Universal Inputs
Starts at
⻬ Thermocouple
⻬ Process Voltage
⻬ Process Current
⻬ Strain
The DIN rail iSeries
is a family of
microprocessorbased instruments
in 3 sizes.
Amazing Outputs!
⻬ Ethernet TCP/IP
⻬ Serial RS232/RS485
⻬ Autotune PID Control
⻬ 2 Form “C” Relays
⻬ 2 Solid State Relays
⻬ 2 DC Pulse
⻬ Programmable: Scalable
Analog Voltage, 0 to 10 Vdc;
Analog Current, 0 to 20 mA
iDRP optional remote
programmer display,
$95, shown smaller
than actual size.
It’s a Web Server!
Works with All of
These Devices!

PID Controllers and
Signal Conditioners
⻬ High Quality
⻬ 5-Year Warranty
⻬ High Accuracy: ±0.5°C
(0.9°F), 0.03% Rdg
⻬ Full Autotune
PID Control (Optional)
⻬ User Friendly,
Simple to Configure
⻬ Embedded Ethernet
⻬ OPC Server
⻬ Universal Inputs:
Thermocouple, RTD,
Process Voltage/
Current, Strain
⻬ 2 Control or Alarm
Outputs (Optional): DC
Pulse, Solid State Relays
(SSRs), Mechanical
Relays, Analog Voltage,
and Current
⻬ Built-In Excitation
⻬ Plug Connectors
⻬ Free Software
The 3 sizes of iSeries controllers and signal
conditioners operate similarly and have
similar setup and configuration menus.
NEW Controllers and
Signal Conditioners with
Embedded Internet
extremely accurate instruments for
DIN rail mounting. The compact iDR
Series signal conditioners and PID
controllers are available with
OMEGA’s award-winning
“embedded Internet” technology.
With the Ethernet option, the
instruments connect directly to a
LAN and can even serve Web
pages over the Internet. The
devices are easily configured with a
handheld programmer iDRP, or
from a computer with an Ethernet,
RS232, or RS485 connection.
The universal signal input covers
10 thermocouple types; 100 and
1000 Ω RTDs with 2-, 3-, or 4-wire
connections; and process (DC)
voltage, current, and strain gage
inputs. Optional outputs include
form “C” SPDT relays, SSRs, DC
pulse, programmable isolated or
non-isolated analog voltage,
and current.
The innovative OMEGA®DIN rail
iSeries devices feature state-of-theart technology, uncompromising
introduces a family of
accuracy, and quality backed by a
5-year warranty. The DIN rail
iSeries family includes extremely
accurate signal conditioners and
single-loop PID controllers that are
simple to configure and use, while
providing tremendous versatility and
a wealth of powerful features.
Embedded Internet and
Serial Communications
Featuring optional "embedded
Internet" (specify “-EI” option), the
iSeries devices connect directly to
an Ethernet network and transmit
data in standard TCP/IP packets.
They even serve Web pages
over a LAN or the Internet.
The iSeries also features serial
communications. With the “-C24”
option, the user can select from the
optional remote programmer menu
between RS232, RS422, and
RS485, with straightforward ASCII
commands or MODBUS.
iSeries Family
family of microprocessor-based
instruments offered in 3 sizes. The
instruments have a similar setup
and configuration menu and method
of operation, which is a tremendous
time saver for integration of a large
DIN rail iSeries is a
Quality and Technology
The iSeries packs a wealth of power
and features into the smallest of
packages, employing COB (chip-onboard) and SMT (surface mount
technology) assembly techniques
and automation. Every iSeries
instrument is thoroughly calibrated
and tested at several stages during
production. The iSeries offers
very high accuracy for industrial
instrumentation: 0.03% of reading.
The analog-to-digital conversion
uses a proprietary 20-bit ASIC
(application-specific integrated
circuit), patented algorithms, and
smart filtering.
Universal Inputs
The iSeries instruments offer a
broad selection of signal inputs.
The choices are easily selected
from the remote programmer menu
with 4 front-panel pushbuttons,
or by serial or Ethernet