Omega Products HHP-401 Installation Manual

User’s Guide
HHP-401 Series
Digital Manometer
Ranges, in inches of water column : .1", .2", .5", 1.0", 2.0", 5.0", 10.0"
Accurracy +/- 1% of range plus 1 digit
Resolution .001" for ranges to 1.0", .01" for ranges from 2.0" to 10.0"
Connections Metal fittings for 3/32" or 3/16" flexible tubing
Display LCD, .5" digit height
Low battery indicator The symbol "BAT" appears on display
Battery One 9 Volts, alkaline
Battery life 200 hours
Operating temperature range0o
Storage temperature
Standard accessories 9V batter y
Optional accessories Carrying case with two lengths of rubber tubing, one
Warning: This device is for use with air or non corrosive, non explosive gases only.
Warning: Care should be taken not to exceed the maximum overpressure.

Maximum Safe Momentary Overpressure Table

Range Overpressure

English Metric English Metric
0.100 - 1.00" H2O 25 to 250 Pa 8" H2O2 kPa
2.00 - 10.0" H2O 0.5 to 2.5 kPa 5 psid 35 kPa
11.00" H2O - 5 psid 2.7 to 35 kPa 20 psid 140 kPa
C to +50oC (+32oF to +122oF)
-20oC to +70oC (-4oF to +160oF)
insertion tube, two static pressure tips, one 6 " insertion length Pitot tube. Longer Pitot tubes to 60" are available

General instructions

1) Turn manometer on.
2) If low battery signal is displayed, replace battery located in compartment on back of manometer.
3) Turn zero adjustment thumbwheel until display indicates zero.
4) Manometer is now ready to operate. Use as follows:
Static pressure
For measurements of static pressure in d ucts, it is recommended that a static pressure t ip or the static connection of a Pitot tube be used (see f ig.1). Run tubing from stat ic tip to high pressure port of manometer. A positive readin g i ndica tes pr es sur e a bov e atm os pheric pr ess ur e; a neg ativ e reading, a pressure below atmospheric pressure.
Insertion tube
The insertion tube may be used to measure static pressure wher e flow is re latively s low, smooth and without turbulence. The op eni ng of th e tu be must be perpendicular to the direc ti on of t he f low (see fig.1). If turbulenc e exists, impingement, aspir ation or unequal distribut ion of moving air at the opening can reduce accuracy of readings significantly.
Air filter test
Connect manometer diff erentially across filter w ith static tips pointin g upstream to eliminat e the possibility of error due t o air velocity. Connect the tubing fr om the static tip downstream of the
HHP-401 M-3490 / 0899
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