Thermocouple Virtual Chart Recorder
U Virtual Chart Recorder
U 2 Thermocouple Channels
U Web Server
U 10 Popular Thermocouple Types
U Accurate
U Email Alarms
U Data Logging
U No Special Software Required
View Temperature from One or Two
Thermocouples with a Web Browser
The OMEGA® iTCX transmitter lets the user monitor
temperature from two independent thermocouple
channels over an Ethernet network or the Internet
with no special software except a Web browser.
This virtual chart recorder serves active Web pages
to display real-time readings and temperature
charts. It logs data in standard formats for use in a
spreadsheet or data acquisition program such as
Excel or Visual Basic.
The virtual chart viewed on the Web page is a
JAVA™ Applet that plots a chart over the LAN or
Internet in real time. With the OMEGA iTCX, there
is no need to invest time and money learning a
proprietary software program to log or chart the data.
The OMEGA® iTCX is available in an industrial
DIN rail package (iTCX-D) that is powered by 10 to
32 Vdc, and in a benchtop or wall-mount package
(iTCX-W) with a universal (100 to 240 Vac) power
adaptor included.
Adjustable Charts
Chart scales are fully adjustable on the fly. For
example, the chart can display one minute, one
hour, one day, one week, one month, or one year.
Temperature can be charted across the full span or
within any narrow range such as 20 to 30°C.
You can chart temperature from one thermocouple,
two thermocouples, and/or the differential between
the two.
The iTCX transmitters can take thermocouple
Types J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, and L, measuring
temperatures up to 1820°C (3308°F). They can
display and chart absolute measurements in two
locations and a differential measurement between
the two locations.
Award-Winning Technology
The OMEGA® iTCX is simple to install and use,
and features OMEGA’s award-winning iServer
technology that requires no special software except
a Web browser.
rail iserver.
iTCX-W and two
5SRTC miniature
connectors with
strain relief
shown smaller
than actual size.
The iTCX connects to an Ethernet network with a
standard RJ45 connector and sends data in standard
TCP/IP packets. It is easily configured with a simple
menu and can be password protected.
From within an Ethernet LAN or over the Internet,
the user simply types an IP address or an easy to
remember name in any Web browser, and the iTCX
serves a Web page with the current readings.
Email Alarms
The iTCX can send an email or text messages over
the Internet, reporting the status or an alarm condition
to any individual or distribution list.
Adjustable Chart Web Page.
To Order, Call or Shop Online at omega.com

Thermocouple Input Temperature
Range: Refer to thermocouple chart
Temperature Accuracy: Refer to
thermocouple chart
Resolution: 1°/0.1°
Temperature Stability: 0.08°C/°C
Thermocouple Cold End
Tracking: 0.05°C/°C
Thermocouple Lead Resistance:
100Ω max
Thermocouple Type (ITS 90):
J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, L
Ethernet: 10Base-T (RJ45)
Supported Protocols:
DHCP, DNS, HTTP and Telnet
Indicators (LEDs): Network activity,
network link, transmit and receive/
Memory: 512 KB flash, 16 KB
Management: Device configuration
and monitoring through embedded
Web server
Software: Firmware upgradable.
Includes an Excel program for
automatic data logging within
definable time intervals, compatible
with all Windows operating systems.
Embedded Web Server:
Serves Web pages containing realtime data and live updated charts
within definable time intervals
Operating Temperature: 0 to 70°C
(32 to 158°F)
Storage Temperature:
-40 to 125°C (-40 to 257°F)
Power Input:
iTCX-W: 9 to 12 Vdc
iTCX-D: 10 to 32 Vdc
Safety Qualified AC Power
Adaptor—Nominal Output: 9 Vdc
at 0.5 A (included for iTCX-W)
Input: 100 to 240 Vac, 50/60 Hz;
switching power supply (sold
separately for iTCX-D)
Consumption: 2.5 W max
Packaging Material: Metal case
with flange mount for iTCX-W;
polycarbonate case with DIN rail
mount for iTCX-D
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions: mm (inch)
Ø = Diameter
112 (1.41)
Input Type Range Accuracy
Iron - Constantan -210 to 760°C / -346 to 1400°F 0.4°C / 0.7°F
-270 to -160°C / -160 to 1372°C 1.0°C / 0.4°C
-270 to -190°C / -190 to 400°C 1.0°C / 0.4°C
-270 to -220°C / -220 to 1000°C 1.0°C / 0.4°C
Copper - Constantan
-50 to 40°C / 40 to 1768°C 1.0°C / 0.5°C
-50 to 100°C / 100 to 1768°C 1.0°C / 0.5°C
100 to 640°C / 640 to 1820°C 1.0°C / 0.5°C
30% Rh-Pt / 6% Rh-Pt
- Constantan
Pt / 13% Rh-Pt
Pt / 10% Rh-Pt
-454 to -256°F / -256 to 2502°F 1.8°F / 0.7°F
-454 to -310°F / -310 to 752°F 1.8°F / 0.7°F
-454 to -364°F / -364 to 1832°F 1.8°F / 0.7°F
-58 to 104°F / 104 to 3214°F 1.8°F / 0.9°F
-58 to 212°F / 212 to 3214°F 1.8°F / 0.9°F
212 to 1184°F / 1184 to 3308°F 1.8°F / 0.9°F
5% Re-W / 26% Re-W 0 to 2320°C / 32 to 4208°F 0.4°C / 0.7°F
-250 to -100°C / -100 to 1300°C 1.0°C / 0.4°C
J DIN -200 to 900°C / -328 to 1652°F 0.4°C / 0.7°F
Nicrosil - Nisil
-418 to -148°F / -148 to 2372°F 1.8°F / 0.7°F
61.6 (2.42)
0.29 (3.54)
20.8 (0.82)
115 (4.53)
To Order Visit omega.com/itcx for Pricing and Details
Model No. Description
iTCX-W iServer MicroServer™ for dual thermocouple input, includes 2 Type K thermocouples with 1 m (36") of
iTCX-D DIN rail iServer industrial MicroServer™ for dual thermocouple input
iDRN-PS-1000 DIN rail power supply (switching), 95 to 240 Vac input, 24 Vdc out @ 850 mA (power up to 7 units)
CAL-3* NIST traceable calibration certificate. Three temperature points for each input (for new units).
For* insert: J, K, T, E, R, S, C, N (add C for celsius).
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Ordering Example: iTCX-W, iServer MicroServer for dual thermocouple input and iDRN-PS-1000 DIN rail power supply.
24 AWG PTFE insulated wire and a molded mini-connector with snap-on strain relief and universal
(100 to 240 Vac) power adaptor
To Order, Call or Shop Online at omega.com