Omega Products HH610-SW Installation Manual

Instruction Manual
Application Software for
Portable & Bench Meters
Dear Customer, Thank you for choosing an Omega product. Please
read this instruction manual carefully before using the software. This manual will provide you with the neces­sary information for the correct installation and use of the program.
Preliminary Examination ......................................... 3
General Description ............................................... 4
Installation ............................................................ 7
Initial Preparation ................................................ 20
Using HH610-SW................................................ 23
Accessories ......................................................... 53
Warranty ............................................................ 54
Windows®, Excel® are Registered Trademarks of “Microsoft Co.”
Remove the diskettes from the packing material and examine them to make sure that no damage has oc­curred during shipping. If any diskette is missing or damaged, please notify your Dealer.
Note: Save all packing material until you are sure that
the diskettes function correctly. Any defective item must be returned in the original packing with the supplied accessories.
HH610-SW is an application software that allows the transfer of data from Omega portable and bench meters to a personal computer.
The software is available in two versions, HH610-SW16 (for Windows®3.11) and HH610-SW32 (for Win­dows®95) and it helps the elaboration of data collected by Omega models.
The data can be stored in XLS format and exported in CSV format. The stored data can be displayed and printed using commercial spreadsheet programs such as Excel®.
During setup, the program will ask for the Omega Instruments model and for additional information such as user name. The software provides a list of all Omega meters that can be chosen.
Make sure that you select the correct meter. In fact, once a model number is selected, that will be the only operative model.
To use HH610-SW on your computer, make sure you have the following minimum system requirements:
• IBM-PC AT, PS/2 or compatible PC (386 or higher)
• 4 Megabyte of RAM memory
• A hard disk with 5 Megabyte free disk space
• One mouse serial port and another one for the communication cable (if a mouse port is not avail­able, the keypad can also be used)
HH610Logg, infrared transmitter for portable meters, or connection cables for GLP portable meters and bench meters respectively, both available with 9-pin or 25-pin RS 232 connector.
The files on the HH610-SW diskettes are compressed and cannot be used until the installation has been completed.
Turn your computer on and start Windows®.
Place the HH610-SW diskette #1 into the appropriate drive.
The program needs Windows®3.11 (HH610-SW16) or Windows®95 (HH610-SW32). The program may not work properly if other communication programs (mo­dem, fax, etc.) are running at the same time.
Prior to running the setup program, close all Windows applications. Then choose the Run command from the startup menu in Windows®95 or from the File menu of the Program Manager window in Windows®3.11 and type a:\setup.
The setup program will be running and loading the setup files into memory.
Follow the instructions and insert the successive dis­kettes when requested.
The dialog boxes of the installation program are de­scribed step-by-step in the following pages.
The Installation Program dialog box appears. To proceed with installation, click on Next or press the Enter key (click Cancel to abort the setup program).
The program will then display a dialog box to confirm the installation directory for the HH610-SW software. The default directory is: C:\HH610.
To change the directory, press the Browse button. The following window appears:
From the Directories box, select the new directory. If you want to change the drive, use Drives menu to select the drive where the program files will be installed.
Note: You can create a new directory by simply writing
the correct path in the appropriate box.
To confirm your choice press the Enter key or click on the OK button and the program will return to the previous window (Choose Destination Location).
Click Next to proceed with the installation. The program will then display a window to confirm or
change the program folder to which HH610-SW will be added. The default folder is Hanna Instruments. You can either choose an existing one by simply clicking on
its name, or write a new name in the Program Folders box.
Click on Next to continue the installation. The program will now install the program files. Insert the successive diskettes and press OK or the Enter key when requested.
Prior to finishing the installation, the program will ask you to remove the protection from the last disk.
Remove the diskette, remove the writing protection and reinsert the diskette.
Press the OK button and the Registration window will appear.
Enter the requested information and select the part number of your instrument and the language from the respective lists. The setup program will then notify your selections asking for confirmation in a new window.
Note: It is very important that you make sure the
correct part number is selected since after the installation this entry cannot be changed.
After a few seconds the program will notify the end of the installation and may ask to restart the computer.
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