BIG Display
Meters and Controllers
57 and 101 mm (2.25 and 4")
Displays Available!
U BIG Bright LED 4-Digits
U Program to Change Colors:
U Temperature and Process Input
U Strain and Process Input
U Optional Relays for Alarm
and Full PID Control
U Communications Via Ethernet,
RS232, RS485, and MODBUS
U Embedded Web Server
The BIG Displays can handle a wide variety of signal
inputs direct from transducer or process transmitters
and offer multiple control output options and serial or
Ethernet connectivity for logging the data.
The “Universal Temperature+Process BIG Display”
(iLD-UTP) is designed for Thermocouples, RTD’s, and
Process (DC) Voltage or Current. It handles TEN (10)
thermocouple types: K, J, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, & J DIN.
It works with a wide selection of RTD’s, both Pt.
0.00385 and 0.00392 curves for 100 Ω, 500 Ω,
and 1000 Ω and it measures with 2, 3, or 4 wire
connections for the highest accuracy. This model also
measures process voltage: 0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1V,
0 to 10V ranges and process current, 0 to 20 mA
(4 to 20 mA) with built-in excitation of 24 Vdc standard.
The “Universal Strain+Process BIG Display”
(iLD-SP) handles a wide variety of DC voltage
and current outputs from all common load cells,
pressure transducers, and most any strain gage
type of transducer. The meter measures input ranges
of 0 to 100 mV, -100 mV to 1V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 20 mA
(4 to 20 mA) with built-in excitation of 5 Vdc and
10 Vdc standard. This model also features 10 point
linearization enabling accurate measurements from a
wide assortment of unique and nonlinear transducers.
Meters shown smaller
than actual size.
The BIG Displays are easy to configure and scale to
virtually any engineering units with the push buttons
on the front panel, or with a personal computer using
the free configuration software and the optional
Ethernet connectivity or Serial Communications.
The Ethernet option allows the device to be connected
on a standard Ethernet network and communicates
using standard TCP/IP protocol. The Ethernet
option (-C4EI) also includes RS485 (and RS422)
Serial Communications. The serial communications
option (-C24) includes both RS232 and RS485 (and
RS422) on one instrument. It communicates with a
straightforward ASCII communications protocol, as
well as MODBUS protocol.
Control Functions
The Universal BIG Displays features a choice of two
optional outputs: Form C SPDT (single pole double
throw) mechanical relays (-3), Solid State Relays (-2),
DC pulse (-4), and/or programmable analog output
(-5) selectable as either a controlling function or as
retransmission of the process value.
The Universal BIG Displays can control simple manual
operation to ON-OFF and full Autotune PID control.
(Selectable preset tune, adaptive tune, PID, PI, PD
control modes.) The dual control outputs can be
configured for a variety of independent control and
alarm applications. The ramp-to-setpoint feature allows
the user to define the rate of rise to setpoint, minimizing
thermal shock to the load during start-up. Maximum
ramp time: 99.59 (HH.MM), Soak: 00.00 to 99.59
(HH.MM), Damping: 1 to 8 in unit steps. Input types:
0 to 20 mA, 0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1 V and 0 to 10 Vdc.
For applications that do not require PID control,
Universal BIG Displays controllers are available in
a special model that offer simplified programming.
The Universal BIG Displays “Simplified Menu” model
(specify -SM option) offers simplified programming.
The menu flowchart is similar to programmable digital
panel meters that are used for on/off control or alarms.
(Please see the Universal BIG Displays operator’s
manuals for programming details.)

Programmable Color Display
The BIG Display can be programmed
to change colors between RED,
AMBER, and GREEN at any set point
or alarm point. The BIG Display has
a wide range of signal inputs as well
as control, alarm, and communication
outputs including: RS232, RS485,
, and Ethernet. The device
with an embedded Web Server can
connect directly to Ethernet/Internet.
You can “see” your meter and control
your process through a web browser
over the Internet from halfway around
the world. With the BIG Display,
you can also see your meter from a
hundred feet.
The BIG Display can be mounted
flush in a panel or surface mounted
with the included brackets. The entire
BIG Display enclosure provides
NEMA 4 (IP65) protection. Whether
panel-mounted or surface-mounted,
the BIG Display does not need to go
inside a bulky and expensive NEMA
Configuration of the iLD-UTP or
iLD-SP can be performed by using
either -C24 or -C4EI options and the
configuration software that is available
on our website.
Universal Temperature and
Process Input (Model UTP)
Accuracy: ±0.5°C temp; 0.03%
reading process
Resolution: 1°/0.1°; 10 µV process
Temperature Stability:
RTD: 0.04°C/°C
Thermocouple @ 25°C (77°F):
0.05°C/°C—cold junction compensation
Process: 50 ppm/°C
NMRR: 60 dB; CMRR: 120 dB
A/D Conversion: Dual slope
Reading Rate: 3 samples per second
Digital Filter: Programmable
Display: 4-digit, 7-segment LED
57.2 mm (2.25") or 101.6 mm (4.00")
red, green and amber programmable
colors for process variable, set point and
temperature units
Input Types: Thermocouple, RTD,
analog voltage, analog current
Thermocouple Lead Res: 100 Ω max
Thermocouple Type (ITS 90):
J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, L
RTD Input (ITS 68): 100/500/1000 Ω
Pt sensor, 2-, 3- or 4-wire; 0.00385 or
0.00392 curve
Voltage Input: 0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1 V,
0 to 10 Vdc
Input Impedance: 10 MΩ for 100 mV
1 MΩ for 1 or 10 Vdc
Current Input: 0 to 20 mA (5 Ω load)
Configuration: Single-ended
Polarity: Unipolar
Step Response: 0.7 sec for 99.9%
Decimal Selection:
Temperature: None, 0.1
Process: None, 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001
Setpoint Adjustment: -1999 to 9999 cts
Span Adjustment: 0.001 to 9999 cts
Offset Adjustment: -1999 to 9999
Excitation (Optional in Place of
Communication): 24 Vdc @ 25 mA
Universal Strain and Process
Input (Model SP)
Accuracy: 0.03% reading
Resolution: 10/1µV
Temperature Stability: 50 ppm/°C
NMRR: 60 dB; CMRR: 120 dB
A/D Conversion: Dual slope
Reading Rate: 3 samples per second
Digital Filter: Programmable
Input Types: Analog voltage,
analog current
Voltage Input: 0 to 100 mVdc,
-100 mVdc to 1 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc
Input Impedance: 10 MΩ for 100 mV;
1 MΩ for 1 V or 10 Vdc
Current Input: 0 to 20 mA (5 Ω load)
Linearization Points: Up to 10
Linearization Points
Configuration: Single-ended
Polarity: Unipolar
Step Response: 0.7 sec for 99.9%
Decimal Selection: None, 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001
Setpoint Adjustment: -1999 to 9999 cts
Span Adjustment: 0.001 to 9999 cts
Offset Adjustment: -1999 to 9999
Excitation (Optional in Place of
5 Vdc @ 40 mA; 10 Vdc @ 60 mA
Communication Options
Ethernet: Standards compliance
IEEE 802.3 10Base-T
Supported Protocols: TCP/IP, ARP,
Selectable from menu; both ASCII and
MODBUS protocol selectable from menu;
programmable 300 to 19.2 K baud;
complete programmable setup capability;
program to transmit current display,
alarm status, minimum/maximum, actual
measured input value and status
RS485: Addressable from 0 to 199
Connection: Screw terminals
Control for UTP, SP Action:
Reverse (heat) or direct (cool)
Alarm 1 and 2 (Programmable)
Operation: High/low, above/below, band,
latch/unlatch, normally open/normally
closed and process/deviation; front
panel configurations
Power to Input/Output: 2300 Vac per
1 min test (RS-232/485, input or output)
Between Inputs: 500 Vac per 1 min test
Power: 100 to 240 Vac ±10%, 50/60 Hz
22.5 W
Environmental Conditions: 0 to 40°C
(32 to 104°F), 90% RH non-condensing
Warm-Up to Rated Accuracy:
60 minutes
Protection: NEMA 4 (IP65) front bezel
iLD24: 289 L x 137 W x 73 mm D
(11.75 x 5.375 x 2.875
iLD44: 480 L x 211 W x 95 mm D
(18.11 x 8.31 x 3.76")
Factory Scaling (-FS) is available if you
prefer the unit to be fully configured before
Please provide your selections for
Factory Scaling settings:
Input Range =
Display Range
Excitation: 24 V
4-20 mA =
0 to 100.0
Input Range =
Display Range
5 V or 10 V
0-30 mVdc =
0 to 100.0;
Exc: 10 Vdc
To Order Visit omega.com/ild-utp for Pricing and Details
Basic Model Description
Universal Temperature Thermocouple, RTD and Process Input
Strain Gage and Process Input
Control Outputs*
Communication Options
*Contact Sales for Custom Control or Alarm Outputs.
Ordering Example: iLD24-UTP-33-C24, large 57.2 mm (2.25") 4-digit controller with temperature/process input, 2 relays and serial communication.
57 mm (2.25") 4-digit display, universal temperature/process, monitor
101 mm (4") 4-digit display, universal temperature/process, monitor
57 mm (2.25") 4-digit display, strain gage/process, monitor
101 mm (4") 4-digit display, strain gage/process, monitor
2 relays—form “C” SPDT 3 A @ 120/240 Vac
Isolated RS-232 and RS-485/422
Ethernet with embedded Web server + RS-485/422
Factory scaling (no charge, see factory scaling table above for required information)