill kit
fraction, texture determined by chart
The pH value affects all mineral elements and the biological processes that can be performed by plants in the soil. Accurate pH testing is
essential to determine lime requirements and to insure that a mineral-rich soil is also fertile.
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Method Range & Sensitivity Reagent System # of Tests
ITK-5024 16 Color chart & spot plate pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 Duplex Indicator 100
R-ITK-5024 7 Reagent refill kit
Kit contents vary. Each kit comes complete with everything necessary to perform the specified test.
Ordering Example: ITK-5024, pH test kit, $16.
ITK-1067, texture soil test kit, $60.
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