BIG Display
Meters and Signal Conditioners
57 and 101 mm (2.25 and 4")
Displays Available!
Meters shown smaller
than actual size.
U BIG Bright LEDs 4 or 6-Digits
U Program to Change Colors:
U AC Current Input
U AC Voltage Input
U Frequency/Pulse/Rate/ Totalizer Input
The “AC BIG Displays” (iLD-ACC and iLD-ACV)
provide accurate isolated measurement of AC
Voltage and Current signals. The AC Voltage model
can be scaled for ranges from 0 to 400 mVac through
0 to 400 Vac. The AC Current model covers ranges
from 0 to 10 mA through 0 to 5 Amps AC.
The “Frequency Pulse BIG Display” (iLD-FP)
provides accurate isolated measurement of frequency
(from 200 Hz to 50 KHz) and pulse signals (up to
200 M pulses full scale) that can be scaled to any
engineering units.
Programmable Color Display
The iLD-ACC, iLD-ACV, and iLD-FP feature BIG
bright 7-segment LED’s that can be programmed to
change colors between RED, AMBER, and GREEN
to indicate visual alarms.
The BIG Display can be mounted flush in a panel or
surface mounted with the included brackets.
The entire BIG Display enclosure provides
NEMA 4 (IP65) protection. Whether panel-mounted or
surface-mounted, the BIG Display does not need to go
inside a bulky and expensive NEMA enclosure.
Configuration of the iLD-ACC, -ACV, or -FP will be
performed using RS-485 communication standard
at half duplex and the configuration software that is
available on our website.
With the Ethernet (-EI) option you can “see” your meter
and control your process through a web browser over
the Internet from halfway around the world.
With the Isolated Analog Output (-C2A) option, user
can select output range for 0 to 10V, 4 to 20 mA,
or 0 to 20 mA using serial RS-232 and the
configuration software (this eliminates the RS-485
communication available on the standard model).
Factory Scaling (-FS) is available if you prefer the unit
to be fully configured before shipment.
AC Current Input (Model ACC)
Input Ranges: 10 mA, 100 mA, 1 A, 5 A AC current
dedicated input terminals for (10, 100 mA same input),
1 A and 5 A; return terminal common to all ranges
Frequency Range: 30 Hz to 1 KHz
Input Impedance: 3.3 Ω for 10, 100 mA input;
0.2 Ω for 1 A input; 0.04 Ω for 5 A input
Isolation: Dielectric strength to 1000 Vrms transient
per 1 min test based on EN 61010 for 50 Vdc or Vrms
working voltage
3-Way Isolation: Power to input; power to analog output/
communication; input to analog output/communication
Input Over-Current Protection: 10% above full scale
continuously; 100% above full scale for 10 sec
A to D Technique: Dual slope
Read Rate: 3 readings/sec.
Accuracy At 25°C: ±0.2% of FS; 30 Hz to 1 KHz
Temperature Stability: 10, 100 mA range 100 ppm/°C
typical; 1 A range 150 ppm/°C typical; 5 A range
200 ppm/°C typical
Step Response: 2 sec to 99% of the final value (filter time
constant = 64)

AC Voltage Input (Model ACV)
Input Ranges: 400 mV, 4 V, 40 V, 400 V
Frequency Range: 30 Hz to 1 KHz
Input Impedance: 2.1 Meg for all ranges
Isolation: Dielectric strength to
1000 Vrms transient per 1 min test
based on EN61010 for 50 Vdc or Vrms
working voltage
Input Over-Voltage Protection: 10%
above full scale continuously; 100%
above full scale for 10 sec
A to D Technique: Dual slope
Read Rate: 3 readings/sec
Accuracy at 25°C: 400 mV, 4 V, 40 V
and 400 V ranges; 49 to 500 Hz
±0.2% of FS; 30 Hz to 1KHz
±0.2% of FS ±10 counts
Temperature Stability: 400 mV and
40 V range, 150 ppm/°C typical; 4 V and
400 V range, 100 ppm/°C typical
Step Response: 2 sec to 99% of the
final value (filter time constant = 64)
Frequency Pulse Input (Model FP)
Input Types [Min Low-Level Signal
Input (Magnetic Pickups) From 0 mV
to 120 mV:
Operating Modes
Frequency: Range = 0.2 Hz to 50 KHz
Frequency Resolution
0 to 9.99999 Hz 0.00001 Hz
10 to 99.9999 Hz 0.0001 Hz
100 to 999.999 Hz 0.001 Hz
1000 to 9999.99 Hz 0.01 Hz
10000 to 50000.0 Hz 0.1 Hz
0 to 50000 Hz 1 Hz
Totalize with Reset: Range = 0 to 999999
A-B Totalize (Reset input used as a
+A Input): Range = -99999 to 999999
(Resolution is 1 count)
Input Impedance:
Input: 1 MΩ to +EXC;
Reset: 100 K to 5 V
Isolation: Dielectric strength to 1000
Vrms transient per 1 min test based
on EN61010 for 50 Vdc or Vrms
working voltage
Input Over-Voltage Protection:
With 1 K Pull Down: 14 V
With 3K Pull Up: 20 V
Without Pull Up/Down: 60 V
Excitation: 5, 8.2 or 12.5 V at 25 mA,
Accuracy At 25°C: ±0.1% of FS
Crystal Time-based Accuracy:
± 50 ppm
Temperature Stability: ±50 ppm/°C
Step Response for RS-485 Output:
0.1 sec to 99% of the final value (filter
time constant = 0, gate time = 0.05 sec)
Communication Options
Ethernet: Standards compliance
IEEE 802.3 10Base-T
Supported Protocols: TCP/IP, ARP,
RS-232: Selectable from menu; ASCII
protocol selectable from menu;
programmable 300 to 19.2 K baud;
complete programmable setup
capability; program to transmit current
display, alarm status, minimum/
maximum, actual measured input value
and status
Connection: Screw terminals
Alarm 1 and 2 (Programmable)
Operation: High/low, above/below,
band, latch/unlatch; front panel
Power to Input/Output: 2300 Vac per
1 min test (RS-232 input or output)
Between Inputs: 500 Vac per 1 min test
Power: 100 to 240 Vac ±10%,
50/60 Hz, 22.5 W
Environmental Conditions: 0 to 40°C
(32 to 104°F), 90% RH non-condensing
Warm-Up to Rated Accuracy:
60 minutes
Protection: NEMA 4 (IP65) front bezel
iLD24: 289 L x 137 W x 73 mm D
(11.75 x 5.375 x 2.875
iLD26: 394 L x 137 W x 73 mm D
(15.50 x 5.375 x 2.875
iLD44: 480 L x 211 W x 95 mm D
(18.11 x 8.31 x 3.76
iLD46: 642 L x 211 W x 95 mm D
(25.26 x 8.31 x 3.76")
Factory Scaling (-FS) is available if you
prefer the unit to be fully configured
before shipment.
Please provide your selections for
Factory Scaling settings:
Input Range:
10 mA, 100 mA,
1 A, 5 A
Select your Input
Range and Display
Factory Scaling
0 to 5 A =
0 to 50.00
Mode: Frequency,
A-B, Totalize
Pull up/down:
None, 3 K pull-up,
1 K pull-down
Debounce Time:
in milliseconds
Low Level Input:
For Frequency Mode select your
Input Range and Display Range
Factory Scaling Example
for Frequency Mode:
0 to 1 KHz = 0 to 5000
For Totalize and A-B Mode select your
Input Range and Display Range
Factory Scaling Example
for Total / A-B Mode:
0 to 100 pulses = 0 to 2000 display counts
To Order Visit omega.com/ild-acc for Pricing and Details
Basic Model Description
Frequency/Pulse/Rate/Total Input
AC Current and Voltage Input
Communication Options
Ordering Example: iLD24-ACC-C2A, large 57.2 mm (2.25") 4-digit display with AC current input and isolated Analog output.
57 mm (2.25") 4-digit display with frequency/pulse totalize input
57 mm (2.25") 6-digit display with frequency/pulse totalize input
101 mm (4") 4-digit display with frequency/pulse totalize input
101 mm (4") 6-digit display with frequency/pulse totalize input
57 mm (2.25") 4-digit display with AC current input
101 mm (4") 4-digit display with AC current input
57 mm (2.25") 4-digit display with AC voltage input
101 mm (4") 4-digit display with AC voltage input
Ethernet with embedded Web server output
RS-232 and isolated Analog output
Factory scaling (no charge, see factory scaling table above for required information)
Input Range:
400 mVac, 40 Vac,
400 Vac
Select your Input
Range and Display
Factory Scaling
0 to 400 Vac =
0 to 6000
Pick from each
12.5 V, 5 V, 8 V
Gate Time:
in milliseconds
Contact: Yes/No
Frequency Range:
0.2 Hz to 50 KHz